
Friday, October 15, 2021

"Here's Why the New War on Meat Consumption Could Lead to Food Shortages"

"Here's Why the New War on Meat Consumption
 Could Lead to Food Shortages"
by Chris MacIntosh

"Coercion is no longer taboo." Has there ever been a time in history where those who have been coercing have been on the right side of history? "The Ministries of Finance and Agriculture have advanced plans to buy out hundreds of farmers and, if necessary, expropriate them, in order to quickly reduce nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands. This Is apparent from documents that have been viewed by NRC. The cost of this operation could amount to 17 billion euros. The plans point to a rigorously different approach, in which coercion is no longer taboo."

I’d actually be shocked if we don’t magically experience an "outbreak of mad cow disease" or some such thing after which we’ll find men with stern faces and women with deep scowls telling us how dangerous the consumption of meat is - because - well, the disease, of course.

We’ll see the usual "experts" trotted out (on the payroll of course), publishing gushing propaganda about the benefits of synthetic lab grown meat as well as the horrors of eating food from God's green earth. That the synthetic lab grown meat is simply processed food, arguably the leading cause of cancer, will be called out by professionals in the industry only to be ridiculed and censored for "misinformation."

You see, you can't patent nature, and if you can’t patent it, you can’t do what Monsanto has done to the grain industry, which is to create a never-ending revenue stream and complete reliance on their seeds and all manner of chemicals required to keep said seeds from failing. It is an incredibly profitable business operation.

The desire to do the same with the meat market is insanely strong. In the meantime, we’re headed for serious food shortages. I’m not joking. Here is what happened when the Bolsheviks under Stalin tried putting the production of food in the hands of the state. It is known as the "Holodomor genocide," otherwise known as the terror-famine.
Like the impending disaster we’re walking into - this, too, was man made. It is worth noting the components or tools used in this genocide. You may recognize them:

● Confiscation of citizens assets (you will own nothing and be happy).
● Assets placed in the hands of bureaucrats.
● Restriction of population movement (read: lockdowns).

It was a peacetime catastrophe. Today is similar. The world is not at war. At least not yet, though tensions are rising, of course, and we are now set up for large scale food shortages. Nobody knows for sure how many died in the Holodomor genocide. Estimates range from 4 to 12 million.

Don’t get me wrong... we’re not there but the facts are hard to ignore, and the elimination of private property ownership specifically with respect to food production is indeed similar. We are moving into an economy that is controlled and one whereby private property ownership is being repudiated and replaced with state ownership. We’ve more than enough evidence to know that this ends with skinny people, flies, and a diet of cabbage. And I hate cabbage… and you should, too. Horrible stuff!"

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