"Global Supply Chains Deteriorate As Malaysia Blocks
All Israeli Vessels And Cargo From Using Its Ports"
By Mike Adams
"Let's talk about the news out of Malaysia. So of course, you know, the situation with Israel and Gaza, and Israel continues its outrageously illegal, and anti-human bombing campaign of Gaza, killing tens of thousands of civilians who are not Hamas. While Israel claims that this is self defense, defending themselves by dropping 50,000 tons of bombs on apartment buildings and hospitals and refugee camps and so on. And this continues to this day, it's unbelievable. I mean, this is straight up ethnic cleansing. Some people call it genocide, and it's hard to argue with that.
Malaysia has now not only banned Israeli flagged ships from docking at any of its ports, but also, it won't allow any ship to dock if it has any cargo that is going to or from Israel. In other words, Israel can no longer ship any cargo on any ocean vessel that expects to have to dock in any of the ports of Malaysia. And because those are really important shipping waters around Malaysia and Singapore, and you know, the whole peninsula there, this is another big deal.
Note also that, of course, six of the largest ocean transport carriers have now banned their ships from going through the Red Sea which is on route to the Suez Canal to get to the Mediterranean. That's because of the Yemeni rebels, the Houthis, as they're called, that are firing short range rockets and using drones to attack some of the cargo vessels there. As we've covered recently, the insurance companies pulled their insurance for these vessels. And then these shipping giants said, Well, without insurance, we can't run ships through the Red Sea. So these giant cargo ships are having to divert around the southern tip of the continent of Africa, going into some very rough waters, by the way, with a lot more treacherous conditions there, with all this cargo on board being subjected to more temperature variations and humidity variations, and also rough seas. I mean, it's tearing up the cargo. And it takes an extra two to three weeks to do that.
Global supply chain rapidly deteriorating: So now the supply chain, globally, is taking a big hit. Not only because of the Houthis, but now also because of Malaysia. And here's the question, you know, Malaysia is almost two thirds Muslim, I believe. Wonderful people in Malaysia, by the way, beautiful people. The time that I was in Malaysia, I had a fantastic visit. I was in Kuala Lumpur, KL, which I'm pretty sure that's the capital of Malaysia. And I loved visiting Malaysia, great people. But again, about two thirds Muslim, and they don't want to just sit there and watch Israel just commit genocide against the Palestinian people who are mostly Muslim. There are plenty of Christian Palestinians as well and Christian Gazans and there are Catholics there and so on.
So there's been a lot of pressure from the Malaysian people to force the Malaysian government to target Israel's shipping lanes, or shipping infrastructure. And that's exactly what just happened. So the Prime Minister of Malaysia, and this is quoted in Al Jazeera says that Israel's actions violate international law through the ongoing massacre and brutality against Palestinians. So the prime minister Anwar Ibrahim announces this decision, is going to impose a maritime ban on all Israel affiliated vessels, specifically targeting Zim, which is the largest shipping firm out of Israel, and ships on their way to Israel will also be barred from loading cargo at any port in Malaysia, effective immediately.
Now, there's also rumor that Indonesia may join this action, and also ban Israeli vessels because Indonesia is also of course, primarily a Muslim populated country. And in case you're not recalling the geography of the region, Malaysia, and Indonesia, they sit at the gateway between Southeast Asia, you know, China, Vietnam, and all the way to Taiwan and Japan and so on, including the Philippines, the gateway between those countries, to the Indian Ocean, and the Middle East. So the ships that are transporting goods from Asia exporting things, let's say from from China, or from Vietnam, or South Korea or Taiwan or wherever those ships traverse through the waters getting to Malaysia and Indonesia and they often stop there.
They load and unload containers. Because sometimes, you know, containers are only going to Malaysia, and then Thailand is right there and Cambodia and of course, Singapore, they're at the tip of the southern tip of, or just south of Malaysia. So, and this is going to have a huge impact actually, on trade between the Middle East, including Israel, and Southeast Asia, it's going to cause another disruption on top of the disruption of the Red Sea, which is already in place because of the Houthies attacking the ships there.
So the question is then what kind of extra steps and extra costs do these ships have to go through now to traverse the waters that are becoming increasingly dangerous, and now fewer ports are available to them, which matters not only for logistics, and refueling and so on, but also in cases of storms. You know, if a storm is approaching in a certain direction, or if there's some kind of ocean event, you might need to anchor off a port near Malaysia, you might need to traverse a certain area. And as Israel continues its bombing campaign of civilians in Gaza, you can imagine that these Muslim dominated countries are just going to become more and more assertive in blocking off anything associated with Israel, which is really quite understandable. Because Israel is carrying out these horrific crimes against humanity.
If you're a country that has a lot of Muslims, why on earth would you want to support Israel? A nation that is murdering your brothers and sisters, so to speak, in Gaza? And I know I'm not saying all Muslims are brothers and sisters in so many different religions and different ways of practicing Islam and so on. But there's still a general idea of sharing fate. And when Muslim countries see the horrific actions being taken by Israel are, in particular, the Zionist globalists that are currently in charge of Israel. But modern day present day Malaysia doesn't want to help enable Israel to support its economy or to support its trade, which would ultimately support its war on Gaza. So that's where this is coming from.
Israeli real estate company already trying to sell beach front real estate in the middle of bombed-out Gaza: By the way, the the horrors of what's going on in Israel really came to light here in a story that was on common dreams.org. The title: Cashing in on genocide, Israeli firm pitches beachfront real estate in leveled Gaza. So they're actually advertising property development on the beach front of Gaza. And they say a house on the beach is not a dream. This is an advertisement from a company that builds in the occupied West Bank, according to this article. Palestine defenders this week condemned a proposal by an Israeli real estate developer specializing in the construction of illegal settlements to build beachfront homes for Jewish colonists over the bombed out ruins of Gaza. I'm reading from the article.
Now, you know, obviously, some of that language is from the point of view of Palestine. A house on the beach is not a dream. It drew international attention. Following last week's practical preparation for Gaza settlement conference in Tel Aviv, is an ad that depicts an artist's rendering of luxury homes superimposed over an actual photograph of a Gaza neighborhood destroyed by Israeli bombs, which have killed nearly 20,000 people. So I want to show you this photo, which has been called ethnic cleansing, and this is this is some sick profiteering right on top of the graves of bombed out women and children in Gaza.

So you see that they've sketched these like luxury beachfront apartments like right on top of all the bombed out Gaza buildings. I mean, if you ever wondered why Israel was carpet bombing Gaza and using bulldozers to clear it out, it's because they want the real estate. And also they want the real estate because they want the energy that is associated with Gaza right off shore, and they probably want to build that Ben Gurion canal so that they don't depend on the Suez Canal. This is some sick stuff. I mean, they probably still haven't even found all the dead children. Yet. It's probably children buried under the rubble in this photo. And Israeli real estate developers sitting there saying, oh, yeah, you can, you can have luxury beachfront apartments. As soon as we scrape off all of the Palestinian dead bodies, you can build this way, isn't that wonderful? Because that's the way a lot of Israelis think about Palestinians that you should just bomb them and kill them and replace them and build your place and boom, and now it's Israel, Greater Israel. I mean, this is some sick, twisted anti-human stuff going on here.
So there's a group out there called
Jewish Voice for Peace that tweeted about this. It says, quote, just as the Israeli government was crystal clear in its plans to commit genocide, the Israeli government's post genocide colonization strategy is explicit, and blatant, and a war crime. We can stop this, don't look away, all eyes on Palestine..."
Stipendium peccati mors est, Israel...