Monday, September 21, 2020

"The Prelude to World War II: The Spanish Civil War and Today's America"

"The Prelude to World War II: 
The Spanish Civil War and Today's America"

Past Is Prologue

Excerpt: "America is definitely not Europe, but we can find a number of parallels between European history and contemporary America. For example, we’ve previously written about the "Italian Years of Lead" as a possible template for urban unrest and low-level inter-tribal warfare in the United States. Another example of how things might play out in the United States is the Spanish Civil War.

The Spanish Civil War is known to historians, amateur and professional alike, as the “dress rehearsal for the Second World War.” It is so termed because it pitted one side – which was equipped, armed and funded by Europe’s fascist regimes (Germany and Italy) – against a government largely funded and propped up by the Soviet Union. However, it is worth noting that General Francisco Franco’s nationalist forces were not themselves fascist (though there were fascists within their ranks) and that Spain remained neutral during the Second World War, later becoming a close ally of the United States in the fight against Communism internationally.

While there are few perfect analogs to be found anywhere in world history, there are parallels between the contemporary domestic political situation in the United States and the period immediately before and during the Spanish Civil War. And while the situation in the United States might play out in a much similar way to the Spanish Civil War, it is worth noting that our previous Civil War was the bloodiest in human history. There is little doubt that a Second American Civil War would not be significantly more destructive."

Table of Contents:
• Prologue: The Situation in Spain Prior to the Civil War
• The Coup d’Etat of July 1936
• The Spanish Red Terror
• A Spanish White Terror?
• The Course of the War
The Relevance of the Spanish Civil War Today

Please view this complete article here:

After the last 8 months and all that's happened, and is happening,
don't even dare to say, "Oh! That could never happen here!"
- CP

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