Thursday, July 29, 2021

Gregory Mannerino, "7/29/21: Updates"

Gregory Mannerino, AM 7/29/21:
"Important Updates"
Gregory Mannerino, PM 7/29/21:
"Inflation Continues To SURGE Higher As The Economy Craters"

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

"The Fed Stays the Course as You Get Destroyed - Inflation Ignored"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, PM 7/28/21:
"The Fed Stays the Course as You Get Destroyed - Inflation Ignored"
"The Fed and Jerome Powell stayed its course and did not raise interest rates. This economy is detached from all reality. Inflation is skyrocketing around us and you need to earn money. It’s time to start a side hustle."

"The FED Is Creating A Horrific Economic Crisis; Interest Rates Will Rise; Bank Runs - Fake People"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, PM 7/28/21:
"The FED Is Creating A Horrific Economic Crisis; 
Interest Rates Will Rise; Bank Runs - Fake People"

Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, "Divenire, Live at Royal Albert Hall, London"

Full screen recommended.
Ludovico Einaudi, 
"Divenire, Live at Royal Albert Hall, London"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"The rim of the large blue galaxy at the right is an immense ring-like structure 150,000 light years in diameter composed of newly formed, extremely bright, massive stars. AM 0644-741 is known as a ring galaxy and was caused by an immense galaxy collision. When galaxies collide, they pass through each other and their individual stars rarely come into contact. The large galaxy's ring-like shape is the result of the gravitational disruption caused by a small intruder galaxy passing through it. When this happens, interstellar gas and dust become compressed, causing a wave of star formation to move out from the impact point like a ripple across the surface of a pond. 
Other galaxies in the field of view are background galaxies, not interacting with AM 0644-741. Foreground spiky stars are within our own Milky Way. But the smaller intruder galaxy is caught above and right, near the top of the frame taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Ring galaxy AM 0644-741 lies about 300 million light years away toward the southern constellation Volans."

"Return of Kabuki – If We Let It"

"Return of Kabuki – If We Let It"
by Eric Peters

"To understand why the Face Diapers are coming back it is necessary to understand why they appeared in the first place. More precisely, why they were forced onto faces. Last year around this time, it was necessary to create the image of a “pandemic” and more than that, the image of near-universal agreement that there was a “pandemic.” Both were achieved by forcing practically everyone to walk around with a thing around their faces formerly seen only on the faces of the mentally ill – outside of surgical suites. It gave the visual of a national Hantavirus ward, sans the Hantavirus.

And of course, sans the bodies stacking up like cordwood. “The cases! The cases!” were stacked up instead.
The problem with that was – and remains – that there are still a lot of people who can distinguish between a “case” and a corpse. These people could see that the bodies weren’t stacking up like cordwood, that hospitals were not overflowing with dying supplicants.

They also knew – as in knowledge, a thing distinct from belief, as in religion – that if they weren’t sick, they couldn’t transmit sickness and that it is sick (in the head) to walk around with a rag over their faces pretending to be sick or pretending to be in dread of sickness or because others are crippled by hypochondria – an obsessive fixation on and fear of getting sick.
They also knew that even if they did get this putative sickness, unless they were over 70 and not in good health, they stood a 99.8 percent chance of not dying.

To live – and look – as if they were over 70 and not in good health made no sense to them. It would be like a not-handicapped person using a cane or a competent driver limiting his driving to no faster than 25 MPH and only down to the corner store and back because some old people can’t see very well anymore and they lack the skills to competently drive 75 on the highway.

In addition, they also knew – once again, as opposed to believing – that wrapping a dirty old bandana around their faces doesn’t impede viral particles any more than a chain link fence thwarts mosquitos – and for that matter, neither does the “mask” that most of the population has been wearing, these things being dust masks of the sort used by people on construction sites and even if of the N95 variety, poorly fitted or fiddled with by fingers all day long – and after all day long suffused with schnott and far more disgusting than palliative.

These people, if given the free choice, would choose not to perform this sick kabuki – it being disgusting and absurd – and by not performing it, the sight of them would have prevented the image of a “pandemic” and the appearance of near-universal belief in the existence of one – each reinforcing the other – from ever having successfully implanted.

Which would have thwarted all of the evil impositions visited upon the people of this country, most especially little kids – who (unlike some adults) are more easily terrorized and traumatized and also much more helpless, in that they have to do what the adults tell them to do. Thus they were denied the usual childhood normalcy of friends and school, “locked down” like lepers and taught by the sick adults around them to regard others as lepers. The damage done in this regard is nothing shy of catastrophic and will take years to undo, if it ever is undone.
Some of the more suggestible would of course have Diapered up, regardless. But the sight of lots of faces – and no bodies stacking up – would have tempered the fear of many of these, who probably would have removed their Diapers, too.

None of that could be tolerated. It is why Diapers were “mandated.” And it is why Diapers are about to be “mandated” again – and already have been, in places like Los Angeles and St. Louis.

This time, because there are lots of people who know that the “vaccines” being pushed on them are – like the Face Diapers – of dubious value (people who have taken them are still getting sick) as well as known to be more dangerous than any other “vaccine” ever allowed into general circulation, having already caused thousands of deaths as well as thousands of serious complications and who knows what else in the months and years to come.

They know the “vaccine” pushers have an enormous profit motive and they know the “vaccine” manufacturers are legally immunized from the consequences of any harms their “vaccines” cause. They are rightly cautious on account of all of that and rightly suspicious of the used car salesman/time-share condo hard-sell. They are also sick of the lip-snarling and threats – increasingly overt – that they’d better roll up their sleeves, or else. It makes a thinking person wonder what these drug pushers are up to.

Thus, millions of prudent, sensible people have not rolled up their sleeves – and so, the Diapers are to be re-imposed. As a punishment – and as a cudgel.

The punishment is obvious. Most people loathe being made to walk around – and go to work – with a disgusting and degrading rag over their faces. The resumed wearing thereof – and accompanying restrictions – will be the “incentive” used to coerce the rolling-up of sleeves. The renewed social pressure of seeing everyone, almost, wearing the disgusting, degrading things will be deployed to demoralize and thus, defeat, the populace by wearing them down. But there is a new element, this time.
The “vaccinated” will also be forced to Diaper Up and this will infuriate them. They will regard – they are being told to regard – those who have not rolled up their sleeves as the source of their woes and of their sickness (it does not occur to them, apparently, to ask why they are still getting sick if the “vaccine” works).

They are being egged-on by the TeeVee and horrid people like the governor of Alabama and the mayor of New York and of course, above them all, the horrible little docktor who stands at the apex of all of this, to loathe and despise the people who have not rolled up their sleeves. The Diapered-vaccinated will demand “action.” And “action” they will get. It is a pogrom in the making.

We are standing precariously on the razor’s edge. Things could go either way. They will go the sane way if enough people simply refuse to kabuki this time. The last time, it was perhaps understandable why they kabuki’d. They didn’t know. They may have been afraid. Many just didn’t want to raise a fuss and figured if they didn’t this would pass.
It will be forever, if they kabuki this time.

It cannot be overstated. Do not put on a Face Diaper this time. Refuse to do it and don’t be ashamed to not do it. Do not give in to the fear – or the pressure. Even at the risk of your job. Your job will not matter if they succeed. Arizona Cardinals receiver DeAndre Hopkins understands this. He has announced his job is not worth his rights – or his life: “Never thought I would say this, but being put in a position to hurt my team because I don’t want to partake in the vaccine is making me question my future in the NFL.”

And if we succeed, there will always be another job – one that doesn’t require abominable obedience rituals as the price of employment.

Not one inch. Give no ground on this. Stop deferring to other people’s hystericized feelings. Refuse to be cowed by their neurotic assertions about the harms not being caused. Insist on your right to not be harmed for the sake of their fears. The time for tolerance is ended. Enough is enough. This madness has got to stop. We have it in our power to stop it. We can have our lives back – if we don’t let them take them away. By refusing, this time, to put the god-damned thing on."

The Daily "Near You?"

Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom.
Thanks for stopping by!

Chet Raymo, “Thinking About Thinking”

“Thinking About Thinking”
by Chet Raymo

“It is not easy to live in that continuous awareness of things which alone is true living," wrote the naturalist Joseph Wood Krutch. And, of course, he was right. Our brains are separated from the world by a permeable membrane. Attention flows outwards. Sense impressions flow inwards. Of this two-way traffic- this awareness- we create a soul.

At this moment, as I sit at my desk on a hillside in the west of Ireland, I try to be aware. Sunlight streams across my computer keyboard; eight minutes ago these photons were on the surface of the sun. A Pholcus phalangioides spider spins its web under the shelf above the desk; I touch the web with a pencil point and the spider does a dervish dance. Outside the window, clouds scud in from the Atlantic; there will be rain in the afternoon.

Continuous awareness: It can be exhausting. Which is why, I suppose, we sometimes wish for the mind to go blank, for the windows of the soul to close, for darkness to fall. Fortunately, the one thing we don't have to attend to is awareness itself. The brain does its thing without the least bit of conscious control on our part. And a good thing, too; if we had to attend to what is going on in the brain when we attend to the world, we'd... We'd go nuts.

Nothing we know about in the universe approaches the complexity of the human brain. What is it? A vast spider web of neurons, cells with a thousand octopuslike arms, called dendrites. The dendrites reach out and make contact at their tips with the dendrites of other cells, at junctions called synapses. A hundred billion neurons in the human brain, with an average of 1,000 dendrites each. A hundred trillion octopus arms touching like fingertips, and each synapse exquisitely controlled by the cells themselves, strengthening or weakening the contact, building webs of interlinked cells that are knowledge, memory, consciousness- self.

A hundred billion neurons. That's more brain cells than there are grains of salt in 1,000 one-pound boxes of salt. A roomful of salt grains, floor to ceiling. Each in contact with hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of others. The contacts flickering with variable strength. Continuously. Unconsciously. Never ceasing. Remembering. Forgetting. Feeling joy. Feeling pain. Thinking. Speaking. Lifting a foot, moving it forward, putting it down again. Flickering. A hundred trillion flickering synapses. Just thinking about it is exhausting.

Neuroscientists are busy trying to figure it all out. Some folks would say that bringing the scrutiny of science to bear upon the human soul is the height of presumption. Others would say that the more we learn about what makes our brains tick, the more we stand in awe at the mystery of soul.

The sheer complexity of the human brain makes any adequate description a daunting task. Which is why some neuroscientists choose to work with simpler organisms- sea snails, for example- to get a grip on the basic structure and chemistry. In recent years, new scanning technologies enable neuroscientists to watch live human brains at work. Active neural regions flicker on the screens of computer monitors as subjects think, speak, recite poems, do math. Continuous awareness, displayed on the screen of a scanning monitor, can look like a grass fire exploding across a prairie.

Still other scientists attempt to model the brain in silicon, building electronic circuits called neural networks that mimic the activity of the brain as it creates constantly changing webs of neurons. So far, no electronic network begins to approach the complexity of the human brain, but the time is not far off when silicon brains will rival brains of flesh and blood. Just trying to make it happen teaches us a lot about how human brains work.

Perhaps the most exciting research is that of the scientists who study the biochemistry of neurons: How do the cells regulate synaptic connections to build new neural webs? One big surprise is just how much of the "thinking" of neurons is done by the dendrites, those hundreds of spidery arms that connect neurons to one another. DNA in a neuron's nucleus sends messenger RNA down along the dendrites to active synapses, where they are translated into proteins that regulate the strength of synaptic connections. Tiny protein factories in the dendrites are apparently key to learning and memory. Once the regulation of these protein factories is understood, drugs that ameliorate some kinds of hereditary mental retardation might be possible. As will drugs that help all of us to learn and remember. Are we ready for "smart" pills? Memory pills?

What all this amounts to is awareness of awareness. For the first time in the history of consciousness, the machinery of awareness has been turned upon itself. As neuroscientists have discovered, thinking about thinking is not easy. Thank goodness we don't have to think about thinking to think.”

"Reality Avoidance"

"Reality Avoidance"
by Morris Berman

"It’s quite amazing how the news is endlessly about filler, which is what I call it. Very little of this has anything to do with reality, which the Mainstream Media and the American people avoid like the plague. What then is real?

1. The empire is in decline; every day, life here gets a little bit worse; all our institutions are corrupt to varying degrees; and there is no turning this situation around.

2. A crucial factor in this decline and irreversibility is the low level of intelligence of the American people. Americans are not only dumb; they are positively antagonistic toward the life of the mind.

3. Relations of power and money determine practically everything. The 3 wealthiest Americans own as much as the bottom 50% of the population, and this tendency will get worse over time.

4. The value system of the country, and its citizens, is fundamentally wrong-headed. It amounts to little more than hustling, selfishness, narcissism, and a blatant disregard for anyone but oneself. There is a kind of cruelty, or violence, deep in the American soul; many foreign observers and writers have commented on this. Americans are bitter, depressed, and angry, and the country offers very little by way of community or empathy.

5. Along with this is the support of meaningless wars and imperial adventures on the part of most of the population. That we drone-murder unarmed civilians on a weekly basis is barely on the radar screen of the American mind. In essence, the nation has evolved into a genocidal war machine run by a plutocracy and cheered on by mindless millions.

Most Americans hide from these depressing, even horrific, realities by what passes for ‘the news’, but also by means of alcohol, opioids, TV, cellphones, suicide, prescription drugs, workaholism, and spectator sports, to name but a few. This stuffing of the Void is probably our primary activity. In a word, we are eating ourselves alive, and only a tiny fraction of the population recognizes this."
"There is only one basic human right, 
the right to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty,
 the duty to take the consequences."
- P. J. O'Rourke

"How It Really Is"

"Mission Disaster"

"Mission Disaster"
By Bill Bonner

NORMANDY, FRANCE – "We’re exploring the Brave New World ahead. In preview, we don’t think you’re going to like it. You’ll recall that a free economy does what individuals, families, businesses, and investors want it to do. It responds to these billions of different private purposes, aggregating them into the “economy” that we see. A “mission economy” is a different thing. It does what it is told – by the elite few who control the government. Inevitably, the mission is a disaster.

Big and Bold: In his many speeches in the 1930s, Adolf Hitler laid out a “big and bold mission” for Germany. He was prefiguring economist Mariana Mazzucato (author of "Mission Economy") – along with le president de la France, Emmanuel Macron… the president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde… as well as The Atlantic editor David Frum…and assorted members of the U.S. Democratic Party – by nearly a century.

Hitler made it clear that the purpose of an economy was to serve the interests, not of the individual, but of “the Volk,” whose collective desires were channeled by Nazi Party chiefs, the Reich, and most importantly, himself. The economy thus became the servant of the elite who controlled the German government… and of their “mission.”

Of course, Hitler was far from alone. Earlier in the century, the Soviets had put their economy to work on a collective mission, too – to destroy capitalism and build a workers’ paradise on the debris. That worked about as well… but with an even higher body count. Yet, comparing anybody with Hitler… or any other government program with his monstrous mission… is considered not just bad taste, but a sin worthy of de-platforming or defenestration.

And as far as we know, neither Ms. Mazzucato, Emmanuel Macron, Joe Biden, or Christine Lagarde have begun to grow a mustache. The only thing they have in common with the Fuhrer is an idea. That is the idea we were wondering about as we sat in a café in Paris on Saturday…

False God: Nature Magazine lauded Ms. Mazzucato’s book, "Mission Economy," because it “put public purpose first.” The problem with the “public purpose” is, however, that it is not of the public’s choosing. Did the German public see its mission as invading Poland, the Soviet Union, France, Greece, and North Africa? Did the Russians want 70 years of crushing Soviet central planning? Did Americans really want to spend 20 years and $2.3 trillion getting their butts kicked in Afghanistan?

And isn’t that the Big Bamboozle… the false god who stabs us in the back, over and over…? The Bonaparte who rallies his troops on the banks of the Rhine… or the Hitler on the banks of the Oder… for a great campaign of conquest? Isn’t that the Vladimir, the Che, the Hugo, or the Mao who reorganize society completely (for the benefit of the people, of course)? Or the Oliver Cromwell, Pope Urban, or Osama bin Laden… who make it their mission to destroy the infidels… and be done with the non-believers?

And isn’t it the darkness settling over the planet once again… its shrouds laid out by the woke and the witless… who are ready to depress, deport, and de-platform anyone who gets in their way?

New Contagion: Getting in their way now are the unvaccinated. And here, The New York Times snuffs a few more candles: "As Virus Cases Rise, Another Contagion Spreads Among the Vaccinated: Anger". "As coronavirus cases resurge across the country, many inoculated Americans are losing patience with vaccine holdouts who, they say, are neglecting a civic duty or clinging to conspiracy theories and misinformation even as new patients arrive in emergency rooms and the nation renews mask advisories.

The country seemed to be exiting the pandemic; barely a month ago, a sense of celebration was palpable. Now many of the vaccinated fear for their unvaccinated children and worry that they are at risk themselves for breakthrough infections. Rising case rates are upending plans for school and workplace reopenings, and threatening another wave of infections that may overwhelm hospitals in many communities."

Yes, here they are again – good versus evil. The obedient people take their medicine. And the hold-outs… the non-conformists… do not. They are beyond the pale… beyond reason… pariahs… outcasts… to be shunned and dissed. Tomorrow, what happens to dissenters when the economy gets into mission mode. Stay tuned…"

"Clear Focus Ambient Space Music for Concentration - Isochronic Tones"

"Clear Focus Ambient Space Music for Concentration - 
Isochronic Tones"
by Jason Lewis - Mind Amend

"Ambient electronic space music with low-intensity beta and alpha wave tones for clear focus. Headphones are NOT required for this video. You can listen to this track with your eyes open while studying, reading or doing other activities which require a good level of concentration.

This is a brainwave entrainment music track using isochronic tones combined with music. The music has also been embedded with amplitude entrainment effects, where the music is subtly distorted and vibrates in unison with the same frequency of the isochronic tones. This helps to add further strength to the entrainment effect. If brainwave entrainment is a new concept for you, there is some information about it here:
This works, as simple as that, and might give you an understanding edge in surviving what's happening, which will get much, much worse. There is no escape. Prepare yourself... - CP

"The Danger of Forgetting the Lessons of the Past"

"The Danger of Forgetting the Lessons of the Past"
By Bill Bonner

"We refer to Planet Earth, 2021. It is not even safe for cats! Think of all we’ve discovered. Over many, many centuries… in hundreds of very disturbing and illuminating real-world experiments… and with millions of people suffering lives of poverty and early death to carry them out… we must have learned something.

What exactly? That you can’t get rich by spending more than you earn. That you can’t just “print” fake money without distorting and destroying the real economy. That if you want to be prosperous, you must respect property rights and contracts… and keep taxes, inflation, and government under control…That capitalism – which is really nothing more than accumulated experiments condensed into a vernacular of rules, customs, and institutions – works. Central planning, on the other hand – with major capital allocation and distribution decisions made by people with no “skin in the game” – does not. When you forget these basic lessons, you risk destabilizing your society and setting off a runaway chaos that makes you poorer and less safe.

Painful Lessons: But despite their treasure of experience and insight, people try hard to forget. And in last month’s issue of The Bonner-Denning Letter, our coauthor Dan Denning described a world gripped by a major bout of amnesia. [Paid up Bonner-Denning Letter subscribers can catch up here.  To subscribe, click here.] 

It has forgotten where it came from and how it got to where it is. And now, it is condemned to relearn thousands of years’ worth of painful lessons. Its money is fake. Its interest rates are determined by bureaucrats and experts, not by buyers and sellers of credit. Its governments spend far more than they can afford. Its leading economists and politicians live in a fantasy world, where they think they can command markets to do whatever they please. And its world-improvers are bound and determined to remake our whole society according to their own claptrap ideas.

Prepare to suffer! Your earnings (both from selling your time and saving your money) will be repressed, says Dan. Your costs, meanwhile, will rise mercilessly.

Clumsy Ideologues: Want to know what it might be like? Just look at Venezuela. Once the richest people of Latin America, desperate Venezuelans have been reduced to gnawing on cats and dogs, by some accounts. The Miami Herald reports: "In the city’s dump, more evidence of hunger-driven desperation: dismembered dogs, cats, donkeys, horses and pigeons have been found since last year, all skinned or plucked, with signs of having been eaten, according to the city’s garbage teams. “Sometimes we only find the animal’s heads, guts and legs. We used to see this very little in the past, but this practice is now out of control and on the rise,” said Robert Linares, who works in waste disposal at the dump for the city."

And now… despite the compiled wisdom of generations’ worth of trial and error… and the example of Caracas, right in front of our eyes… much of the modern, developed world seems to want to re-run the experiment.

Coming soon, to garbage dumps near you, is more proof of what we know already Рthat money and economies are too delicate to be manhandled by clumsy ideologues. Yes, we are a long way from feline fricass̩e in the U.S. But looking ahead, we may want to begin sharing recipes."

"Of All Tyrannies..."

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals. "
- C.S. Lewis

Gregory Mannarino, AM/PM 7/28/21

Gregory Mannarino, AM 7/28/21:
"Today Is FED Day, And The Big Secret 
That You Are Not Supposed To Know"
Gregory Mannarino, PM 7/28/21:
"Freefall: The FED To Maintain Emergency 
Monetary Policy For Foreseeable Future"

“The Paradox Of Time”

“The Paradox Of Time”

“Time goes, you say? Ah no!
Alas, Time stays, we go; 
Or else, were this not so, 
What need to chain the hours, 
For Youth were always ours? 

Time goes, you say? – ah no! 
Ours is the eyes’ deceit 
Of men whose flying feet 
Lead through some landscape low; 
We pass, and think we see 
The earth’s fixed surface flee - 
Alas, Time stays, – we go! 

Once in the days of old, 
Your locks were curling gold, 
And mine had shamed the crow. 
Now, in the self-same stage, 
We’ve reached the silver age; 
Time goes, you say? – ah no! 

Once, when my voice was strong, 
I filled the woods with song 
To praise your ‘rose’ and ‘snow’; 
My bird, that sang, is dead; 
Where are your roses fled? 
Alas, Time stays, – we go! 

See, in what traversed ways, 
What backward Fate delays 
The hopes we used to know; 
Where are our old desires? 
Ah, where those vanished fires? 
Time goes, you say? – ah no! 

How far, how far, O Sweet, 
The past behind our feet 
Lies in the even-glow! 
Now, on the forward way, 
Let us fold hands, and pray; 
Alas, Time stays, – we go!”

- Henry Austin Dobson
“Time passes in moments. Moments which, rushing past, define the path of a life, just as surely as they lead towards its end. How rarely do we stop to examine that path, to see the reasons why all things happen? To consider whether the path we take in life is our own making, or simply one into which we drift with eyes closed? But what if we could stop, pause to take stock of each precious moment before it passes? Might we then see the endless forks in the road that have shaped a life? And, seeing those choices, choose another path?”
- Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully, “The X-Files”

Musical Interlude: Simon & Garfunkel, "The Boxer"; "Sounds Of Silence"; "Bridge Over Troubled Water"

Simon & Garfunkel, "The Boxer"
Simon & Garfunkel, "Sounds Of Silence", 1966
Simon & Garfunkel, "Bridge Over Troubled Water"

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Greg Hunter, "Complete Collapse of Everything"

"Complete Collapse of Everything"
By Greg Hunter’s

"Analyst, financial writer and professional trader Rick Ackerman points out that you cannot underestimate the extreme amount of debt and money printing propping up the economy. Ackerman thinks, “It’s an inflationary bubble, and that’s why I think it’s going to bust. I think it’s going to last as long as the bull market lasts. Companies go out and borrow money to buy back their own shares. It feels like a perpetual motion as far as a bull market in stocks, but even that ends. It’s created a bubble, and bubbles only pop.”

Ackerman warns, “The inflationary juggernaut is going to eventually unwind. The biggest one is a derivatives market with a conservatively estimated value of $2 quadrillion. Any way you cut it, it’s probably around ten times the size of trade in goods and services. So, the question is why do you need a financial machine of that size to support real goods and services that is only 10% of that? The obvious answer to that is because the business of planet earth is not making things and selling services, it’s shuffling paper. So, we’ve leveraged everything to death, and where does that go? Eventually, it has to collapse. When it collapses and we wipe quadrillions of dollars of phony inflated financial wealth off the books, what kind of inflation are we going to have then? It’s a complete collapse of everything, yes, everything.”

Ackerman contends other areas that will also collapse are “Social Security, pension funds and health care.” Ackerman goes on to say when it comes to pensions, for example, like the bankrupt pensions from the State of Illinois, Ackerman says, “You are not talking about inflating financial assets. You are talking about sending out millions of checks every month to every single State of Illinois employee. That truly is money from trees. You’ve got to ask yourself, how long can that go on? That’s real money. That’s not bull twaddle money pumping up stocks. It’s checks being mailed out every month. When Illinois gets bailed out, you’re going to have another 22 states in almost as bad of shape coming with their hands out saying where’s ours? It can’t happen. It can’t happen politically, it can’t happen monetarily, it simply just can’t happen. So, what you have in the pension system, and this applies to Social Security too, you have this enormous deflator. It basically means we are not going to get paid all the benefits that we paid into.”

What should the common person invest in? Ackerman says, “Take the things everyone hates, and set one against the other. I like Treasury bonds (cash) and gold. Any disaster scenario or even a bullish scenario is not going to hit gold and bonds both. In all scenarios, it’s hard to see a way for both of those to crash, and I think you have good upside potential with gold and Treasuries going up at the same time. You have to have bullion in your portfolio I think.” In short, not losing in a severe market meltdown is a big win when everybody else is being destroyed. Ackerman likes silver, too."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with analyst
Rick Ackerman, who is a professional trader famous for “Ricks Picks.”

"Economic Growth is Completely Fake - Imminent Collapse Coming"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, PM 7/27/21:
"Economic Growth is Completely Fake - 
Imminent Collapse Coming"
"Things are very precarious in this fake market right now. Bad news does not mean a thing anymore. People need to get ready because the stock market cannot continue at the pace that is going. They collapse is imminent. I am in Laguna Niguel California right now."

Gerald Celente, "The Trends Journal": "Idiot's Delight - Duh! I do what they tell me."

Full screen recommended.
Gerald Celente, "The Trends Journal":
"Idiot's Delight - Duh! I do what they tell me."
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over hype and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in the increasingly turbulent times ahead."