Friday, February 12, 2021

"Living Off Grid As The Collapse Of Society Approaches: Why Aren’t More People Doing This?"

Full screen recommended.
"Living Off Grid As The Collapse Of Society Approaches: 
Why Aren’t More People Doing This?"
by Epic Economist

"As soon as we are born, society gives us a script to tell us how we should be, how we should behave, what we like and dislike, what we should accomplish, what should be our goals and how we are supposed to manage our lives. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are connected to the matrix and too afraid to pull the plug. Most people feel they can't quit their jobs and start over somewhere else because they have bills to cover every month, they have enormous amounts of debt they owe to giant corporate financial institutions. In essence, debt handcuffs us to the system. 

We're told we must dedicate our entire lives to work, and starting living when we retire. We pass our lives pouring money into corporate securities in the rigged game that we call "the stock market”, but the financial system isn't as indestructible as it seems to be. And what happens when our economy and the markets start to crumble? What are we supposed to do? Should we just accept we are doomed to go down with them? The answer is a big fat NO. There is life to be lived outside the molds that are presented to us. Things don't have to go that way. You can set yourself free and live a life that is worth living. In this video, we decided to bring the example of some brave risk-takers that decided to live off the grid and started to find joy and fulfillment away from the chaos of modern society. So stay with us, don't forget to share and leave a thumbs up in this video, and subscribe to our channel, and turn on the bell to keep updated with our latest notifications. 

“If the Great Recession was a crack in the system, [the health crisis] and climate change will be the chasm," said Bob Wells, the nomad who plays himself in the film Nomadland, an early Oscar contender starring Frances McDormand, is helping people to adopt the nomad way of life and change their perspectives about the world. Today, Wells lives exclusively on public lands in his GMC Savana equipped with 400 watts of solar power and a 12-volt refrigerator. He will never have to make a mortgage payment or pay rent ever again. Now his life goal is to teach people how they can practice nomadic tribalism living in a car, van, or RV, and, in that way, they can save themselves from homelessness and began living more sustainably. 

For some, living in a van isn't a practical choice, especially for families with kids and for those who need more space in order to have a comfortable experience. But there are several options one can choose to start rearranging their lifestyles. In essence, living off-grid is more about your mindset than about social rules and conventions. That's what a British couple named Matthew and Charis Watkinson defends. In an interview, the Essex vets disclosed they gave up the rat race to find a good life in the Welsh countryside after they came across and fully embraced a philosophy known as “collapsology”. In short, the movement is based around the consideration that society as we know it could entirely collapse. But as opposed to doomsday preppers, rather than lonely bunkering down in a deserted nuclear facility and preparing to fight the storm alone, the movement envisions to save society as a society - introducing rural, communal lifestyles while also welcoming communication with the wider world.

If the current collapse starts to quickly accelerate, they are ready. Besides, they don't have to get up every morning and drag themselves to corporate jobs that suck the life out of them. Matthew and Charis might have a simple lifestyle, but they are just overjoyed to be free from the chains of the system. “We’ve built a farm for a lot less than £100,000 and it’s all ours. We don’t owe anybody any money and we don’t have any bills – why aren’t more people doing this?” they questioned. That's exactly it: why aren’t more people doing this? We just like to remind you that there are options, there are alternatives and there's much more life to live outside what we call "civilization". People are finally waking up to that fact and getting free from the system, and you can do it too."

Musical Interlude: Gandalf, “Once in a Star-Brightened Night”

Gandalf, “Once in a Star-Brightened Night” 

"A Look to the Heavens"

“Massive stars, abrasive winds, mountains of dust, and energetic light sculpt one of the largest and most picturesque regions of star formation in the Local Group of Galaxies. Known as N11, the region is visible on the upper right of many images of its home galaxy, the Milky Way neighbor known as the Large Magellanic Clouds (LMC).
The above image was taken for scientific purposes by the Hubble Space Telescope and reprocessed for artistry by an amateur to win the Hubble's Hidden Treasures competition. Although the section imaged above is known as NGC 1763, the entire N11 emission nebula is second in LMC size only to 30 Doradus. Studying the stars in N11 has shown that it actually houses three successive generations of star formation. Compact globules of dark dust housing emerging young stars are also visible around the image.”

"Every Human Decision..."

"Except for totally impulsive or psychotic behavior, every human
decision comes down to the choice between two alternatives."
- Jeff Duntemann

"How Stress Affects Your Cholesterol Level: Everything You Wanted to Know"

"How Stress Affects Your Cholesterol Level: 
Everything You Wanted to Know"
by Karen Reed

"You’ve heard all about how high cholesterol levels are causing ill health. More importantly, you’ve heard about how bad cholesterol is causing ill health. It affects your arteries and blood flow, putting your heart under more pressure to perform properly. Those with high cholesterol levels are more at risk of stroke, heart attacks, and heart disease.

Cholesterol has long been linked to the food we eat. There are certain foods that we’re recommended to stay away from and others that we should get more off to promote good cholesterol levels and help protect the arteries. Did you know that it’s not just food that affects the cholesterol levels? Stress has been linked to high cholesterol. In fact, some studies now show that stress is worse than the food we eat for cholesterol levels and ill health.

The problem is that stress is a silent killer. We don’t realize that our cortisol levels are up and causing these problems until it’s too late in some cases. It’s important to reduce our stress levels to keep our cholesterol levels down. Here’s a look at just how stress causes high cholesterol and what you can do about it.
What Exactly Is Cholesterol? Before you start looking at stress and how it affects to high cholesterol levels, you need to know more about it. What exactly is it and what does it do?

There are two types of cholesterol: good and bad. The bad cholesterol is known as LDL cholesterol, and you shouldn’t have any more than 100mg/dL of this type in your body. Good cholesterol is HDL, and you should have at least 60mg/dL. A good level of total cholesterol, according to physicians, is 200mg/dL and this can be made up of both good and bad. Considering you shouldn’t have more that 100mg/dL of the bad stuff, you want at least 100mg/dL of the good stuff. The more good cholesterol you have, the better it is for you. Good cholesterol can keep the bad stuff at bay and under control.

What exactly is cholesterol? It’s a fatty substance that is only found in animal products. It is naturally produced by your body, but can also be added to food. The body will make more cholesterol due to trans and saturated fats being added through food. Both types of cholesterol will enter the arteries and build up. The good stuff builds up as a lining to the arteries, protecting them from damage. The lining is soft and makes it easier for the blood to flow through the veins.

On the other hand, bad cholesterol blocks the arteries. It creates a friction layer that stops the blood flowing freely. The heart and brain don’t get the blood that they both need and clogs can appear in the arteries. You’re at a higher risk of suffering various health problems, including stroke and heart disease, because of your high bad cholesterol levels.

There are various types of people more at risk for having high cholesterol levels. There are certainly genetic factors involved, but there are also lifestyle factors. One of those is stress levels, especially in those who are overweight, smoke or have other health problems.
Stress and the Unhealthy Lifestyle: One of the reasons found for the stress and high cholesterol link is bad lifestyle habits. Those who are stressed are more likely to follow less healthy habits in other areas of their life. They’re less likely to exercise and more likely to eat bad food. After all, saturated and trans fat foods tend to be the comfort foods – those that people crave to try to boost their endorphin and serotonin levels.

People who are stressed will look for ways to counter their cortisol levels, and that is usually through unhealthy methods. People are more likely to drink or smoke, which puts other strains on their body. The body isn’t able to produce the good cholesterol and is encouraged to create bad cholesterol. This reason is highly common in men. It is men who tend to deal with stress the worst, possibly due to misconceptions that relaxation techniques are for women. They also tend to have higher stressful jobs than women, since many men are in higher positions of power and authority. Men tend to be in more leadership roles, which means more responsibility and decision making. It may not seem fair, but that’s just a common view.

How the Body Reacts to Stress Causes High Cholesterol Levels: Another study found that people who suffer from high levels of stress have higher bad cholesterol due to the high levels of triglycerides. The triglycerides are the components that encourage the boost of bad cholesterol levels, causing major health problems. It doesn’t matter what your diet is like, although the unhealthier diet will put you more at risk.

The study researchers considered the reasons for the higher triglycerides. While the exact reason isn’t known, the theory is that it is due to the stress hormone cortisol. This is common is people who suffer long term stress, and leads to the release of adrenaline in the body.

Adrenaline is the body’s “flight or fight” response and helps to deal with the stress levels. It pushes people into making decisions and keeps them alert and active when they desperately need to be. Many people in trauma incidents report that they don’t know how they kept going. The adrenaline pushed them forward until they were given a chance to relax. That was when their bodies shut down, and they had the chance to allow the trauma to affect them. Adrenaline can certainly have benefits, but it causes the increase in triglycerides. This then triggers the high levels of bad cholesterol, which can later affect the body in other ways.

Stress Can Cause “Stickiness” in the Arteries: Another study has found that the arteries can be “sticky” due to high-stress levels. This may or may not be linked to high cholesterol levels. It could be a problem on its own that makes it look like someone has high cholesterol levels.

Stress makes the muscles spasm. This affects the arteries, which causes problems with the blood flow. The platelets in people with high-stress levels are commonly “sticky.” They cling to the artery walls and create bumps and friction for the blood flow. The blood is more likely to clog, and other health problems arise. The constriction of the arteries certainly doesn’t help things. When the arteries constrict, the area for the blood flow gets smaller, and it causes the blood flow to slow down. Mixed with the stickiness or high cholesterol problems, the blood gets stuck and clogs. It’s harder for the heart and brain to get the blood that they both need.

Stress causes many other health problems and affects the body in more ways that we currently know or understand. It is possible that stress isn’t just a factor for high cholesterol but makes high cholesterol worse for the health.
Reducing Stress to Prolong Life: Many scientists now recommend not focusing on reducing cholesterol as much as reducing stress. Cholesterol gained a bad rep for a long time, including good cholesterol. It’s taken time for the medical world to realize that not all cholesterol is bad and there are other factors that cause many of the same risks. One of those is the high-stress levels. It’s important to keep them to a minimum so the whole body can work effectively and we can prolong out lives.

The tricky thing is finding a way to reduce stress levels. Understandably reducing stress isn’t always easy and people can end up even more stressed because they’re trying to reduce it. Think about how you feel when you’re struggling to sleep because of stress. You get more worked up, which releases more cortisol and more adrenaline into the body. It’s harder to get to sleep, and this cycle continues until you find a way actually to reduce the stress.

Meditation and exercise are often considered the best ways to reduce stress. Yoga is a popular option since it combines the two together in many ways. You get to become one with yourself, focus on your breathing, and tone your body at the same time.

Both meditation and exercise help to release more happy hormones into your body. The right chemicals help to reduce the levels of cortisol in your body. You’ll have less adrenaline keeping you awake and fewer triglycerides causing your bad cholesterol production to increase.

It will be tempting to reach for a glass or two (or even a bottle) of wine to deal with stress. Smoking is tempting, along with binge watching a TV series while you struggle to sleep. You want to look for healthier ways to handle your stress. The negative ways will just cause more problems for your health.
Long Term vs. Short Term Stress and Cholesterol: If you have the odd day where you feel like you’re at the end of your tether, don’t worry about it too much. It’s not the short-term stress that causes the increase in cholesterol levels. The studies show that those who suffer long term stress are the ones who are most likely to see all the negative side effects.

Sure, stress isn’t good for you, but it is also a normal part of living. There are times that adrenaline and cortisol are needed. They can keep you going when you run out of energy or when going through trauma.

Those who suffer long term stress will have prolonged cortisol and adrenaline levels. Those hormones will be much higher than they need to be and in the body for much longer. They cause a range of health problems when around for long periods of time, including high blood pressure, insomnia, and even Type II diabetes. It shouldn’t be surprising that high cholesterol levels are also a problem.

Healthy eating is an important lifestyle choice. Not only will it help to reduce the foods that cause cholesterol production but it can also reduce the cortisol release. Healthy foods protect the body, supply energy, and help to boost the production of happy hormones, which help to reduce the stress hormones.

When you suffer from long term stress, you will want to look for ways to eliminate the reason for stress as much as possible. I know this isn’t always going to be easy. You may enjoy your career, but there will be times that you struggle to cope with all the demand your job throws at you. It’s not like you can just pick and choose. However, if there is a way that you can reduce the stuff you do that causes stress, such as delegation, then you want to do it where you can.

Long term high-stress levels may not cause immediate problems. There are links to issues years down the line because of the stress levels that you have felt at some point in your life. This issue is linked more with long term stress, but some bouts of short-term stress can also be a problem.

Stress Isn’t the Only Culprit: It is important to note that stress isn’t the only reason we suffer from high cholesterol levels. While it’s a silent killer and common, there are many other reasons your cholesterol levels could be high. Diet is certainly a factor, but so are genetics and other lifestyle choices that you make. The place you work or the chemicals that you inhale from where you live can also cause cholesterol levels to increase.

This is something that scientists are still trying to understand. We have come a long way since believing that all cholesterol was bad. Now we know that some cholesterol is good, and we want it to our bodies, but we need to make sure that it is good. While stress isn’t the only culprit, it is one of the main reasons for high cholesterol levels and other health problems. It’s best to keep the stress levels at bay as much as possible.”

The Poet: Edward Hirsch, "I Was Never Able To Pray"

"I Was Never Able To Pray"

"Wheel me down to the shore 
where the lighthouse was abandoned 
and the moon tolls in the rafters.
Let me hear the wind paging through the trees
and see the stars flaring out, one by one, 
like the forgotten faces of the dead.
I was never able to pray, 
but let me inscribe my name 
in the book of waves
and then stare into the dome 
of a sky that never ends 
and see my voice sail into the night."

- Edward Hirsch

"You Must Think..."

"How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that needs our help. So you must not be frightened if a sadness rises up before you larger than any you have ever seen; if a restiveness, like light and cloud shadows, passes over your hands and over all you do. You must think that something is happening with you, that life has not forgotten you, that it holds you in its hand; it will not let you fall."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

The Daily "Near You?"

St James, Michigan, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 2/12/21"

"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 2/12/21"
"When you have eliminated the impossible, 
whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
- "Sherlock Holmes", Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
• "Doctor Admits Masks Don’t Work: “All Viruses Can Get Through”
 Feb 12, 2021 2:07 PM ET: 
The coronavirus pandemic has sickened more than 107,994,200 
people, according to official counts, including 27,478,817 Americans.
Globally at least 2,378,900 have died.

"The COVID Tracking Project"
Every day, our volunteers compile the latest numbers on tests, cases, 
hospitalizations, and patient outcomes from every US state and territory.
Feb. 12, 2021,8:30 AM ET
Where I Live:
- CP

"The Cruelest Joke Of All..."

“The smallest decisions made had such profound repercussions. One ten-minute wait could save a life… or end it. One wrong turn down the right street or one seemingly unimportant conversation, and everything was changed. It wasn’t right that each lifetime was defined, ruined, ended, and made by such seemingly innocuous details. A major life-threatening event should come with a flashing warning sign that either said ABANDON ALL HOPE or SAFETY AHEAD. It was the cruelest joke of all that no one could see the most vicious curves until they were over the edge, falling into the abyss below.”
- Sherrilyn Kenyon

Gregory Mannarino, "The Federal Reserve Is Preparing For A Massive Market Crash And Credit Freeze"

"Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
Your guide:
Gregory Mannarino, PM 2/12/21:
"The Federal Reserve Is Preparing For 
A Massive Market Crash And Credit Freeze"

"How It Really Is"

"The week's biggest story is the plunge in temperatures across the Great Plains from Canada to Texas, resulting in skyrocketing demand for natgas and electric markets as tens of millions of Americans crank up their thermostats to stay warm. "One of the main stories is the very cold temperatures and the expanse of the cold," Marc Chenard, a senior branch forecaster at the US Weather Prediction Center, told Bloomberg. "Most of the country will be at or below average except Florida."

BAMWX explains a series of winter storms are possible" from Denver to Dallas to Chicago to Cleveland to Mid-Atlantic and Northeast states through next week. "An overwhelming signal seems to be developing for a major winter storm from the Deep South to the Ohio Valley into the NE early next week. Here are our 3-7 day hazards map and a blend of models 75th percentile data. Worth note deterministic data showing major snow numbers. #Snow," BAMWX's official Twitter account tweeted."

"What We Think We Know Now"

"What We Think We Know Now"
By Bill Bonner

RANCHO SANTANA, NICARAGUA – "Let’s summarize… Herewith, the Dummies’ Guide to our Diary. To begin, picking up where we left off yesterday… Can any government really make tomorrow better? Answer: No. That’s why “the government that governs best, governs least.”

Markets and economies are natural things. Left alone, they evolve… they innovate… they run into problems and find solutions. Allowed to happen… the future reflects the choices, bugaboos, fantasies, and desires of billions of people… all getting and spending… all making deals with one another… some erring… others having flashes of genius and moments of spontaneous kindness. Putting them all together… and letting them do what they will do… what do you get? Tomorrow!

Rank Absurdity: But why can’t the feds make it better? (And here, Dear Reader, you are getting a mini course in political philosophy worthy of a dead Greek.)

Tomorrow can take many different forms – so many that predictions about it are almost always wrong.  The great conceit of the political class – including all the many insiders, power brokers, media celebrities, elite Deep Staters, Biden and Trump supporters, and those who actually control our government – is that they can know what’s coming… and make it better even before it gets here. This is rank absurdity, for obvious reasons. 

First, they can’t predict the future any better than anyone else. And it is obviously impossible to improve something when you don’t even know what it is you’re improving. 

Second, all they have to work with are fake money and real weapons – either force or fraud, in other words.

Neither has ever proved useful for creating a better world. Au contraire, always and everywhere, the more they were brought to bear on a society, the worse the outcome. The fake money is what we’re watching. We’ve seen that it distorts and misleads. It never can, never has, and never will produce an improved future.

Silly Season: Our second observation of the week: We’re in a bubble… thanks to the Federal Reserve’s fake money. Stocks are way overpriced. And you know what that means… Something will come along to prick this bubble. Poof! A lot of fake wealth will disappear.

Dear readers are advised to get out of the markets… or make sure they have some bubble insurance.  Our sidekick, Dan Denning, elaborates in our recent Bonner-Denning Letter (if you’re a paid-up Bonner-Denning Letter subscriber, click here to read), but the easiest bubble insurance is simply to sell high-priced stocks – especially the tech superstars – and buy gold, real estate, or other “hard” assets.

As we saw in yesterday’s Diary, stock prices, generally, are “off the charts,” by many measures. This is classic bubble territory. Taken all together, stock valuations are more than twice their “normal” level, implying at least a 50% loss somewhere in the future. Yes… and it’s the “Silly Season,” when people begin to think that things that couldn’t possibly be true for a single minute will be true forever.

“Printing press” money can make stocks more valuable. Sure it can. And if the government, which is already headed for another record deficit, gives away money… that will “stimulate” the economy. Sure it will.  And we don’t need to worry about inflation because our new Treasury secretary Janet Yellen knows how to deal with it. Sure she does.

Taken for Granted: Third: People are getting very tetchy about everything. A bunch of low-IQ yahoos break into the Capitol, and they call it an attempted coup d’état. Russia and China are up to something… We know they are… We just don’t know what. And as for the fake money… people come to rely on it.  Does it really make sense to give people “stimmy” checks? Previous generations would have taken it for absurd. But this generation takes it for granted. They expect bailouts… and giveaways… And they get damned irritated if they don’t come.

More than that, they plan their lives around the bubble. They depend on the price of bitcoin to build their dream house. They need low interest rates – zero, in real terms – to refinance their mortgage and other debt. They expect to retire early on their pot stocks.  They think that if they all close their eyes and wish hard enough, all their preposterous, malign dreams will come true.

Youthful Skepticism: And they don’t appreciate anyone who dares to contradict them. We recall in 1999, we suspected that the dot-com revolution was more like the mob invasion of the Capitol than a real revolution. Readers wrote to heckle and moan. They were counting on their dot-com profits.  Again in 2007/2008… nobody wanted to hear that “house prices don’t always go up.” Then, the average house was selling for more than the average person could afford. But many people thought they had a right to “an ATM machine in the bedroom.” They bought houses with “cash out” mortgages and then “took out equity”… and lived on it.  And now…?

Again, we have the advantage of being privy to a whole company full of analysts and advisors… and feedback from thousands of dear readers. Many people – even those who are otherwise sane – are convinced that these stock prices – especially for tech companies – represent a New Era, where “trillion-dollar” companies will make True Believers rich. Maybe we are too old. Or maybe the True Believers are too young! Most of them are under 40, which means they were born after the last major bear cycle ended (in 1980).

Tesla – a $10 stock? Inconceivable. The Blockchain – BS? Not possible. Stimulus – fake… foolish… and futile? Oh c’mon… You’re kidding, right?

Far Out: But we’re not kidding. And now, we’re seeing a kind of zaniness all up and down the capital structure.  Take individual stocks – GameStop, Tesla, and Tilray come readily to mind. Nobody in his right mind could think their market valuations represent a fair calculation of future earnings discounted to present value. They’re all basically losing money… and probably always will.

Tilray – are they joking? What is a company that produces nearly half a billion in losses on only $200 million in sales worth? Nothing. Zero. Squat.And yet, pot-addled “investors” gave it a market value over $10 billion this week… What can we say? Far out, man… And look at bitcoin. In the early stages, people thought of it as a bet on a new money system, in which the cryptocurrency – despite having no physical existence, but limited by mathematical wizardry – would prove superior to gold. That could still turn out to be true…

Or, it could turn out that the price action in bitcoin is really just another of the many puffs of smoke coming out of the Fed’s Vesuvius. When this baby blows… bitcoin could go with it. Stay tuned for more of what we think we know now… on Monday. Regards,"

"When Corporations Become More Powerful Than The Government, Our Definition Of 'Big Brother' Needs To Change"

"When Corporations Become More Powerful Than The Government, 
Our Definition Of 'Big Brother' Needs To Change"
by Michael Snyder

"Throughout human history, our God-given liberties and freedoms have often been brutally crushed by oppressive governments, and that is still happening all over the world today. But in our time, an additional threat to our liberties and freedoms has emerged. Global corporations just continue to get larger and more powerful, and in recent years they have been increasingly using that power to shape society. This is a very dangerous trend, because in the western world many of the constraints that our national governments are forced to operate under simply do not apply to corporations. This gives them an enormous amount of leverage, and they are using it.

Here in the United States, the federal government still has a monopoly on power in areas such as border security, national defense and foreign policy. But when it comes to the things that matter the most in the day to day lives of most Americans, it could be argued that the giant corporations have now become more powerful than the federal government.

For example, our politicians like to brag about how many jobs that they have “created”, but the truth is that they don’t actually create any jobs unless you want to count useless government desk jobs. Our politicians can help to foster an environment that will be favorable for economic growth, but it is the corporations that really determine whether the economy will grow or not. In fact, it could be argued that the corporations are the economy at this point.

Over time, it has become increasingly difficult for any American to become truly independent of the corporate system. Even if you own a small business or you work for yourself, there is a good chance that you depend on the big corporations in many ways. If you doubt this, just try to “go it on your own” without ever using any corporate products, without ever dealing with a big tech company, and without ever bringing in any income from any corporate source whatsoever.

These days, most of our lives are defined by our corporate overlords. They decide what job you will have, what your pay will be, what hours you will work and what your health plan will look like. Beyond that, now many large corporations have decided that there are certain beliefs, opinions and values that their employees are not permitted to have.

By now, you have probably heard that a certain actress was fired by Disney for having opinions that were not acceptable. That was a very high profile case, but the truth is that this sort of thing is constantly happening all over the country at this point.

As we move into the future, being guilty of “thought crime” is going to eliminate large blocks of people from ever having certain types of jobs. If you do not pledge fealty to the current version of political correctness, you simply will not be permitted to hold a prominent position in society. If your beliefs are considered to be “offensive”, you may get to mop the floors for the elite if you are lucky.

Even when you are at home, the elite want to endlessly monitor and control what you do, say and think. The primary way that they do this is through the Internet, and in recent months they have tightened their control considerably. The following comes from an opinion piece that was just authored by former U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch

Consider the events of the last month. Social media sites banned the sitting president of the United States from their platforms. A purge of conservative voices on Twitter ensued. Amazon Web Services expunged Parler, a conservative social media site, from the internet. Just days later, YouTube blocked public access to a Senate hearing on COVID-19.

These events confirmed what many of us have long known: true political power no longer resides in Washington, but in Silicon Valley. Big Tech now effectively decides who has the right to speak, who has the right to assemble online and who has the ability to build a business in the digital age. For many Americans, Twitter’s terms of service agreement now has more power over what they can and cannot say in the public square than the First Amendment does.

In the old days, Americans could go to the public square and say anything that they want. But now the big tech companies are the public square.Freedom of speech is a thing of the past on the Internet, and more voices are being “deplatformed” with each passing day. On Wednesday, it was LifeSiteNews… "YouTube just completely removed the LifeSiteNews YouTube channel. This isn’t a temporary ban; every single one of our videos is completely gone." This greatly grieved me, because so many other pro-life voices have already been silenced. We desperately need those voices, because if we stay on the path that we are currently on, there is no future for America.

On Thursday, Twitter suspended Project Veritas. Project Veritas would like to continue to share their information in the public square, and I would like to continue to share it with my readers. In fact, I share Project Veritas videos on The Most Important News all the time. But Twitter has decided that Project Veritas has become too offensive.

“Cancel culture” has gotten wildly out of control, and it is starting to infect every area of our society. Here is more from Orrin Hatch… "The pattern of “canceling” individuals for social media posts is well established. This can result in deplatforming, termination of employment or - if you’re baseball legend Curt Schilling - even losing your health insurance. We’re used to seeing cancel culture on a micro-scale: a newspaper editor being fired here, a university professor being suspended there. But now, thanks to an assist from Big Tech, we’re seeing cancel culture on a much broader level. Take the mass cancelation of Parler’s more than 10 million users, or growing calls to ban Fox News, Newsmax and other right-leaning channels altogether. If successful, these efforts will shrink the window of acceptable viewpoints in American society until conservatives find themselves on the outside."

As we continue to go down this road, just think about what this would mean for the next generation of Americans. Children that are guilty of “thought crime” won’t get into good schools, they will never be allowed to have good jobs, they will be shunned by banks and financial institutions, and they will be banned or marginalized by all of the major entities on the Internet. Basically, they will have to find a way to survive on the fringes of society somehow. All of this is designed to force people to believe what they are supposed to believe.

In fact, it is dangerous for you to be reading this article right now. They are always watching everything that you do on the Internet, and expressions of noncompliance are not acceptable in this brave new world that we live in."

"The Trials of Wokery"

"The Trials of Wokery"
by Jim Kunstler

"How do you like the party you supposedly voted into power so far? Or is it perhaps too much to say they were actually voted into anything? And if so - if there was something, let’s say, a little irregular with the ballot tabulation, maybe even more than a little - have they not succeeded splendidly in pissing-off more than half the people across the land? And then attempted to rub that half’s faces into the squishy, fetid loam of the DC Swamp?

I’d say that every move they make, every breath they take, seems calculated to spark a new civil war. Yesterday’s spiteful exercise in cognitive dissonance was a humdinger: Mr. Biden threatened to cut off travel to Florida for flouting his regime’s policy on Covid-19 lockdowns, while over in Texas (and several other states), he ordered a general unlocking-down of the border with Mexico, permitting the unchecked illegal ingress of thousands of possible Covid-19 carriers a day. Ron DeSantis, Florida’s governor, responded, saying - if I may paraphrase - see you in court, assh*le.

Meanwhile, the cancellation reign-of-terror among the regime’s self-appointed guardians of Wokeness rages on. In the name of diversity and inclusion, no one in the USA is allowed to publicly question the Woke narrative of the moment, or else be deprived of your livelihood. The New York Times fired forty-year veteran science reporter Donald G. McNeil, Jr., for using the freighted word “n*gg*r” while answering a student’s question about the history of the word’s usage, just as I am explaining his use of it in the incident at issue - that is, academically.

Though Mr. McNeil’s intent was incontrovertibly innocent as viewed by persons not insane - including, only briefly, the paper’s executive editor Dean Baquet - the decision to not sack Mr. McNeil provoked a reflexive uproar among the Times’s staff, as something in the wind might provoke a flight of grasshoppers transforming into a swarm of locusts, and Mr. Baquet reversed himself, forcing Mr. McNeil to choose demotion or resignation. Then, to make matters worse, the Times’s publisher, AG Sulzberger, spiked a column by nominally “conservative” op-ed writer Bret Stephens that attempted to argue some legalistic points about intent in the conduct of a witch hunt, an apparent affront to the Times’s witch-hunters, who seem to prefer their witch-hunting as a straight-up blood sport.

How strange it is to see the group formerly so avid for social and sexual transgression, and the artistic subversion of norms, turn into the most viciously censorious species of bluenose. But, of course, you must understand that Wokery is not about principle, not even a teeny-weeny bit. It’s simply about coercion and punishment, which is exactly why apologizing for supposed counter-Woke errors never avails. In other words, you are not dealing with a mere extreme type of moralist, but rather dedicated sadists. They’re not in it to correct injustice, but for the pleasures of vengeance alone, the torturing of their quarry, and the glow of power it confers.

And the motive is no different among the Democratic Party’s Wokesters in government. How else explain the idiotic impeachment of former president Trump, like the trial of the cadaver of Pope Formosus in the year 897, seven months after his death, for provoking the Carolingian Duke Arnolf to cross the Alps into Italy and seize the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. That episode took place in the heart of the Dark Ages, of course, but have we perhaps not entered a new Dark Age with the Woke Inquisition against - let’s just face it - Western Civ, and all its (for some) difficult-to-comprehend achievements?

Like the trial of Formosus, the trial of Mr. Trump is strictly in the service of laying out a story, a narrative, for validating the continued persecution of Woke heretics - that is, “insurrectionists,” indeed anyone not ardently on-board with transforming the USA into a Woke tyranny of race-and-gender hustling and the endless extortion of cash penalties for the crime of whiteness. What cat-turd box of Satan’s own law school are the leaders of this despotic hysteria hatched from: Pelosi, Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Schumer, and their accessories in media and tech, Jack, Zuck, Cook, and Bezos, and their numberless priests in higher ed? How much longer will it be before the substantial and obdurately not-insane of this country refuse to roll over for these rampaging maniacs?"

Thursday, February 11, 2021

"All We Really Need..."

"Causes do matter. And the world is changed by people who care deeply about causes,about things that matter. We don't have to be particularly smart or talented. We don't need a lot of money or education. All we really need is to be passionate about something important; something bigger than ourselves. And it's that commitment to a worthwhile cause that changes the world."
- Steve Goodier

"Find the things that matter, and hold on to them, 
and fight for them, and refuse to let them go."
- Lauren Oliver

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 2/12/21"

"Weekly News Wrap-Up 2/12/21"
by Greg Hunter’s 

"Another day of the impeachment trial of President Trump, more massive lies by Democrat prosecutors. The case for impeachment is so weak that the Democrats have to lie in some way at every turn. They edit out phrases President Trump said such as “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” to try to make Donald Trump look like he incited a riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. All the evidence clearly shows President Trump DID NOT incite a riot. Next week, it will be the Trump impeachment lawyers turn to put on their case. I expect some major pushback. I hope they finally get to make the case of massive election and voter fraud that NO court, including the Supreme Court, has had the guts to hear. The Senate trial is Trump’s day in court, even though this is really a kangaroo court of political theater.

More election fraud was discovered and documented this week. According to, “A recent hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes.” There is also a new video out by “Pure Data” (it’s fantastic) that shows statistical anomalies that could never happen naturally and points to major fraud in the so-called battleground states.

Unemployment took another jump this week with nearly 800,000 new filers. The state unemployment rolls are dropping off as people run out of benefits. On the other hand, the federal emergency unemployment claims are skyrocketing as those state benefits run out. As I predicted, the economy would get worse and much worse because of Biden Administration policies."
Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he talks about
these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

"Severe Economic Suffering Is Taking A Very Heavy Toll On Millions Of American Families"

"Severe Economic Suffering Is Taking A Very
 Heavy Toll On Millions Of American Families"
by Epic Economist

"The recession we're experiencing right now is not only destroying the economy as it is causing severe economic suffering on millions of American families. Several groups had their lives turned upside down since the burst of the sanitary outbreak. The mass lay-offs that were triggered by the widespread shutdown of U.S. businesses have put approximately 70 million out of their jobs and at least 11 million remain unemployed. Even those who didn't go through a job loss are facing financial setbacks, as many had a major cut on their paychecks and their household income was significantly reduced. 

At this point, nearly 50 percent of all U.S. adults with lower incomes have trouble paying their bills, and Americans have been accumulating debt like never before. The financial pain these workers have been dealing with is taking a very heavy toll on their psychological stability, and according to a recent survey, almost half of the U.S. workforce is suffering from mental health issues. It is tragic to admit but many of our citizens are coming to the realization they simply can't afford to live in this country. That's what we're going to expose in this video. 

Millions of Americans have been completely overwhelmed with the financial setbacks resultant from the economic fallout of the health crisis. A recent Pew Research Center survey found that approximately one-in-four adults have had trouble paying their bills during the crisis, while one third have dipped into savings or retirement accounts to be able to cover their expenses, and about one-in-six have borrowed money from friends or family or received food from a food bank. In the lower-income segment of our society, 46% of all adults have affirmed to be facing troubles to pay the bills for almost a year now. Data from the survey showed that overall, 25% of U.S. adults disclosed they or someone in their household was laid off or lost their job because of the outbreak, with 15% saying this happened to them personally.

Even those who didn't lose a job are having financial strains, as many workers have had to reduce their hours or take a pay cut to stay in their posts. The survey reported that roughly one-third, or 32%, of all adults affirmed this has happened to them or someone in their household, with 21% revealing this happened to them personally. Taking all these evidences into account, it's understandable why such a big part of our population is now suffering. When people realize they simply won't have enough money to afford their most basic needs, that can cause a lot of mental stress. 

The economic deterioration is causing so much anxiety that, according to a report from the Oregon-based insurance company The Standard, there has been a remarkable jump in the number of full-time U.S. workers dealing with mental health issues over the past 12 months. Around 46%, which represent nearly half of American workers, reported that they were struggling with mental health issues, compared to 39% in 2019. It is just incredibly sad to witness the effects of the economic collapse weighing upon the shoulders of our great workers. It's even sadder when we consider that this is just the beginning of the crisis and much more pain is still ahead. 

Poverty has grown so quickly and so much over the past year, that we have been naturalizing the decay of our living standards because, at this point, we know there's not much we can do to fight it. We're failing to realize that our dignity is being gradually removed from our reach, to the point compromising it is becoming something "normal". We have been so fragile amid this endless storm of problems that we're not seeing with clarity how authorities have been walking all over our heads. Millions of jobs are gone, hundreds of thousands of businesses have permanently disappeared from our economic landscape, our population has been suffering like never before and some still dare to say we're in the middle of an "economic recovery". The truth is, as our businesses are dying and most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, we're much closer to a financial disaster. Just wait and see."
God help us...

Must Watch! "Positive Thinking Won't Stop The Greatest Depression; Economy On Life Support; Economic Trauma"

Jeremiah Babe,
"Positive Thinking Won't Stop The Greatest Depression;
 Economy On Life Support; Economic Trauma"