Thursday, June 30, 2022

Bill Bonner, "A Cold Day in Hell"

"A Cold Day in Hell"
The war against American energy independence... 
and its working class casualties.
by Bill Bonner

Youghal, Ireland - "Of particular interest to us here at BonnerPrivateResearch is the coming train wreck…when two especially numbskull federal programs collide. One is making things – especially energy – more expensive by reducing supplies. The other is making them more expensive by increasing demand (in the form of fake money.) What happens when they collide?

The Fed created today’s inflation in the old-fashioned way – by ‘printing’ money. No need to go into the mechanics of it; they don’t matter. And we don’t want to take the time to understand them. Here, economist Richard Duncan explains the first phase: "For decades, the US economy has been driven by rapid Credit Growth and Asset Price Inflation. Since the Crisis of 2008, in particular, aggressive fiscal stimulus, ultra-low interest rates, and round after round of Quantitative Easing have kept the US economy expanding and created astonishing amounts of Wealth."

Of course, it was not real ‘wealth’ that was being created. It was fake wealth – brought to life by fake, ‘printing press’ money. But between 1999 and 2022, the Fed added $8 trillion (increases to its balance sheet). And its artificially low interest rates had engendered a $50 trillion increase to America’s total – public and private – debt. (We’re dealing with round numbers here…if we’re off by a few trillion, one way or the other… don’t worry about it.)

Rising Prices… This ‘inflation’ of the money supply first led to an ‘inflation’ in asset prices. The Dow Industrials rose three times. The non-industrial… lighter-than-air… emptier-than-a-congressman’s-mind… assets went to the moon. No one complained. But then, the inflation leaked over to consumer prices. And suddenly, with the Covid lockdowns and the war in the Ukraine, the leakage became a flood. Consumer prices rose all over the world – led by the most important ones – oil, food, and housing.

But the Fed wasn’t alone in causing consumer prices to go up. While the Fed was increasing the supply of money… the federal government was also restricting output. Lockdowns, for example, did far more damage than is generally recognized. The elites have little connection to or understanding of the real economy. They work in academia, Wall Street, the press, government or the nonprofit sector. It wasn’t surprising that they thought the economy was like a light bulb, something they could just turn off and on with the flick of a switch.

Alas, a real economy is a living thing. Drive a stake through its heart, and it dies forever. It cannot rise from the dead. Instead, a new economy must take its place. And that takes time, investment, training… and learning. New relationships must be built… distribution channels need to be worked out… costs and benefits need to be calculated… and investments to be made.

Falling Supply: So, imagine that you are in the oil business. You saw, after Donald Trump declared a state of emergency in March, 2020, that the oil price could go below zero. Oil companies couldn’t sell their oil; they had to pay someone to store it for them. And now… all over the world, the federales want to put you out of business. Here’s the LA Times: "'Game over for the internal combustion engine' as EU countries approve climate measures The EU member nations came to an agreement on draft legislation aimed at slashing the bloc's greenhouse gasses by at least 55% in 2030 compared with 1990 levels, rather than by a previously agreed 40%. “A long but good day for climate action: The council’s decisions on Fitfor55 are a big step towards delivering the EU Green Deal," Frans Timmermans, the European Commission vice president in charge of the Green Deal, said after the meeting of environment ministers in Luxembourg.

America’s “Climate Envoy,” is on your case too. John Kerry delivered an ultimatum: “We have to put the industry on notice: You’ve got six years, eight years, no more than 10 years or so, within which you’ve got to come up with a means by which you’re going to capture [emissions], and if you’re not capturing, then we have to deploy alternative sources of energy.”

So… what do you do? The feds want to put you out of business and make it almost impossible for you to plan for the future. Do you invest more money, drill more wells and build more refineries? Chevron’s CEO, Mike Wirth, says there will never be another refinery built in America. Why?

‘Not Acceptable’: Who’s going to invest millions of dollars… over many years… when the feds are gunning for him? And who’s going to wait years for a return on his investment when he has no idea whether oil will be selling for $500 a barrel… or nothing? And then, if you’re lucky enough to make a profit, they threaten to take it away. Joe Biden: “At a time of war – historically high refinery profit margins being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable.”

So, what happens when these policies – inflationary money-printing and output-stifling regulations – crash together? How will people get to work? How will they power their cars and heat their houses? What will fuel their trucks and tractors? What will we eat? What happens next? Well… we don’t know, exactly. But our guess is that it will be a cold day in Hell when we find out."

"Stock Up At Kroger! More Price Increases, But Some Great Deals This Week!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 6/30/22:
"Stock Up At Kroger! More Price Increases, 
But Some Great Deals This Week!"
"In today's vlog we are at Kroger, and are noticing a ridiculous amount of price increases! This is not good as we are seeing skyrocketing prices everywhere, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"
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Gregory Mannarino, "Stocks Set To Drop- Panic Sell Off"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 6/30/22:
"Stocks Set To Drop- Panic Sell Off"
Comments here:

Canadian Prepper, "S$%T Is About To Get Real!!!"

Canadian Prepper, 6/29/22:
"S$%T Is About To Get Real!!!"
"People are about to realize that the crisis 
we are in has no historical comparison."
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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

"15 Examples That Show How Completely And Utterly Insane Our Society Has Become"

Full screen recommended.
"15 Examples That Show How Completely 
And Utterly Insane Our Society Has Become"
by Epic Economist

"Lately, watching the news is almost the same as watching a horror show. You never know what you are going to see each day, but it is almost certain that it's going to be something crazy. The things we're about to share with you in today's video may be weird, some can make you laugh, and others are simply infuriating - but they all point to the same conclusion: from the very top to the very bottom, America is going insane. We've truly become a brainless society, and while our country goes from bad to worse, most people remain unaware of our true problems. That's why we gathered some simple but revealing examples of just how nonsensical things have become in our country.

Even as our domestic food production continues to decline, every year, 40% of the country’s food supply goes to waste. On average, Americans waste approximately 1.4 billion tons of food in a given year. This means that each year we throw away about $161 billion worth of food, or $1,500 per person. At the same time, the U.S. is the most overweight country on Earth. Worldwide, 38 percent of men and 36.9 percent of women worldwide are either overweight or obese. In America, 71 percent of men and 62 percent of women fall into that category.

Meanwhile, the vast majority of Americans are up to their necks in debt. Over the past 50 years, we became addicted to credit cards. For some, debt is a simple way of life. In fact, if you have $10 and no debt, you are richer than 15 percent of all American households. But can Americans be forgiven for thinking debt doesn’t matter? Apparently. After all, it doesn’t matter to the U.S. government. Our current national debt stands at $30.5 trillion. While our government spends trillions to prop up financial markets and fund unnecessary projects, our crumbling infrastructure continues to threaten the lives of U.S. citizens all across the country. According to a 2019 estimate released by Fortune, a modest amount considering we pay almost $500 billion in interest on the national debt every year.

In America, the poor population experiences the most extreme disparities than elsewhere. In comparing poverty in the U.S. to the other 25 developed nations tracked by OECD, American poverty is both more prevalent and more severe. The United States is also the developed nation with the highest rate of homeless people. Advocates say that official numbers only show a fraction of the problem. On a given night, approximately 1.5 million people sleep on the streets in America. So if the United States is the wealthiest nation in the world, why are so many people homeless? The answer isn’t simple. But there’s a clear disparity between the wealthiest people and those at very the bottom of the economic food chain. We also have the largest prison population in the entire world. The country currently has more than 2.2 million people behind bars. That represents nearly 22 percent of the total global population of inmates.

Our society has been turned upside down, and our nation has become a giant circus. And though it can be entertaining to watch for a little while, it won’t be too long before the entire thing comes crashing down on top of all of us."
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"This Is The Worst Economy Ever, I Dare The FED To Reverse Course"

Jeremiah Babe, 6/29/22:
"This Is The Worst Economy Ever,
 I Dare The FED To Reverse Course"
Comments here:

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Children In Time"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "Children In Time"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"The beautiful Trifid Nebula is a cosmic study in contrasts. Also known as M20, it lies about "5,000 light-years away toward the nebula rich constellation Sagittarius. A star forming region in the plane of our galaxy, the Trifid does illustrate three different types of astronomical nebulae; red emission nebulae dominated by light from hydrogen atoms, blue reflection nebulae produced by dust reflecting starlight, and dark nebulae where dense dust clouds appear in silhouette. But the red emission region roughly separated into three parts by obscuring dust lanes is what lends the Trifid its popular name.
Pillars and jets sculpted by newborn stars, below and left of the emission nebula's center, appear in famous Hubble Space Telescope close-up images of the region. The Trifid Nebula is about 40 light-years across. Just too faint to be seen by the unaided eye, it almost covers the area of a full moon in planet Earth's sky."

Chet Raymo, “Telling Stories”

“Telling Stories”
by Chet Raymo

"When the pulse of the first day carried it to the rim of night, First Woman said to First Man, "The people need to know the laws. To help them we must write the laws for all to see"... And so she began, slowly, first one and then the next, placing her jewels across the dome of night, carefully designing her pattern so all could read it. But Coyote grew bored watching First Woman carefully arranging the stars in the sky: Impatiently he gathered two corners of First Woman's blanket, and before she could stop him he flung the remaining stars out into the night, spilling them in wild disarray, shattering First Woman's careful patterns."

This episode from the Navajo creation story of is from "How the Stars Fell Into the Sky", a children's book by Jerrie Oughton. It is a lovely story, full of ancient wisdom. For centuries, Navajo children heard the story at an elder's knee. The story was taken literally, or at least accepted with a willing suspension of disbelief. I heard a similar creation story in my youth - of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Serpent. I accepted the story with a willing suspension of disbelief.

All cultures, everywhere on Earth, have stories, passed down in scriptures, traditions or tribal myths, that answer the questions: Where did the world come from? What is our place in it? What is the source of order and disorder? What will be the fate of the world? Of ourselves? No people can live without a community story. The problem comes when the community story becomes so disconnected from empirical experience that it no longer commands a suspension of disbelief. For many of us in the West, that is the case with the creation stories that have undergirded Western civilization.

Today, a New Story exists for those who choose to accept it. It is the product of thousands of years of human curiosity, observation, experimentation, and creativity. It is an evolving story, not yet finished. Perhaps it will never be finished. It is a story that begins with an explosion from a seed of infinite energy. The seed expands and cools. Particles form, then atoms of hydrogen and helium. Stars and galaxies coalesce from swirling gas. Stars burn and explode, forging heavy elements - carbon, nitrogen, oxygen - and hurling them into space. New stars are born, with planets made of heavy elements.

On one planet near a typical star in a typical galaxy life appears in the form of microscopic self-replicating, carbon-based ensembles of atoms. Life evolves, over billions of years, resulting in ever more complex organisms. Continents move. Seas rise and fall. The atmosphere changes. Millions of species of life appear and become extinct. Others adapt, survive, and spill out progeny. At last, consciousness appears. One of the millions of species on the planet looks into the night sky and wonders what it means. Feels the spark of love, tenderness, responsibility. Makes up stories - of First Woman and Coyote, of Adam, Eve and the Serpent - eventually making up the New Story. The New Story places us squarely in a cosmic unfolding of space and time, and teaches our biological affinity to all humanity. We are inextricably related to all of life, to the planet itself, and even to the lives of stars.

It has been the task of many of us gathered here on this cyber porch to help wed the New Story to the spiritual quest, to create what Thomas Berry calls an "integral story." In his introduction to Kathleen Deignan's collection of Thomas Merton's nature writing, Berry writes: "Today, in the opening years of the twenty-first century, we find ourselves in a critical moment when the religious traditions need to awaken again to the natural world as the primary manifestation of the divine to human intelligence. The very nature and purpose of the human is to experience this intimate presence that comes to us through natural phenomena. Such is the purpose of having eyes and ears and feeling sensitivity, and all our other senses. We have no inner spiritual development without outer experience. Immediately, when we see or experience any natural phenomenon, when we see a flower, a butterfly, a tree, when we feel the evening breeze flow over us or wade in a stream of clear water, our natural response is immediate, intuitive, transforming, ecstatic. Everywhere we find ourselves invaded by the world of the sacred."

Berry reminds us that we will neither love nor save what we do not experience as sacred. The older creation stories locate the source of the sacred outside of the creation. The New Story, the scientific story of creation, provides unique opportunities to experience the creation itself as holy and good.

We should treasure the ancient stories for the wisdom and values they teach us. We can praise the creation in whatever poetic languages and rituals our traditional cultures have taught us. But only the New Story has the global authority to help us navigate the future. Of all the stories, it is certainly the truest. It is the only story whose feet have been held to the fire of exacting empirical experience.”

"Only One Question..."

"There's only one question that matters, and it's the one you never get around to asking. People are capable of varying degrees of truth. The majority spend their entire lives fabricating an elaborate skein of lies, immersing themselves in the faith of bad faith, doing whatever it takes to feel safe. The person who truly lives has precious few moments of safety, learns to thrive in any kind of storm. It's the truth you can stare down stone-cold that makes you what you are. Weak or strong. Live or die. Prove yourself. How much truth can you take?"
- Karen Marie Moning

"Peter Schiff Latest Interview On Economy, Money Printing, Taxes, Inflation And More"

Success Attraction, 6/29/22:
"Peter Schiff Latest Interview On Economy, 
Money Printing, Taxes, Inflation And More"

Gregory Mannarino, "Economy Freefalling Faster; JPM Warns; Central Banks Continue To Buy It All"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 6/29/22:
"Economy Freefalling Faster; 
JPM Warns; Central Banks Continue To Buy It All"
Comments here:

Greg Hunter, "700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028"

"700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028"
by Greg Hunter’s

"Dr. David Martin has a deep medical science and investment resume. Dr Martin also runs a company (M·CAM International) that finances cutting edge innovation worldwide. He is also one of the key people seeking justice in lawsuits suing medical companies and the federal government involved in delivering the so-called vaccines for CV19. In simple terms, according to Dr. Martin, the CV19 vaccines are “bioweapons.” Big Pharma and the government knew it and also knew it would cause massive deaths and permanent injuries. Dr. Martin says, “It’s going to get much worse. It is not a Corona virus vaccine. It is a spike protein instruction to make the human body produce a toxin. The fact of the matter is the injections are an act of bioweapons and bioterrorism. They are not a public health measure. The facts are very simple. This was premeditated. This was a campaign of domestic terror to get the public to accept the universal vaccine platform using a known biological weapon. That is their own words and not my interpretation.”

How many will die from the CV19 bioweapons? Dr. Martin says, “By their own estimate, they are looking for 700 million people globally, and that would put the U.S. participation in that of the injected population as 75 million to 100 million people. There are a lot of reasons why they hope it will be between now and 2028 because there is this tiny little glitch of the illiquidity of the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs. So, the fewer recipients of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the better. Not surprisingly, the recommendation was people over the age of 65 were the first ones to get injected.”

Dr. Martin thinks the catastrophic effects of the CV19 injections will hit the medical industry soon. Dr. Martin explains, “The dirty secret is there are a lot of pilots having micro vascular and clotting problems, and that keeps them out of the cockpit, which is a good place to not have them if they are going to throw a clot for a stroke or a heart attack. The problem is we are going to see that exact same phenomenon in the healthcare industry and at a much larger scale. So, we now have, along with the actual problem of people getting sick and people dying, we actually have that targeting the healthcare industry writ large. Which means we are going to have nurses and doctors who are going to be among the sick and dead. That also means the sick and the dying are also not going to get care.”

Dr. Martin and his group are suing everybody from President Biden along with the FDA, CDC, Pfizer, Moderna and many others over the deaths and injuries from the CV19 bioweapons fraudulently passed off as “vaccines.” The next big court case is July 6, 2022, in federal court in Utah. Dr. Martin contends “this is far worse” than the Nuremberg trials of Nazis after WWII and adds, “This is organized crime. They have hidden behind the immunity shield that absolves them of product liability by naming the delivery of a bioweapon a vaccination program. This is actually a criminal act. This is an act of domestic terror, and it is an anti-trust violation. This is racketeering. This is old school racketeering, and it is no different than the mob in the 1920’s. This is old school racketeering for personal gain and profit at the expense of human lives. You need to call it what it is, and it’s organized crime. I would say the Nazis were better than the people who are doing this. The real question is why did American citizens develop a weapon to kill Americans and get paid to do it? That is a morally outrageous question, and, unfortunately, almost no one is asking it.” There is much more in the 1-hour and 3-minute interview."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he interviews Dr. David Martin,
 the top expert in the ongoing and unfolding CV19 vax genocide and litigation.
After the Interview:
• You can follow the CV19 vax cases at
• If you would like to make a donation to fund the court cases against 
Big Pharma and the federal government over CV19 bioweapons, click here.
• You can follow Dr. Martin on or
A  Must-read Repost:

The Daily "Near You?"

Leesburg, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"We Must Begin..."

"We are fast moving into something, we are fast flung into something like asteroids cast into space by the death of a planet, we the people of earth are cast into space like burning asteroids and if we wish not to disintegrate into nothingness we must begin to now hold onto only the things that matter while letting go of all that doesn't. For when all of our dust and ice deteriorates into the cosmos we will be left only with ourselves and nothing else. So if you want to be there in the end, today is the day to start holding onto your children, holding onto your loved ones; onto those who share your soul. Harbor and anchor into your heart justice, truth, courage, bravery, belief, a firm vision, a steadfast and sound mind. Be the person of meaningful and valuable thoughts. Don't look to the left, don't look to the right; we simply don't have the time. Never be afraid of fear."
- C. JoyBell C.

"A Message From the Hopi Elders"

"A Message From the Hopi Elders"

"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.
Here are the things that must be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personal. Least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we have been waiting for!"

- Oraibi, Arizona, Hopi Nation

"You Are Not Alone"

"You Are Not Alone"
by Chris MacIntosh

"Many people need desperately to receive this message: I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone."
- Kurt Vonnegut

"To all my friends out there who know what’s really going on…To all my conspiracy theorist friends…Yes, sometimes it’s a curse and not always a blessing to be awake. Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey. If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone. No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the GRIEF.

Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a LIE. The beliefs you’ve held, people you’ve trusted, principles you were taught - ALL LIES. Shattering illusions is RARELY an enjoyable experience. There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth and the grieving process doesn’t stop there.

With these newfound realizations, you then find yourself grieving all over again. Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just don’t “get it”. Feeling alone; being ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses but for many of you, your very own family and friends too. Feeling like you no longer have much in common with the people you are surrounded by.

Struggling with carrying on bullsh*t, shallow conversations that lack substance with those who are still fast asleep. Even feeling disconnected from your entire support system because they can’t see what you see. Some even grieve the loss of their ignorance- because “ignorance is bliss” and reality is harsh. Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone.

There is no way to sugarcoat it - Awakening to the realities of this world is brutal. It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions. You have to master the art of diving down the darkest of rabbit holes only to come out and still function in daily life, and that’s a skill people don’t talk about enough. Some of you are struggling with feeling disconnected from family and friends, it’s as though they exist in another world.

Please know you are not alone, and not only are you not alone, you have an entire tribe standing with you. We may be separated by miles, but we are DEEPLY connected; in purpose and in spirit."
"When people tell you who they are, Maya Angelou famously advised, believe them. Just as important, however, when people try to tell you who you are, don’t believe them. You are the only custodian of your own integrity, and the assumptions made by those that misunderstand who you are and what you stand for reveal a great deal about them and absolutely nothing about you."
- Maria Popova


“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The sight of this arbitrary rearrangement of riches strikes not only at security, but at confidence in the equity of the existing distribution of wealth. Those to whom the system brings windfalls, beyond their deserts and even beyond their expectations or desires [the so-called wealthy "Elite" - CP], become 'profiteers,' who are the object of the hatred of the bourgeoisie [the nearly dead middle class - CP], whom the inflationism has impoverished, not less than of the proletariat [the always impoverished poor - CP].

As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors, which form the ultimate foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless; and the process of wealth-getting degenerates into a gamble and a lottery [Wall Street - CP].

Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”

"How It Really Is"


"Warren Buffett Wants His Entire $96 Billion Fortune Spent in 10 Years"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 6/29/22:
"Warren Buffett Wants His Entire 
$96 Billion Fortune Spent in 10 Years"
Comments here:

Bill Bonner, "Sex, Lies and Ticker Tapes"

"Sex, Lies and Ticker Tapes"
Two US presidents, the Queen's son 
and Bill Gates board the Lolita Express...
by Bill Bonner

Youghal, Ireland - "Poor Ghislaine Maxwell. The woman got a 20-year sentence yesterday, for ‘sex trafficking.’ The subject matter is far beyond the scope of our mission here at Bonner Private Research. But we aim to connect the dots and Ms. Maxwell’s trial is one of the most flagrant examples of NOT connecting dots that we’ve ever seen.

Nowhere in the mainstream press did we ever see a reporter, a lawyer, a judge – anyone – making any effort to get to the bottom of it. Where did Jeffrey Epstein get his money? Why was he flying Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Prince Andrew… and many others… back and forth, in his own private jet, to Florida, Europe or ‘Orgy Island,’ his getaway in the Virgin Islands? The plane was a huge Boeing 727. On it, Bill Clinton was a passenger 26 times, according to press reports. Donald Trump was on-board 7 times. What was Epstein up to? Why would he spend so much time and money befriending – and putting in compromising positions – America’s former and future presidents?

Ms. Maxwell’s father, the British press lord Robert Maxwell, was allegedly a spy for Israel. When he died, apparently falling from his yacht, the ‘Lady Ghislaine,’ he was given a lavish funeral in Jerusalem. Among the many ‘it’s a small world’ dots left unconnected was this gem: reciting the Kaddish at the funeral was none other than the stepfather of America’s current Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken.

Let’s see. Two US presidents. The son of the Queen of England. Bill Gates. The US Secretary of State. Nobody wants to connect those dots! The Epstein Affair was reported as a salacious sex scandal. End of story.

Dot… Dot… Dot… But there’s always more to the story. Only part of it is ‘fit to print.’ Any news item that interferes with the preferred narrative never makes it to prime time. A story that portrays the Russians as bad guys and the Ukrainians as noble heros, for example, is quickly slapped on the front page. It doesn’t even matter if it is true… or even plausible. But where are the stories about the puppies rescued by Russian troops… the Russian victories… the destroyed Ukrainian tanks? You won’t find them.

So too with a whole range of mainstream themes – climate change, diversity, white supremacy, disease control. News coverage must fit neatly into a tidy narrative. Reports that don’t fit in the box – or the elite don’t want you to hear – are silenced.

The trouble – in the financial world – is that markets won’t shut up. They keep bringing more dots to connect. And the dots can’t be ignored. Forbes: "Dow Plunges Nearly 500 Points, Recession Fears Resume As Consumer Confidence Hits New Low." "Stocks fell for a second day in a row on Tuesday as markets failed to build on last week’s strong rebound from 2022 lows, with investors once again selling off shares amid looming recession fears and new economic data showing that consumer confidence plunged to a 16-month low."

The Fed giveth. Mr. Market taketh away. Prices go up. Prices go down. And yesterday brought more signs that the first wave of ‘inflation’ is rolling over. CBSNews: "U.S. gas prices continue to decline as oil costs fall." "American motorists are getting a measure of relief at the gas pump, with the cost of filling up sliding for a second consecutive week as oil prices tumble. The national average on Tuesday stood at $4.88 for a gallon of regular, down nearly 9 cents from a week ago, according to AAA. Worries about the rising risk of a global recession has reduced demand for oil, with the price of crude falling to around $107 a barrel from $110 last week, the travel club noted in a news release on Monday."

And here’s Fox News: "During an interview on "Mornings with Maria," Tuesday, market expert Dominick Tavella said that the economy is ‘definitively' slowing down and that consumers are pulling back on spending. "We used to have 10 or 15 people bidding on houses,” said Tavella. “Now it's down to two or three people bidding on houses. So it's clearly starting to have an effect in the economy. The economy's definitively slowing down, whether it's the Fed or higher energy prices.”

USA Today adds: "Several companies, including Netflix, Microsoft and PayPal, rolled out layoffs and hiring freezes, anticipating a downturn in the economy."

And the Financial Times warns of a “pan-Atlantic recession: "Economists on both sides of the Atlantic told the Financial Times they had become increasingly pessimistic after the Federal Reserve’s jumbo rate rise to counter soaring inflation, and as concerns mounted over the security of European gas supplies this winter as Russia reduces exports. Holger Schmieding, chief economist at Berenberg Bank, said the balance had “tipped” in favour of an economic contraction next year in the US and Europe. “What used to be a rising risk has now turned into the base case."

We may never know what actually happened in the Epstein Affair. But the dots will come together in the financial world, whether we like it or not. Stay tuned."

"'Doomsday Document' Predicted Food Shortages Two Years Ago" (Excerpt)

"'Doomsday Document' Predicted Food
 Shortages Two Years Ago"
by Dr. Joseph Mercola

"It was called 'Reset the Table' and it's all about the upcoming food shortages, including how they plan to wipe out the meat industry in favor of fake foods. Are you prepared? Find out what you must do to survive against the upcoming onslaught.

Excerpt: "Story At-A-Glance:
• We’re told looming food shortages are primarily the result of climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Yet in July 2020, The Rockefeller Foundation had already predicted it, and was calling for a revamp of the food system as a whole to address it

• “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,” published by The Rockefeller Foundation July 28, 2020, describes how the COVID pandemic caused “a hunger and nutrition crisis” in the U.S. “unlike any this country has seen in generations”

• According to The Rockefeller Foundation, the pandemic revealed deep problems in the U.S. food system that need to be “reset.” “Reset the Table” was published just one month after the World Economic Forum (WEF) officially announced its plans for a “Great Reset,” and many of the contributors to the Foundation’s paper are WEF members

• While the report stresses the need for “healthy diets” and “sustainable” food production, the words “natural,” “organic” or “grass fed” are absent, so that’s not what they’re referring to

• The WEF has, for years, promoted the idea that insects should be recognized as a healthy, sustainable protein alternative that can save the environment and solve world hunger."
Please view this complete article here:
About Dr. Mercola:
Peak Prosperity, 6/28/22:
"The Great Reset is Coming for You"

"The Economy – At Seneca’s Cliff?"

"The Economy – At Seneca’s Cliff?"
by John Wilder

"I have written before about Ugo Bardi’s (Living Italian Economist) theory that he called Seneca’s Cliff. Seneca’s Cliff is a restatement of something Seneca (Dead Roman Dude) philosophized about. It was a simple idea: stuff gets built only slowly. But when it comes down? It comes down all at once, like falling off of a cliff, hence Bardi calling it Seneca’s Cliff.

A house is a good example of Seneca’s Cliff. A house is built over time – in most cases it takes several months to build one. But if there’s a fire, that same house can be burned to the ground in a manner of minutes. There are exceptions, of course: in a Mexican neighborhood in Canada, the house might be saved by a hose, eh.

So, that’s Seneca’s Cliff. I wrote about it myself back in the day, when I was trying to write a novel. It started, “The world had been a web . . .” This is a metaphor that has always stuck with me – the web of interconnections required to maintain society as we know it.

The world is a web. As I write this, I’m writing it on a laptop that was built halfway around the world, with components and materials sourced on nearly every continent. Dude, I got a Dell®, but the Dell™ came from everywhere.

When everything works, that’s great. People communicate with each other through price and supply and demand and produce things like computers and cars and wedding rings and beer and PEZ® and the burrito that Amber Heard ate before she left a “grumpy” in the bed. Unfortunately, we’ve been working at a world that’s based in efficiency, too. Efficiency is nice if you’re a company that’s trying to put together a lot of iPads® or Funko Pops©, but in reality efficiency sucks.

Why do you have two lungs? Two kidneys? Two bellybuttons? Because those are really, really important. I have a buddy who lost 90% of his lung capacity in one lung due to the flu back in ’92. Guess what? He conducts a full life like it never happened. He coached a wrestling team, and rides bicycles long distances.

When something is important, you don’t want an efficient system, you want an inefficient system. This is why the water department can make more water than it needs to. But our global systems, at the top level, are efficient. We don’t produce 10% extra oil. We don’t have that capacity. In spring and fall we generally have plenty of excess electricity generation, but tell me how summer looks? Lots of spare capacity?

No, not so much. Sure, there are substitutes for lots of things – we can have Wheaties® instead of Rice Krispies™. But in the end, we have to produce enough food to feed 7.96 billion people, and enough energy to grow the food and move it from place to place as well as make clothes and iPods© and pantyhose.

But this means that we’re in a world where there is simply less food because there is less energy, and also because war took out production of a significant amount. This was added to by the Biden sanctions on Russia. They are strange sanctions, indeed. So far their result is that it actually resulted in more cash going to Russia every month. Oh, higher prices on energy mainly to Europe and the United States. The shortages we’re seeing now in food, which will soon become much worse will have an even larger impact.

It has already created stress in the developed world. But in fragile places, like most of the Middle East and all of Africa, food prices will increase to the point where many of the poorer governments will simply cease to exist as the revolutions start. The last time this happened, mass migration into Europe was the result. It’s possible that this time, violence will be exported to Europe, as well.

These are the conclusions if things go well, based on where we are now. From everything I’ve seen, we’re not on the trajectory of things going well. The capital markets are slowly failing in the West. Why? All the spending from the decision to print all the cash to paper over the previous holes in the economy that were caused from all the cash printed to paper over the holes before that is a game we can’t play anymore. The holes are too big. The delicate web that keeps goods moving is stressed now, and strands are missing, putting a greater strain on the whole web. 

 It took hundreds of years to build up this economy. How fast will it fall down Seneca’s Cliff?"

Gregory Mannarino, "US Economy Contracts More Than Expected! Really? Duh!!!!!!! Wow"

Your guide...
Gregory Mannarino, AM 6/29/22:
"US Economy Contracts More Than Expected! 
Really? Duh!!!!!!! Wow"
Comments here:

"Massive Price Increases At Dollar General! This Is Crazy! What's Next?"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, AM 6/29/22:
"Massive Price Increases At Dollar General!
 This Is Crazy! What's Next?"
Comments here:

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

"California Passing Out Free Money Fueling More Inflation; Home Prices Drop As Homebuyers Disappear"

Jeremiah Babe, 6/28/22:
"California Passing Out Free Money Fueling More Inflation;
 Home Prices Drop As Homebuyers Disappear"
Comments here:

"When We Have Time..."

“How small a portion of our life it is that we really enjoy. In youth we are looking forward to things that are to come; in old age, we are looking backwards to things that are gone past; in manhood, although we appear indeed to be more occupied in things that are present, yet even that is too often absorbed in vague determinations to be vastly happy on some future day, when we have time.”
- Charles Caleb Colton, “Lacon”
“The problem is, you believe you have time.”
- Buddha

"Brace For A Sweeping Housing Bubble Burst As Rent And Home Prices Face Dramatic Crash"

Full screen recommended.
"Brace For A Sweeping Housing Bubble Burst 
As Rent And Home Prices Face Dramatic Crash"
by Epic Economist

"The U.S. housing bubble has finally burst, and real estate experts are warning that from ‘coast to coast,’ property values are set to face a sizable crash. Following the massive drop in home builder stocks last week, and lower-than-expected demand for mortgages in May, the housing market collapse is being aggravated by the dramatic surge in interest rates, which are fueling fears that a recession may be near. Affordability is only getting worse, and renters are suffering, too. This month, the median listed rent for a one-bedroom apartment rose above $2,000 for the first time ever. At this point, millions are already behind on their rent payments, and according to a new Bloomberg report, a tidal wave of evictions has begun.

In a backdrop of soaring mortgage rates, and rising treasury yields and borrowing costs, potential homebuyers are facing the most expensive housing prices on record. But as U.S. consumers grapple with higher prices for food, gas, and energy, roughly 19 million prospective buyers have been priced out of the market since January, according to a BlackKnight analysis of Fannie Mae data. And the softening demand has started to deflate the housing bubble much quicker than expected.

Housing starts in May dropped by 14.4% and given that mortgage rates are hovering around the 6% mark, it doesn’t seem likely that the demand will climb back up to where it was a year ago. As prices become too out of reach for many Americans, homes that would typically receive a couple of dozen offers last year aren’t getting a single offer anymore. Over the past two years, the median home price has jumped by 44%, now sitting above the $400,000 mark. In May, home prices surged for the 124th consecutive month, and when higher mortgage rates are added into that equation, the median pay for a median home has actually increased by a shocking 50%.

Rents are skyrocketing, too, causing overall housing affordability to collapse at its fastest rate on record and resulting in a lot of pain for financially drained renters. In the first three months of 2022, a period when the rental market typically cools, apartment occupancy actually hit an all-time high of an extraordinary 97.6%. Asking rents for new leases climbed 15.2% nationally, and far more than that in many places. And this month, the median listed rent for an available one-bedroom apartment rose above $2,000 a month for the first time in U.S. history.

These rent hikes are effectively serving as evictions by landlords who know very well that their tenants will likely have to move as a result, enabling them to rent out the newly vacant units to new tenants at significantly higher rates. According to a new Bloomberg report, more than eight million Americans are behind on rent payments and at risk of facing eviction in the next couple of months. The latest data shows that a tidal wave of evictions is underway. The Princeton University Eviction Lab shows that eviction filings have already surpassed pre-pandemic levels, shooting up by 80% in March and another 47% in May.

Meanwhile, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, Mark Zandi, is warning that the U.S. housing market is on the verge of a “coast to coast” price crash. In short, home price growth can't outrun income growth forever. And given that a smaller share of Americans can afford to buy a home in this environment, and sellers have already started to slash property prices, the 2021 housing boom has seemingly come full circle ending in a historic burst this year. A lot more volatility is coming for the U.S. housing market. This is just a hint of the devastating downturn that's approaching - the 2022 housing market crash has just begun!"
Comments here:

Canadian Prepper, "Insane! Russia WILL Use Tactical Nuclear Weapons"

Canadian Prepper, 6/28/22:
"Insane! Russia WILL Use Tactical Nuclear Weapons"
"Every indicator points towards a major escalation involving the use of low yield tactical nuclear weapons. When it happens there will be worldwide panic. NATO readies 300,000 troops, Russian Cruise missile stockpiles being depleted, Kyiv threatens Crimea, Lithuania hit with major cyberattack, Blockade of Russian outpost in Svalbard, Russia threatens WW3 over Crimean Threats, UK tells troops to prepare for War with Russia."
Comments here:

Gerald Celente, "Peace? How Dare You? US And NATO Want War!"

Gerald Celente, Trends Journal, 6/28/22:5
Very Strong Language Alert!
"Peace? How Dare You? US And NATO Want War!"
Comments here:

Musical Interlude: Tron Syversen, “Moonlight Reflections”

Full screen recommended.
Tron Syversen, “Moonlight Reflections”

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Grand design spiral galaxy Messier 99 looks majestic on a truly cosmic scale. This recently processed full galaxy portrait stretches over 70,000 light-years across M99. The sharp view is a combination of ultraviolet, visible, and infrared image data from the Hubble Space Telescope.
About 50 million light-years distant toward the well-groomed constellation Coma Bernices, the face-on spiral is a member of the nearby Virgo Galaxy Cluster. Also cataloged as NGC 4254, a close encounter with another Virgo cluster member has likely influenced the shape of its well-defined, blue spiral arms."
"Everything passes away - suffering, pain, blood, hunger, pestilence. The sword will pass away too, but the stars will still remain when the shadows of our presence and our deeds have vanished from the earth. There is no man who does not know that. Why, then, will we not turn our eyes towards the stars? Why?"
- Mikhail Bulgakov, "The White Guard"

The Poet: W. H. Auden, “The More Loving One”

“The More Loving One”

“Looking up at the stars, I know quite well
That, for all they care, I can go to hell,
But on earth indifference is the least
We have to dread from man or beast.
How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
If equal affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.
Admirer as I think I am
Of stars that do not give a damn,
I cannot, now I see them, say
I missed one terribly all day.
Were all stars to disappear or die,
I should learn to look at an empty sky
And feel its total dark sublime,
Though this might take me a little time.”

- W. H. Auden

"The Crisis Of Competence"

"The Crisis Of Competence"
by The Zman

"One of the subtexts to the current war in the Ukraine is the fact that the West has been wrong about every aspect of the conflict. None of the predictions about the actual fighting have been correct. Even the propaganda has been hilariously wrong, often making the West look foolish. The economic response, which was supposed to be a fatal blow to Russia, has gone horribly wrong. Europe now faces an unprecedented energy shortage this fall and winter.

The bulk of the blame lies at the feet of the neoconservatives running foreign policy for the Global American Empire. The same cast of characters who were horrifically wrong about Iraq and Afghanistan in the Bush years have managed to turn a regional issue into a global disaster. London and Brussels, along with the provincials occupying legacy positions in national government share blame as well. They enthusiastically went along with a war plan that had no chance to succeed.

The degree of wrongness is a thing of beauty, when you can look at it from a purely objective point of view. Rolling dice, flipping coins or pulling policy ideas out of a hat would have had a better result. One could be forgiven for thinking that maybe this series of errors is somehow deliberate. Maybe that ridiculous bald guy from the World Economic Forum really is a super villain. The masters of the universe are setting the West ablaze so they can build back better.

The question that should be pondered is why has everything gone so terribly long for the collective West? One reason is competence. The Global American Empire is led by a man who barely knows where he is most of the time. In his prime, Joe Biden was known as an affable moron. In his dotage, he is a confused and incompetent old man unable to perform his duties. His handlers give him stage instructions for basic things like where and when to sit.

Biden is the bit of the iceberg we see. There is a whole apparatus around him that was instrumental in getting him into office. The Washington political community thought a dementia patient was better than Trump. That says nothing about Trump and everything about the people who engineered Biden’s ascension. People forget that the Democratic Party had to rig its own primary to get Biden the nomination. They never stopped to think what this would mean after the election.

Of course, this degree of incompetence is made possible by a political culture that is defensive, isolated and insulated. They picked Biden because he was the safest option to get rid of Trump. Biden’s primary appeal to the political class was that he was a vegetable they could move around however they pleased. Biden and his family were simply happy to fill the role and play their part. He also provided the best chance of liberating the city from the scourge of Trump people.

That decision gets to the insularity of the political class, not just in Washington, but across the collective West. These are people without any understanding of the societies over which they rule. When you look at the resumes of these people, the common feature is no experience in the dreaded private sector. Politics has been their life since they were adults. In fact, we have reached a point where private sector experience raises suspicion in the political class.

These are people who simply have no idea how things work. They just take for granted that things work. Like the heirs of a family business, the political class has spent their life in a system without ever having to think about how it came into being. The system of power they command is a permanent feature of life. The only variable is who will have control of the institutions of power. That is politics, the game of verbal chess which picks the winners and losers in the system.

Therein lies the other cause of this unfolding disaster. The West is a collection of people who deal in words exclusively. They have never done anything, other than talk about making other people do things. Nancy Pelosi has been in Washington for eighty years and there is no single physical thing she can point to, other than her ten-thousand-dollar freezer, as a product of her political career. When she is dead, the next wave will wash away her footprints in the sand and she will be forgotten.

On the other side of this fight is a different system, one that is the result of people doing things and rising in the ranks as a consequence. Putin is a man who had to navigate a world where failure meant prison or death. When that world collapsed, he had to navigate a world of chaos. When he gained power, he then had to impose order, often taking on powerful oligarchs backed by Western interests. Putin and his ruling circle are a collection of men who do things, not just talk about things.

Six months ago, the West was prepared to give the Russians a good tongue lashing, cancel her from the internet and de-platform her from the financial system. On the other side, the Russians prepared to fight a war against a well-armed and prepared enemy in Ukraine and a well-armed and prepared West on the world stage. One side was ready for a battle of words while the other side was ready for a battle of actions. It turns out that words count for a lot less than actions.

All civilizations have periods of incompetence. The Russians suffered through the Gorbachev and Yeltsin periods. The difference for the West is that the system has been selecting for bourgeois obsequiousness for a long time. The reason Washington is run by fossils is the next in line is much worse than the geezers. Mitch McConnell knows something about running the party. Kevin McCarthy was selected because no one in power worried that he would be a challenge.

The crisis of the West is that it is now run by a managerial class that was selected for being the teacher’s pet, ticking the right box on a form and making sure to never utter a discouraging word around the boss. It is why presidents have been increasingly ridiculous since the Cold War. Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden are all mileposts in the decline of competence. Next up is Kamala Harris, an absurd manifestation of a system that selects against competence."

"The Joke..."

"The joke was thinking you were ever really in charge of your life. You pressed your oar down into the water to direct the canoe, but it was the current that shot you through the rapids. You just hung on and hoped not to hit a rock or a whirlpool."
- Scott Turow

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