Thursday, September 23, 2021

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 9/23/21"

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 9/23/21"

"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will
do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."
- John Maynard Keynes
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw

MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates

CNN Market Data:

CNN Fear And Greed Index:
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
September 22nd to 24th, Updated Daily
Financial Stress Index
"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: credit, equity valuation, funding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United States, other advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Daily Job Cuts
Commentary, highly recommended:
And now, the End Game...
Oh yeah...

"Before They Were An Inconvenience, But Now The Shortages Are Really Beginning To Sting"

"Before They Were An Inconvenience, 
But Now The Shortages Are Really Beginning To Sting"
by Michael Snyder

"Have you noticed that store shelves are starting to get emptier and emptier? During the panic shopping that was sparked by the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020, there were very intense shortages of certain items, but those shortages did not last very long at all. But now there are widespread shortages in just about every sector of our economy, and they are starting to become quite painful. Unfortunately, we are being told to expect the shortages to intensify as we head into the holiday season. That is extremely alarming, because in many areas the shortages are already quite severe.

I had been away from the news for a couple of days, and when I came back there were lots more stories about our ongoing shortages. For example, the following comes from an excellent piece by Matt Stoller…"There are shortages in everything from ocean shipping containers to chlorine tablets to railroad capacity to black pipe (the piping that houses wires inside buildings) to spicy chicken breasts to specialized plastic bags necessary for making vaccines. Moreover, prices for all sorts of items, from housing to food, are changing in weird ways. Beef, for instance, is at near record highs for consumers, but cattle ranchers are getting paid much less than they used to for their cows."

In my entire life, I have never seen anything like this. Even the Federal Reserve is admitting that we have a major problem at this point. In fact, in the latest Beige Book the Fed referred to the shortages a whopping 80 times.

In certain parts of the country, these shortages are really beginning to sting. A reader just emailed me about what is going on in his section of Connecticut, and he said that I could share this with all of you…"I am just a regular guy in Connecticut, who has been watching things very closely, especially from a Biblical perspective. I wanted to quickly share with you an experience my wife and I had about two weeks ago at a medium-size, family run grocery store near Waterbury, CT.

Seemingly overnight, we noticed there were little yellow signs on the shelves, where certain SKUs used to be. Not entire lines, but individual SKUs. For example, a flavor of oatmeal, certain cereals, etc. The signs said something to the effect of: “This item is no longer available due to supply chain constraints”. I would say there were a few hundred signs in total throughout the store. It wasn’t until we got to the juice/water aisle that we noticed the larger problem: there was no Gatorade (?) and no bottled water (gallon jugs).

I have befriended the manager over the years, so I asked him where the water is, and he told me “…they only will give us so many bottles”. I asked who ‘they’ is, and he said the manufacturer: they were being rationed. As he said this, a truck driver happened to walk by and joined in on the conversation. He told us that he just got back from Maine, after a three-day trip- a trip that normally takes him a few hours. He said he, and all of the other truck drivers, sit at the warehouses for days, waiting for their trucks to be filled. To be clear, I asked him how long it normally takes, and he said a few hours at the most.

On our way out, I remembered that we needed dog food, so we went to the pet aisle, and there was no cat litter, and no dog food, save a few little bags of the cheapest stuff. All of the things Steve Quayle has been saying about food and water shortages suddenly became reality. I always believed him, but now I was seeing it, at the very local level. We then decided to go to PetSmart to get the dog food. Empty. The entire dog food shelf was empty except for a few bags!"

Are similar things happening in your part of the country? If so, please feel free to email me and let me know. We need to share intel with one another, because the mainstream media is not telling us the truth.

Of course the shortages would not be as severe if we could actually unload all of the container ships that are backlogged at our ports. Right now, dozens of container ships are sitting along the west coast waiting to be unloaded…"The number of container ships at anchor or drifting in San Pedro Bay off the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach has blown through all previous records.

The latest peak: There were an all-time-high 73 container ships in the queue in San Pedro Bay on Sunday, according to the Marine Exchange of Southern California (the tally inched back to 69 on Tuesday). Of the ships offshore Sunday, 36 were forced to drift because anchorages were full."

Theoretically, the numbers - already surreally high - could go even higher than this. While designated anchorages are limited, the space for ships to safely drift offshore is not. This is the same problem that I talked about the other day.

At one time we had more able-bodied workers than we knew what to do with, but now there is an extreme shortage of workers all over the globe. Sadly, it has gotten to a point where we don’t even have enough people to drive our kids to school…"School districts around the country are struggling to fill thousands of bus driver positions as worker shortages lead to late arrivals and last-minute scrambles to bring retired workers back onto payrolls.

The shortages are so bad in some places that districts are taking extraordinary steps to get kids to school as students return to in-person classes this fall. Philadelphia’s school district will pay families $300 a month, or $3,000 for the year, to opt out of transportation services and get their kids to school on their own. Albemarle County Public Schools in Virginia is offering a $2,500 bonus to new drivers - $100 more than the school district in the county seat, Charlottesville, is offering."

This is the worst labor shortage that the U.S. has ever faced, and it just keeps getting worse. So where did all the people go? Without enough able-bodied workers, our economy is experiencing a whole host of difficulties right now. And when you consider everything else that has been going on, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Joe Biden’s approval rating just sunk to a new record low…"Eight months after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, his job approval rating has fallen six percentage points to 43%, the lowest of his presidency. For the first time, a majority, 53%, now disapproves of Biden’s performance.

These findings are from a Sept. 1-17 Gallup poll that was conducted after the U.S. military evacuated more than 120,000 people from Afghanistan. The United States’ exit from the nation’s longest war was marred by the Taliban’s quick takeover of most of the country and a suicide bombing at the airport in Kabul, which killed 13 U.S. service members. Over the same period, COVID-19 infection rates, nationally, were surging, leading to hospital overflows in some regions."

And there are some parts of the nation where his approval rating is absolutely disastrous. Just check out the latest numbers from Iowa…"Just 31% of Iowans approved of how Joe Biden is handling his duties as president while a whopping 62% disapprove. Biden’s disapproval number is below the lowest ever measured by ace pollster J. Ann Selzer for former presidents Donald Trump (35%) and Barack Obama (36%). “This is a bad poll for Joe Biden, and it’s playing out in everything that he touches right now,” Selzer told the Des Moines Register."

Less than a year ago, a lot of Americans were viewing Biden as some sort of a “savior” figure. That didn’t exactly work out, did it? Many of us have been warning that shortages and high levels of inflation were coming for a very long time, but of course most of the population is not interested in such warnings. They just want to be told that everything is going to be okay. But the truth is that everything is not going to be okay, and the pain that we have experienced so far is just the beginning."
Highly Recommended:

"In Retrospect..."

“In retrospect, the spark might seem as ominous as a financial crash, as ordinary as a national election, or as trivial as a Tea Party. The catalyst will unfold according to a basic Crisis dynamic that underlies all of these scenarios: An initial spark will trigger a chain reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies. The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. If foreign societies are also entering a Fourth Turning, this could accelerate the chain reaction. At home and abroad, these events will reflect the tearing of the civic fabric at points of extreme vulnerability – problem areas where America will have neglected, denied, or delayed needed action.” 
– "The Fourth Turning", Strauss & Howe

"The FED Cannot Stop Inflation Or The Coming Depression; Crisis Ignored As The Stock Market Roars Back"

Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/22/21:
"The FED Cannot Stop Inflation Or The Coming Depression; 
Crisis Ignored As The Stock Market Roars Back"

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Eyes of Heaven”

Full screen mode recommended.
Medwyn Goodall, “Eyes of Heaven”

"A Look to the Heavens"

“To some, the outline of the open cluster of stars M6 resembles a butterfly. M6, also known as NGC 6405, spans about 20 light-years and lies about 2,000 light years distant. M6 can best be seen in a dark sky with binoculars towards the constellation of Scorpius, coving about as much of the sky as the full moon. 

Like other open clusters, M6 is composed predominantly of young blue stars, although the brightest star is nearly orange. M6 is estimated to be about 100 million years old. Determining the distance to clusters like M6 helps astronomers calibrate the distance scale of the universe.”

Edward Abbey, "Benedicto"

“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. May your rivers flow without end, meandering through pastoral valleys tinkling with bells, past temples and castles and poets' towers into a dark primeval forest where tigers belch and monkeys howl, through miasmal and mysterious swamps and down into a desert of red rock, blue mesas, domes and pinnacles and grottos of endless stone, and down again into a deep vast ancient unknown chasm where bars of sunlight blaze on profiled cliffs, where deer walk across the white sand beaches, where storms come and go as lightning clangs upon the high crags, where something strange and more beautiful and more full of wonder than your deepest dreams waits for you - beyond that next turning of the canyon walls.”
- Edward Abbey

"Shipping Crisis Gets Crazy – 65 Container Ships Get Stuck At California Ports And Shortages Soar"

Full screen recommended.
"Shipping Crisis Gets Crazy – 65 Container 
Ships Get Stuck At California Ports And Shortages Soar"
by Epic Economist

"Supply chains are still in total chaos all across the U.S., and now American consumers are being warned about coming shortages ahead of the busy holiday season. Several business owners, big retailers, and even the Vice-President of the United States have been alerting that store shelves may soon be empty as the global shipping crisis aggravates. They have been asking people to prepare for further supply chain disruptions and start placing their Christmas orders as soon as possible if they want to get them in time.

In short, we're about to witness another turbulent shopping season as the supply chain crisis rapidly spirals out of control. A wide range of factors, including a shortage of shipping containers, record-high consumer demand, port congestion, and soaring freight costs have all conspired against global supply chains and businesses that have been waiting for their orders to arrive for months. There's a record-breaking number of cargo ships currently stuck at California ports. About a month ago, 44 ships were stuck outside the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, and up until that point, that had been the highest number of ships waiting to unload on California docks. But things have escalated VERY quickly. And now 65 ships are queueing outside the two biggest ports in America, a signal of how severe port congestion has become across the U.S. ports.

Now that consumers are aware of the imminent shortages and retailers and manufacturers have been rushing to place orders to restock their inventories before the holiday season, the global shipping system is struggling to keep up. The LA and Long Beach ports are the main seaborne gateway to the country, especially for imports coming from China. Over the weekend, a record 73 ships were waiting for a berth - nearly twice as many as at the same time in August. Many cargo ships have been diverted to other ports because of the unprecedented backlog. However, the situation has only gotten worse since most nearby ports don't have enough capacity to deal with the volume of trade, which is preventing thousands of containers from being unloaded.

According to a recent Sea-Intelligence research, several industries across the country are actually dangerously low on inventory. And one of the main determinants exacerbating supply chain woes is the very real shortage of truck drivers, who collect goods from those warehouses to deliver to the stores and the consumers. In essence, shipping companies are aware ports cannot handle the immense cargo volume sent every day. But they have been inciting shippers to order far more than they need to restock their inventories. That, in turn, elevates the demand for cargo shipping, and of course, pushes the profit margins of those shipping companies to sky-highs as shipping costs go through the roof.

However, skyrocketing shipping and freight prices are preventing small-and-medium-sized businesses to actually restock their shelves and offer their products. As the holiday season approaches, the US Toy Association, which represents 950 toy firms with a US presence, has warned about looming shortages, given that their products have been sent to the end of the shipping priority list. While large companies have decades-long relationships with shipping companies, smaller businesses cannot afford to pay a premium for in-time deliveries. If you ever tried to cook a complex dish and realized in the middle of the process that an essential ingredient was missing then you can understand what manufacturers are wrestling with for the past year and a half. Many are being forced to shut down operations as they wait for key parts to arrive.

Sadly, this crisis is far from over. Industry specialists are warning that prices of several supplies will rise exponentially because of port logjams, and the situation is getting so dire that it is expected to last until 2023.According to Jackson Meyer, the chief executive of freight forwarding firm Verus Global, as retailers run to stock up on best-selling items, supply snags, transportation chaos, and inflated prices are about to take this crisis to a whole new level.

To make things even worse, the U.S. overall retail supply level has remained at record lows for four months in a row. And now that stores shelves are being wiped out at record speed, those who are planning to buy certain Christmas presents have probably already missed their chance to get them under the tree. According to Mr. Meyer, "it's probably too late by now, particularly for items such as furniture, beds, TVs, or anything that has to be imported." At this point, we can only hope that a repeat of last year's panic-buying frenzy doesn't occur during the holiday season. But it is safe to say that much more chaos will arise as shortages intensify."

"Our Economy is a House of Cards That is About to Collapse"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, PM 9/22/21:
"Our Economy is a House of Cards That is About to Collapse"
"You can only kick the can down the road for so long. Our Economy is a precarious House of Cards. It is about to be flattened and we are going to be left to pay for everything. Today I'm at Rock Pile Beach in Laguna Beach, CA."

Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/22/21: "Fed. Taper? HOW ABOUT NO... It's Just A "Coincidence" That Fed. Officials Are Insider Trading"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/22/21:
"Fed. Taper? HOW ABOUT NO... It's Just A 
"Coincidence" That Fed. Officials Are Insider Trading"

The Daily "Near You?"

Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Thanks for stopping by!

"America’s Evergrande Economy"

"America’s Evergrande Economy"
By Bill Bonner

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – "Evergrande it ain’t. What we are wondering today is what’s ahead for the U.S. economy – inflation or deflation? Maybe the Evergrande story will give us a clue. To fully understand the Evergrande story, you almost have to understand the whole story…of how, in 1971, the U.S. switched to a “flexible” dollar that it could print at will…and how the switch created a boom in China… and a bust in U.S. manufacturing (it’s easier to “print” money than to make refrigerators). In an honest economy, pre-1971, the U.S. had to repatriate its dollars by offering equivalent quantities of goods and services to the Chinese…or risk having to settle up in gold.

Concrete River: But with the new system… it could just print up more dollars… which the Chinese, bless their hearts, used to buy U.S. bonds…All this money created a boom in China… which quickly got out its cement trucks. The concrete flowed like the Yangtze. We saw the construction boom on our trip to China in 2014 – a breathtaking display of human industry and material progress. The highways were new. The buildings were new. The trains… docks… factories – all new. You could scarcely find a house more than 18 months old.

Never in the history of the world had so many people gone from being so poor to so rich in so short a time. Per capita income rose from $318 in 1990 to $10,500 in 2020. And never in history had so much money been borrowed to make it happen. From $1.7 trillion of total debt in 2000, China now owes nearly $50 trillion. Its debt-to-GDP ratio now stands at 335%.

More Evergrandes: China’s economy grew by leaps and bounds. People were working harder than ever… and earning more and more money. Surely, they would want to buy places to rest their weary heads?

Property developer Evergrande saw the demand coming, and borrowed heavily to meet it. In this regard, it was particularly resourceful. Bloomberg’s Matt Levine reports: "Evergrande owes money to Chinese banks. It owes money to foreign hedge funds, and foreign investors own its stock. It owes money to suppliers, and to Chinese retail investors in those wealth management products. And it owes apartments to buyers. And the retail investors who bought Evergrande wealth management products were often also Evergrande homeowners, because the products were sold at Evergrande buildings".

Yes, the company advertised its own debt to its employees and customers, as suitable for “conservative investors seeking steady returns” – promising 11% per year. And now, it owes some $300 billion… with no way to pay it. The Financial Times reports on the fallout: "China’s property slowdown sends chill through the economy." And so we wonder: What other Evergrandes are waiting to be discovered? What other excesses are waiting to be reckoned with?

Senseless Debt: The whole debt-drenched U.S. economy, perhaps? U.S. government debt has gone from under $1 trillion in 1980 to over $28 trillion today, a 28 times increase. That would have been fine if the economy had kept up. But it didn’t. U.S. GDP in 1980 was $2.8 trillion. Now, it is almost $23 trillion, an eight times increase.

As Evergrande has discovered, debt only makes sense when the rate of return on the investment is greater than the cost of the debt. That’s hard enough to do for a private company, with a keen sense of business… and owners with skin in the game. For the U.S. government, it’s been impossible. As we showed earlier this month, all of its major investments over the last 50 years have been losers.

Nowhere to Fall: But there’s a big difference between the debt bubble in the U.S. and the debt bubble in China. Evergrande built houses. And malls. And commercial buildings. And now that the supply for these things is greater than the demand, prices will fall.

What did America produce? What prices will fall in the U.S.? Factories? Nope. U.S. manufacturing has been in a decline the entire 40-year period. Housing? Nope again. In the 1950s, America built 21 million new houses. But in the decade from 2010 to 2019, fewer than 6 million were built. Autos? Nah, the U.S. produced around 9 million vehicles last year… almost no increase from the figure 10 years ago.

Meme Wealth: What has the U.S. produced in abundance? Speculative investments! Techs. Cryptos. Meme stocks. Stonks. NFTs . High-yield bonds with negative real yields. During that same 40-year period, in which real output rose eight times, the Dow rose 33 times. The Nasdaq line was so close to the zero line in 1980, you couldn’t squeeze a greased penny between them. Now, it is nearly 15,000.

In 1980, household wealth (stocks, bonds, real estate) measured about 350% of GDP. Today, the ratio is over 600%. And, of course, in the Evergrande scheme of things, the excess was financed by debt. Total U.S. debt (including households, government and business debt) stood at 1.65 times GDP in 1980. Now, it is 3.78 times as great. There, then, is the excess. And there is the bubble that is about to burst. Tomorrow, we will look at what happens next."


“When the world goes mad, one must accept madness as sanity; 
since sanity is, in the last analysis, nothing but the
 madness on which the whole world happens to agree.”
- George Bernard Shaw

Greg Hunter, "Without Trust Markets Will Tank – John Rubino"

"Without Trust Markets Will Tank – John Rubino"
By Greg Hunter’s

"It looks like we are on track for yet another global financial meltdown. This time it is coming out of China in the form of a failed property development company called Evergrande. It’s five times bigger than Lehman Brothers, whose failure cratered the global economy in 2008. Will central banks, including the Fed, just let it all fail or will they print massive amounts of money trying to stop the fall? If history is a guide, we should get ready for the most money creation ever. In May, financial writer John Rubino said, “This is beyond the ability of any individual to fix. We can’t save the system.” We sure can print a lot of money to try though.

Massive global money printing is what is coming, and it will come with huge consequences for all fiat currencies. Rubino explains, “Stocks are tanking, cryptos are tanking, currencies of the world are getting volatile, politics are volatile and gold is going up while all this is happening, which it is supposed to do. Gold is supposed to be the safe haven where you hide out when nothing else seems trustworthy. That hasn’t been the case in prior bear markets. When stocks tanked, they pulled down gold and silver. It’s a good sign when markets start to behave rationally again. When high risk assets don’t seem worth it anymore, capital flows into real assets that hold their value no matter what the government is doing to the currency. That’s the way it’s supposed to work, and that is the way it is working. 

Trust is probably the key word in this whole discussion. Fiat only exists because we trust the people who are managing them to maintain their value. You take the trust away and there is nothing there. A fiat currency is not a real thing. It doesn’t actually exist other than little pieces of paper that have no intrinsic value or computer code, which also has no intrinsic value. So, you take away the trust that we had in the Fed, Treasury, Congress and the President to do the right thing, and be honest, when it comes to the financial markets, you take that away and there really isn’t anything there. Nobody would want to hold a currency managed by people they can’t trust. Pay attention to that because the less we trust the guys in charge, the less we trust the currency. The less we trust the currency, the less we trust the financial markets and the less valuable these financial assets are. So, it all ties together, and it all depends on that one word—Trust.”

What’s Rubino’s biggest fear? Rubino warns, “My biggest fear is that we screw up our finances, we screw up geopolitics, and we get into a big war because we are close to that now. The U.S., Russia and China are bumping up against each other, and we are like scorpions in a bottle on this little planet with all these high tech weapons. My biggest fear is we take it well beyond the world of finance to no holds barred military action. There’s no way to predict anything when you start doing something like that. The worst case scenario is too horrible to even think about.”

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with John Rubio, 
founder of the popular website

"Conquered by a Fake Pandemic, We Can Kiss America Good-bye"

"Conquered by a Fake Pandemic,
 We Can Kiss America Good-bye"
by Paul Craig Roberts

"How obvious does it have to be before even insouciant Americans realize that there is something seriously wrong about the Covid vaccination program? One would think we are already past that point even for the mentally-challenged. Consider the many things we now know that make it clear that the vaccination program is a horrendous mistake.

We know that the vaccine does not protect. Dr. Fauci himself, a leading proponent of the vaccination program and Chief Shill for Big Pharma, admits this. This is why he says the double-vaccinated should wear masks and should have booster shots. If the vaccine protects a person from Covid, why do vaccinated people need to wear masks and have more vaccine shots? In Israel the Health Minister is already advocating a second booster shot which makes four jabs of the Pfizer “vaccine,” and the alleged “pandemic” is 3 months short of being 2 years old. Pfizer itself now admits that its vaccine looses its effectiveness over time. According to Fauci it is only good for 8 months, and you can expect to see that period grow smaller.

From the under-reported databases in the US, UK, and EU of adverse vaccine reactions to the mRNA “vaccines,” we know that there have been tens of thousands of deaths and millions of injuries associated with the vaccine. The databases are official data, and medical personnel are fully aware that hospitals and doctors seldom, if ever, report adverse reactions to the Covid Vaccine, instead attributing the deaths and illnesses from the “vaccine” to Covid itself. It is only some individuals who report the adverse reactions. This is why experts have concluded that only between 1% and 10% of adverse vaccine reactions are reported. For some age groups—especially children and the young— the mRNA “vaccine” has proven to be more dangerous than Covid.

We also know that distinguished scientists and medical practitioners have concluded that the mRNA “vaccine” interacts with the Covid virus in a way that enables it to escape the immune response. The consequence is new variants.

We also know from the official statistics of highly vaccinated places, such as Israel (84%), Iceland (95)%, and Gibraltar (99%), that the mRNA “vaccine” makes the vaccinated more likely to catch Covid and become seriously ill than the unvaccinated. The hospitals in these places are full of vaccinated patients. Yet we continue to hear the propaganda broadcast of the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” And evidence is mounting that the vaccinated can infect the unvaccinated.

On this website I have reported more than once these conclusions and provided links to the evidence. This powerful evidence from top-ranking scientists is kept out of the presstitute media. The CDC, NIH, FDA, AMA, WHO, hospital administrators and executives of large health care organizations, university and public school administrators, Democrat politicians, and employers all pretend not to know about the evidence that indicts the vaccination program and would easily convict the program of intentional murder if the case could be brought to court.

Instead hospitals are losing large chunks of their medical staffs who resign or are fired for refusing the vaccine. These are the nurses who have seen what the vaccine does to patients. Being up-close-informed, they prefer unemployment to vaccination. That should tell the hospital administrators and the dumbshit public something, but it doesn’t. The media shoos away the protesting nurses as people who won’t do their duty to protect their patients and the public by getting vaccinated. Liberals especially get on their high horse about “refractory nurses” who refuse to protect their patients.

The scientists and medical practitioners who are raising alarms are so well-known that it is impossible that the CDC, FDA, NIH, AMA, and hospital and university administrators do not know of them. Not content to ignore the evidence, they intentionally lie to us. They lie that children are so in danger of Covid that they need to be forcefully vaccinated. They lie that unvaccinated people and people who have recovered from Covid and have natural immunity are dangerous to everyone else and must be excluded from school, work, restaurants, sports events, concerts, public transportation, travel to other countries, all to be enforced by Covid Passports. The passport itself is a lunatic idea considering the 8 months protection Dr. Fauci assigns to the “vaccine.” A passport that has to be renewed every 8 months is a bureaucratic nightmare.

They lie that children are so in danger that they must wear masks in school even though it is a known fact that the masks they wear are totally ineffectual in preventing transmission of the virus. The only mask that is effectual is the N95, and it is impossible for anyone, much less a school child, to wear a N95 mask all day. In some parts of the US laws have been passed that subject school teachers and administrators to prison sentences for not enforcing the mask mandate for school children. These draconian laws might also apply to parents who allow a child to go to school without a mask. 

In other words, total counterfactual insanity is the American Covid Policy. No one can respect public institutions that are so totally irresponsible that they ignore facts and base health policies on lies. In the United States “responsible public health agency” is an oxymoron.

From day one the Covid “pandemic” was totally orchestrated. China, faced with an outbreak of an unknown virus of unknown mortality and no known cure, resorted to draconian measures and locked down entire cities and areas. Scare stories proliferated and the presstitutes in the US ratcheted up the fear index. Dire predictions were made based on very few cases outside China. “Public health agencies” went to work to make the predictions come true. They achieved this with the PCR test which they intentionally ran at such high cycles that it produced 97% false positives. This is how the scary number of cases was orchestrated that struck fear into the population.

We were all going to die. This fear enabled the highly destructive lockdowns and mask requirements that accustomed people to the view that civil liberty was expendable in a time of “health crisis.” Most of the people who did die were people with co-morbidities. Some of them died from their co-morbidities; others died because they were not treated.

Even today 19 months later, hospitals still withhold effective treatment from Covid patients. There have been effective treatments available the entire time, but to acknowledge the fact would have foreclosed the mRNA “vaccine.” Normally it takes many years to get a vaccine approved. It has to go through many tests and steps. The mRNA “vaccines” were rushed into use under the provision for emergency use authorization. That authorization requires that there are no known cures.

Thus CDC, NIH, FDA, and WHO, allied as they are with Big Pharma, refused to acknowledge two safe and long-used drugs that are so safe that they are available for over-the-counter purchase in most countries - HCQ and Ivermectin - which are both Covid cures and Covid prevention. The Tokyo Medical Association has authorized all Japanese doctors to use Ivermectin as a Covid cure. In India Ivermectin was used in most provinces to stop Covid in its tracks. In African countries impacted by malaria HCQ is taken weekly as a preventative, and Covid cases are few. In African countries where River Blindness is a problem, Ivermectin is taken weekly or bi-weekly, and there are few Covid cases. This information has been withheld from the American and Western publics by the presstitue media. Both cures have been demonized by the American medical establishment and the scum presstitutes. Even today hospitals refuse to treat dying patients with these sure-fire cures. Moreover, either taken weekly would provide a hundred times more protection from Covid than the dangerous and ineffective mRNA “vaccines” and cost a small fraction of the amount spent on the Pfizer and other “vaccines.”

Clearly without any doubt one agenda served by the orchestrated “pandemic” and controlled narrative is the profits of Big Pharma, especially Pfizer.

Clearly without any doubt another agenda served by the orchestrated “pandemic” is authoritarian control over populations in democratic countries. Today Western peoples have lost the right to hold government accountable and instead are held accountable by government for not being vaccinated and wearing masks. The civil liberties achieved over centuries of struggle have been lost to an orchestrated pandemic.

The profit agenda and the control agenda are completely obvious. The question before us is: Is there a darker agenda? Are the conspiracy theories real? When you consider the intentional orchestration of a fearful pandemic, the intentional withholding of cures, the intentional vaccination with a substance that does not protect but does produce serious side effects and release new variants, it is reasonable to suspect that something is afoot beyond profit and control.

Bill Gates whose extraordinary fortune allows him entry anywhere has been going on for years about population control. It is highly suspected by top-ranked scientists that the spike protein in the mRNA “vaccine” accumulates in the ovaries and results in infertility. We now have several thousand cases of pregnant women losing babies to the “vaccine.”

We have the Nazi Klaus Schwab, creator and director of the World Economic Forum and author of The Great Reset who has been organizing, cultivating, and indoctrinating Western elites for decades that the New World Order should consist of elite rule, not democracy and constitutions that protect individuals. I was once invited to a Davos meeting, but they saw that they could not recruit me, and I have never been invited back.

Think how easily civil liberty, one of mankind’s greatest achievements, can be erased by creating a prestigious forum to which only the elite and their obedient intellectual servants are invited where they are told that they are the natural rulers and all they need in order to take power is a world crisis, or at least a Western crisis.

As a person who for my readers’ sake watches all I can closely, I can say that the glory of the Western world, the idea that merit, not birth, or any other accidental quality such as skin color or gender, is the basis of success is a dead idea. Today in the US, and as far as I can see throughout the Western world, merit is considered a white racist concept that justifies “white supremacy.” In the US, and I suspect everywhere in the Western world, merit systems have and are being replaced by other criteria for success, such as non-white skin color, non-straight sexual preference, new invented genders.

The United States of America now has a presidency that was stolen. It has an administration chosen on the basis of anti-white racial, anti-heterosexual sexual, and anti-male/female gender preferences. The Biden Regime is a government that in my grandparents day would have caused Americans to march on Washington, burn the city down, and kill everyone in it.

In America today the only few leaders are at the state level, and the illegitimate Biden regime has them in its sights. Republican Governor DeSantis of Florida was the first to rebel at the hospitals’ murder of Covid patients. DeSantis established clinics all over Florida to give patients monoclonal antibodies. DeSantis’ sensible approach spread to Texas and Alabama.

The Republican governors’ reward for saving lives was to have their supply of monoclonal antibodies cut 50% by the illegitimate, criminal, murderous Biden Regime. The Democrat regime cut the allocation of the cure to Republican governors. The utterly corrupt Biden regime justified the cut to Florida on Florida’s lack of a vaccination mandate. The White House claims that Florida is using too much of “limited supplies” of monoclonal antibodies because it doesn’t have a vaccine mandate. 

Why is the cure limited but not the ineffectual and dangerous “vaccine?” Governor DeSantis has appealed to GlaxoSmithKline to sell the state the Covid cure so that Florida can prevent the dangerous vaccine from destroying the Florida population and terminating civil liberty in Florida, which seems to be the intent of the corrupt and illegitimate Biden regime. 

The monoclonal antibodies were used to treat President Trump and cannot be prohibited by hospital protocols. DeSantis can give the OK to Ivermectin and HCQ but apparently has yet to find a way to impose this successful, safe treatment on hospitals which operate according to Big Pharma’s protocol which is backed up by CDC, NIH, and FDA.

DeSantis is also under attack for not permitting in Florida the mask mandates that are mandatory in Democrat states that have gone totally totalitarian. For now a Federal Court has ruled in DeSantis’ favor. But the Democrats who brought the case against Florida’s ban against mask mandates are hoping Biden will overrule Florida’s laws with a Federal edict or contrived court case. In other words, the Biden regime is determined and will use every power it can find or invent in order to prevent governors from protecting their state populations from Covid, from the dangerous mRNA vaccine, and from the tyranny of authoritarianism.

How much more proof do you need to comprehend that the Biden regime intends to destroy our health and our freedom? Are Americans capable of understanding the situation they are in? At least in Australia, Europe, and England they are in the streets protesting. In America the dumbsh*t sheeple are lining up for the Death Shot."
Related, must read!

Musical Interlude: Genesis, "Land of Confusion"

Genesis, "Land of Confusion"

"How It Really Is"


Must Watch! “Banks Could Seize Your Money Today; Major Entities Holding Evergrande Debt; FED Must Keep Buying”

Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/21/21:
“Banks Could Seize Your Money Today; Major Entities 
Holding Evergrande Debt; FED Must Keep Buying”

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

"Chaos And Panic At Chinese Stocks As Markets Finally Freak Out About Evergrande Default Contagion"

Full screen recommended.
"Chaos And Panic At Chinese Stocks As Markets 
Finally Freak Out About Evergrande Default Contagion"
by Epic Economist

"It has begun: The greatest financial meltdown in history is now underway. The collapse of one of China's biggest property developers, Evergrande, has triggered a stock market crash in Hong Kong and it is still threatening to spark a major default crisis that can derail the Chinese economy and spill over global markets, creating a cascade of systemic failures that will result in nothing less than a financial disaster of epic proportions. Chinese traders are getting out of the market while they still can. A major sell-off has started as investors grew increasingly more worried that Evergrande would default its gigantic loan debt. Just yesterday, the Hong Kong stock market crashed by another 13 percent and it is now on track to close at its lowest market cap ever, given that a bankruptcy of this proportion can wipe out hundreds of billions in equity.

Even worse, it can spark a default contagion that would put millions of Chinese companies at risk of bankruptcy just as well. And as more and more traders panic about the rapidly spreading contagion, other sectors that were normally immune to China's property woes are also facing significant drops. Financial analysts are alarmed that its default crisis will soon spread to the rest of the world. Last week, Chinese officials announced that major lenders should not expect repayment. That was already a sign that the company would start its default process. And today's silence has given further proof.

In a recent note, Goldman estimated that the potential impact of the residential and commercial real estate collapse in China's growth could be devastating not only for China but for the entire world. It could result in the sharpest GDP drop in decades. Goldman warned that if a default "occurred without clear ring-fencing of the spillovers to other parts of the economy", then the outcome would be much more threatening, with the Chinese GDP collapsing as much as 4.1 percent while housing activity plunges and financial conditions tighten.

Right now, the worsening of the crisis is depending on the acceleration of the current selloff while investors expect the government to unleash a trillion-dollar liquidity injection to ease the downfall. Moreover, while investors get more and more nervous about the financial strains of the Chinese real estate market, they also set off a crash on the cryptocurrency market, with bitcoin tumbling by more than 7 percent on Monday. As a huge wave of fear over a weaker Chinese economic growth sweeps through global markets, with investors just realizing how big are the consequences for its domestic peers and international commodity prices, contagion has begun to move beyond stocks and sent US equity futures below 4380.

Yesterday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average finished down 614 points, or 1.8%, recording its worst day of trading since July. Furthermore, Caterpillar and Goldman Sachs were the benchmark's biggest losers of the day, as investors closely watched the outlook for the Federal Reserve to start tapering on its bond purchasing program. At its lowest point of the day, the Dow fell 972 points. The Nasdaq also faced a decline and closed down 2.2%. Amongst the top three biggest losers were the Chinese companies Pinduoduo, Baidu, and The S&P 500 plunged by 1.7%. It was one of the worst days of trading since May.

The entire financial system is being shaken to the core because what is happening in China right now will ultimately have profound repercussions across all of the world's major economies, including America. Given that global economic growth is directly linked with China's economic strength, and the country was the only major economy to expand last year, the prospect for a global economic rebound from last year's health-crisis-induced recession has been remarkably shrunk. According to the International Monetary Fund, China alone would contribute with over a fifth of the increase in the world's gross domestic product in the five years to 2026.

This means that we're effectively on the verge of the most devastating financial crisis in world history. The one experts have been warning about for months. All events are converging to what may be the simultaneous collapse of the Chinese and the U.S. economy. Needless to say, this will not end well. We're about to witness the biggest collective wealth loss ever recorded. As the Chinese stock market crash has just begun, it's only a matter of time before the monstrous U.S. stock market bubble finally bursts. Beware the risks. The point of no return is just at the corner."

Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal: We're Losing Our Patience"

Full screen recommended.
STRONG Language Alert!
Gerald Celente,
"Trends Journal: We're Losing Our Patience"
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times."

Musical Interlude: Alan Parsons Project, "Eye In The Sky"

Full screen recommended.
Alan Parsons Project, "Eye In The Sky"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Is this giant orange ball about to roll down that tree-lined hill? No, because the giant orange ball is actually the Sun. Our Solar System's central star was captured rising beyond a hill on Earth twelve days ago complete with a delightfully detailed foreground. The Sun's disk showed five sunspots, quite a lot considering that during the solar minimum in solar activity of the past few years, most days showed no spots. A close look at the hill - Sierra del Cid in Perter, Spain - reveals not only silhouetted pine trees, but silhouetted people - by coincidence three brothers of the photographer. 
Click image for larger size.
The trees and brothers were about 3.5-kilometers away during the morning of the well-planned, single-exposure image. A dark filter muted the usually brilliant Sun and brought up great detail on the lower sunspots. Within a few minutes, the Sun rose far above the hill, while within a week, the sunspots rotated around the Sun, out of view. The captured scene, however, is now frozen in time for all to enjoy."

"And Sometimes..."


"The Truth Virus: The Most Dangerous Virus in the World"

"The Truth Virus:
The Most Dangerous Virus in the World"
by Dog Poet

"I’ve got a virus. It doesn’t have a common name because it isn’t a common virus. It’s difficult to catch this virus because there are only so many ways for it to enter your system. You can catch it as a result of extreme trauma which results in all of your defenses being shut down. This includes all subconscious resistance and all systemic defenses. You can catch it as a result of long term abuse. This includes abuse visited upon you or abuse you visit on yourself. Often this abuse comes about because the virus is already looking for a foothold and it will attract one of these two kinds of abuse. You can catch it through diligent and repeated efforts to catch it, in an environment of quietude, created by a relentless persistence of the mind to cease from the production of thought. There are a few other ways.

Once you’ve got this virus there’s no cure for it. Every cell in your body is going to be replaced and the world will gradually - and sometimes not so gradually - take on the appearance of an insane asylum, while also becoming remarkably predictable. People think insanity is unpredictable but that’s just one of the illusions that are part of the ordinary mindset of the collectively insane.

People who have this virus can understand one another without having to say anything at all and if they should speak they are also understood by people who are vulnerable to this virus. This is one of the ways that the virus spreads. The impact of the virus speaking induces trauma that naturally moves toward the extreme. People who do not have the virus - and who are not susceptible to catching it - will not understand a single word being said. It will make them uncomfortable and sometimes it will make them angry but at no time will it be understood.

It doesn’t really matter whether you can see a doctor of your choice or not and have some amount of it paid for. It isn’t going to have any positive effect on your health. Health is the result of a few basic things and one of them is youth. The other things are diet and ones mental and emotional state. An awareness of ones relationship to all of these leads to making the right decisions about how one lives their life. A conscious awareness of diet has a profound effect on one’s well being. One’s mental and emotional states also play significant roles. One needs only to study how many stress-related diseases there are to understand this. If you factor bad diet into unbalanced mental and emotional states you’ve got a problem no doctor can deal with, especially if your medical system is of the allopathic variety.

The people who decide what doctors can and cannot do and what doctors can and cannot tell you are permanent bed-partners with various corporations for whom good health is a bad thing. These are the pharmaceutical concerns; the AMA, the hospital equipment industry and related suppliers of related products. These corporations have another relationship with the various food industries in the sense that they will not write or permit policy that impinges on major enterprises that bring you processed foods, fast foods, mystery meats, candy and soft drinks and whatever else hides under that umbrella. What this means is that, according to the capitalist mentality that rules this society, it is possible; it has to be possible and it damn well will be possible to eat anything you want, avoid exercise and generally break any and every rule of intelligent behavior and if there’s a problem they will either cut it out of you or suppress the symptoms until they have to cut it out of you.

Because the will of corporations is the rule of the land, there will be no change in the profit line for participating corporations. What will change will be the language that the non-change is presented in. To see into the black heart of the system in charge of American life you have only to look into the prison industry where 5% of the American public and 25% of the world’s prison population are incarcerated in American prisons. Why is this? It’s a business. Is it coincidence that America uses 60% of the world’s resources as well?

The unstated objective of American society is that a small percentage of its members shall possess the greatest amount of wealth at the expense of everyone else and will then be lauded for their efforts to assist the less fortunate where no such efforts exist. Such a system cannot survive and will not survive and is presently at the state where a number of shell games are being used to give the impression that the system is doing fine (nicely recovering from a bad scare) and going to get better as it approaches the lip of a high cliff. As things begin to fall from the cliff, you will see charts and graphs appear that indicate the true state and direction of the culture and economy but they will probably be holding these charts and graphs upside down.

I see these things and many other things because I have this virus. Others have this virus too and many more are on the verge of infection. The biggest concern of the TPTB is the proliferation of this virus. Their concern about all other viruses, which they manufactured to begin with, is just Slim Shady dining at the Red Herring Restaurant.

With this virus I can see that the appetites and desires being milked by corporations in order to promote and sell their products leads directly to aberrant behavior which leads to the prison industry for those who are not making the laws that route the unfortunate toward the prison or the grave with that long interlude of enslavement at the looping track of life where they chase the uncatchable dream rabbit that is already steaming in the pot of their betters.

With this virus I can look directly at the lies of politicians and religious leaders and hear the truth that spotlights the pies around the corner and their relationship to the pies in the sky which are moving on conveyor belts behind unbreakable Plexiglas. I can see that there are no pies because the pies are only video projections of pies bounced off of a series of mirrors. I can see the people who do no have the virus and I can see the world they are looking at and it turns out that this world is also just a projection bouncing off of mirrors and one of those mirrors is their minds. These projections then activate the furnace in the visceral brain which causes those without the virus to dance like millions of chickens on a hot griddle that somehow got the impression that they are auditioning for American Idol.

It is not possible to create a society, based on the principles that some of us have read and most of us have heard about, when corporations are the ruling authority of the land, because the intent of a corporation is diametrically opposed to the principles that some of us have read and most of us have heard about. You can’t make Beef Stroganoff out of pork rinds and Velveeta but you can convince people that that is what they are eating and that is the point.

There’s a debate that has been going around since Cain brained Abel and that debate centers on whether it is better to have this virus or some form of all the other viruses. The awareness that comes with having this virus can lead to the rack, the auto da fe and other less pleasant locations. Having the other viruses can lead to being a hamster or some part of a compost pile and a fire burns there as well. They can lead to being cannon fodder and the merciless hands of those who practice a form of medicine that has little to do with the stated intentions of the art. The hands of these practitioners are often more dangerous than the problem that brought you there.

Most people spend more than ninety percent of everything they have saved in their lives in the last year of their life on an industry whose purpose is exactly for that reason.

This virus of mine - and perhaps you have it too - is not an easy burden to bear. You can never pull the covers over your head again. You know there’s no monster in the closet but you also know where the real monsters dwell. You are doomed to an unending quarantine even as you move among your fellows. One thing you do acquire as a result of this virus is compassion and, as Lao Tzu said long ago, “Compassion is a weapon from the sky against being dead.” Realization may not be all the things we imagine it to be, but it is preferable to the restless sleep of nightmares wielded by the whip hand of psychopaths."
Full screen recommended.
"They Live", Seeing The Truth

"For Nothing Is Fixed..."

"For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out."
- James Baldwin

"Inflation is a Tax - Get Less While You Pay More"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, PM 9/21/21:
"Inflation is a Tax - Get Less While You Pay More"
"None of us can avoid inflation right now. No matter how you look at it inflation is attacks. It affects the poor the most. We are getting less while we are paying more. Today I am at the Great Park in Irvine."

Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/21/21: "What Is Going On Now Is Madness! Very Important Updates"

Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Your guide, Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/21/21:
"What Is Going On Now Is Madness! Very Important Updates"

The Daily "Near You?"

Quinlan, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"There Is Always The Hope..."

“What happens to people living in a society where everyone in power is lying, stealing, cheating and killing, and in our hearts we all know this, but the consequences of facing all these lies are so monstrous, we keep on hoping that maybe the corporate government administration and media are on the level with us this time. Americans remind me of survivors of domestic abuse. This is always the hope that this is the very, very, very last time one’s ribs get re-broken again.”
- Inga Muscio

"No So Evergrande After All"

"No So Evergrande After All"
By Bill Bonner

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – "We’re following a couple of different stories this morning. We tried to find a common storyline… but gave up. So we’ll report them separately. First, yesterday, we were reminded that there is no such thing as “Evergrande.” There is sometimes grande… occasionally not bad… and once-in-a-while fat and sassy. But Evergrande, it ain’t.

At one point yesterday afternoon, the Dow was down about 950 points. The Wall Street Journal somehow managed to channel the anxiety of traders with this intriguing headline: "Stock Market Falls on Chinese Property Fears." How sweet. U.S. investors are so sympathetic! They ended the day down 614 points (1.8%) – out of sympathy for the poor Chinese. Of course, the problem the Chinese have is the same problem Americans have – too much debt. And the federales (at least in the U.S.; as for China, we don’t know) have only one remedy: more debt.

A Debt End Run: The gist of the Evergrande story is that property development has been one of the places the Chinese have “invested” a lot of money over the last two decades. They built entire “ghost cities” in China – with thousands of apartments ready for renters who never came. The biggest single owner/investor was a company called Evergrande, which now carries $300 billion in debt. Trouble is, it’s hard for a landlord to pay down debt when his units don’t sell or rent. And now, word on the street is that Evergrande is broke. Naturally, investors are nervous. Sometimes, all it takes is one high-profile collapse to undermine the whole “Evergrande” fantasy.

You Get What You Pay For: Our second item is a reprise of yesterday’s Diary theme. As we reported, 1 out of every 500 Americans has supposedly succumbed to COVID-19. We say “supposedly” because there are no “facts” in the COVID story. There are only guesses and arguments – even about the cause of death.

Here’s one “fact”: It is more profitable for a hospital to serve a COVID-19 patient than a pneumonia patient. The Kaiser Family Foundation studied hospital admissions and reported: "…the “average Medicare payment for respiratory infections and inflammations with major comorbidities or complications in 2017 … was $13,297. For more severe hospitalizations, we use the average Medicare payment for a respiratory system diagnosis with ventilator support for greater than 96 hours, which was $40,218.”

We assume that in 2020 and 2021, “severe hospitalizations” – and dollars to the medical industry – increased. “You get what you pay for,” are the immortal words of economist Milton Friedman. And since March 2020, the feds have been paying for COVID-19 by reimbursing hospitals for treating uninsured patients… and paying a 20% topper for COVID-19 patients.

Glock 19 vs. COVID-19: But even if the death count really were 1 in 500, is that a big deal? Our guess is that the disease is a big deal to the one guy who dies from it (and his family). As to the others, not so much Everybody’s got to die of something; why not COVID-19?

Here in Baltimore, a young, Black man might have more to fear from the Glock 19 than from COVID-19. The COVID germ may be dangerous, but it lacks the penetration power of 9 mm ammunition. In 2019, it was reported that Baltimore suffered 58 homicides per 100,000 population. But the Glock 19 is even more “racist” than COVID-19. Most of its victims are young, Black males. For them, COVID-19 poses almost no risk. On the other hand, the odds of getting gunned down are probably a lot higher than 1 in 500. Why no bullet-proof vest mandate?

One Plan: What we see in this COVID-19 story is a dangerous shortage of hands. All of the known information tells us there are many different ways to look at it. On the one hand… and on the other hand… But for the problem of too much COVID, as for the problem of too much debt, the federales seem to have only one message… one thought… and one plan, which they are determined to force onto everyone, whether they need it or not.

More tomorrow… on what’s ahead for the U.S. economy… Inflation… deflation… or bust!"