
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

"Unknown Knowns: Part I"

"Unknown Knowns: Part I"
Willful ignorance and the long road to Kamala Harris...
by Joel Bowman

“There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know.”
~ Donald Rumsfeld explains “The Rumsfeld Matrix” (2002)

Savannah, Georgia - "The great “Kamala Crash”... vice presidential vices... and the mass gaslighting of the American mind. What a time it is to be alive, dear reader! Known knowns... known unknowns... unknown unknowns... And lo! here cometh man, soft-bellied and blinded by hope, determined to add another category to the Rumsfeld Matrix: unknown knowns!

Our subject of late, known to all, is ignorance. Today, we delve a little deeper... into a specific subset of the unknown: willful ignorance. It is generally acknowledged that ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law. Lawyers may even charge you a fee for quoting the principle in Latin: ignorantia juris non excusat. But not knowing something, in and of itself, is certainly no crime. And a good thing, too. The cell blocks would be overflowing! Voters’ craniums are crammed with all they don’t know...and plenty they don’t even know they don’t know.

It is the acknowledged role of the politician – and his apple-polishing fabulists in the mainstream press – to fill that gaping void. This they typically do with lies, damned lies and political slogans. So far, so bad…

The Great Unknowing: But while there is no shame in quiet, even humble ignorance (of which we all stand guilty)...willful ignorance is another matter altogether. Which brings us to Kamala Harris...and the media’s orchestrated “unknowing” of all that was once known about her. But in order to understand this remarkable phenomenon, we must first go back to the beginning, to the very outset of the Great Swamp Battle...

2016 was supposed to be the Year of Hillary Clinton. Anointed by Deep State war hawks... beloved by mainstream presstitutes and Ivy League hackademics... adored by Hollywood’s shiniest trophy people... and championed by useful idiots from sea to shining sea... Hillary Clinton was all set to lead a pantsuit revolution of “I’m with her” apparatchiks back into the very Oval Office her husband had once so… enjoyed.

Barely had she ordered the new drapes and rethought those sofa cushions when...Orange Man Bad. On the eve of the election, Hillary was positively shocked to learn that, even after all her warmongering and profiteering abroad, despite the shocking disasters in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, even after the expanded drone strike operations in Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan, the American public was somehow unwilling to give her the nuclear codes. Incredible, no? Even branding half the country a “basket of deplorables” didn’t seem to help. Humph!

The Devil They Knew: Passing over the “devil they knew,” voters chose instead a political outsider who promised to “drain the swamp.” The response: Swamp Creatures of the world, attack! For the better part of the last eight years, the American voter has endured a Niagara of mis-, dis- and mal-information at the hands of the reliable propagandists in the long-disgraced Fourth Estate. In its crosshairs, the man who left their warrior goddess jilted at the presidential altar.

Even before the 2016 election of Donald Trump, rumors began swirling in the press that he was “colluding” with America’s #1 boogeyman. The “Russia collusion” story would persist, unrelenting and unproven, well into The Donald’s presidency. Daily were America’s leading mastheads electrified by gossip, whispers and scuttlebutt. Nightly did the unfunniest men in late night television reiterate and reinforce The Narrative. That the Donald was a “foreign asset,” a “traitor to his country,” a “treasonist,” “terrorist” and “threat to democracy!” was a foregone conclusion. Every right-thinking citizen with a New York Times subscription said so. All that was needed was the proof!

Damage Done: What followed was one of the deepest, most protracted and, at $32 million, costliest investigations ever conducted into a sitting United States president. The resulting Mueller Report was a bombshell for everyone who had apparently hoped to be living under the illegitimate presidency of a hostile foreign enemy state. From the Mueller Report: "The investigation “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

Similar “lawfare” investigations, including from the FBI, the DOJ and other federal agencies, plagued Trump through his presidency. Only last year, an investigation conducted by Justice Department special counsel John Durham, concluded that (per USA Today): “The FBI should have never launched an investigation into alleged Russian collusion with Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, given the slim evidence.”

The paper went on..."The investigation into the "collusion" clouded Trump’s entire presidency, and Democrats harnessed the tale to paint Trump as an illegitimate president." Durham slammed the FBI’s investigation – dubbed Crossfire Hurricane – into the Trump campaign for its “serious lack of analytic rigor” and a “cavalier attitude” for accuracy. “...We conclude that the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report,” Durham wrote.

For its part, the FBI does not dispute the report’s findings, but says it has already taken action and added safeguards in its investigations. And yet, the damage was already done. The country had so divided itself over the Russia collusion hoax, there was simply no going back. And if Trump wasn’t guilty of trading with the enemy, he was sure as heck guilty of something. It became the media’s job to find out what...and if it couldn’t find anything, it would have to invent it. After all, “democracy” was on the line..."

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