Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Atlantis Report, "Banks Are Raising Fees for ALL Customers As Americans Prepare To Pay Up"

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The Atlantis Report, 8/6/24
"Banks Are Raising Fees for ALL Customers 
As Americans Prepare To Pay Up"
"Recently, retail banking in the United States has seen significant changes that affect millions of customers nationwide. Major banks like JP Morgan and Chase have announced plans to introduce new fees on services that were previously free. This has sparked widespread concern and criticism, especially as it coincides with rising delinquency rates, increased bankruptcies, and a general slowdown in loan growth. These new fees come at a time when many Americans are already dealing with financial challenges due to the rising cost of living and economic uncertainties, adding an extra burden of higher banking costs for consumers. Banks are raising fees for all customers as Americans prepare to pay up."
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