Monday, August 26, 2024

John Wilder, "Propaganda: It’s Not Just For Diapers Anymore"

 It’s Not Just For Diapers Anymore"
by John Wilder

"Movies are amazing tools. Movies are the backbone of an entire American industry, but it’s a really small industry, with global box office revenues hitting a record of $42.5 billion before COVID. Sure, $42.5 billion sounds like a lot of money, but Elon Musk paid $44 billion for X®. One single pipeline, the Nordstream 2®, cost about $10 billion. That’s just one pipeline: natural gas pipeline construction spending was over $206 billion in 2020, so it’s roughly five times the size of the size of the movie business.

Yet we focus on movies, and focus on stars. And Ben Affleck, for some reason. Must be his insurance company. But the reason that we focus on movies, of course, is the stories. The stories have real power, because they’re watched and internalized. Part of the point of propaganda is that, even if you’re aware of the attempt to manipulate you, you’re still impacted by it, though in a lesser format. And movies, when we’re actually “shown” a story are much more powerful than reading a story.

I think this is because reading requires the reader to function as a co-creator of the story: you have to imagine the armies of Orcs headed to Helm’s Deep™, so as Tolkien writes the words, your part of the creation is imagining and modeling the characters, the setting, the smoke and fog and the arrows in flight. Yes, books and stories and news are propaganda, too, but the visual is so much more effective, which is why they went to such great lengths to stage the drowned boy on a beach to make people feel a certain way so that millions of invaders could be let into Europe.

Large chunks of movies are pure propaganda. I recall watching "Raising Arizona" right before I had a baby. There’s a fairly humorous scene in the movie that involved Huggies™ diapers, so I bought Huggies© diapers to give them a try. Huggies® diapers sucked and we moved on to Pampers©, but the propaganda worked. And I knew it was propaganda. I knew that Huggies™ had given money to be in the movie. It wasn’t evil propaganda, but it was propaganda, nonetheless.

I’ve since developed another theory: the bigger the lie that they’re attempting to force you to swallow, the more the propaganda, and the more it becomes vilified to have an opinion that differs even by the slightest degree from the lie. You can probably think of examples, but I’ll start off with one of the biggest lies: “Diversity is our strength.”

That’s just a horrible lie. Would Japan be better off if 100,000 Haitians were dropped off in Tokyo tomorrow afternoon? No! Haitians have had over 200 years to try to improve Haiti, and it’s awful. It’s not because of climate or natural resources: the Dominican Republic is on the exact same island, and has a per capita GDP of $11,825. Not great, but not horrible. Haiti? It’s an economic basketcase with a per capita GDP of $2,125.

Bringing Haitians to any country wouldn’t improve it, because the people who make Haiti the hellhole that it is are the Haitians. Being on the Magic Dirt of Japan won’t change them. Being on the Magic Dirt of the United States won’t change them, either.

On particular film that focused on this subversion was 2017’s "Logan." Yup, another superhero movie about the character Wolverine™, but this one ended with the immortal and indestructible mutant Wolverine© dying as an old man, and with his replacement mutants all being illegal aliens from Mexico. Oh, and the cross that they put on his grave? The end scene shows one of the mutants pushing it over so it’s an “X” and not a cross. I’m not making this up.
According to the movie, diversity is not only our strength®, it’s inevitable. Oh, and your Christian God? We’ll mock Him as well.

The reality is that greater levels of diversity are correlated with greater levels of crime, lower levels of social trust, and lower productivity in a workplace. For a “strength” I’m not sure what that “strength” is improving. So, it has to be sold, again and again and again.

The propaganda machine has been in overload mode for decades on the “girls are just the same as boys” and the result has been a confused mass of children as the most impressionable youth are hit with that message and women are shown in action movies doing things no woman ever born on planet Earth would be capable of doing.

The really fortunate thing is that this latest propaganda has been a horrible mistake. In the new rules, no woman can ever do anything wrong. No woman can be forced to grow and change since they were perfect since birth. No woman can be defeated by a man, ever. It’s the revenge of the Girlboss©.

That makes for a really stupid story. And Hollywood™ is finally figuring that out since people don’t go to see really stupid movies with stupid plots. That’s to our advantage. If people aren’t going to see the propaganda, well, they won’t be indoctrinated. And, although I’m not firmly of the opinion that Elon is on our side, his purchase of X® gives him the ability to influence the propaganda that’s being forced on us 24/7/365 from every single location. It allows people to react to The Narrative and mock it.

And that’s the key, because it’s not really The Narrative, it’s really The Narrative Against Truth. The essence of a good meme is a few words and an emotional punch. The reasons memes from the TradRight work much better than from the GloboLeftElite is simple: our memes are based on Truth, not based on The Narrative.

And, no matter how much they fight us, their propaganda couldn’t make Huggies™ better than Pampers©. And no matter how hard they push, their propaganda can’t make lies the Truth. Think about what you cannot say, and ask: “Why can’t I say that?”

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