Saturday, August 31, 2024

MUST VIEW: "More Proof People Can't Afford To Live, Homeless Crisis Exploding"

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Jeremiah Babe, 8/31/24
"More Proof People Can't Afford To Live,
Homeless Crisis Exploding"
Comments here:
And then there's this absolutely total disgrace:
"It's Good To Be An Illegal"
by Jim Quinn
Click image for larger size.

WTF is wrong with this country?!!

Free healthcare, free housing, free food and cash,
 free airline tickets anywhere they want, and now this...

While homelessness explodes all over America, foreclosures and evictions are sky high and climbing, massive job losses everywhere, but oh, take good care of the goddamned 10 MILLION illegals who entered this country in the last year!!! Send the f*cking Ukrainians $150 BILLION, send the psychopathically genocidal Israeli monsters another $16 BILLION to continue slaughtering Palestinians, while 600,000 Americans are homeless and in poverty!!!
And I repeat...
WTF is wrong with this country?!!

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