Wednesday, August 28, 2024

"Countdown To Crisis, Catastrophe and Collapse" (Excerpt)

"Countdown To Crisis,
 Catastrophe and Collapse"
by Jim Quinn

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once 
the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.” 

“The future’s becoming muddled. The lines of vision are narrowing. 
But now they’re desperate. All paths lead into darkness.” 

Excerpt: "Trying to decipher the path ahead becomes more difficult by the day. We are purposefully bombarded with misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda by the ruling class, designed to distract us from their real purpose, real agenda, and real plans to imprison us in their techno-gulag, eating zee bugs in our container sized hovels, using our government issued CBDCs to subsist, unless we dared to question the approved narrative – resulting in our social credit rating dropping into the domestic terrorist zone – getting us banned and shunned from society. This is the New World Order the Davos crowd has designed and will implement as a Great Reset, if they succeed in retaining and increasing control over the U.S. and the rest of the Western World in the next six months.

I know many bloggers/analysts depend on clicks, likes, and subscriptions to their websites/social media to make a living, so they constantly predict Armageddon within the next week, and it never happens. This “little boy who cried wolf” routine has resulted in even the critical thinking among us becoming complacent and unconcerned as we accelerate towards our dire rendezvous with destiny. We shrug off Ukraine invading Russia and bombing a nuclear power plant, while Belarus moves troops towards the Ukraine border, Putin bombs Kiev, and U.S. military equipment is employed by U.S. military personnel against Russia.

We discount the possibility of Iran actually mounting a devastating response against Israel, prompting an even larger response by Israel, and the U.S. getting drawn into the conflict with Iran, because we’ve been here before and nothing happened. And nothing may happen again in the next week, but Fourth Turnings NEVER de-intensify. There will be blood, death, and war on an enormous scale before this Crisis is resolved.

Personally, I believe the next six months will determine the course of humanity for the next century and beyond. I don’t think that is hyperbole when you step back and observe the big picture. It is so easy to get lost in the inconsequential minutia, because they want you lost in the inconsequential minutia, while the consequential decision-making is being done by the billionaire puppet-masters behind closed doors. This Fourth Turning is slated to reach its bloody denouement in or around 2032, based upon historical precedent. Of course, with nuclear arms, it could all end in the blink of an eye.

We are in an existential battle between good and evil, and unlike the movies there is no guarantee the good guys will win in the end. We are lost in a blizzard of lies, with super-elite factions vying for power and control over our lives. People who just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace, with the freedom to say and do what they want, are being bullied, tyrannized, surveilled, censored, taxed, and pushed to their limit by those pulling the levers of this society.

Most people are unwilling or unable to confront the brutal facts of our current reality. They cling to their normalcy bias, disbelieving and minimizing the unmistakable catastrophic threats staring them right in the face. As James Stockdale stated many decades ago, you can’t confuse faith we will overcome the evil forces we are confronting, with the discipline and tremendous sacrifices we will have to make in order to achieve victory over those evil forces. The normalcy bias crowd, with their heads planted firmly in the sand, will not be able to sit out this chaotic, violent, bloody installment of this Fourth Turning Crisis. Sides must be taken. Choices must be made. Engaging in distressing behavior will be required. The 2nd Amendment will need to be used in order to retain the 1st Amendment.
If ever Lenin’s quote, “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”, applied, it has been the six weeks since the Deep State/Invisible Government attempted to assassinate Trump in Butler, PA. Events have been happening at a breakneck pace and it is difficult to determine which incidents are being engineered and which are occurring naturally. As a died in wool conspiracy theorist, who needs new conspiracy theories because all of mine have come true, I believe most of what we have witnessed over the last several weeks has been engineered by competing super-elite factions vying for control over our government in a life-or-death struggle to rule over our demise as an empire in the throes of its death rattle."
Full, most highly recommended article is here:

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