
Thursday, September 22, 2022

"Doug Casey on America's Rude Awakening"

"Doug Casey on America's Rude Awakening"
by Joel Bowman

"And now for some more Fatal Conceits…Let me take this opportunity to antagonize those of our listeners that I haven’t already antagonized. There are some people who go out of their way to appease others, to say what they think the majority wants to hear, to mollycoddle their audience and make nice with anyone they meet so as not to ruffle any feathers.

Doug Casey is not that person. Whether on the prospect of civil war at home…“It seems that Americans have broken into two groups; the red people and the blue people. And they don’t like each other. In fact, they actually hate each other.”

The war in eastern Europe…“A border conflict between two sh!thole countries…”

Central banking…“An idiotic institution which should be abolished…”

College education…“Worthless degrees of indoctrination…”

The fate of the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency…“I think that half or three-quarters of the world’s countries are going to find alternatives to the dollar and the Swift payment system. And this is going to devastate America.”

Western European leaders…“The people running these western European countries are all dyed-in-the-wool, dogmatic socialists; they’re nothing nobodies.”

Or discussing what he calls the “Greater Depression,” in which he expects the average American is in “for a very rude awakening”… “You’re going to have a lot more people living in their cars and under bridges. This is serious.”

Doug doesn’t waste time mincing words. The original International Man riffs on dollar weaponization, the coming "Greater Depression" and civil wars both at home and abroad...

Listen in as we discuss all of the above, including what Doug’s doing with his own money and practical ways he sees to minimize what’s coming down the pike.
Podcast here:

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