
Thursday, September 22, 2022

"Don’t Panic! - It Gets Worse From Here"

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Dan, iAllegedly 9/22/22:
"Don’t Panic! - It Gets Worse From Here"
"We have seen promise after promise from the Fed. There is no way that they’re going to fix inflation. They just did a 3/4% rise in interest-rates and they think that’s going to fix everything. It is going to do nothing but create a slow burn towards the Depression."
Comments here:
"Americans are set to fork out an extra $11,500 this year if they want to enjoy the same standard of living they maintained in 2020, according to new estimates from NerdWallet."

1 comment:

  1. If everyone understood how the economy works, there would be revolution by morning.
    Henry Ford,1913.
    The fed was not created to protect the people from a hickup in the economy. It's used to create them, so THEY can shear the sheep, again.
    Come Onnn,, you gotta see the pattern. When was the last time there was a downturn that when it Recovered, the people were as prosperous as before? Gramps had a 13 stool snack bar in a grocery store in the sixties. He worked it alone. He had a big garage built, added a bedroom, gutters, traded up on cars, got horses, and saved up and bought a little country store between Houston and Humble, sold fifth wheel trailers, He PROSPERED. It's Not possible to do that today.

    Name a country NOT in debt. Who is it everyone OWES?
    The Creature from Jekyll Island, G.Edward Griffin, watch the YouTube videos. I'm just
