Wednesday, May 4, 2022

"The Most Terrifying Thing I've Ever Heard Of"

"The Most Terrifying Thing I've Ever Heard Of"
by JP Sears

"What’s up freedom fighter? In a recent announcement from the Biden Administration, we learned that they are forming a Ministry of Truth aka a disinformation governance board. Its purpose is to dictate to the American people what is true and what is false.

This does not just step on our First Amendment, it does way more than that. It puts the First Amendment in a blender, grinds it up, feeds it to a horse, and once the horse poops it out, then it steps on it. You probably don’t have to be a communications expert to understand that this does not sit well with me. I address the Ministry of Truth in my latest video "How the Biden Administration Creates Policies."

This serves as a reminder for freedom lovers like you and me, to renew our commitment to being the change of freedom we wish to see. We must have a mindset that says, I will not comply with rules made up by the tyrants. You and I will never have to wait for permission to be what we already are, which is free as long as we remember that’s what we are.

By the way, if you want a deeper dive into the Ministry of Truth as well as food shortages that the authoritarians are “predicting”, check out my latest podcast episode!

Remind yourself every once in a while that you were born in freedom and that you are always free -  the responsibility you and I have is to act on that truth."

Yours in freedom,
"This Is The Point Where We Have To Draw The Line"
Fox News host gives take on the 'Ministry of Truth' 
leader on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

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