Friday, May 6, 2022

"25 Facts About Income Inequality In America That Will Blow Your Mind"

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"25 Facts About Income Inequality In 
America That Will Blow Your Mind"
by Epic Economist

"The world's richest country is also the most unequal country on the planet. Today, average American workers have way less power relative to the corporations, investors, and institutions that rule our society than at any other point in the history of our nation. Wealth has never been so highly concentrated, and those who don't have it are forced to fight for their right to exist in a country where social mobility is almost non-existent. Over the past several decades, the ultra-rich have been rigging the same so that more and more money continues to be funneled into their pockets.

The biggest, meanest concentrations of wealth are devouring everyone else's with a big help from government policies. Since the foundation of America, "Capitalism" has come to mean something completely different. It was supposed to be about the empowerment of individuals and families and small businesses. Instead, it has become a system of exploitation. We have actually been left with Corporatism, which produces a handful of winners and a whole lot of losers. But, when wealth and power are so highly concentrated, economic rewards are doomed to flow only to the hands of the few.

In the United States, the income gap between the wealthy and the rest of the population has been significantly growing, by every major statistical measure, for more than three decades. Over the past decade, paychecks at the top have skyrocketed while flatlining at the bottom. The bottom 90 percent have seen their wages grow by a mere 8.7% compared to 20.4 percent for the top 1 percent and 30.2 percent for the top 0.1 percent. According to the latest Executive Excess report, in 2021, 50 major companies reported CEO pay 1,000% larger than worker pay. Those companies include Walmart, McDonald’s, and many other highly profitable corporations.

Corporate giants are so powerful that it is virtually impossible for small businesses to directly compete with them. According to the Forbes list of 400 richest Americans, three men own as much money as the bottom 50 percent. But as the US top 0.01 percent have accumulated more wealth, they have paid a smaller share of total U.S. taxes. Many of these institutions have become so big that the global economy literally cannot afford for them to fail. A handful of corporate bureaucrats control approximately 90% of the world's trade. So what happens if those companies collapse?

By contrast, average workers are, of course, never "too big to fail". Big banks and large companies can always ask for bailouts, but if you're late on your debt payments you can be thrown in the streets - or, worse, you can be chucked into prison. The numbers we exposed today are proof that our system has become corrupted beyond all recognition. Now more than ever, it is time for Americans to start recognizing their worth and start think how are we going to take power back to our hands."

For that reason, in this video, brought some stunning numbers that expose the true extent of income and wealth inequality in our country."

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