Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Musical Interlude: Rudi en Corlea, "Hoor Jy My Stem"

Rudi en Corlea, "Hoor Jy My Stem"
"Haunting song by South Africans Rudi Claase 
and Corlea Botha, sung in Afrikaans with English subtitles."

"For Those Who Have Died"

"Tis a fearful thing
to love
what death can touch.
To love, to hope, to dream,
and oh, to lose.

A thing for fools, this,
but a holy thing,
to love what death can touch.

For your life has lived in me;
Your laugh once lifted me;
Your word was a gift to me.

To remember this brings painful joy.

‘Tis a human thing, love,
a holy thing,
to love
what death can touch."
- Rabbi Chaim Stern

Love is eternal, 
And we shall meet again...

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