Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Jeremiah Babe, "I Got Bad News, An Economic Disaster Is Coming; This Is The Worst Economy In History"

Jeremiah Babe, 7/31/24
"I Got Bad News, An Economic Disaster Is Coming; 
This Is The Worst Economy In History"
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The Atlantis Report, 7/31/24
"U.S. Banks Report Unprecedented 23% Surge 
in Delinquencies As Losses Increase"
"The U.S. banking sector is currently facing challenges as it deals with a significant surge in delinquency rates, leading to mounting losses. Recent reports have revealed a shocking 23% increase in delinquencies, causing concern for both banks and borrowers nationwide. This sharp rise in borrowers falling behind on their payments has increased bank losses, impacting their profitability and stability."
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