Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"9 Israeli 'Best Heroes' Soldiers Raped/Sodomized a MAN!"

"Riots Erupt At Israeli Military Bases After
IDF Reservists Arrested For Sex Abuse Of Prisoner"
By Blueapples

Excerpt: "As the tug-of-war between Israeli and Hamas representatives are engaged in during peace talks has reached another stalemate, new accusations of brutality committed by the IDF threaten the progress of those negotiations. However, these accusations have not been the product of Hamas' negotiation tactics. Instead they have arisen out of Israel as its military police has taken action against its own servicemen. Reports indicate that Israeli Military Police have detained nine IDF reservists on suspicion of severe sexual abuse against a Palestinian prisoner in their custody. The reservists are accused of sexually abusing the Palestinian prisoner so severely that injuries he sustained to his rectum have left him unable to walk. Those injuries required the prisoner to be transferred from Sde Teiman in the Negev Desert to a hospital in Beersheba, which is located in southern Israel."
Full, absolutely disgusting article, here:

"Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir condemned the arrest of the soldiers as "shameful" and called them the "best heroes." He said the message to the world should be this: "Light treatment of terrorists is over. Soldiers need to have our full support.” In other words: prisoners shall expect to be raped to the point of hospitalization."

Purely Evil monsters...and America pays for 
it all to support these cockroaches...WTF!

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