
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Jeremiah Babe, "Walmarts Self Checkouts Backfire, Stop Being A Walmart Slave"

Jeremiah Babe, 4/24/24
"Walmarts Self Checkouts Backfire, Stop Being A Walmart Slave; 
Mortgage Demand Crushed, Now What?"
Comments here:

1 comment:

  1. My wife was All About that guy,until I told her to wait two weeks and look at The Alarm he was raising. He gets clicks,, he's winning, selling, for the most part, crap. I know about just about everything he's Warning about long before he says anything. YeeHaa, self check sux,,it's go there and do it or have to pay more elsewhere, which I do when I want better produce. If All I want is beer? Yeah, make a Wal-Mart Associate come check my old butt out.
    And it's a Rare day I corral my cart.
