Monday, October 16, 2023

Adventures With Danno, "Food Shortage Report 10/16/23"

Adventures With Danno, 10/16/23
"Food Shortage Report; 
Grocery Prices That Are Becoming Unaffordable!"
"Food Shortage Report for October 2023, and we are seeing some huge price increases on groceries! We go over what this means moving forward!"
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Meanwhile, no shortages here...
Full screen recommended.
Travelling with Russell, 10/16/23
"I Went To Russia's Largest Market: Sadavod"
"Sadavod Market in Moscow, Russia is the largest open trading market in all of Russia. With more than 9,500 individual traders spread over a 40ha territory. With more than 91 million shoppers per year. Discover with me what Russia's Largest Market is really like."
Comments here:

You see it with your own eyes, what's it telling you?
Comments, please...

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