Wednesday, July 19, 2023

"American Caligula" (Excerpt)

"American Caligula"
by GrungeVet aka Scipio Eruditus

“Every single morning since I’ve been 27 years old, I’ve got up and someone’s handed me a card like the one I have in my pocket with the schedule on it, of all the things I’m gonna do. I don’t know what to do if I didn’t have that card.”
- President Joseph Robinette Biden

Excerpt: "The name Caligula has become synonymous with sexual depravity and violence, a ruler famed for savage acts of barbarity and carnality. I contest that we have a modern reincarnation of Caligula on America’s shores; personified in a quite public fashion by our alleged President, Joe Biden. Like the Caesars of old, this demented pervert can not contain his foul sexual urges, molesting terrified children on a nearly weekly basis. YouTube montages of this man’s public behavior are appropriately age restricted due to the graphic nature of his pawing. We have watched this man, and many others within the political realm, fall prey to the basest of human desires: pedophilia. Blackmail of this sort has been used by generations of fixer’s — such as Jeffrey Epstein and Roy Cohn - to bend politicians to their master’s will. It has become painfully self-evident that the nations of the once Christian West are ruled by a corrupt and depraved intergenerational criminal cartel; a cartel who holds their pawns in spiritual slavery through sexual bondage of the most horrific nature.

Our taskmasters are not an aberration in this regard, for this monstrous sexual predilection is extraordinarily common amongst the ruling “elite” throughout history. The tales of the Julio-Claudian Caesars of Rome serve as a fitting frame of reference to compare our current ruling class to, for the old pagan ways have returned to the once Christian West in force. The degenerate sexual escapades of the Julio-Claudian dynasty included parental incest, sibling incest, mass public orgies, sodomy, bestiality, cross-dressing, and pedophilia. The Roman historian Suetonius best chronicles the reprobate reign of Caligula (emphasis mine):

"It was his habit to commit incest with each of his three sisters and, at large banquets, when his wife reclined above him, placed them all in turn below him. They say that he ravished his sister Drusilla before he came [of] age: their grandmother Antonia, at whose house they were both staying, caught them in bed together…

He showed no such extreme love or respect for the two surviving sisters, and often, indeed, let his boy friends sleep with them; and at Aemilius Lepidus’ trial, felt no compunction about denouncing them as adulteresses who were party to plots against him – openly producing letters in their handwriting (acquired by trickery and seduction) and dedicating to Mars the Avenger the three swords with which, the accompanying placard alleged, they had meant to kill him." - "Life of Gaius"

One of Caligula’s surviving sisters - Agrippina the Younger - would later go on to birth the future Emperor Nero, with whom she would continue the Julio-Claudian tradition of intergenerational incest.

Rape, sibling incest, and pimping out his sisters were just a small portion of Caligula’s sins. While the Emperor Elagabalus is often referred to as the “first” transgender emperor by leftist historians, it was in my opinion Caligula. Let us once again turn to Suetonius and his Life of the Caesars, which describes the personal habits of Emperor Caligula:

"Gaius [Caligula] paid no attention to traditional or current fashions in his dress; ignoring male conventions and even the human decencies. Often he made public appearances in a cloak covered with embroidery and encrusted with precious stones, a long-sleeved tunic and bracelets; or in silk (which men were forbidden by law to wear) or even in a woman’s robe; and came shod sometimes with slippers, sometimes with buskins, sometimes with military boots, sometimes with women’s shoes. Often he affected a golden beard and carried a thunderbolt, trident, or serpent-twined staff in his hand. He even dressed up as Venus…"
- "Life of Gaius"

Caligula’s profligate homosexual appetites were only matched by his extravagant financial expenditures. With the treasury dwindling, plots against the Emperor grew. The final straw was his announcement that he planned to leave Rome in order to permanently reside in Alexandria, where he would be worshipped as a living god. His short-lived reign ended when the Praetorian Guard stabbed Caligula to death with his wife and daughter. The Roman historian Cassius Dio famously quipped that Caligula “learned by actual experience that he was not a god”. In Caligula we see shades of our own rulers, for the American ruling regime has become inhabited by the same pagan sprits ruling the nations of yore."
Full horrifying article is here:
Hat tip to the Burning Platform for this material.

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