
Saturday, May 13, 2023

"The Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama bin Laden Dropped Jaws With This Statement On The Woke Military"

"The Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama bin Laden 
Dropped Jaws With This Statement On The Woke Military"
By Patriot Political

"To say that the United States military has gone woke in recent years would be putting it mildly. But one man who has certainly earned the right to offer his criticism has had enough. And the Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden dropped jaws with this statement on the woke military.

May 2, 2011 was a famous date in history. It’s the day Navy SEAL Rob O’Neill killed Osama bin Laden, bringing a small payback for thousands of Americans who perished nearly a decade earlier on 9/11.

O’Neill is not happy with the direction the Navy has taken in recent years and he just blasted the Armed Forces for enlisting a drag queen influencer as a “digital ambassador” to help with recruitment.

“Alright,” O’Neill began in a post on social media. “The U.S. Navy is now using an enlisted sailor Drag Queen as a recruiter. I’m done. China is going to destroy us. YOU GOT THIS NAVY. I can’t believe I fought for this bulls*it.”
After a TikTok video from drag queen influencer and U.S. Navy Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley went viral among conservative commentators this week, O’Neill evidently felt compelled to offer his thoughts. But O’Neill was not done expressing his frustration with the woke military. “You’re doing it wrong, @USNavy,” he wrote in a followup tweet. “Talk to someone whose [sic] actually done something! Not yeomen with t*ts and a Di*k!”
The Navy brought in drag queen Harpy Daniels, who is also an active-duty sailor, to participate in a pilot program targeting a wider array of potential recruits through digital platforms.
Watch the video here:

Don't you feel safer, Good Citizen? The Dept. Of Defense budget for 2023 was $870 BILLION, and this is what we get. Excuse me, but OMFGod, we have truly gone insane...

You probably need one of these, I did...

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