
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

"Best Buy Will Probably Disappear Soon As Perfect Storm For Bankruptcies Hits Major Retailers"

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"Best Buy Will Probably Disappear Soon As 
Perfect Storm For Bankruptcies Hits Major Retailers"
By Epic Economist

"Long gone are the days when Best Buy ruled as the top electronics retailer in the U.S. The retail giant is not only losing ground on the market – in March, it reported a 45% decline in its annual net income from 2022, while domestic revenue fell by $13.5 billion – but after reports of mass store closings and plunging consumer demand, it looks like the company is hanging by a thread. What went wrong? A lot, according to retail experts. The chain’s business model, internal operations, and financial health are crumbling, but tracking down Best Buy's biggest failure requires a much deeper look at the way the company conducts its business.

For the longest time, shoppers have been reporting customer service failures at the retailer’s stores. They have been taking to social media to rant about bad experiences with pushy or unhelpful employees, not to mention the inefficiency of the company’s delivery service.

On top of that, experts at highlight that the electronics retailer lacks one of the most important aspects of its business: innovation. It isn’t offering anything different from what other bigger market players do, failing to differentiate itself in this tough market. Meanwhile, operational costs continue to pile up. Best Buy expanded rapidly in the '90s by purchasing smaller chains and transforming them into its big-box format, a strategy that seemed successful — until it wasn’t. "The problem with the creation of the big stores is that Best Buy is now saddled with the costs of that vast square footage," Chen added. And Best Buy didn’t consider the long-term outlook. "They did not realize how fast disruptive forces would turn their stores into liabilities instead of assets," he continued.

Now, the chain is starting to retreat from physical retail as it tries to weather the storm. After announcing a large number of store closings in April, a few days ago it just revealed plans to shut down another 70 locations this year. Financial analyst James Zeoli revealed that the company's chief executive officer, Corie Barry, said during a March 1 earnings call that hundreds of locations were candidates for closure this year. "Although this occurred pretty abruptly, it's not a surprise," Zeoli said.

The troubles of the electronics store chain remember a situation described in Ernest Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises.” One character asks another how he went bankrupt. “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly,” he said. Now it feels like Best Buy is doing the same, just as many big box retailers have done in the last decade.

First comes the financial imbalances, poorly managed by executives and further exacerbated by stock market volatility, then the economic scenario dramatically changes and sales growth collapses. At the same time, consumers discover new exciting retailers that provide what the company is not providing. The financial collapse comes later. But if history is any guide, the second part, once it starts, will be quick.

As with many large retailers unable to cope with innovation and new consumer expectations, the company will continue to sputter on fumes, slowing down bit by bit until one day it just stops moving."
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