
Friday, April 21, 2023

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 4/21/23"

"Weekly News Wrap-Up 4/21/23"
Debt Ceiling Crash, Biden 9.5% Approval, 
CV19 Bioweapon Peak Death
by Greg Hunter’s 

"If you have been following along here on USAW, you all know the real data showing the economy and the U.S. dollar is in real trouble. Now, throw in some politics to cast blame away from the Obama/Biden Administration for tanking the economy and you get some real dangerous wild cards put into the deck. The debt ceiling is headed for a showdown next week, and some people think the Democrats will crash the stock and bond markets when the debt ceiling does not pass. Who knows if this will happen, but the climate is so volatile in Washington D.C. the possibility is real. Look out and prepare for the worst.

Why would an economic crash be valuable to the Obama/Biden Administration? How about to distract from the criminal problems Hunter Biden is facing? Or you can look no further than the latest real approval number from Martin Armstrong released this week on USAW. The real approval number for Vice President Biden is 9.5% according to Armstrong’s Socrates computer program. Another source (I personally know and must keep anonymous) from Big Tech says their latest number is 9% approval for “The Big Guy.” So, double sourced and proof the Obama/Biden Administration knows it is already facing a mountain of an uphill battle. It also knows it is in very big trouble with Biden announcing next week he’s running for re-election in 2024.

The deaths and disabilities keep stacking up with the CV19 bioweapon/vax. The Lying Legacy Media (LLM) keeps trying to cover up and ignore the massive medical genocide, but with 600 million injections in the USA alone, the dike is clearly breaking. Fully vaxed Jamie Foxx has been in the hospital since April 11 with some sort of “medical complication.” Meanwhile, former news anchor, 42-year-old Lesley Swick-Van Ness, was not so fortunate. She passed away from a “sudden illness” Monday morning while vacationing with her family, according to news reports.

When do the death and disabilities peak? Computer data researcher Clif High tells us we have a way to go before the carnage peaks from the CV19 bioweapon/vax. It’s in the video, so watch it for the answer. There is much more in the 49-minute newscast."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he talks about these 
stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 4/21/23:

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