
Monday, March 6, 2023

"Walmart Permanently Shut Down All Stores In Portland As Historic Theft Rises"

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"Walmart Permanently Shut Down 
All Stores In Portland As Historic Theft Rises"
By Epic Economist

"Our cities are deteriorating so rapidly that now big names in the industry are announcing widespread store closings, and last week, Walmart joined the list saying it will shut down all of its stores in Portland. The company has started to close multiple locations in several states, eliminating thousands of jobs, and leaving communities it served for years. A massive wave of store shutdowns is taking place all over the United States right now as businesses’ financial losses continue to rise.

By the end of this month, Portland residents won’t be able to visit their local Walmart stores anymore. Late last week, the big-box retailer announced it will close all of its stores in the city, noting that the closings are being conducted because the locations were not meeting the company’s financial expectations. But this isn’t the whole story. Many people have questioned if the decision came about as the result of rampant shoplifting. Portland has seen a massive increase in the rate of serious offenses, theft, and depredation of local businesses, and Walmart hasn’t been immune to that.

A few months ago, CEO Doug McMillion warned that the retail chain would close stores and hike prices due to historically high rates of theft at its locations. "Theft is an issue. It’s higher than what it has historically been," McMillion stressed. He added that "prices will be higher and stores will close" because authorities don’t crack down on prosecuting shoplifters.

The stores that are about to go dark have become a staple in the retail habits of so many. At least 580 jobs will be lost due to the closures. And thousands more are on the line as the company prepares to shutter unprofitable locations in Wisconsin, Illinois, Arkansas, Washington, Florida, Louisiana, and New Mexico. In places like Portland, which used to have a prosperous economic landscape until criminality became an epidemic, many companies are being forced to leave given that authorities continue to overlook the city’s social issues. In recent years, thousands of downtown businesses have been closed, with 2,600 shutdowns happening just over the past three years.

Needless to say, the more chaos we witness in our core urban areas, the more people and businesses run away in search of greener pastures. Sadly, it isn’t just our big cities that are falling apart. Our whole society is deteriorating. If we stay on this self-destructive path, the consequences are going to be downright terrifying. And our population has no idea how messed up the state of our economy really is.

Things weren’t always this horrible. America used to have some of the brightest, most opulent cities in the world. Our citizens once had opportunities for personal financial growth, they treated one another with respect, and they worked incredibly hard. But now our nation is teeming with extremely slothful degenerates that want everything handed to them on a silver platter.

Moral decay is everywhere that you look, delinquencies are completely out of control. We are facing a drastic shift in our standard of living, and businesses and consumers alike are suffering from all that. So let us hope that we reverse course while there is still time to do so because evil continues to spread like wildfire all over America. And our time is running up."
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