
Friday, March 10, 2023

"15 Cheap Items That Are Going To Get Very Expensive In The Months Ahead"

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"15 Cheap Items That Are Going To Get 
Very Expensive In The Months Ahead"
By Epic Economist

"We all know by now that a single black swan event can interrupt the flow of goods to our stores and result in empty shelves that can last for months on end. With so many factors combining to create a threatening outlook for our supply chains, our economy, and financial markets simultaneously, it is safe to say that it is only a matter of time before the next emergency strikes. This means that many of the goods that we take for granted today may disappear from our local supermarkets, pharmacies, and retail stores, and even essential products that only cost us a few dollars may face huge price spikes due to dwindling inventories.

Even an unexpected natural disaster can set off a panic buying wave that wipes out the stock of a certain product that can make a difference for you in a life-and-death situation. It seems that people are finally waking up to the fact that getting ready in advance for possible adversities and stocking up on medicine, groceries, and key utensils can not only save a lot of money in the long run but also keep you safe in a situation when things get quite chaotic on our streets.

After the pandemic broke out, we all got a taste of the feeling of being stuck at home with no access to the things we needed for an indefinite period. Even nowadays, people still get shocked when they see that a given product can just vanish from sight from one week to the other. So it’s crucial to use the knowledge this experience has given us to better position ourselves for any challenges that may arise in the future.

For example, we often take for granted our access to clean water. However, we must remember that several parts of the country are already facing water shortages. During summertime, supplies get even more limited. And if you're thinking about long-term survival, you must start considering ways of purifying water using sources around your home. We never really realize how much we rely on clean water until our homes don't have any. Whenever a panic buying wave happens at our local supermarkets, bottled water is the first thing to go missing.

There are simply no guarantees that basic staples will be available forever, and stocking up on them now will be proven very helpful in critical moments. You can slowly create a backstock according to your needs and budget. But it’s important to start before it is too late because inflation will continue to send consumer prices to record highs for quite some time. That’s why today, we compiled a list of simple and affordable items which have both domestic and survival uses that are set to soar in price when the next disruption hits our supply chains.

Although many of these items may seem pretty unimportant right now, they will become critical supplies to have when the next crisis hits. For now, they're still easy to source and purchase. But all of these cheap items are going to be very expensive one day. So let's enjoy the window of opportunity we still have to make sure we're well-equipped for the challenges that are coming for us."
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