
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

"The West: Back To The Dark Ages"

"The West: Back To The Dark Ages"

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"Europe's Energy Crisis May Last For 'Many Winters'"
"For the past few months, the sense in Europe seems to have been that the energy crisis will magically vanish after the coming Winter season. A narrative has been created that suggests Europe’s energy woes will resolve themselves after the continent survives the coming cold season. However, a contrarian argument – which is much more realistic, has begun being made. Europe’s energy crisis is here to stay- for several years. So, many coming winters could, in fact, be excruciating for ordinary Europeans. That puts Russia at a distinct advantage to leverage its way out of the sanctions imposed on it by the European Union. Faced with several years of difficulty, European nations will ultimately choose their own welfare and energy security over their empathy for Ukraine. Watch to know more."
How And Why...
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"Did Russia Just Hit a Jackpot in Ukraine?"
"A lot of questions arise out of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Why did Russia invade Ukraine, to begin with? Was it due to NATO’s supposed expansion in Eastern Europe, and talk of Ukraine eventually becoming a member of the U.S.-led military alliance against Russia? Was it because alleged “neo-Nazi” elements took control of Ukraine, forcing Russia to launch what it calls the “denazification” of the country? Or was it because Vladimir Putin saw an opening with the exit of Donald Trump to exert Russian hard power in Europe? While these questions answer most of our questions, these are not all. Ukraine has natural resources worth several trillions of dollars, and this is starting to emerge as one of the reasons why Russia crossed over to the other side. Watch to know more."
Tucker Carlson, 
"Europe: Back To The Dark Ages, 
Things Are Falling Apart Very Quickly"

Here's what's coming, Americans...

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