Sunday, April 10, 2022

"Signs Of Distress" (Excerpt)

  "Signs Of Distress" (Excerpt)
by Chris Martenson

"Signs Of Distress: In ways conscious and subconscious, we're becoming aware of the signs of growing instability around us. Like a flock of sheep catching the scent of an unseen predator, right now we’re collectively becoming increasingly nervous and stressed. People’s tempers are short with each other, criticisms fly easily, and stances are becoming hardened to ludicrous levels. Many don’t know why they're unhappy. And because they're unable to identify the source, they blame themselves. Instead of acting out, they act in.
The truth is that the lifestyle we're living today is vastly distant from the one humans evolved to value. Sebastian Junger explained to us in a podcast that returning veterans commit suicide at the rate of 22 per day largely because they experience such 'emptiness' upon reintegrating into civilian life. Unit cohesion in the military was so much more fulfilling and enriching that the prospect of a permanent return to what we call “US culture” leads many of them to conclude that suicide is the better option. If there's a more damning indictment of the current culture in the US, I don’t know of it.

The data is clear: in the US, people are as unhappy, overmedicated and overweight than ever before. Our society's current plan is just not working. So why not square up to that reality, take charge and fix things while we still can? Why would we agree to persist in this dangerously broken state of affairs?

We, each of us and all of us, have the power to pursue a different path. A better path. We can and we should change everything that needs changing. We must rebel against this state of affairs, and withdraw our consent from a toxic system rather than let that system break us down. The data is telling us that from here, the extreme changes the world is experiencing will only accelerate. Those who can see this and adapt will fare far better than those who cannot, will not, or won’t. Some will thrive, some will survive, many will do neither. The time for a quiet revolution has arrived. One that begins with, and within, you.”
Please view this complete, highly recommended, article here:

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