Sunday, January 3, 2021

"11 Things Everyone Needs You to Know"

"11 Things Everyone Needs You to Know"
by Marc

"A silhouette of a human being stands before you. Perhaps an old friend. Perhaps a neighbor.  Perhaps a perfect stranger, like me. Here are 11 things we all need you to keep in mind…

1. You never really know how much the people around you are hurting. You could be standing next to someone who is completely broken inside and you wouldn’t even know it. So never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have. And remember that there are two ways to spread light in this world: You can either be a flame of hope, or a mirror that reflects it. Be one of the two every chance you get. 
2. The most important trip you will likely take in life is meeting others half way. You will achieve far more by working with people, rather than against them. Giving someone else a voice, and showing them that their ideas matter, will have a long-lasting, positive impact on the both of you.

3. Relationships don’t create happiness, they reflect it. Happiness is an inside job. Relationships are simply the mirrors of your happiness; they reflect it and help you celebrate it. They are mirrors because they are a perfect reflection of your thoughts and beliefs. To reflect means to encourage you when you feel weak and challenge you when you feel strong, thereby returning you to your center. And to celebrate is to share the natural ease and joy of living from your center – of living in the now with clarity.

4. Compassion comes back around. The son who tends to his chronically ill mother, ignoring his own exhaustion; the neighbor who gives a helping hand, even as his own needs go unanswered; the one who donates a couple dollars to someone in need, even if she has to break her last five dollar bill to do it. Maybe you don’t hear the names of these unsung heroes in the news, but surely the universe hears their names and treats them accordingly.

 5. Timing is everything. There is a time for silence, a time to let go and allow your friends to launch themselves into their own destiny, and a time to cheer for their victories, or help them pick up the pieces, when it’s all over. 
 6. Actions are the loudest form of communication. What you do speaks so loud that others will have a hard time hearing what you say. So practice what you preach or don’t preach at all – walk the talk. And remember that there is often a major gap between what someone says and what they do. Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.

 7. A healthy relationship keeps the doors and windows open. Plenty of air is circulating and no one feels trapped. Relationships thrive in this environment. Keep your doors and windows open. If a person is meant to be in your life, all the open doors and windows in the world won’t make them leave.

 8. People are more what they keep silent than what they say. Pay attention to their quiet gestures. If you cannot understand someone’s silence, you will have a hard time understanding their words. 
9. What others say and do is often based entirely on their own self-reflection. When you have people speaking to you who are angry and upset, and you nevertheless remain very present and continue to treat them with kindness and respect, you place yourself in a position of great power  You become a means for the situation to be graciously diffused and healed. A Zen teacher once said, “When somebody backs themselves into a corner, look the other way until they get themselves out; and then act as though it never happened.” Allowing people to save face in this way, and not reminding them of what they already know is not their most intelligent behavior, is an act of great kindness. This is possible when we realize that people behave in such ways because they are in a place of great suffering. People react to their own thoughts and feelings and their behavior often has nothing directly to do with you.

10. Sincerity is giving without expectation. Good character and true friendship is all about how a person nurtures another person who is vulnerable and can give nothing in return. So when you have been through tough times and come out the other side, look around you. The people still standing beside you are your true friends.

11. Not every relationship is meant to last forever. Some people aren’t meant to stay in your life. Some people are just passing through to bring you something – perhaps a lesson you need to learn, or memory that makes you smile years later. When the time comes, it’s okay to let go and move on with your life."

"Face Masks and the Study of Violence. 'The Mask Destroys Empathy, Empowers Interpersonal Aggression'”

"Face Masks and the Study of Violence. 
'The Mask Destroys Empathy, Empowers Interpersonal Aggression'”
by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

"Those who have not studied violence may not fully understand how harmful it can be to not see someone’s face. Masks give a powerful sense of anonymity to the killer, and dehumanize the victim. Thus preventing empathy, and empowering aggression, violence, and murder. In city after city, across America, there have been more murders so far this year, than all of last year. And masks are one of the major reasons why this is happening.

I wrote the book "On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society." With over half-a-million copies sold, in seven languages, "On Killing" is a “perennial bestseller” and Google Scholar says it has been cited over 2,900 times in academic research. It has established itself as one of the major scholarly works of our time.

I wrote the book, and created a new field of scholarly endeavor known as “killology” because I want to help keep people safe, and reduce violence in our society. Psychology is not about teaching people to be psychos, criminology is not about teaching people to be criminals, and killology is not about teaching people to kill. It is about understanding the factors that empower and restrain killing in our society.

People often point to some horrible crime and declare that, “This proves humans are naturally killers!” My response to them is, “No. That is an outlier. It is literally, one-in-a-million. You explain to me the 99.9% of our citizens who will go a lifetime, and never even seriously attempt to take a human life. Explain that!” Poverty, divorce, infidelity, layoffs, and traffic accidents occur by the millions every day in our society. And yet, in a lifetime of provocation, less than 00.1% of our citizens will attempt to take a human life. That is the hard thing to explain!

America is roughly a third-of-a-billion people. Every person who interacts with another person represents a friction point, adding up to billions of friction points every single day. An amazing array of social, physical, psychological and physiological factors provide a “lubricant” for each of these friction points, in order to prevent physical violence and murder.

Masks are like a handful of sand in an automobile engine, greatly increasing the “friction” at… Every. Single. One. Of these countless billions of daily contact points. We all understand that people will say things online that they would never say face-to-face. And masks create a similar sense of anonymity for the aggressor, empowering face-to-face violence and hostility across our nation.

Israeli research tells us that if you are kidnapped, and you are blindfolded or you have a hood over your head, you are far more likely to be murdered by your captors. You would think, since I cannot identify my captors, then I am less of a threat to them. But your potential long-term threat to your captors is not what is keeping you alive. It is looking into the face of another human being — thus creating a powerful biological sense of empathy — which is the most important factor keeping that captive alive.

The face is the window to the soul, and covering the face with a mask destroys empathy and empowers interpersonal aggression. That is why individuals being executed by hanging or firing squad, are traditionally blindfolded or hooded. Mass murders committed by criminals, terrorists, or totalitarian states, very often involve shooting victims in the back of the head, or cutting their heads off from behind. Once again, covering or hiding the face negates empathy, and empowers some of the most ghastly forms of mass murder.

Masks also muffle your voice. So, many people shout in order to be heard and understood while wearing a mask. But shouting signals aggression! When someone shouts at you, you immediately become defensive and hostile. And the situation can spiral downward from there, into aggressive confrontations, violence, and even murder

At a basic, intuitive, almost “biological” level, we understand this. We inherently distrust and fear anyone wearing a mask and the muffled shouts that come from that individual. This is buried deep in our genes, and in our culture. And it cannot be eliminated by declarations from politicians. Thus, seeing everyone around you in masks, creates anxiety and social isolation that can be profoundly harmful, and potentially create ever more violence.

This daily dehumanization, desensitization, alienation, and social isolation created by masks, can contribute to two different types of violence. Erich Fromm, tells us that “destructive aggression occurs… in conjunction with a momentary or chronic emotional withdrawal.”

First, is that “momentary emotional withdrawal” resulting in a spontaneous act of violence created by a specific circumstance. Often resulting in a single homicide, committed in a fit of rage. In addition to this spontaneous violence, there is the “chronic withdrawal” caused by a long-term build-up of alienation and isolation, that can result in mass murders and massacres. I hope I am wrong, but I believe in the coming year we will see many more horrific mass-murders and massacres.

Again, I pray that I am wrong. But I think it is very likely that we will see day-care massacres, school bus massacres, and vehicles used as weapons of mass murder, plowing into our children at 100 miles-per-hour. These crimes have happened around the world, and it may be only a matter of time, until they come to our nation. (And there are many things we can and must do, right now, to mitigate the possible loss of life from such attacks.)

What else is left to shock us? What else is there, that will create media coverage, and provide the fame, that the alienated enraged killer desires? We are on a heartbreaking, gut-wrenching descent into ever greater acts of evil. It started with school massacres committed by children, who grew up to give us college massacres, who then came back to our elementary schools as adults to express their rage in the mass murder of our children. 

More information about this can be found in my book, "Assassination Generation". In the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida, school massacre, I was invited to the White House as part of the President’s round table on violent video games. I had the honor of giving a copy of Assassination Generation to the President. Last year I was invited to the White House again, and had the honor of briefing the Vice President and giving him a copy of my book.

Doctors tell us that masks contribute to acne, anxiety, depression and heart disease. Dentists tell us that masks are causing gum disease and other dental problems. I cannot speak to these medical pros-and-cons of masks. But I can state, without hesitation, that having our entire population wearing masks, is one of the most physically and psychologically harmful things we can do. There can be no doubt that it will lead our nation into even deeper depths of violence, death, despair, and heartache.

There is one other important dynamic that we must consider. A monstrous mass murder, by a single individual, can create more psychosocial trauma than countless deaths by disease. In its section on PTSD, the DSM (the “bible” of psychology and psychiatry) tells us that, whenever the cause of trauma is “human in nature” (such as assault, torture or rape) the degree of trauma is “more severe and long lasting.” Millions die from disease every day, and it has little impact on our behavior, but one serial killer or serial rapist can paralyze a city.

Thus, from one major and critical perspective, the over-all societal harm of fear, isolation, distrust, and violence created by masks, is far greater than the harm caused by disease. This downward spiral into alienation and distrust, is the opposite of “de-escalation” and “empathy”. These are buzz-words we hear a lot, but they do communicate powerful tools that are needed to reduce violence. Tools that are badly diminished by wearing a mask.

Finally, the field of killology can tell us something that the field of criminology refuses to confront. The number of murdered people completely under-represents the level of violence, because medical technology is saving ever more lives.

In 2002, Anthony Harris and a team of scholars from the University of Massachusetts and Harvard, published their landmark research, in the journal "Homicide Studies." They concluded that advances in medical technology, between 1960 and 1999, cut the murder rate to a third, or a quarter, of what it would otherwise be. And the leaps and bounds of life-saving technology in the two decades since then — with lessons learned in almost 20 years of war — has saved the lives of even more victims of violence. Thus preventing many more murders.

When we compare money over any period of time, we speak in terms of “inflation-adjusted dollars.” If we fail to do so, we intentionally and willfully misrepresent the amount of money involved.

When we look at murder over any period of time, we must talk in terms of “medically-adjusted murders.” And we willfully and deliberately misrepresenting the situation, every time we fail to do so. When we finally start reporting “medically-adjusted murders” then we will begin to understand just how desperately, tragically bad the situation has become. For every murder we report, there are ever increasing numbers of our citizens physically maimed and scarred, and emotionally crippled and traumatized by violence.

And how much more so, when we create vastly more “friction” by throwing that “handful of sand” into the engine-block of our civilization, by making everyone wear masks?

For a politician sitting in his basement, or a movie star holed up in his mansion, it is easy to call for a universal mask mandate. But they have servants who do their shopping and yard work. For those living on the edge of physical and emotional well-being, for individuals who have to interact every day with potentially hostile employees or customers, for those who are already on the edge of committing violence, for all the “real people” out there, mandating masks can be profoundly harmful. This policy has already resulted in an erosion of emotional wellbeing, and an explosion of violent crime. And it is something that we can stop, right now, in order to save lives. Masks truly can be murder."

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Higher Destination"

2002, "Higher Destination"
Full screen recommended.

"A Look to the Heavens"

"What's the matter with the Bullet Cluster? This massive cluster of galaxies (1E 0657-558) creates gravitational lens distortions of background galaxies in a way that has been interpreted as strong evidence for the leading theory: that dark matter exists within. Different analyses, though, indicate that a less popular alternative - modifying gravity - could explain cluster dynamics without dark matter, and provide a more likely progenitor scenario as well. 

Currently, the two scientific hypotheses are competing to explain the observations: it's invisible matter versus amended gravity. The duel is dramatic as a clear Bullet-proof example of dark matter would shatter the simplicity of modified gravity theories. The featured sonified image is a Hubble/Chandra/Magellan composite with red depicting the X-rays emitted by hot gas, and blue depicting the suggested separated dark matter distribution. The sonification assigns low tones to dark matter, mid-range frequencies to visible light, and high tones to X-rays. The battle over the matter in the Bullet cluster is likely to continue as more observations, computer simulations, and analyses are completed."

Free Download: Seneca, "On the Shortness of Life"

"It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested. But when it is wasted in heedless luxury and spent on no good activity, we are forced at last by death’s final constraint to realize that it has passed away before we knew it was passing. So it is: we are not given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it… Life is long if you know how to use it.

You are living as if destined to live for ever; your own frailty never occurs to you; you don’t notice how much time has already passed, but squander it as though you had a full and overflowing supply — though all the while that very day which you are devoting to somebody or something may be your last. You act like mortals in all that you fear, and like immortals in all that you desire… How late it is to begin really to live just when life must end! How stupid to forget our mortality, and put off sensible plans to our fiftieth and sixtieth years, aiming to begin life from a point at which few have arrived!

Putting things off is the biggest waste of life: it snatches away each day as it comes, and denies us the present by promising the future. The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today. You are arranging what lies in Fortune’s control, and abandoning what lies in yours. What are you looking at? To what goal are you straining? The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately."

Freely download "On the Shortness of Life", by Seneca, here:
'Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. 
We have only today. Let us begin.'
- Mother Teresa

"Tell Yourself..."

“Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.”
- Louise Erdrich

"How We Know It’s a Show"

"How We Know It’s a Show"
by Eric Peters

"I recently got into a “debate” with a Sickness Cultist, who berated me for my heresy. I tried reason with him, which works as well as mixing oil and water.One thing I tried to specifically get an answer to is a question that ought to be of interest to anyone interested in a reasonable discussion of this business.
Click image for larger size.
It is simply this: If it is necessary to wear “masks” – as they’re styled – why are there no standards, beyond the thing being a “mask”?

Why isn’t there a requirement that the “mask” be at least an N95 and ideally an N100 respirator that actually can thwart the exhalation of those extremely tiny viral particles? Why is it that a literal rag – an old bandana, for instance that’s so porous one can see daylight passing through it – qualifies as a “mask” and grants entry to stores and such when it absolutely cannot thwart the transmission of viral particles?
Click image for larger size.
Also the disposable “mask” that almost everyone who wears one of these wretched symbols of submission wears? It says – it explicitly warns – right on the box that these things do not prevent the transmission of COVID-19 (all caps, now) or – implicitly – any other virus, the material being too porous to serve that purpose?

“This mask is not a medical device . . .or personal protective equipment offering protection from COVID-19 or any other airborne particles. This product is not intended as a replacement for medical grade personal protective equipment or other recommended measures to stop the community spread of COVID-19… ”  And yet, they qualify. Technically, a literal Diaper over one’s face qualifies.

Come on in! It makes no sense – it is dangerous . . . if you’re really worried about getting sick. If this is serious – in terms of “the virus” – then no one should be allowed within a public area without an N95 or better device covering their faces. Something that actually works. Unless the “mask” is for show. Unless it is theater – as Pope Fauci XVII actually admitted some months ago. In which case, it all makes sense.

The “mask” is to show that you give in – or that you believe. It is not about stopping the spread of anything – unless you count disbelief. And that is what cannot be tolerated.

These people walking around with their “masks” on are literally like people who wear tinfoil hats – with the difference being that the latter are still snickered at, the wearers regarded as being in need of psychiatric help – while the former are lauded as Responsible Citizens who are Doing Their Part.

In fact, all they’re doing is showing how little they care about their health – and how much they want to believe. How easy it is to terrify and control them, just by saying boo!

The less-than-N95 “masks” are the equivalent of a pocket full of posies – remember the rhyme? – but because they have been told by Anderson Cooper that they “work” they wear them. Religiously. You’d think they’d be interested to know whether they work. Would at least consider the answer when someone asks them how come there is no standard requiring that they work – but permitting literally anything to qualify, so long as it covers your face.
But they aren’t. Because they believe. Put your hands against the television set! Heeeaaaaa-uhl!

They grow militant when someone asks this question – when someone demands to know how it is that a piece of Holy Cloth does anything other than cover the wearer’s face. They grow even more militant when the follow-up query as to why it is so important that people cover their faces – even if the covering doesn’t do anything other than cover the wearer’s face? – is asked.

They grow militant when someone asks this question – when someone demands to know how it is that a piece of Holy Cloth does anything other than cover the wearer’s face. They grow even more militant when the follow-up query as to why it is so important that people cover their faces – even if the covering doesn’t do anything other than cover the wearer’s face? – is asked.
The answer one gets is the Corona equivalent of the mentally ill autistic girl whose face corkscrews into a paroxysm of fury and spits outs How Dare You! when someone questions the theology of the Climate Change Cult.

The adult Greta I debated – or rather, tried to – refused to answer either question. Instead, I was accused of being “inane” and “childish.” It reminded me of the answer I sometimes received as a child when I posed a question that an adult couldn’t answer: Because I said so. That’s not good enough.

If you can’t answer the question, then maybe you ought to re-think what this “mask” business is really all about and why your life as well as the lives of others isn’t worth more than the cost of a dirty old bandana."

"A Time for New Beginnings and Ending That Which Must End" (Excerpt)

"A Time for New Beginnings and Ending That Which Must End"
By Doug “Uncola” Lynn

"Janus is an ancient Roman, a composite god who is associated with doorways, beginnings, and transitions. A usually two-faced god, he looks to both the future and the past at the same time, embodying a binary." Source
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, 
they don’t have to worry about answers."
– Thomas Pynchon, “Gravity’s Rainbow” (1973)

"Two years ago, also during the month of Janus, I wrote a speculative article on Trump as two faces on the same coin and, specifically, considered the president as the “most interesting man in the world”: an enigmatic “ringleader”, of sorts, who always keeps us guessing between transitional episodes: In so many ways, Trump is the perfect foil to usher in a new epoch… a forerunner of sorts before another ringleader takes center stage.

To be sure, President Trump is like a flip-sided Obama the way he’s branded upon America’s psyche. And, like Obama, he’s a walking, talking, Rorschach test. For good? Or bad? Either way: We all have our suspicions and are becoming more certain with each passing day. And here we are today, two years later, still wondering.

In the wake of Russiagate, the Mueller Show, the 2018 Midterms, the Ukraine impeachment debacle, Covid, and, now, a stolen presidential election, it calls to mind the following questions: What if the innermost circle of The Borg, or, at least, the mid-level components like the Deep State, Orwellian Media, Dems, Rinos, and punditry, were actually caught off guard by Trump’s 2016 win – simply as a result of underestimating the awareness and will of the American voters who overwhelmed The Borg’s systemic election fraud four years ago? What if Trump were real and Spygate, Mueller, Ukrainegate, and Covid, were the means to gaslight the dupes and tie-up the president as much as possible over the previous four years?

In consideration of Occam’s Razor: What if everything we have seen during Trump’s presidency was merely a natural progression of events? Then, what if the same voter fraud occurred in the 2020 Election except, this time, The Borg was caught red-handed?

Certainly, the Orwellian Media’s anointing of Dementia Joe was, in part, a plan conceived and launched by the “bipartisan” Transition Integrity Project (T.I.P.) under the cover of Covid and using technologies and methodologies defecated straight from the bowels of Langley. Everything about November 3, 2020, and the ensuing post-election narrative propagated by the Orwellian Media smacks of desperation by those attempting to pull off the coup. Does it not? Or it could be another show: A really, super-big, gigantic, end-of-America-type media event."
Please view this complete article here:

"We Would Rather..."

"We would rather be ruined than changed;
We would rather die in our dread
Than climb the cross of the moment
And let our illusions die."
~ W.H. Auden

Free Download: Orison Swett Marden, "An Iron Will"

"An Iron Will"
by Orison Swett Marden

"Orison Swett Marden (1850 - 1924) was an American writer associated with the New Thought Movement. He also held a degree in medicine, and was a successful hotel owner. Marden was born in Thornton Gore, New Hampshire to Lewis and Martha Marden. When he was three years old, his mother died at the age of 22, leaving Orison and his two sisters in the care of their father, a farmer, hunter, and trapper. When Orison was seven years old, his father died from injuries incurred while in the wood, and the children were shuttled from one guardian to another, with Orison working as a "hired boy" to earn his keep. Inspired by an early self-help book by the Scottish author Samuel Smiles, which he found in an attic, Marden set out to improve himself and his life circumstances. He persevered in advancing himself and graduated from Boston University in 1871. He later graduated from Harvard with an M.D. in 1881 and an LL.B. degree in 1882. He also studied at the Boston School of Oratory and Andover Theological Seminary.

Like many proponents of the New Thought philosophy, Marden believed that our thoughts influence our lives and our life circumstances. He said, "We make the world we live in and shape our own environment." Yet although he is best known for his books on financial success, he always emphasized that this would come as a result of cultivating one's personal development: "The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment; it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone." "In respect to mere mundane relations, the development and discipline of one's will-power is of supreme moment in relation to success in life. No man can ever estimate the power of will. It is a part of the divine nature, all of a piece with the power of creation."
Freely Download "An Iron Will", in PDF format, by Orison Swett Marden is here:

The Daily "Near You?"

Willenhall, Walsall, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by!

“Nine Meals from Anarchy”

“Nine Meals from Anarchy”
by Jeff Thomas

“In 1906, Alfred Henry Lewis stated, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.” Since then, his observation has been echoed by people as disparate as Robert Heinlein and Leon Trotsky. The key here is that, unlike all other commodities, food is the one essential that cannot be postponed. If there were a shortage of, say, shoes, we could make do for months or even years. A shortage of gasoline would be worse, but we could survive it, through mass transport, or even walking, if necessary.

But food is different. If there were an interruption in the supply of food, fear would set in immediately. And, if the resumption of the food supply were uncertain, the fear would become pronounced. After only nine missed meals, it’s not unlikely that we’d panic and be prepared to commit a crime to acquire food. If we were to see our neighbor with a loaf of bread, and we owned a gun, we might well say, “I’m sorry, you’re a good neighbor and we’ve been friends for years, but my children haven’t eaten today – I have to have that bread – even if I have to shoot you.”

So, let’s have a closer look at the actual food distribution industry, compare it to the present direction of the economy and see whether there might be reason for concern.

The food industry typically operates on very small margins – often below 2%. Traditionally wholesalers and retailers have relied on a two-week turnaround of supply and anywhere up to a 30-day payment plan. But an increasing tightening of the economic system for the last nine years has resulted in a turnaround time of just three days for both supply and payment for many in the industry. This is a system that’s already under severe pressure, and has no further wiggle room should it take significant further hits.

If there were a month where significant inflation took place (say, 3%), all profits would be lost for the month, for both suppliers and retailers, but goods could still be replaced and sold for a higher price next month. But, if there were three or more consecutive months of inflation, the industry would be unable to bridge the gap, even if better conditions were expected to develop in future months. A failure to pay in full for several months would mean smaller orders by those who could not pay. That would mean fewer goods on the shelves. The longer the inflationary trend continued, the more quickly prices would rise to hopefully offset the inflation. And ever-fewer items on the shelves.

From Germany in 1922, to Argentina in 2000, to Venezuela in 2016, this has been the pattern, whenever inflation has become systemic, rather than sporadic. Each month, some stores close, beginning with those that are the most poorly-capitalized. In good economic times, this would mean more business for those stores that were still solvent, but, in an inflationary situation, they would be in no position to take on more unprofitable business. The result is that the volume of food on offer at retailers would decrease at a pace with the severity of the inflation.

However, the demand for food would not decrease by a single loaf of bread. Store closings would be felt most immediately in inner cities, when one closing would send customers to the next neighborhood, seeking food. The real danger would come when that store had also closed and both neighborhoods descended on a third store in yet another neighborhood. That’s when one loaf of bread for every three potential purchasers would become worth killing over. Virtually no one would long tolerate seeing his children go without food because others had “invaded” his local supermarket.

In addition to retailers, the entire industry would be impacted and, as retailers disappeared, so would suppliers, and so on, up the food chain. This would not occur in an orderly fashion, or in one specific area. The problem would be a national one. Closures would be all over the map, seemingly at random, affecting all areas. Food riots would take place, first in the inner cities, then spread to other communities. Buyers, fearful of shortages, would clean out the shelves.

Importantly, it’s the very unpredictability of food delivery that increases fear, creating panic and violence. And, again, none of the above is speculation; it’s an historical pattern – a reaction based upon human nature whenever systemic inflation occurs.

Then… unfortunately… the cavalry arrives. At that point it would be very likely that the central government would step in and issue controls to the food industry that served political needs, rather than business needs, greatly exacerbating the problem. Suppliers would be ordered to deliver to those neighborhoods where the riots were the worst, even if those retailers were unable to pay. This would increase the number of closings of suppliers. Along the way, truckers would begin to refuse to enter troubled neighborhoods and the military might well be brought in to force deliveries to take place.

So what would it take for the above to occur? Well, historically, it has always begun with excessive debt. We know that the debt level is now the highest it has ever been in world history. In addition, the stock and bond markets are in bubbles of historic proportions. They are most certainly popping. 

With a crash in the markets, deflation always follows, as people try to unload assets to cover for their losses. The Federal Reserve (and other central banks) has stated that it will unquestionably print as much money as it takes to counter deflation. Unfortunately, inflation has a far greater effect on the price of commodities than assets. Therefore, the prices of commodities will rise dramatically, further squeezing the purchasing power of the consumer, thereby decreasing the likelihood that he will buy assets, even if they’re bargain-priced. Therefore, asset-holders will drop their prices repeatedly, as they become more desperate. The Fed then prints more to counter the deeper deflation and we enter a period when deflation and inflation are increasing concurrently.

Historically, when this point has been reached, no government has ever done the right thing. They have, instead, done the very opposite – keep printing. Food still exists, but retailers shut down because they cannot pay for goods. Suppliers shut down because they’re not receiving payments from retailers. Producers cut production because sales are plummeting.

In every country that has passed through such a period, the government has eventually gotten out of the way, and the free market has prevailed, re-energizing the industry and creating a return to normal. The question is not whether civilization will come to an end. (It will not.) The question is the liveability of a society that is experiencing a food crisis, as even the best of people are likely to panic and become a potential threat to anyone who is known to store a case of soup in his cellar.

Fear of starvation is fundamentally different from other fears of shortages. Even good people panic. In such times, it’s advantageous to be living in a rural setting, as far from the centre of panic as possible. It’s also advantageous to store food in advance that will last for several months, if necessary. However, even these measures are no guarantee, as, today, modern highways and efficient cars make it easy for anyone to travel quickly to where the goods are. The ideal is to be prepared to sit out the crisis in a country that will be less likely to be impacted by dramatic inflation – where the likelihood of a food crisis is low and basic safety is more assured.”
“It is well enough that the people of the nation do not 
understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, 
I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” 
- Henry Ford



"The Most Damned Of All..."

“Damned is the soul that dies while the evil it committed lives on. And the most damned of all are those who see the evil coming for others and refuse to confront it. For it is not out of fear that heroes are born, but rather out of their selfless love that will not allow them safety bought from the torture, death, and degradation of others. It is better to die in defense of another than to live with the knowledge that you could have saved them but chose to do nothing. And to those who think that one person cannot make a difference, I say this… the deadliest tidal wave begins as an unseen ripple in a vast ocean. Live your life so that your integrity will motivate others to strive for excellence long after you’ve passed on, and know that no good deed or sacrifice, or offer of sincere friendship or love, is ever forgotten by the one who receives it.”
- Sherrilyn Kenyon

"Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds"

"Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds"
by Brian Maher

"The oppressed rose to their feet 2020. Police sank to their knees. We learned that silence is violence... And that violence is speech. From sea to glittering sea, from one continent to the next… protests raged. In our former city of Baltimore, storefronts up Charles Street and down Charles Street were barricaded against bricks:
Is there a greater symbol of hope, of love, than plywood stretched across a storefront window? We have yet to encounter one in this world.

“When a Man Enters a Crowd He Exits Civilization”: We have nothing against protests, of course. If a man wishes to march against perceived injustice, let him march… lest the heavens fall. Yet our spacious and tolerant disposition places us in a pickle jar. For a man in a protest is a man in a crowd... And when a man enters a crowd he exits civilization. He goes in, his blood goes up… and his reason goes out.

As Herr Nietzsche observed, madness is a rarity in individuals - but the rule in crowds. Or as argued Mr. Charles Mackay, author of the 1841 classic "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds": "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."

“A Crowd Runs Not on Thought but on Hormones”: A man in a crowd ceases to be a man but a face. He ceases to be an independent unit but a cog in a lunatic machine. A man in a crowd does not think for himself. The crowd thinks for him. That is, the man ceases to think whatsoever.

A Crowd Is Not Necessarily a Street Mob: But by our comprehensive standards, a crowd is not merely a mass on a street. A nation is a sort of crowd - a supercrowd. And no greater menace exists than a supercrowd after a devil. It is given to the same madnesses as the street crowd… only its madnesses are amplified by the tens, by the hundreds, by the thousands and the millions. They often leave “rivers of blood” and a “harvest of groans and tears” trailing behind them.

From the aforesaid "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds": "In reading the history of nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities; their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion and run after it till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first. We see one nation suddenly seized, from its highest to its lowest members, with a fierce desire of military glory; another as suddenly becoming crazed upon a religious scruple, and neither of them recovering its senses until it has shed rivers of blood and sowed a harvest of groans and tears, to be reaped by its posterity."

The Madness of Market Crowds: A market too is a crowd… and equally susceptible to lunacy. Mr. Mackay consecrates page upon page to the Tulip delirium (1636–37), the Mississippi Bubble (1718–20) and the related South Sea Bubble (1720). It is a pity the fellow no longer writes.

The stock market bubble of 1929, the technology bubble of 2000 and the housing bubble of 2008 added entire chapters to the literature of mass delusion. Additional chapters - no doubt - await writing.

Here is the common element that unites the street protest, the nation at war, the frothing markets: The man in a crowd. Would a man outside a crowd hurl bricks at police… march off to war… buy stocks at the peak of a bubble? He would not. Only the man under crowd influence does any of it.

Man Must Choose Between Freedom and Happiness: Mankind confronts a choice, argued George Orwell in 1984. He must choose between freedom and happiness. And the mass of men prefer happiness to freedom: "The choice for mankind lay between freedom and happiness and that, for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better."

By our lights, the great bulk of men seek the peace and contentment of herd living - of life in a crowd. And perhaps, even, their choice is the proper choice. Freedom is too hot for most hands, as Mencken described it - or too cold for most spines, as Nietzsche described it. Either way… freedom runs to temperatures too extreme for most constitutions. For a crowd runs not on thought but on hormones. The crowd’s lusts become the man’s lusts, its will becomes his will, its devils become his devils. It is these devils - in fact - that unite the crowd.

A Crowd Needs a Devil: These devils may appear in the form of policemen, of whites, of blacks, of Muslims, of Christians, of Chinamen, of Russians, of conservatives, of progressives, of capitalists, of anti-capitalists, of greenhouse gas-geysers, of meat-munchers. One crowd has its devil. A second crowd, another. A third, a devil of its own.

Above all: Any crowd’s hate for devils vastly exceeds its love for angels. Angels do not get the blood up. Angels do not bubble the hormones. Angels do not furl the fingers into fists. Devils do get the blood up. Devils do bubble the hormones. Devils do furl the fingers into fists.

And throughout America in 2020, throughout parts of the world beyond… The blood was up, the hormones were a-bubble, the fingers were furling into fists. Many of these fists crashed into heads. That is, the crowd proceeded against its devil.

“Freedom Includes the Freedom to Starve”: The crowd offers safety. Strength of numbers. Solidarity. Companionship. The free man must go upon his own hook, push along under his own steam, weave his own safety net, face cruel fate alone.

Do not forget: Freedom includes the freedom to starve.

We therefore have no heat against the man who prefers happiness to freedom. We enjoy happiness ourself. Safety. And security. Extremes of heat and cold, meantime, immiserate us. And - despite all apparent evidence - we enjoy companionship. Yet we confess a vast respect for the man who never wanders into a crowd, for the man who does not flock. For we prefer humanity in batches of one. The free man’s example is the eagle, the free and noble eagle.

“The Eagle Does Not Flock. You Find Him One by One”: We would emulate the solitary eagle over the flocking birds - over the birds that crowd. For the eagle does not flock. You find him one by one. That is, the eagle takes the individual view. In our experience, that view is often the higher view, the superior view. The free man is the eagle high aloft, wheeling on steady wings, on proud and confident wings. He is free to starve, it is true. But he is also free to soar. And the man in a crowd? As the bird in a flock… he is free only to follow..."

"How It Really Is"


"The BQ"

"The BQ"
by The Zman

"We live in an age of great inequality. In fact, some economist think America may have greater inequality now than at any time in human history. Americans don’t think about it too much, as generations of indoctrination about class envy have made questioning such things seem un-American. That and the middle-class may be swamped with debt, but they have all the trappings of prosperity. Even poor people in this country are fat. People tend to worry about how much the rich man has, only when their bellies are growling.

Few people on the Dissident Right have much to say about economics. The main reason, obviously, is that demographics and multiculturalism take up most of the space. A big part of the aesthetic is ignoring the trivial things like tax policy, in order to remain focused on the bigger topics that are assiduously ignored by our rulers. That and the subject is full of libertarian hucksters, peddling apologies for globalism and the billionaire class. They have framed the topic in such a way that it is impossible to say anything meaningful.

Progressives in American and Leftists in Europe have always argued that inequality is immoral on its face. They may not use that phrasing, but that is the underlying assumption behind their arguments for taxing the rich and redistributing wealth. Perhaps that can be debated, but there’s little doubt that great inequality brings with it great social and political change. A society with relatively small differences in wealth, where there is economic equilibrium, is unlikely to lurch into unrest or reckless adventures.

When Henry VIII ascended the throne in 1509, he became king of a country that could be described as a three-legged stool. The Church held 25-30% of the land in the country and had a monopoly on moral authority. The aristocracy, including the king, held an equal amount of land, but had a monopoly on secular authority. The rest of the land was owned by the commoners and petty nobles, who had the advantage of numbers. The result was a balance of power between the three key elements of English society.

Henry is best known for his serial adultery and his habit of having wives sent to the gallows, but his biggest contribution is the destruction of the Church as a force in British political and economic life. The Acts of Supremacy, passed in 1534, recognized the King’s status as head of the church in England and, with the Act in Restraint of Appeals in 1532, abolished the right of appeal to Rome. The king had effectively assumed the moral authority that had once been the monopoly of the Catholic Church.

This was made possible by the oldest of political tactics. When Henry seized Church lands, he used these to buy support from other nobles, as well as large land holders who also sat in Parliament. Naturally, Parliament was strongly in favor of not only seizing Church lands, but supporting their good friend, the King, in his efforts to assert his authority over the Church. When he seized Church lands, the crown ended the economic power of the Church and used the proceeds to assume the moral authority of the Church.

This had a radical effect on the politics and culture of England. Hilaire Belloc argued in "The Servile State" that it was this reorganization of capital in England that gave birth to capitalism. In this case, capital was land. When land was distributed between the people, the state and the church, the concentrated use of capital was impossible. Once the crown and nobility seized the property of the Church, capital was for the first time concentrated in a small number of hands. This allowed the propertied class to dominate English society.

This was clear after Henry VIII died. A dozen years of turmoil followed his death. Edward VI never made it to adulthood. Lady Jane Grey was queen for nine days until Mary I, with support of the nobles, deposed her. Bloody Mary made it five years before dying and then began the reign of Elizabeth I. This also corresponded with the birth of the British Empire. Whether or not any of this would have happened if Henry had not sacked the Church is debatable, but it is clear that the change in English economic order was an inflection point.

Another example is what happened to the Roman Republic after the defeat of Corinth and Carthage. The Republic had been at war with both city-states, off and on, for over a century. In 146 BC, the Romans finally defeated and destroyed Carthage and then provoked a war with the Greeks. They defeated the Greeks at Corinth, destroying the city and its population. The male population was killed and the females and children were sold into slavery. Rome was the undisputed power in the Mediterranean.

Something else happened. Those slaves that poured into the Republic from the conquered lands first ended up in the hands of the wealthiest landowners. This influx of cheap labor allowed the large land holders to replace their native labor, which flowed into the cities, not having anywhere else to go. The small landowners suddenly found themselves at a disadvantage, as the larger landowners had an army of slaves to work their land. The result was a great economic re-ordering of the Roman Republic.

It is not an accident that this sudden change in political and economic of fortune changed the nature of the Republic. The constant campaigning created a class of soldier that was more loyal to his general than to the Republic. The turning over of large tracts of land to slave farming resulted in a new problem, slave revolts. The Servile Wars, the Social War and two civil wars dominated the Late Republic. It has this title because the Republic came to an end with Julius Caesar and the founding of the Roman Empire under Octavian.

The relevance of all this to our age should be obvious to those who have been following what is going on with our tech oligarchs. A generation ago, Progressive arguments about taxing the rich had no salience, because no one had any real fear of the rich. That and they were not so rich as to feel alien to the rest of us. Today, the billionaire class feels like they are from another planet and more important, they are a real threat. They are advocating for policies that promise to dissolve the ties that bind the nation together.

A popular issue on the Dissident Right is that the old framing of politics, based on the blank slate and egalitarianism, is no longer relevant. Race and demographics are what will define politics going forward. That’s true, but none of that will matter if the West is going to succumb to what amounts to techno-feudalism, where a relatively small number of oligarchs control not only capital, but information. Addressing the threat to free speech means addressing what may be the ultimate red pill, the Billionaire Question.

In order to address the BQ, the Dissident Right is going to have to break free from the old moral paradigm with regards to class, inequality and economics. The fact is, no one will care if Mark Zuckerberg drowns in his bathtub, other than his mail order wife. The same is true of Jeff Bezos. The things that the vast bulk of Americans care about don’t depend on getting cheap stuff on-line at Amazon. The billionaire class is no more essential to society than any other luxury good. They are tolerable unless they become a burden.

That’s going to be hard for our side and it is going to be even more difficult for the sort of people attracted to the Oaf Keepers or the PoofBerries. That’s the effect of a few generations of telling people that it is un-American to think ill of the rich. Even so, part of breaking free from the old thinking will be adopting a new brand of economics, along with tackling the realities of demographics. You can be pro-white all you like, but that’s of no use if you're a serf living on the modern version of a feudal estate, run by an oligarch.”

"Central Banks ARE the Market"

"Central Banks ARE the Market"
by Nomi Prins

"If there’s one lesson we’ve all learned lately is that the stock market is not the economy. After crashing in late February and March, the market has come storming back, largely because of unprecedented levels of support by the Fed. The Fed has pumped over $3 trillion into the financial system since the crisis began. And today the market isn’t that far away from its February highs.

Meanwhile, the economy is facing its most severe downturn since the Great Depression. Millions of Americans remain unemployed and many of their jobs may be permanently lost. Second-quarter GDP could contract 50%, or even more. The number will be released on July 30. Whatever it turns out to be, I guarantee it won’t be pretty.

Through the end of next year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that Americans will buy up to $370 billion fewer goods each quarter than they would have bought if we never had the pandemic. Looking further out, CBO now estimates the economy will lose $8 trillion more over the next decade than it estimated only a few months ago. Moreover, it anticipates the economy might not completely recover until the next decade.

“Wall Street’s Going One Way, While Main Street’s Going the Other”: But if the stock market is supposed to discount the future, you’d think the market is looking at entirely different numbers. Wall Street’s going one way, while Main Street’s going the other. That’s hardly new, of course. That’s basically been the trend since the Great Financial Crisis. But today the gap between the stock market and economy seems greater than ever. And the big Wall Street banks are doing just fine. The New York-centric big banks make money out of volatility and central bank support while people and small businesses struggle.

In addition, from a dark money perspective, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has made it clear that the Fed would not be raising rates for a very long time. Just don’t expect any of the money in the banking system to help Main Street. It didn’t last decade and that’s unlikely to change now. I actually addressed this problem to the Fed years ago…

Into the Belly of the Beast: A year after my book "Collusion" came out, I got an email. It was from the Fed. Every year, the Fed, the IMF and the World Bank have an annual internal conference. It’s where the most elite central bankers from around the globe gather. The Fed invited me to talk at the opening session. The session would take place in the very room in which the Fed convenes to set interest rates. I was in shock.

To say the least, I hadn’t written very nice things about the Fed’s policies since the financial crisis. In very public channels, I had criticized their cheap-money and quantitative-easing policies as subsidies to the private banks that had crashed the system. I had labeled their policies as rigging the markets and unhelpful to ordinary citizens and the Main Street economy.

I thought that the invitation might be a mistake. But I was assured they knew exactly who I was. In fact, they wanted me to address the topic of why Wall Street banks weren’t helping Main Street and looked forward to hearing my views.

A few months later, I was sitting in the front of a room with central bankers from around the world, listening to Fed Chair Janet Yellen proclaim that the worst of the crisis and its causes were behind us. When I got up to speak, the gloves came off.

Why the Big Wall Street Banks Don’t Help Main Street: The first thing I asked the distinguished crowd was, “Do you want to know why big Wall Street banks aren’t helping Main Street as much as they could?” The room was silent. I paused before answering for everyone, “Because you never required them to.” When a bank is offered a pile of cheap money in bailouts and loans for dangerous behavior with no major consequences, and no stipulation that they engage the real economy, then why should they? What would you expect?

Something more interesting happened after my talk, some of the people at the Fed — not at the top, but in the ranks, told me it made sense. Many thanked me. Central banks’ leadership, from Lebanon to Thailand, thanked me for making it clear that the entire monetary system was controlled more than ever by the major central banks, with the Fed leading the way.

I realized right then and there, that the zero interest rate policies prevailing in the U.S., Europe, and Japan were part of a coordinated effort. They were trying to render the cost of money cheap everywhere so that banks and other financial players could thrive. This is why I say the central banks are the market. Without them, the markets would be nowhere near today’s levels. I spoke with central bankers that gave me intel about how this collusion happened in practice and behind the scenes. That information was verified multiple times over.

Deep Collusion: What might surprise you is that after confirming these findings with both off-the-record and public sources — from different languages to local sources — is that very few had put it all together. Monetary policy strategy is often more collusive than government leaders might present on the surface.

When I met with a key central banker in Brazil, he left me shocked after revealing his analytic findings. He presented me with reams of information about just how far the collusion went. His analysis showed the high correlation between the level of markets and major central bank quantitative easing. Sometimes it happens behind the scenes in the financial markets and often goes on in plain sight.

The result of my research into this collusion revealed exactly how central bankers were rigging the world over the past decade. The major central bankers have worked together since the financial crisis to rig the markets, inflate asset bubbles, and coddle private banks under the guise of helping the real economy. That’s obviously continuing today, and has been greatly amplified by the pandemic. The upshot is this…

Central Banks Given Themselves a Blank Check: Central banks were given a blank check, by themselves, to resurrect the banks, without having to tell the public where the money the funds were going, and why. We must demand accountability from these unelected central bank leaders. But in the meantime, you should be keenly aware of the risks associated with this collusion.

Make sure you keep an allocation of your money out of the banking system. I recommend you take some of that cash and put it into hard assets like silver and gold. And be sure to decrease your debt levels — the more the better. This game can’t last forever."

Saturday, January 2, 2021

"Housing Crash Is Coming! US Housing Enters 2021 In A Massive Bubble"

"Housing Crash Is Coming! 
US Housing Enters 2021 In A Massive Bubble"
by Epic Economist

"Record-high housing prices might be fueling homeowners and real estate investors hopes for brighter days in 2021, but experts are alerting that some dark clouds are ahead for the U.S. housing market. The unprecedented demand is being prompted by the growing work-from-home professional landscape and the inability to travel, which have resonated in record-high property sales, and in a significant pricing bubble that is already being registered in several major cities across the nation. 

However, the unsustainable price increase could lead to a more dramatic decline when the housing market crash happens. And in this video, we're going to show you by the charts how the U.S. housing market has entered the most splendid bubble in history, and when it bursts it could make 2021 the most devastating year to buy homes in America. 

According to the Case-Shiller Home Price Index, nationwide the prices of single-family houses climbed 8.4%, the biggest year-over-year increase since March 2014. The index is based on the “sales pairs” method, which compares the price of a property that was sold in the current month to the price of the same property when it was sold previously, going back decades. As compared to the National Association of Realtors’ house price index, which is as a function of “median prices,” prices jumped 15%. 

Amongst the main drivers for this considerable spike in prices is the reduced housing supply and the record-high demand, as well as the extension of mortgage deferral periods. By contrast, related to all the previously mentioned, high unemployment rates may reverse both elevated prices and supply shortages. At this stage of the crisis, the bleak economic outlook for the forecasted 20 million out of work Americans might force unemployed owners to sell their homes, increasing supply and keeping demand for housing down. 

But one factor that has been keeping the market afloat is the record-low interest rates since borrowing has never been so inexpensive, which of course, fuels the demand for housing by making mortgages more affordable. The Fed has been constantly handing trillions of dollars to the markets to keep rates down, ignoring the massive bubble the market has entered and the consequences of it on the debasement of the dollar's purchasing power. 

Moreover, the shift to working from home arrangements and the popular preference for homes over apartments or condo towers, as well as a dose of panic-buying have also contributed to keeping the housing market heated. As Wolf Richter reported in Wolf Street, several major U.S. cities are registering skyrocketing prices, with Los Angeles having the most splendid housing bubble of them all.

The report also highlighted that in Portland, Boston, Tampa, Denver, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Dallas price surges in the range of 1 percent in October from September and in a 7 percent average year-over-year were also registered. In essence, as Ritcher explained in his report, the Case-Shiller index tracks the number of dollars it takes to buy the same house over time, thereby, it measured the purchasing power of the dollar in relation to houses. That's why it is considered as a form of measuring “house-price inflation". And what all of those charts have shown us is that the dollar has lost its purchasing power with regards to houses at the fastest pace ever.

But as prices keep soaring, fewer people can afford to buy a home, as a record of 34% of young Americans are now living with their parents, even with household formations on the rise. Consequently, that forces younger workers to rent, but as many of them are returning to their family's homes, that has pushed the rental vacancy rate to all time lows, especially since other age cohorts have been leaving cities by the millions and preferring to risk buying a house, leading the homeownership rate considerably up.

So, between the Fed's record-low interest rates, Congress' fiscal stimulus package, a huge debt-fueled demand, and record-low supply the housing market is now much hotter than it was during the apex of the 2006/7 housing bubble. And it goes without saying that this also means it is now set for a much larger crash. This is the world's biggest asset bubble that we're talking about. And Powell's statements show that the Fed doesn't have any plans to properly address the unsustainability of the housing market, which has been proven in each and every one of these charts, which leave us wondering what will effectively happen to our economy when the collective bursting of both the biggest stock market and housing bubble occurs at the same time. It seems that we're headed to a major financial catastrophe, and at this point, and by the size of the damage already done - there's no more escape."