Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Lead"


"Here is a story to break your heart.
Are you willing?
This winter the loons came to our harbor and died,
 one by one, of nothing we could see.
A friend told me of one on the shore
that lifted its head and opened
the elegant beak and cried out
in the long, sweet savoring of its life
which, if you have heard it,
you know is a sacred thing,
and for which, if you have not heard it,
you had better hurry to where they still sing.
And, believe me, tell no one just where that is.
The next morning this loon, speckled
and iridescent and with a plan
to fly home to some hidden lake,
was dead on the shore.
I tell you this to break your heart,
by which I mean only
that it break open and never close again
to the rest of the world."

- Mary Oliver

"What Is Hope?"

"What Is Hope?"

"What is hope? It is the pre-sentiment that imagination is more real and reality is less real than it looks. It is the hunch that the overwhelming brutality of facts that oppress and repress us is not the last word. It is the suspicion that reality is more complex than the realists want us to believe.

That the frontiers of the possible are not determined by the limits of the actual; and in a miraculous and unexplained way, life is opening creative events which will light the way to freedom and resurrection. But the two - suffering and hope - must live from each other. Suffering without hope produces resentment and despair. But hope without suffering creates illusions, naïveté and drunkenness.

So let us plant dates even though we who plant them will never eat them. We must live by the love of what we will never see. That is the secret discipline. It is the refusal to let our creative act be dissolved away by our need for immediate sense experience, and it is a struggled commitment to the future of our grandchildren. Such disciplined hope is what has given prophets, revolutionaries and saints the courage to die for the future they envisage. They make their own bodies the seed of their highest hope."

- Rubin Alves

The Daily "Near You?"

Torrance, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Reflect On What Happens..."

“Reflect on what happens when a terrible winter blizzard strikes. You hear the weather warning but probably fail to act on it. The sky darkens. Then the storm hits with full fury, and the air is a howling whiteness. One by one, your links to the machine age breakdown. Electricity flickers out, cutting off the TV. Batteries fade, cutting off the radio. Phones go dead. Roads become impassible, and cars get stuck. Food supplies dwindle. Day to day vestiges of modern civilization – bank machines, mutual funds, mass retailers, computers, satellites, airplanes, governments – all recede into irrelevance. Picture yourself and your loved ones in the midst of a howling blizzard that lasts several years. Think about what you would need, who could help you, and why your fate might matter to anybody other than yourself. That is how to plan for a secular winter. Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.”
– Strauss and Howe, “The Fourth Turning”

"Boomer Elite Faces Day of Reckoning"

"Boomer Elite Faces Day of Reckoning"
by Bill Bonner

"This was a spiteful, chaotic, abusive, often out-of-control brawling
 encounter, with both candidates revealing their contempt for each other."
– Paul Kelly, Editor-at-Large, "The Australian"

SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – "What is amazing, at least to us, is that two grown men – with decades of public speaking experience, months to prepare, and millions of people watching – could not do a better job. Not that we expected Marcus Tullius Cicero or even Sam Irvin. But Donald Trump and Joe Biden took the presidential debate down to a new level. Many commentators said it was an “embarrassment” to the nation, that America’s prestige fell in foreign eyes. But, always the optimists, we doubt there was much room left on the downside. After 20 years of Bush the Younger, Obama, and Trump, the foreigners knew what to expect. Last night, like the third sequel to a bad movie, they got it.

No Real Threat: Yesterday, colleague Dan Denning called to record an interview on the eve of the debate. “Would the presidential debate… or the upcoming election… make any real difference?” he asked. The pitch was wide. But we reached for it. The answer was: No.

Because none of the bugaboos and hobgoblins that the candidates promise to protect us from are much of a real threat. “Unfair” trade – whatever that is – is no danger to the republic. Viruses come and go. Neither Antifa nor the Proud Boys are likely to lead a revolution. China will not invade California. Russia will not change the election results. And nothing the president does is likely to have any effect on the planet.

On the other hand, the thing that will almost certainly cause misery to millions of Americans… and over which the president has more control than any other human being… was not even mentioned last night. Nor will either candidate ever bring it up. Why? Because the two old, white men running for president are both champions of the same worn-out, degenerate scam. Neither will admit that it doesn’t work. Neither will propose to change it.

Real Danger: But let us back up a moment and introduce three intertwined themes. First, the Baby Boomer elites, who control American business and government, are getting old and fearful.

Second, they have set up a political/economic system which is fundamentally unsustainable… corrupt… and counterproductive.

And third, they are now desperate to keep the jig up.

The real danger is not abroad. It’s at home. It speaks English. It is college educated. It lives in a nice house… wears a suit and tie… and may even go to church on Sunday. It is over 60 and looking forward to a rich, comfortable retirement… perhaps in one of the new Zoom Towns, where it can protect itself from the disintegration of the American economy.

This elite is neither good nor bad. It just is what it is. It is, well, us. Look around you. Have you ever seen so many fearful people? People who have lost courage… lost faith… and lost their minds. They are willing to be frisked every time they get on an airplane… as protection against the almost negligible chance that someone will want to blow it up. Even young, healthy people are willing to submit to house arrest… rather than face the risk of getting sick. They are afraid that the “planet is angry” and that it will be consumed by the fires of Hell unless we stop using fossil fuels.

Ahead of the Game: Do civilized adults need the government to tell them how to protect themselves from a virus? The New York Times reluctantly admits that they don’t: "Vilified Early Over Lax Virus Strategy, Sweden Seems to Have Scourge Controlled." Sweden let people decide for themselves. Those who were afraid of the virus could stay at home. Those who were not could go about their business.

The U.S., meanwhile, panicked, shutting down large parts of the economy (U.S. second-quarter GDP fell 31%!). But the death rate for both countries was about the same. And now, Sweden appears to be way ahead of the game, with very few new cases.

Cost of Protection: Aging Americans see a future full of bogeymen. And they want the government to protect them. But the protection comes at a cost. The cost of their “war against terror,” according to Brown University, totes to more than $6 trillion… 800,000 dead… and 37 million displaced. Their heavy-handed attempts to hold off the virus crippled the economy… and resulted in collateral damage – depression, suicide, stunted careers, etc. – which will be tallied later.

Real Risk: But what concerns us here at the Diary is the cost of protecting against the financial future. That is where the real risk lies. Having bent and distorted the economy for its own benefit, the Baby Boomer elite now faces a reckoning. In an effort to protect itself from the risks of old age, it has promised itself health and pension benefits, unfunded, worth over $200 trillion. It would be impossible to keep up with those obligations, even with a healthy economy.

Trump and Biden may trade moronic calumnies, but they represent the same group, with the same desperate goal – to keep the show on the road. What will they do? Will they sell their souls? Or sell out their children? Let’s look at it tomorrow…"

"Soon Or Late..."

“A craven can be as brave as any man, when there is nothing to fear. And we all do our duty, when there is no cost to it. How easy it seems then, to walk the path of honor. Yet soon or late in every man’s life comes a day when it is not easy, a day when he must choose.”
- George R.R. Martin

"Big Orly’s Diary: Bulk-Lot Wisdom from Up the Holler"

"Big Orly’s Diary: Bulk-Lot Wisdom from Up the Holler"
by Fred Reed

"Saturday morning was sunny and bugs screaming and buzzing, at least in my part of West Virginia, and it was nice and cool. Bugs is pretty much like folk. The boy bugs holler or buzz or I don’t know what all so the girl bugs will love them and they can get laid, and then the boy bugs run off and leave the girl bugs with the eggs. You’d think the girl bugs would learn, but they never do. If you have a choice, it’s better to be a boy bug.

Anyways, I was planning to go see Uncle Hant that makes skull break moonshine back in the woods so he could tell me how to make a living. Hant knows everything. A few years back, he sent the Poverty Office in Wheeling a letter that said he was a one-legged Injun princess named Sighing Cloud with black lung, and they started sending him money in trucks. Then they wrote him a letter saying did he have any children he didn’t know who was the daddy to, so they could send him more money. He told them he had thirteen and he didn’t have no idea where they came from but they all had Down’s Syndrome, whatever that is, and now he’s the richest man in McDowell County. So don’t nobody who says gummint is a bad thing know what he’s talking about.

But Hant don’t get up too early in the morning, so first I went up the holler to see my old school teacher, Mr. Entropy McWilliams that’s got a internet television and lets me look at it sometimes. He was watching what he said was a Sympathy Orchestra and a noise was coming out of it like a blow-out plug on a high-pressure drill rig. It was real awful and I asked Mr. McWilliams what it was and he said somebody was blowing a hobo. I thought that was pretty ripe for a show anybody could watch, even little children, but it turned out it wasn’t so much a hobo as a oboe, which is like a three-foot duck call. I didn’t see much future in it. Neither would our McDowell County ducks, that don’t have much schooling. It might work with city ducks, though.

Anyway, he said it did sound kind of like a cat squalling because of Affirmative Action, which I didn’t know what was. He said it was a newfangled law in Washington, that’s the Yankee capital, that says if you want somebody to do a job, you have to hire someone that can’t do it. I said that made sense, about like taking poison. He said I thought that because I wasn’t in Washington and it was God’s own truth, and it was for Social Justice. The more you couldn’t do a job, the more you had to get it.

That was too many for me. I thought, what if I had cancer in the head and the brain doctor showed up with a claw hammer and a ice pick and didn’t know where to start, so they put a sign on my foot that said Open Other End or something. I’d shoot the sonofabitch before he got in striking distance. Maybe there’s such a thing as too much social justice. At least if it’s my head.

Mr. McWilliams said the Sympathy, that was in New York, used to hire music people by setting them down and listening to them play the fiddle or duck call or banjo and taking the best ones. But then women got into a uproar and started yowling that the Sympathy only got men. They said women could play fiddles and all just fine and it was affirmative action for men and they was madder than wet hornets. So the Congress made a law that the Sympathy had to string up a bed sheet and them as wanted the job had to play behind it and the judges didn’t know who they were and couldn’t let in their sisters and uncles. It made sense, but they did it anyway, and pretty soon the Sympathy was full of ladies blowing and honking and sawing away, and everybody was happy because they did it right.

Well, everybody except American Africans, that said none of them was in the Sympathy. They wanted Social Justice. Best I can tell, Social Justice means getting anything you want or you’ll scream and yell and bite and wet yourself like a two-year-old that needs a whupping and a new diaper. So now they’re going to choose by colors, like they was painting a ‘57 Chevy. I guess that’ll work.

Mr. McWilliams said I just didn’t understand Advanced Thought. Well, I didn’t. I guess it’s because I’m not real smart. I used to be, though. The first time I was in the fourth grade my teacher, it was Miss Purity Perkins, said I was real special and she hoped I’d go far, but I guess she would have settled for the next county over. I told Mr. McWilliams if Affirmative Action meant getting a job because you couldn’t do it, I wanted to be a Space Rocket Driver. At least if I could be one from Lou-Bob’s Billiards and Rib Pit. I was having a lot of fun with my girlfriend Jiffy Lube and I figured I couldn’t drive a Space Rocket at the Rib pit just as good as I couldn’t drive it from Australia or Wheeling or wherever they have Space Rockets.

I said so much Social Justice was giving me a motingator headache and I wanted to go off to Lou-Bob’s that serves bust-head shine under the table if you don’t look like a damn Revenoor.

Then the television started talking about Reparations for Slavery, that I thought they got rid of after World War Two. He said it didn’t matter and it was to pay you for bad stuff that never happened to you, just like Affirmative Action was to give you jobs you couldn’t do, but that was a whole nutheer bucket of crawdads and we could talk about it later. I don’t know. It all sounded like a crooked poker game to let grifters and frauds get paid without going into the mines and getting killed like Christians.

It was still early so I went off to tell Hant about Affirmative Action. He was at his still. Like I said, he makes panther sweat that takes the enamel off your teeth to sell to yuppies from Washington that want a Cultural Experience. He puts it in genuine authentic mountain stone jars he gets from Taiwan. Some folks say he gets a cut from liver doctors in Bluefield, but I don’t know.

Hant’s a tall skinny rascal with arthritis so when he bends over it looks like folding a Buck knife and he’s got a jaw like a front-end loader. Later he said he told the Poverty Office he wanted to be a Orthostatic Ontological Proctologist. I asked him what that was. He said he wasn’t sure but he sure as hell didn’t know how to be one so they had to pay him for it. He said they would never dare say no to a one-legged Injun princess with black lung.

After, I went down the hill to look for Jiffy Lube that I hadn’t seen for weeks. What happened was, Jif is real pretty, and she was in Lou Bob’s, and Lester ‘Callister got smart with her like he didn’t know what parts of her was handles and what parts wasn’t. She laid him out cold with a pool stick and went to hide in the mountains. But after a while the sheriff said he figured the Statue of Limitations was about a month for smacking Lester, and anyway the doctor said he probably be out of a coma in a week, so weren’t no harm done but his teeth might be all cattywumpus. Jif was smiling all happy like. That’s a good sign if you know Jif, and I felt like a man with five aces and a date with somebody else’s wife, so we went off to my doublewide. I figure there’s nothing better on a mountain night than a good girlfriend, a six-pack, and a Bug Zapper."

"If We Have No Idea..."

“If we have no idea what we believe in, we’ll go along with anything. Truth takes courage. Courage to stand up for what we believe in. Not necessarily in a confrontational way, but in a gentle yet firm way. Like an oak tree, able to sway gently in the wind, but strongly rooted to the ground.”
- A.C. Ping

"2021: As China's Golden Ox Rises The US Bald Eagle Will Crash"

"2021: As China's Golden Ox Rises The US Bald Eagle Will Crash"
by Egon von Greyerz

"The Chinese understand the long game and they have infinite patience. They have always known that they never needed to attack the US, financially or militarily. Because China has invariably understood that the US would self-destruct.
Click image for larger size.

Click image for larger size.

Politics And Princes Don't Mix: The Duchess of Sussex who has dragged her poor husband, Prince Harry, into the US election has declared that this will be the most important election in history. She will most probably be right but for the wrong reason. Meghan Markle believes a Biden victory is the only way that the US can be saved, primarily because she can’t stand Trump (which is reciprocal). It probably doesn’t matter who wins the election when is comes to stopping the crash of the US economy and currency. But what is guaranteed is that Biden’s policies will bankrupt America much faster than Trump’s. The profligate democrats will forgive trillions of debt, increase spending and reduce taxes for the masses.

The Chinese have waited patiently for this moment. They forecast the collapse of the “capitalist monetary system with the dollar as its prop” already half a century ago and how right they have been.

The Days Of The Dollar Are Counted: A 98% fall in real terms – against gold – and a 78% fall against the Swiss franc tells the world that the days of the dollar are counted. So will we see the US bald eagle crash to the ground and a phoenix in the form of a new world currency emerge like in the 1988 Economist article?
Well, the dollar crash is guaranteed and a Biden victory will accelerate the move. But there is unlikely to be a new world currency in the near term. As the dollar falls and with it the US economy, China will gradually emerge as the next dominant economy and super power. But this will take time. Before that we will have chaos in the global financial system, economic collapse in many countries, political upheaval, riots, and wars.

Biden – A Catalyst For Accelerated US Decline: So is a Biden victory going to cause all this? No not solely. But just as the coronavirus sped up that fall of the US and world economy, Biden will be the catalyst for an accelerated decline of the US. Both events would have happened anyway but probably not as dramatically as with these two powerful catalysts – CV and Biden.

The coming US election will have bitter consequences for the US and the world whoever wins. It is likely to be aggressively fought not just before November 4th but more so after the result is declared. There will be a plethora of forums where the election result will be disputed and fought like in the courts, the media, the streets, in families and in politics of course.

Churchill – We Shall Fight On The Beaches: The fighting everywhere reminds me of Winston Churchill’s speech in parliament in June 1940 after the evacuation of Dunkirk: “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills…”

Churchill’s speech was obviously to unify and prepare the nation for the major war effort ahead. But the consequence of the US election will be extremely divisive and damaging for the US whoever wins. So 2021 is not just likely to be the start of a severe and long lasting economic downturn or collapse for the US but also an extended period of extreme political and social disharmony and discontent.

Reminiscing Over Better Times: I have just entered my 52nd year of working life. But I can clearly remember life before that as a young boy in Sweden, back in the 1950s. This was a time when the family was the kernel of society and there was total respect for law and order. Mothers were at home and looked after the children. The wages of the father were sufficient to provide for the family. Very few people had debt and obviously there were no credit cards. Most things were paid for in cash. The police was unarmed and there was total respect for their authority. 

Sweden then was a very homogenous society with few immigrants. There was very little crime and virtually no violent crime. I remember visiting churches in the countryside and the doors were open and church silver would stand on shelves totally unprotected. Young children could move around freely without parental protection. Very few people went on holiday abroad or had cars or televisions. The economy was strong, based on real money with little debt. The quality of life was far superior to today. I am not talking about material things but people were much happier with less stress and strong respect for your fellow humans. There was integrity with strong moral and ethical values.

The End Of An Era: I do realize that all of this could sound like a mature man nostalgically reminiscing and embellishing the past. There might be some truth in that criticism but I am quite convinced that the era we are now in is the end of a cycle when it comes to quality of life, values, crime, honesty, integrity. The current debt based economy with fake money and values is clearly creating a very unhappy society and many discontented people.

This is why the current cycle needs to soon come to an end. The world needs a proper forest fire which destroys the debt and all the bubble assets financed by printed money and worthless debt. The coming fall of the global debt edifice will be a relief for the world but it will obviously involve a long period of suffering. But only after this fall can the world start a new cycle with green shoots based on a sound monetary and financial system which is based on real values, both moral and material.

Half A Century Of Dramatic Changes In The World: Coming back to my half a century of working life, there have also been some dramatic changes in the world. The table below shows what has happened to debt, dollar, GDP & stocks during my 51 years’ involvement with financial markets, between 1969 and 2020. US federal debt is up 75x and GDP is only up 20x. There is no clearer evidence that the US economy is running on empty and that more and more debt is required to produce an increase in GDP in nominal terms.

Debt Default Coming: US debt to GDP has now reached 135% against 35% in 1969 and growing. These debt levels are unsustainable for future growth. With falling tax revenues and rising expenditure, there is zero chance that this debt will ever be reduced. And when interest rates go up, the US will not even be able to service the debt. So a debt default is very likely in the next few years.
Whilst US GDP is up 20x since 1969, China’s GDP is up 175x. There can be little doubt that China will be the next global economic superpower. Only a revolution in China would stop that.

Gold is up 53x since 1969 and the Dow 34x. If dividends after tax are included and reinvested, the rise of the Dow and gold would be fairly equal. I started the article with China’s view, in 1971, on the future of the dollar and the US economy. The debt explosion and slow GDP growth are clear evidence of how right China was. But the dollar’s 98% fall against gold and 79% against the Swiss franc confirms China’s 1971 prediction:

“…the seriousness of the US economic crisis and the decay and decline of the entire capitalist system."

“…mark the collapse of capitalist monetary system with the US dollar as its prop. Nixon’s new economic policy cannot extricate the US from financial and economic crisis.”

So there we have it. The wise Chinese saw half a century ago what would happen to the US, the dollar and the capitalist system and they knew already then that they would be the main beneficiaries. But destruction of currencies and fall of empires is not new in history. Von Mises stated this phenomenon very eloquently:
2021 The Chinese Year Of The Golden Ox:  2021 will be the Chinese year of the Metal or Golden Ox. It will also be the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s fatal decision to end the gold backing of the dollar.
As the golden ox rises in China, the US bald eagle will crash to the ground as a symbol of the crashing dollar and US economy. 2021 is likely to be an ominous year in the global economy. We may not see the “final and total catastrophe of the currency system” completed already then but we are likely to see the start of the final dollar collapse and a major surge in gold and silver. Anyone holding depreciating dollars and other currencies will soon regret not holding real money in the form of physical gold and silver."

"How It Really Is"


"Market Fantasy Updates 9/30/20"

"Market Fantasy Updates 9/30/20" 
Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
"The more I see of the monied classes, 
the better I understand the guillotine."
George Bernard Shaw
Gregory Mannarino,
AM 9/30/20 UPDATE: "U.S. GDP Craters! Important Updates- 
Beyond The Epic Freak Show"

“More to Come…”

“More to Come…”
By Jeff Thomas

“Years ago, when visiting the US, I’d often watch late night television. Just prior to each interval, in order to ensure that viewers would sit through the adverts, the show would run a panel that said, “More to Come.” This, of course, was effective, as the viewer would be anticipating that the best part of the program would come in a later segment and would be more likely to continue watching.

Today, we’re looking at the reverse of that situation. The program we’re watching is The Decline and Fall of the American Empire and those who recognize the decline are viewing with ever-increasing trepidation, the developments that are unfolding there. Even those of us who are not American and don’t live there are glued to our screens, as we’re aware that were viewing the early stages of a collapse that promises to be the greatest social, political and economic event that we’re likely to see in our lifetimes.

Following World War Two, the US was in a boom beyond anything the world had ever seen. The Americans came to the war late, after having built up their manufacturing capacity for war dramatically, at the expense of the Allied powers in Europe. And they did this, essentially for free. It was paid for with the gold from the vaults of the European allies. After the war, Europe was trashed and it would take decades for them to get on their feet again. Meanwhile, the US had been going flat out in production, had first-rate modern factories and, most important, held the majority of the world’s gold.

The 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement ensured that the US dollar would become the world’s default currency and, later, become the petrodollar, ensuring American hegemony over much of the rest of the world. There can be no doubt that, in the first decades after the war, the US had an amazing run and was, arguably, one of the best places to live in the world.

But, unfortunately, as so often happens, American political and industry leaders became full of themselves and couldn’t resist going out on limb to gain even more for themselves. In so doing, they turned the US from the world’s foremost creditor nation into the world’s foremost debtor nation. Worse, when they reached this unprecedented point, they opted to just keep going.

Worse still, it would appear that today’s leaders are aware that the mother of all bubbles that they’ve created is going to pop sometime in the near future, as they’re preparing themselves for the mother of all pushbacks from the populace when the crashes come.

The FBI, CIA, NSA, and a host of other authorities have either been created or expanded, allowing the creation of the world’s foremost police state. And, beginning in 2001 with the Patriot Act, have created a host of laws to assign authority to any of those bodies to exert ever-increasing control over the population. Capital controls, migration controls, higher taxes, confiscation of deposits in banks and quite a bit more have been passed in legislation, including the ability to declare the US in its entirely to be a “battle zone,” through which habeas corpus and the court system can be suspended nationally.

Yipes. (Or, blimey, depending on where you’re from.) At this point, any American who’s paying attention could be forgiven if he’s genuinely frightened at where his government is going with all this.

And so, we come back to the title of this essay – “More to Come.” A regular flow of proposed laws is now coming down the pipeline that would have been considered the stuff of a bad movie a few decades ago, but is now only too real and threatening to the freedoms of the average citizen. Instead of “more to come” meaning that the best is still on the way, the opposite would appear to be the case, and the worst is here, now.

But, how can this be, we ask ourselves. Surely those in power – the politicians, the industrialists, the central bankers, etc., must have seen this coming and, if that’s so, surely they’d have done something to stop it. Well, historically, that’s never been the case. Those in the greatest positions of power have never suddenly reversed an empire when it was about to self-destruct. What they tend to do instead is to guard against becoming casualties of the disaster they’ve created.

So, is that what’s happening this time around? In a word, yes.

The Bernie Madoffs of the world go to jail. However, those who commit the same fraudulent acts from within the system never go to jail. For example, if the heads of a bank commit massive fraud, the bank pays an enormous fine. The fine is then paid by the stockholders. And should the fine be large enough to crash the bank, the bankers can appeal to the government to bail them out, as they’re “too big to fail.” Thus, the taxpayers pick up the bill.

At this point, what we’re witnessing is an era in which laws are regularly being passed to ensure that the creators of the bubble will get a “Get Out of Jail Free” card and others will sustain the losses.

This is the very essence of what happens in an endgame run. Just as a hitman who places a bomb in a building makes his exit before the bomb can go off, the creators of bubbles safeguard themselves before the economic bomb can go off. They have no intention of being around to live with the resultant devastation that they’ve put into play.

Pete Townshend wrote prophetically, “Won’t Get Fooled Again,” in 1971, in which he hopes that the latest gang of leaders will be better than the last. In the final line of the song, he grimly announces, “Meet the new boss – same as the old boss.”

And, in fact, this is the usual outcome. Perhaps the reason why empires collapse much in the same way, time and again, and their citizens consistently fail to see it coming, is that empires general last a long time before collapsing. The Venetian Republic lasted 200 years. The Spanish Empire lasted just over 120 years. Holland lasted 130 years, Russia – 200, the UK, just under 120. And it’s been much the same for the others. In every case, they last longer than a single lifetime, so it’s rare that any individual sees more than one empire collapse in his own lifetime and doesn’t understand that empires don’t end with a whimper. They end with a crescendo, not unlike the Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again.”

We are witnessing the collapse of the world’s foremost empire. This is not mere conjecture. The US has all the symptoms that we’re now coming close to the final stages. And, if history plays out yet again, as it has repeatedly, we can expect that, in the lead-up to the collapse, the controls by governments will become increasingly draconian. As we consider, “more to come,” we should be braced for the likelihood that the worst controls are yet to be revealed.”

"So We All Ran Around..."

“So we all ran around in mad, mindless, meaningless circles, as if we were in a cotton-candy eating contest where the grand prize was getting kicked in the face. We were oblivious to everything around us that no truly sane person would ever tolerate. And we needed someone else to tell us to stop it.”
- Edward M. Wolfe

"Covid-19 Pandemic Update 9/30/20"


"A Native American health crisis: The Indian Health Service, which provides health care to more than two million members of America’s tribal communities, has long struggled with underfunding and mismanagement. The coronavirus has magnified the problems. Hospitals struggled to find protective gear, and they quickly ran out of beds and ventilators. Deaths surged.

In other virus developments:
• The Times asked three teams of epidemiologists to calculate how much of the U.S. population is still susceptible to the virus. They estimated that 85 to 90 percent is not yet immune.
• The virus is surging in Quebec, leading the province to reintroduce tough shutdown measures, including closing restaurants and forbidding household visits.
• A new report confirms that cats and dogs can be infected by the coronavirus, though there is still no evidence that pets transmit it to humans."

SEP 30, 2020 12:03 AM ET:
 Coronavirus Map: Tracking the Global Outbreak 
The coronavirus pandemic has sickened more than 33,650,200 
people, according to official counts, including 7,219,821 Americans.

      SEP 30, 2020 12:03 AM ET: 
Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count

Updated 9/30/20, 4:23 AM ET
Click image for larger size.

Greg Hunter, "We Are in a Very Dangerous Period - Stock Market Not Going to End Very Well"

Meanwhile, in the totally-detached-from-reality stock market fantasy land...

"We Are in a Very Dangerous Period - 
Stock Market Not Going to End Very Well"
By Greg Hunter’s

"Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner called this market just 2% from the top in January. What does he think now? He likes gold and says he “made more money in gold than in stocks” in the past few months. Nenner says, “We are playing the long term gold market. We went out at $2,100 (per ounce), and the price target was $1,850 (on the downside). We hit $1,850 a couple of days ago, so we bought back in. We get in and out for a couple of hundred points, and it’s worthwhile. So, the gold cycle is up for much longer. $2,500 is the first target, and it could be we get higher targets. I do not believe in the stock market, most of the markets we do nicely in are the gold market, silver market, crude oil market, bond market and the dollar. It’s all very simple and normal, and the stock market is not going to end very well.”

Nenner is long the stock market now until close to the end of November. Nenner says the rising market may be signaling a coming Trump win in November. Nenner is not sure, but what he is very sure about is the stock market is way overvalued just like it was earlier this year. Nenner explains, “As you know, the stock market is still very much overvalued. One of the reasons is the ‘Buffett Indicator,’ and that is the value of the stock market compared to the value of the entire GDP, and it’s extreme. I think it’s more extreme than the 2000 bubble. If you want to buy low and sell high, you have to have indicators of what is low and what is high, and, for me, this is high. This is based on the fundamentals, but on the cycles, we can try to test the highs one more time. This is not going to end well because everybody will try to get into the market, and then the whole thing is over.”

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One
 with renowned cycle analyst and financial expert Charles Nenner. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

MUST WATCH! “US Economy On Life Support; Economic Victims Surge; Homeless Nightmare; Greatest Depression”

Jeremiah Babe,
“US Economy On Life Support; Economic Victims Surge; 
Homeless Nightmare; Greatest Depression”

Please view at full screen mode.
60 million jobs lost... never coming back. So no income.
How can they pay the bills?

40 million pending evictions. Assume 2 people per household - 
80 million homeless? Where can/will they go?

100,000 plus small businesses bankrupted and closed.

Food supply chains destroyed. Massive food shortages coming.

20,000 trucking companies closed forever. To deliver what, to who, how?

There is no "recovery."
and there will never be a return to "normal."

Tell me, Good Citizen, how "That could never happen here!"
It has, and, God help us, the worst is yet to come.
Then tell me, how it could never happen to YOU...

- CP
BTW, you may want to consider this fact about the dreaded Covid-19 virus...

"America Is Now Officially In Inflation: The Fed Has Major Problem As Prices Rise To Dangerous Levels"

"America Is Now Officially In Inflation: 
The Fed Has Major Problem As Prices Rise To Dangerous Levels"
by Epic Economist

"The unusual policies issued by the Fed are causing a two-fold inflation problem in the real economy. We bet many of you on the other side of the screen could already notice how prices are surging in some goods, and you haven't seen it wrong. The sanitary outbreak reshaped our necessities, changing it according to our new reality. 

Some things that we used to frequently buy are not so much of a part of our new routines as they used to, being replaced by other products that are better adapted to the moment we are living. For instance, previously, many people used to drive to work. Today, however, considering they are still employed and working from home, they don't feel like they need to spend so much on gas. But maybe - if they got time on their hands, they wanted to buy a new bike to teach their kids how to ride and were caught in surprise when they saw a serious spike in prices.

In this connection, a recent study has shown that prices are considerably increasing for the stuff we really want to buy, while those that have been left out of the picture are facing a decline in prices, thereby, showing that inflation has already started to show significant impacts on the real economy. That is why today we are going to analyze the implications of this effect so that we can understand how it was formed and what we can expect inflation-wise over the next developments of the economic collapse. So, stay with us, and please, give this video a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and subscribe to our channel to keep updated on the most diverse economic topics that are building the historical moment we are all living. WSJ's James Mackintosh published an article over the weekend titled "Inflation Is Already Here—For the Stuff You Actually Want to Buy", which sharply evaluated the situation. 

Mackintosh described that "if it feels like the price of everything you buy has been soaring, that’s because it has—even as central bankers everywhere worry about the danger of deflation." The author then highlights to the "massive gap" between the everyday experience and the annual inflation rate of 1.3%, observing that "the price of the stuff we’re buying is rising much faster, while the stuff we’re no longer buying has been falling, but still counts for the figures."

Evidently, this adds up perfectly, because, in essence, the higher the demand for a given good or service, the higher price will escalate and vice versa. The data transcribe that in this "post-health-crisis era", where people are now working from home, the annual inflation for some products is now considerably overshooting the Fed's targets.

Even so, many economists are confident that the prevalent price forces over the next 1-2 years will be mostly deflationary, if the face of the massive layoffs that considerably crushed wages. "In the short term the demand shock prevails, so we will have subdued prices for the next 12 to 18 months,” says Luigi Speranza, chief global economist at BNP Paribas. 

That is to say, the lingering effects from the health crisis could be translated into less need for travel and tourism workers for years to come, while those who have been unemployed will lose skills. Also, the deflationary side-effects of the forthcoming macro transformations can create a surge of delinquencies and defaults across commercial properties, possibly leading to a widespread deflationary debt-destruction, as many workers will be forced to leave to find new roles.

In conclusion, if Congress doesn't manage to find an agreement about a fifth fiscal stimulus, the price rises are likely to continue to grow at a fast pace, worrying investors and triggering warning signs for the economy. Particularly if the second wave of viral cases is followed by a third, boosting lay-offs and a recession once again, ultimately also affecting prices. So, the prospects from now on seem to include soaring prices for things Americans needs and declining prices for things they don't. For the major institutions, this isn't enough to raise their attention, but for us - the average Americans on Main Street - it means more financial pain ahead."

Gregory Mannarino, "Market Updates And More! Tonight, THE BIGGEST FREAK SHOW ON EARTH"

Gregory Mannarino,
"Market Updates And More! Tonight,

Musical Interlude: Gnomusy, "Dolmen Ridge"

Gnomusy, "Dolmen Ridge"

"A Look to the Heavens"

 "Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1,500 light-years distant, embedded in the vast Orion cloud complex. 

Click image for larger size.
About five light-years "tall", the dark cloud is cataloged as Barnard 33 and is visible only because its obscuring dust is silhouetted against the glowing red emission nebula IC 434. Stars are forming within the dark cloud. Contrasting blue reflection nebula NGC 2023, surrounding a hot, young star, is at the lower left. The gorgeous featured image combines both narrowband and broadband images."

Chet Raymo, “Hanging On”

“Hanging On”
by Chet Raymo

“I change the desktop image on my laptop every now and then, generally when I come across a new image I like. In the last year or so you’ll remember that I wrote about Caravaggio’s “The Rest on the Flight Into Egypt” and Vermeer’s “The Milkmaid.” Live with an image for a while and it’s inevitable that you learn something from it. Here is the painting I’ve had as my desktop in recent weeks, Winslow Homer’s “Snap the Whip”, 1872, one of America’s sentimental favorites.

A simpler, more innocent time. Boys at recess, barefoot in the grass. Hand-me-down clothes. Autumn wildflowers, trees turning to red and gold. A fumbling Ulysses S. Grant is in the White House, the country is at peace after a horrendous civil war, and the Panic of 1873 and subsequent depression is still in the offing. Anyway, all of that political and economic stuff is a bit of a pother and far away. The sun is high in the sky, there’s an apple in the pocket, and only the oldest boy is thinking yet about the eternal mystery that is girls.

Yes, a lovely sentimental anecdote to the busy rancor of our own time, the incessant noise of the television, the attack ads, the news of war. How blissful to be twelve years old again, fit and healthy with the grass between your toes. Never mind that these boys had a life expectancy at birth of about 40 years, and that many of them had probably already lost a sibling or parent; when the sun’s out, and it’s recess, and you’ve got eight pals to play with…

But that’s not why I like the painting. I love the way the arc of the whip reflects the curve of the hill. The vanishing point of the red schoolhouse and three white shirts – everything converges on the two adults in the distance, the grown-up world that inevitably awaits.

Between the three boys who anchor the whip and the six who resist the centrifugal force that breaks the chain is the schoolhouse, the open door and window bracketing the anchor’s grip. Maybe it’s because I was a teacher all my life, but I like to think that the “message” of the painting has to do with education, with what goes on when the boys and girls are called back inside by the teacher’s bell – the glue that holds a civil society together when the whiplash of events threatens to tear us apart. Not indoctrination. Rather, reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic, the basic skills that enable an individual to explore the world creatively. History, geography and  science, with their lessons of diversity, tolerance and respect for empirical fact. The ameliorating influence of poetry and art. And one of these boys, maybe the oldest in the center, will become a teacher himself, maintaining an unbroken chain of accumulated knowledge that anchors us to the past and propels us together into a mutually supportive and secure future.”