Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Daily "Near You?"

Keller, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Pajama Nation: Americans Have Morphed Into the People of Walmart"

"Pajama Nation: Americans Have
 Morphed Into the People of Walmart"
by Rockaboatus

Excerpt: "If one wants to see what a huge segment of the American people have morphed into, look no farther than the ‘People of Walmart’ website. It features the obscenely unbecoming clothes that people wear while shopping at Walmart. The site is both hysterical and depressing at the same time. Though it pokes fun at sloppy Walmart shoppers, the truth is that vast numbers of Americans dress like this at any place they patronize. It’s often difficult at times to distinguish between a sloppy but employed person and a homeless bum. Some have called it “hobo-chic.”

It has become common in America to see someone wearing a hoodie, backward baseball cap, torn jeans, a ‘wife-beater,’ or their baggy pajamas to the grocery store, the DMV, or to the movies. Most people probably don’t even notice it anymore because it has become a regular feature of what Americans wear. A large sign had to be posted at the local courthouse where I live to remind visitors to wear shoes and that tank-tops are not allowed. Americans, it seems, are quite content in attiring themselves like complete slobs. They can’t be bothered to wear appropriate and form-fitting clothes. Comedian Bill Mahr was right when he said on his Real Time show in 2013 that Americans won’t be happy until they can go shopping in a diaper!"
Full article is here:

"Life Is Inconvenient..."

"One of life's best coping mechanisms is to know the difference between an inconvenience and a problem. If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire – then you’ve got a problem. Everything else is an inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. A lump in the oatmeal, a lump in the throat and a lump in the breast are not the same kind of lump. One needs to learn the difference."
- Robert Fulghum
"Authorities Are Literally Losing Control Of The Streets 
As America’s Societal Collapse Accelerates"
By Michael Snyder

"In a civilized society, authorities are able to maintain at least a basic level of law and order in the streets most of the time. Unfortunately, at this point it is up for debate whether the United States is still a “civilized society” or not. The chaos in our streets never seems to end, and those that are in charge of running things don’t seem to be able to regain control. The theft, violence and mayhem that we are witnessing in our major cities is being fueled by the worst homelessness crisis in our entire history, the worst drug crisis in our entire history, and the worst migration crisis in our entire history. If authorities cannot control our streets now, what is going to happen once our societal collapse reaches a much more advanced stage?

Robin Bach and her husband were absolutely thrilled when they were able to purchase their dream home in Concord, New Hampshire several years ago. But now her children won’t even play in the backyard because it has been taken over by a homeless encampment…"A New Hampshire family is being terrorized by a homeless encampment that sprouted up behind their historic home, leading to violent encounters with the vagrants, according to a report.

Robin Bach and her husband spent years restoring their 19th-century dream home in Concord to raise their two children, ages 8 and 11 - but have been plagued by the campers living in the woods behind the palatial abode. They’ve received death threats and have heard gunshots and screams from beyond the tree line. A swingset in their backyard, bought in 2020 during the pandemic, sits untouched by her terrified children, who will only play in the front yard."

Thousands upon thousands of homeless encampments are popping up in communities all across this country. Bach and her family have been endlessly terrorized by those that are camping out just behind her property, and it is being reported that she has called the police 37 times…"Since purchasing the house in 2018 with grand plans to renovate and raise a family, Bach has called police 37 times, according to police records reviewed by the newspaper. Six calls were for an area check, another six for disturbances as well as domestic violence and criminal trespassing incidents."

I suppose that they could sell the house at a loss and move some place where the homeless have not taken over yet. But the problem is that the homeless encampments keep on spreading to new areas.

Meanwhile, the violence in our major cities just continues to escalate. Over the 4th of July holiday weekend, a total of 109 people were shot in the city of Chicago…"One hundred and nine people have been shot, 19 fatally, in gun violence across Chicago since Wednesday during the extended Fourth of July holiday weekend, police said. Superintendent Larry Snelling and Mayor Brandon Johnson both called for accountability for those responsible for the shootings. Johnson was pressed to address what adjustments need to be made to keep the community safe, his response was simply getting more support."

In a civilized society, when you are attacked you call the police and they come and help you. But in Chicago, about half the time there isn’t even a police officer available when someone calls in to report a violent crime…"In Chicago in 2023, more than 1,800 calls were made to 911 of a person being shot. Only about 800 – fewer than half – were responded to immediately by police officers. The other 1,000 callers were victims of 911 backlogs, where no police were available at the time of the call. Those victims had to wait half an hour, an hour, or even several hours for the 911 call backlog to end and for police to finally arrive.

It was the same for the 32,000 911 calls of an assault in progress, where police were only immediately available for 50% of those calls. And it was the same for 54% of the city’s 911 calls of 35,000 batteries in progress."

All over this country, the police are completely and utterly overwhelmed by the tsunami of lawlessness that we are witnessing all around us. They are massively outnumbered by the lawbreakers, and the lawbreakers are becoming increasingly bold. In some of our major cities, things have gotten so bad that lawbreakers brazenly take over entire streets on a regular basis. In Los Angeles, one of these “street takeovers” recently ended with a blazing inferno

"More than 50 cars were involved in a street takeover in downtown Los Angeles early Saturday as some went up in flames, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. Video shows a car completely engulfed by a fire, sitting in the middle of an intersection as a thick black cloud of smoke rises from the vehicle. Other cars can be seen as they try to drive around the inferno. LAPD said several vehicles were impounded after authorities responded to the area near East 18th Street and Main Street, where participants intentionally set two of the cars on fire."

Unfortunately, this is the most law and order that we are going to get. From this point forward, our society will only become even more chaotic. Those that have been following my work for a long time know that I have warned that someday we would see armed guards on food trucks.
Well, now it is starting to happen
Things have gotten so utopian in the state of California, delivery drivers are being accompanied by armed guards due to “crime concerns” while out making deliveries. One company, Core Mart, has started hiring the guards to escort its drivers. Which means that somewhere, in a board room, it likely made more financial sense to pay for all new security staff than it did to continue to allow drivers to get robbed (and inventory lost) as was happening prior. These trucks are not transporting objects of immense value. As you can see in this footage, they are simply making deliveries to convenience stores…

This is our country now. Authorities are not able to maintain a sufficient level of control in the streets, and so companies are starting to take matters into their own hands. Needless to say, this is just the beginning. We will see things happen during the months and years to come that most people never would have imagined in their wildest dreams."

"How It Really Should Be!"

Full screen recommended.
"Network", 1976
"I'm As Mad As Hell,
 And I'm Not Going To Take This Anymore!"
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"How It Really Is"

Dan, I Allegedly, "Delivery Drivers Now Need ARMED Guards?!"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, 7/9/24
"Delivery Drivers Now Need ARMED Guards?!"
"Everything crazy starts in California. We dive into the alarming reality in California where delivery drivers now need armed guards for their safety. Can you believe it? This insane turn of events highlights just how dangerous life has become, especially in areas like the San Francisco Bay Area and Oakland. Crime is out of control, businesses are fleeing, and now even delivery drivers are taking extreme measures to protect themselves."
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Judge Napolitano, "AMB. Chas Freeman: 75 years of Israeli Wars"

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 7/9/24
"AMB. Chas Freeman: 75 years of Israeli Wars"

"Could Israel be on the brink of a major conflict with Lebanon and Hezbollah? Join us on Judging Freedom as we sit down with Ambassador Charles Freeman to dissect this pressing issue and unravel Prime Minister Netanyahu's true motivations. From the internal rifts between Netanyahu and his military leadership to the formidable missile capabilities of Hezbollah, we leave no stone unturned. Discover Freeman's seasoned insights into the potential ramifications of a broader war and the controversial dynamics between Netanyahu, U.S. political figures, and the American Congress. The discussion also speculates on how a Trump re-election could dramatically shift these relations.

In the second part of our episode, we take a hard look at the October 7th incident and the implications of the infamous Hannibal Directive. Ambassador Freeman helps us scrutinize the credibility of the U.S. State Department's statements and Israel's heavy reliance on U.S. support. We delve into historical context, examining the roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and the pressing need for dialogue and negotiation. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of the complex and enduring challenges in the region."
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Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 7/9/24
"The Hannibal Directive, War Crimes, and Global Implications"
"Is the Hannibal Directive a necessary evil or a gross violation of human rights? We confront this sobering question in our latest podcast, where we probe into the harrowing realities of recent Middle Eastern conflicts. Hear eye-opening revelations about the Israeli Defense Forces' alleged use of the Hannibal Directive, a brutal measure reportedly taken to prevent hostages from falling into the hands of Hamas, even at the cost of innocent lives. We also discuss a shocking report from The Lancet revealing a staggering death toll in Gaza, not only from direct military action but also from the dire aftermath of war-related hardships."
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Full screen recommended.
The CJ Werleman Show, AM 7/9/24
"End of Zionism: 2 Million Jews Leave Israel Forever!"
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Rats desert the sinking ship...

Gregory Mannarino, "Warning! Systemic Banking System Failure Being Set Up!"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 7/9/24
"Warning! Systemic Banking System Failure Being Set Up!"
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“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand 
our banking and monetary system, for if they did, 
I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
- Henry Ford

Monday, July 8, 2024

"Israel Targeted And Killed Most Of The Israeli Civilians On Oct. 7th, Not Hamas"

Full screen recommended.
Redacted, 7/8/24
"Israel Targeted And Killed Most Of The Israeli 
Civilians On Oct. 7th, Not Hamas"
"The Hannibal Directive: For months the official Israeli line has been that all those Israeli civilians that died on October 7th were at the hands of Hamas... well now we know that was a lie. Ex-CIA agent Larry Johnson confirms a new Haaretz report exposing how IDF forces targeted and killed most of the Israeli civilians killed on October 7th."
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And now it's proven they knew in advance 
of the coming attack and allowed it to happen.
What psychopathic monsters...

Canadian Prepper, "WW 3 Alert! Russia Hammers 'NATO Deep Bunker'; Israel Struck Iran!"

Canadian Prepper, 7/8/24
"WW 3 Alert! Russia Hammers 'NATO Deep Bunker'; 
Israel Struck Iran!"
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Jeremiah Babe, "Walmart Price Gouging Customers; Political And Social Chaos Unleashed"

Jeremiah Babe, 7/8/24
"Walmart Price Gouging Customers; 
Political And Social Chaos Unleashed"
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Musical Interlude: 2002, "The Dreaming Tree"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "The Dreaming Tree"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Some spiral galaxies are seen nearly sideways. Most bright stars in spiral galaxies swirl around the center in a disk, and seen from the side, this disk can appear quite thin. Some spiral galaxies appear even thinner than NGC 3717, which is actually seen tilted just a bit. Spiral galaxies form disks because the original gas collided with itself and cooled as it fell inward. Planets may orbit in disks for similar reasons.
The featured image by the Hubble Space Telescope shows a light-colored central bulge composed of older stars beyond filaments of orbiting dark brown dust. NGC 3717 spans about 100,000 light years and lies about 60 million light years away toward the constellation of the Water Snake (Hydra)."

The Poet: Chaim Stern, “For Those Who Have Died”

“For Those Who Have Died”
“Eleh Ezkerah” (“These We Remember”)

“Tis a fearful thing
To love
What death can touch.
To love, to hope, to dream,
And oh, to lose.
A thing for fools, this,
But a holy thing,
To love what death can touch.
For your life has lived in me;
Your laugh once lifted me;
Your word was a gift to me.
To remember this brings painful joy.
Tis a human thing, love,
A holy thing,
To love
What death can touch.”

- Chaim Stern
Graphic: “Into The Silent Land”,
by Henry Pegram, 1905

We shall meet again...
Full screen recommended,
Moody Blues, "The Day We Meet Again"

"The Sane Who Know..."

“Human beings are, necessarily, actors who cannot become something before they have first pretended to be it; and they can be divided, not into the hypocritical and the sincere, but into the sane who know they are acting and the mad who do not.”
- W.H Auden

"A dog might feel as majestic as a lion, might bark as loud as a roar, might have a heart as mighty and brave as a Lion's heart, but at the end of the day, a dog is a dog and a lion is a lion."
 - Charlyn Khatero


"We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it's forever."
- Carl Sagan

"The Most Precious Gift..."

“Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.” 
- Walter Anderson 

“We Are All Like Elephants”

“We Are All Like Elephants”
by Marc Chernoff

"In many ways, our past experiences have conditioned us to believe that we are less capable than we are. All too often we let the rejections of our past dictate every move we make. We literally do not know ourselves to be any better than what some opinionated person or narrow circumstance once told us was true. Of course, an old rejection doesn’t mean we aren’t good enough; it just means some person or circumstance from our past failed to align with what we had to offer at the time. But somehow we don’t see it that way - we hit a mental barricade that stops us in our tracks.

This is one of the most common and damaging thought patterns we as human beings succumb to. Even though we intellectually know that we’re gradually growing stronger than we were in the past, our subconscious mind often forgets that our capabilities have grown. Let me give you a quick metaphorical example…

Zookeepers typically strap a thin metal chain to a grown elephant’s leg and then attach the other end to a small wooden peg that’s hammered into the ground. The 10-foot tall, 10,000-pound elephant could easily snap the chain, uproot the wooden peg and escape to freedom with minimal effort. But it doesn’t. In fact the elephant never even tries. The world’s most powerful land animal, which can uproot a big tree as easily as you could break a toothpick, remains defeated by a small wooden peg and a flimsy chain.

Why? Because when the elephant was a baby, its trainers used the exact same methods to domesticate it. A thin chain was strapped around its leg and the other end of the chain was tied to a wooden peg in the ground. At the time, the chain and peg were strong enough to restrain the baby elephant. When it tried to break away, the metal chain would pull it back. Sometimes, tempted by the world it could see in the distance, the elephant would pull harder. But the chain would not budge, and soon the baby elephant realized trying to escape was not possible. So it stopped trying.

And now that the elephant is all grown up, it sees the chain and the peg and it remembers what it learned as a baby - the chain and peg are impossible to escape. Of course this is no longer true, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that the 200-pound baby is now a 10,000-pound powerhouse. The elephant’s self-limiting thoughts and beliefs prevail.

If you think about it, we are all like elephants. We all have incredible power inside us. And certainly, we have our own chains and pegs - the self-limiting thoughts and beliefs that hold us back. Sometimes it’s a childhood experience or an old failure. Sometimes it’s something we were told when we were a little younger. The key thing to realize here is this: We need to learn from the past, but be ready to update what we learned based on how our circumstances have changed (as they constantly do).“

The Daily "Near You?"

Valley Center, Kansas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

Dan, I Allegedly, "Businesses Suffering Big Time for Not Taking Cash"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, PM 7/8/24
"Businesses Suffering Big Time for Not Taking Cash"
"I dive deep into why businesses going cashless is causing major headaches and even financial losses. From restaurants in Los Angeles to the iconic Roman baths in Bath, UK, the shift away from cash is hitting hard. You'll hear stories about local laws, the challenges faced by lower-income communities, and even how big retailers like Target are phasing out personal checks."
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Jim Quinn, "Nothing Else Matters!"

Full screen recommended
"Nothing Else Matters!"
by Jim Quinn

"Never cared for what they say,
Never cared for games they play,
Never cared for what they do,
Never cared for what they know..."

"I was driving to work the other day, when the song Nothing Else Matters by Metallica began emanating from my radio. It is a haunting tune and far different then their normal heavy metal repertoire. Depending on my current state of mind, certain songs trigger thoughts about the state of affairs in this increasingly warped world and my place in this chaotic spiraling civilization. This song meant one thing to their lead singer and songwriter James Hetfield, but everyone who hears the song relates to its lyrics in a way personal to them.

He essentially wrote the song about being on the road and away from his girlfriend. But, as he explained in later interviews, the song’s meaning grew to encompass much more for others: “It’s about being on the road, missing someone at home, but it was written in such a way, it connected with so many people, that it wasn’t just about two people, it was about a connection with your higher power, lots of different things. I remember going to the Hells Angels Clubhouse in New York, and they showed me a film that they’d put together of one of the fallen brothers, and they were playing ‘Nothing Else Matters.’ Wow. This means a lot more than me missing my chick, right? This is brotherhood. It’s pretty powerful.”

Some might interpret the lyrics to reflect on how difficult and challenging life can be on a daily basis, with adversity and tragedy constantly shadowing our foot steps. The lyrics force you to confront one of the most consequential questions of our time – What really matters? Do we control our own destiny, or are we controlled by greater forces, be they spiritual or earthly? In a tumultuous world spiraling towards civil and global war, with a dementia patient Trojan Horse pretending to run the most powerful country in global history, and a globalist cabal of billionaire oligarchs really calling the shots, do we have any real control over our future? Does anything we do matter?

To me, the lyrics at the top of this article capture my view of government, corrupt politicians, surveillance state spooks, police state thugs, apparatchiks for the bureaucracy, regime media outlets, woke warmongering generals, greedy criminal bankers, far left academics, vacuous hollywood celebrities, and the globalist billionaire Davos scum controlling the world from behind the curtain. I may not care for what they say, but the games they are playing threaten the future for my children, their children, and all future generations yet to be born. I would prefer sitting on a beach, reading a book, and not caring what they do. But I know I can’t sit still and just let them do what they plan to do, without using my platform to warn others.

I’ve been writing articles for the better part of the last sixteen years warning about government debt, the government surveillance state, the military industrial complex, the Fed, the regime media propaganda machine, and the Wall Street cabal, all coinciding with the onset and progression of this current Fourth Turning crisis. Since my views are considered apocalyptic and conspiracy theory driven by most normies, I just keep my views to myself when in the company of coworkers, family, neighbors and friends. They can go to my website if they choose to confront the reality of our dire circumstances.

But, a couple weeks ago we were at the Jersey shore and out with friends I haven’t seen in awhile. We were at a bar in the late afternoon to see a band we like, and I put on my normie persona, talking sports and other non-touchy subjects, while swilling a few beers and listening to 80’s tunes. After the band finished we moved on to another establishment with an outside bar and a band playing. I had a couple more beers and one of my wife’s best friends sat next to me at the end of the bar. She wanted to talk politics, the markets, and the economy. These are the subject areas where I normally just listen and keep my views to myself, but after several drinks I let my guard down.

I proceeded to school her about the coming financial crash, the Great Taking, how the U.S. initiated the conflict in the Ukraine, and how it didn’t matter who got elected, because shadowy globalist billionaires continue to pull the strings. Her retort was that I was saying the same things ten years ago and her stock portfolio is now at an all-time high. She acknowledged my facts were correct, with the national debt at $35 trillion, and interest on that debt exceeding $1 trillion per year, financial disaster should be close at hand. But, to her, nothing else mattered than the fact nothing bad had happened to her so far, so why should she worry.

Then I turned to the covid scamdemic, the national shutdown, the vaccine, the coming bird flu hoax, and how much I despise my government. This is where I may have gotten a little too vehement in my “discussion”, as the others in our group seemed concerned I might have a heart attack, even though they couldn’t hear what I was saying over the music. She was vaxxed and boosted, believed everything the government told her (masks, social distancing, etc.), was appreciative of the government PPP money which kept her restaurant from going bankrupt, and thought Fauci was a hero. If she didn’t know I was unvaxxed then, she knows now.

I loudly declared Fauci to be a mass murderer who should die for his crimes; told her the vaccine had killed and injured far more people than it ever saved; shutting down the country over a flu was the work of fascists; and the entire plandemic was used to steal the 2020 election though mail-in ballot fraud. From her perspective, nothing else mattered other than the fact she had not died from the jabs and her business actually made more money from the PPP program than it would have by staying open. I told her anyone who can’t see the truth at this point is purposely keeping their head in the sand because they don’t want to admit they were wrong.

I didn’t have the heart to point out the serious illness her husband developed after getting the jabs. I can’t prove it was because of the toxic concoction, but he didn’t have it before the jabs. I did tell her that hundreds of thousands of small businesses did go bankrupt because of the government shutdown, and she was lucky hers survived. The PPP program was essentially the government breaking your legs, giving you a wheelchair, and expecting you to thank them for their generosity with your own tax dollars. The illusions spun by the regime media run deep, and normies don’t have the wherewithal to break their mental chains.

I had exhausted my repertoire of unequivocal truths, but realized it was no use in changing the mind of a normie, who had been conditioned and propagandized for decades to believe what she was told by politicians and regime media talking heads. Her discomfort caused by the cognitive dissonance of knowing the current trajectory of the nation’s finances will lead to disaster, but seeing her net worth continue to grow as the markets rise, has led to an overwhelming level of normalcy bias in viewing the world. Millions of people have fallen into this mental trap. It will not be resolved until the economy implodes, bombs are falling on our cities, and warring factions leave chaos and death across our countrysides.

"Trust I seek and I find in you,
Every day for us something new,
Open mind for a different view,
And nothing else matters..."

As we accelerate towards the dark, partially obscured, multi-dimensional climax of this Fourth Turning over the next several years, every one of us will need to determine what really matters. Personally, I have become even more cynical, if that is possible, about the odds of righting this ship. The U.S. Titanic ship of state has already struck the iceberg and is surely going to sink. There aren’t enough lifeboats, and many will go down with the ship. I often feel like I’m just going through the motions, going to work every day, posting articles warning people who already know we are f*cked, and trying to figure out how to survive whatever is headed our way, without becoming too depressed to carry on.

I trust my immediate family, but my trust circle is not wide or deep. I know what I believe; I know what I think is going to happen; I have warned anyone who has been willing to listen; and now it doesn’t matter to me what anyone else thinks about me or my beliefs. Some visitors to my website are outraged when I post commentary and views contrary to what I believe. I have core beliefs about economics, banking, the government, the military, and the propaganda media outlets, but I have an open mind to hear different points of view. I agree with Trump and RFK Jr. on a number of issues, while vehemently opposing their views on other issues. The only politician I’ve every felt perfectly aligned with was Ron Paul, but I also thought he wasn’t mean and forceful enough to succeed.

Does any of the daily drama regarding Biden’s senility or Zelensky’s acting abilities fronting the U.S. war against Russia matter? To me it seems like theater, designed to confuse, distract, and obscure what is really happening behind the curtain, where the real people running this world are plotting their next move in their never ending war on humanity, family, and freedom. With a vast swath of the populace too dumbed down, propagandized into subservience, and sheep-like in their adherence to regime media narratives, does it matter what I say, do, or write? Ed Dowd has little faith in humanity, and I agree with him.

The next four months will be portrayed by the propaganda spewing pundits as leading up to the most important election of our lifetimes. We will be told by the regime media nothing else matters, other than this election. But, does any of this Potemkin village bullshit really matter? Will the course of this country be materially altered depending on which figurehead president is installed by those running the show. Will there even be an election if those really in control believe they will lose power? Would they start WW3 to stop the election from happening? At this point, anything is possible.

The rapidity and degree of decline may be altered by a Trump victory, but with a $35 trillion national debt; $1 trillion annual deficits; $200 trillion of unfunded social welfare liabilities; an open southern border inviting terrorists, drug cartels, child traffickers, and welfare leeches; neocons intent on starting WW3; a lawless surveillance state, and psychotic globalist billionaires intent on depopulating the planet, the president has virtually no ability to positively alter the course of this Fourth Turning. They always drive relentlessly towards a bloody conclusion, and this Crisis will end no differently, with civil and global conflict beckoning.

"Never opened myself this way,
Life is ours, we live it our way.
All these words, I don’t just say,
And nothing else matters..."

In my normal day to day existence, interacting with coworkers and shooting the shit with neighbors, I’ll continue to pretend all is well, never opening myself to reveal my true beliefs. My website and my writings are where I can say all the words that really matter. People can choose to heed them or not. I really don’t care. I might be wrong or I might be right, but I’m going to live my life my way, and nothing else matters. What matters to me is what kind of country my children and future generations are left with when this Fourth Turning comes to its bloody denouement. I am haunted by the threat of the Great Taking and a global war with Russia/China destroying the financial system and leaving millions of corpses strewn across the globe.

I can’t worry about the empty vessels of humanity who choose to believe those in control of our society have their best interests in mind. I know that is not true. They have their best interests in mind. The existing system is bereft of freedom, liberty, justice, fairness, and honesty. The corruption runs so deep, and the unholy alliance between corporate interests, the banking cabal, captured politicians, regime media, and unscrupulous bureaucrats, is so all-encompassing, the only way this ends is by the destruction of the system and starting over. At this point, my sole purpose in life is to buck the system, provide a forum for dissenters, rail against the Deep State, and try to maintain my independence, individuality, and integrity.

"Never opened myself this way,
Life is ours, we live it our way.
All these words, I don’t just say,
And nothing else matters..."

For people with critical thinking skills and aware of what has happened, is happening, and will happen, the near future appears daunting and filled with terrifying uncertainty. We know a huge portion of society is too ignorant, too distracted by their electronic bread and circuses, and too brainwashed by decades of government and media propaganda, to resist the globalist agenda methodically enslaving the world in electronic chains and totalitarian measures.

The impulse to just roll over and accept our fate, because nothing we can do on an individual level matters, is unacceptable to me. This Fourth Turning could end badly, with the destruction of the world as we know it, or it could end with a new beginning. I know we might lose this fight, but if we don’t fight we will surely lose. Together we stand a chance, but separately they will win. Resist until your dying breath."
Hat tip to Jim Quinn and The Burning Platform for this material!

"The Heart Has It's Reasons..."

“Passion doesn’t count the cost. Pascal said that the heart has it's reasons that reason takes no account of. If he meant what I think, he meant that when passion seizes the heart it invents reasons that seem not only plausible but conclusive to prove that the world is well lost for love. It convinces you that honor is well sacrificed and that shame is a cheap price to pay. Passion is destructive. It destroyed Antony and Cleopatra, Tristan and Isolde, Parnell and Kitty O’Shea. And if it doesn’t destroy it dies. It may be then that one is faced with the desolation of knowing that one has wasted the years of one’s life, that one’s brought disgrace upon oneself, endured the frightful pang of jealousy, swallowed every bitter mortification, that one’s expended all one’s tenderness, poured out all the riches of one’s soul on a poor drab, a fool, a peg on which one hung one’s dreams, who wasn’t worth a stick of chewing gum.”
- W. Somerset Maugham
“Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time;
it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”
- Sydney J. Harris

"How It Really Is"


Dan, I Allegedly, "The $19 EV Car Deal Hiding Why No One's Buying!"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, AM 7/8/24
"The $19 EV Car Deal Hiding Why No One's Buying!"
"Everyone thought EVs were the future, but sales are plummeting, and dealerships are getting desperate. A Colorado dealership is offering a Nissan Leaf for just $19 a month, but beware of the hidden costs and restrictions! From acquisition fees to mileage limits, this deal isn't as sweet as it sounds."
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"Wars And Rumors Of War: The Middle East 7/8/24"

Full screen recommended.
Larry C. Johnson, 7/8/24
"Hezbollah Cripples the IDF 
and Brings Israel to Its Knees!"
"Larry C. Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right."
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Full screen recommended.
Scott Ritter, 7/8/24
"Hezbollah Anti-Air Missiles Will Humiliate Israel 
& Restore Peace in Middle East"
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Full screen recommended.
Scott Ritter, 7/8/24
"Iran Unveils Nuclear Missiles, Strongly Threaten Israel - 
Iron Dome Just A Scrap Heap"
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Times Of India, 7/8/24
"Israeli Media Drops Truth Bomb: 
'IDF Targeted Own Soldiers, Civilians Using Hannibal Directive'"
"Israeli Newspaper Haaretz reported that during Hamas's October 7 assault, the Israeli military implemented the "Hannibal Directive," resulting in the deaths of Israeli soldiers. This directive allows the IDF to take drastic measures, including using lethal force against its own soldiers if captured, to prevent their abduction by enemy forces."
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Adventures With Danno, "Grocery Deals At Meijer This Week!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, AM 7/8/24
"Grocery Deals At Meijer This Week!"
"In today's daily vlog, I take you grocery shopping to Meijer to check
 out all of the best sales they have to offer this week. July 7 - 13, 2024."
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Gregory Mannarino, "Stock Market Multiples Will End In A Nightmare"

Gregory Mannarino, 7/8/24
"Stock Market Multiples Will End In A Nightmare"
Comments here:

Jim Kunstler, "In It to Spin It"

"In It to Spin It"
by Jim Kunstler

"We’re done accommodating you lunatics. It’s time for actual adults to return to the room and supplant the squalling squalor you have inflicted upon us, our economies, our cultures, and our institutions.” - El Gato Malo on Substack

"Imagine: President “Joe Biden,” on the deck behind his Rehoboth Beach house Sunday evening before a most consequential week. He just declared to the nation that only an “act of God” will prevent him from running for re-election. Dr. Jill has gone inside for another martini, extra-dry, no vermouth, no ice, no olive... no glass. Chief advisor, Hunter Biden, just drove into Wilmington “to pick something up,” he said. Chocolate chip ice cream melts in the bowl on “JB’s” lap as he endures another Parkinsonian frozen rapture. His gaze is fixed on the gray-green Atlantic, a blank horizon, much like his current career prospects.

As happens often these days, he slips off to sleep. In his dream, a red phone is ringing.
“Who’s this...?” he says.
“Me, God. Thought it was time you and me had a little chat. You can’t be serious ’bout this re-election thang.”
“I’m defending our democracy. Gotta stay in. Defeat Hitler.”
“Democracy my ass! You channelin’ Hitler yourself a little too much lately. How it is you laid ninety-seven indictments on my dawg DJT? You done George Floyded da man!”
“But... but... the insurrection - ”
“Insurrection my ass! Why you keep sayin’ dat.”
“If you repeat stuff enough, people believe it.”
“Who told you that?”
“Andrew Weissmann.”
“Oh, really? I kicked his ass outa my house more’n four thousand years ago. He ain’t nothin’ but trouble. Who told you to listen to him?”
“Lisa Monaco and Mary McCord.”
“Oh? Them two! Just so you know, I canceled they retirement plan up here with me. They goin’ to the other place wid Weissmann. Now, I got news for you, Joey: Ima have to take yo’ ass out dis election.”
“But why? I’ve accomplished so much. Did you see me at Gettysburg, beating those insurrectionists?”
“I see everything. Didn’t see you around dat day.”
“What about when I stormed the beaches at Normandy?”
“Naw. You was in a playpen, going goo-goo-goo. Look, Joey, here’s the deal: remember you said ‘God bless America’ in all them speeches you made?”
“We all say that. Anyway...”
“Maybe y’all go through the motions, but I got responsibilities, know what I’m sayin’? I been tryin’ and tryin’ to bless dis land but yo’ bunch making’ it mighty difficult for me. So, news flash: yo’ ass is out de race. Official act from yours truly. Sorry.”
“But... but... that’s... that’s racist!” the President stutters as his dream dissolves in a vapor.

Dr. Jill is shaking his shoulder, rather harshly.
“I heard that! Don’t even dare think of dropping out,” she says. “Or you’ll never get another bowl of ice cream ever again! Do you read me?”
“Yeah, Okay! Okay!” Anyway...”

And so it goes in the twilight hours of our forty-sixth president. At least Rob Reiner hasn’t asked him to step aside. At this point, it looks like nobody’s in a position to save our democracy until and unless they do something to save the floundering Democratic Party. All hands are on deck in our nation’s capital. Congress is even coming back from vacation today. So much desperate chatter is rising out of the Potomac Swamp that it’s like a deadly miasma infecting everyone! What on earth to do now?

There are Plans A, B, C, D, E...Only one problem: they all look like variations on a Chinese fire drill. Let the demented bastard run and hope for the best? Please! You thought the debate was bad? And the Stephanopoulos colloquy was unnerving? Imagine the gaffes and flubs to come in the months ahead. For instance, the convention in Chicago... “Joe B” freezes up for five long minutes at the podium mid-acceptance speech like a defective android in a sci-fi movie... “Joe B” takes a header off the stage at a Midwest state fair... “Joe B” challenges a quadriplegic veteran in a wheelchair to a push-up contest...

Then there is... the Kamala question. Could she, uh, step into the breach, if it... you know... had to be? She comes with a dowry of over $250-million in campaign contributions, which no other candidate has dibs on. Quite a temptation. But the cackling? The vapid word-salad? The record of accomplishment?

Would Hillary even allow that? I said uh-hey (hey), you (you), get offa my cloud! Hillary is lurking so quietly in the background she’s like one of those self-camouflaging bottom-feeder fish pretending to be a rock, with a coy little tendril dangling in front of her garage-size mouth to lure the little fishies in... before... chomp chomp! But, has she plumb worn out her welcome in American politics? Is she a fazed cookie? You can’t help but see a big, bold letter “L” on her forehead lately. She might, arguably, be even more loathed by more voters than Mr. Trump at this point.

Then there’s the idea put out just over the weekend to stage an insta-bliz primary before the August Dem Convention. With the condition of “positive-only” campaigns. Does that mean no Hitler-talk? Can’t wait to see how that works out.

Finally, there’s the novelty solution to this fine mess: “Joe Biden” stays in the race, bumps Kamala, installs Barack Obama in the veep candidate slot, they romp, then somewhere around January 21, 2025, “JB” bows out... and cazart! It’s back to the Good ol’ days with President Obama again! What a play! Genius! You see, the 22nd Amendment only says: No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice. Doesn’t say anything about getting elected veep and then being elevated to president by happenstance. If that doesn’t save our democracy, I don’t know what will.

We’re in for fast-moving developments this week. I’ll update here as necessary."

Bill Bonner, "The Judgement of Paris"

"The Judgement of Paris"
In business as in war, or in marriage for that matter,
 there are no guarantees. Things go awry. Things change.
by Bill Bonner

Bordeaux, France - "Thomas Jefferson visited the Bordeaux area in 1787 and noticed that many of the best wine estates had names such as Boyd... Barton...Dillon... Lynch... and, where we dined last night, Kirwan.

It might have turned out so differently. That is, if the Spanish had been better organized, better informed, better supplied and better captained. At the critical battle of Kinsale, they might have landed their army at the right place... put more men on the job... and had more guns. For that matter, it would have helped if the Irish had been more on-the-ball too. They had three ‘Hughs’ – Hugh O’Donnell, Hugh O’Neill and Hugh McGuire — all rushing to aid the Spanish. But they were too little, too late and no match for the more disciplined English.

That was at the beginning of the disastrous (for the Irish) seventeenth century. At the end of it they suffered another huge defeat. The Battle of the Boyne was part of a larger war in which James II fought his own daughter and her husband, William III for the English crown. But for the Irish it was a fight to throw off the English and recover the right to own property and practice their Catholic faith.

Again, the Irish suffered a defeat. William had brought trained soldiers from Holland and Denmark (he didn’t trust the English) who proved very effective against the Jacobite locals and their French allies. These two battles - and the wreckage wrought by Oliver Cromwell between them - caused many of the Irish to flee here, to Bordeaux, France... and set themselves up in the wine business.

We came for a wedding. So, we drove from our place in Poitou down a long, twisty road. After a couple of hours, we arrived at the Gironde River and were surprised to find that there was no bridge. Instead, cars lined up to get on a ferry for the river crossing to the Pauillac region on the other side. Already, there was something slightly antique about the ferry crossing, reminiscent of an earlier era.
The land is mostly flat. Not especially attractive. In some places, it seems a little down-at-the-heels, reminding us of rural Sicily or Spain. Canals cut across the fields, partly for drainage and partly to take the wine casks to market. Good grape-growing land is extremely expensive, but much of the land is too low and swampy to plant.

Already, by the eighteenth century, Bordeaux was enjoying a booming business. It boomed even further when Irish entrepreneurs got into the act and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson gave the wine very favorable reviews. Prosperous vintners and wine merchants built their great houses... now on the labels of expensive wines…usually with marvelous stone entryways.

In business as in war, or in marriage for that matter, there are no guarantees. Things go awry. Things change. That’s why it is never a good idea to pay too much for a stock... or a wine estate. For a time, Bordeaux was the leading exporter of wine. Called ‘claret,’ by the English…and still listed as ‘claret’ on the menu at Garrick Club in London…it was shipped to British colonies all over the world.

But then, the colonies began producing their own wine. In bulk. The famous ‘Judgement of Paris’ - a blind tasting of wines from all over the world - proved that California wines were actually as good or better than those from Bordeaux. Australia, Chile, and Argentina also became leading exporters... with their own distinctive products. Bordeaux no longer has the wine market to itself... and many of the leading wine estates are not as profitable as they once were. Still today, amid the sunny shabbiness of the pine trees are some grand and glorious chateaux standing out against the landscape.

A friend, a member of the extended Rothschild family, now resident in New York, got married on Saturday to a girl from Boston. Baroness Philippine de Rothschild died in 2016, but the family still owns a few chateaux in the area, including the Chateau de Kirwan, founded by an Irishman in the eighteenth century, which was the site of the reception.

Weddings and funerals are the key landmarks in our lives. Marriage plants the seed of new life. Death cuts it down. Marriages may fail; death never does.

The peculiarity of this marriage is that it was here in France. Both bride and groom are American. And the service was conducted in English, by a French priest. Perhaps old Bordeaux has found a new business - as a wedding venue. The seventeenth century church - St. Didier - was beautiful... and the bride, advancing slowly down the aisle, flanked by both father and mother, gliding over the smooth stones... with the sun streaming through the large doors behind them... was stunning. Regards..."