Monday, July 8, 2024

The Poet: Chaim Stern, “For Those Who Have Died”

“For Those Who Have Died”
“Eleh Ezkerah” (“These We Remember”)

“Tis a fearful thing
To love
What death can touch.
To love, to hope, to dream,
And oh, to lose.
A thing for fools, this,
But a holy thing,
To love what death can touch.
For your life has lived in me;
Your laugh once lifted me;
Your word was a gift to me.
To remember this brings painful joy.
Tis a human thing, love,
A holy thing,
To love
What death can touch.”

- Chaim Stern
Graphic: “Into The Silent Land”,
by Henry Pegram, 1905

We shall meet again...
Full screen recommended,
Moody Blues, "The Day We Meet Again"

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