Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Paulo Coelho, "Walking the Path"

"Walking the Path"
by Paulo Coelho

"I reckon that it takes about three minutes to read my text. Well, according to statistics, in that same short period of time 300 people will die and another 620 will be born. It takes me perhaps half an hour to write a text: here I sit, concentrating on my computer, books piled up beside me, ideas in my head, the scenery passing by outside my window. Everything seems perfectly normal all around me; and yet, during these thirty minutes, 3,000 people have died and 6,200 have just seen the light of the world for the first time.

Where are all those thousands of families who have just begun to weep over the loss of some dear one, or else laugh at the arrival of a son, grandson or brother? I stop and reflect for a while: perhaps many of these deaths are reaching the end of a long, painful sickness, and some persons are relieved that the Angel has come for them. Besides these, in all certainty hundreds of children who have just been born will be abandoned in a minute and transferred to the death statistics before I finish this text.

What a thought! A simple statistic that I came upon by chance – and all of a sudden I can feel all those losses and encounters, smiles and tears. How many are leaving this life, alone in their rooms, without anyone realizing what is going on? How many will be born in secret, only to be abandoned at the door of shelters or convents? And then I reflect that I was part of the birth statistics and one day I will be included in the toll of the dead. How good that is to be fully aware that I am going to die. Ever since I took the road to Santiago I have understood that although life goes on and we are eternal, one day this existence will come to an end.

People think very little about death. They spend their lives worried about really absurd things, putting things off and leaving important moments aside. They risk nothing because they believe that is dangerous. They grumble a lot, but act like cowards when it is time to take certain steps. They want everything to change, but they themselves refuse to change. If they thought a little more about death, they would never fail to make that telephone call that they have been putting off. They would be a little more crazy. They would not be afraid of the end of this incarnation – because you cannot be afraid of something that is going to happen anyway.

The Indians say: “today is as good a day as any other to leave this world”. And a sorcerer once remarked: “may death be always sitting beside you. That way, when you have to do something important, it will give you the strength and courage you need.” I hope, reader, that you have accompanied me this far. It would be silly to let the subject scare you, because sooner or later we are all going to die. And only those who accept this are prepared for life."

"Whatever Your Fate Is..."

"Whatever your fate is, whatever the hell happens, you say, “This is what I need.” It may look like a wreck, but go at it as though it were an opportunity, a challenge. If you bring love to that moment- not discouragement- you will find the strength there. Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life. What a privilege! This is when the spontaneity of your own nature will have a chance to flow. Then, when looking back at your life, you will see that the moments which seemed to be great failures, followed by wreckage, were the incidents that shaped the life you have now. You’ll see this is really true. Nothing can happen to you that is not positive. Even though it looks and feels at the moment like a negative crisis, it is not. The crisis throws you back, and when you are required to exhibit strength, it comes."
~ Joseph Campbell

The Daily "Near You?"

Columbia, Tennessee, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"The Real Estate Crash Will Be Worse Than 2008"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, 8/31/22:
"The Real Estate Crash Will Be Worse Than 2008"
"Experts agree that there is not a housing shortage. We have a glut of homes for sale. Especially new construction. Builders are going to have so many homes that will not be completed and that will be given away at a reduced price."
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"Of All Tyrannies..."

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals. "
- C.S. Lewis

Bill Bonner, "Laudate Dominum II"

"Laudate Dominum II"
More tales from the French countryside,
 including a racy dinner table exchange...
by Bill Bonner

Poitou, France - "As we parted yesterday, we were describing a recent wedding. We continue our report on life in rural France… as rambling and inconsequential as a Karine Jean-Pierre press conference.

“Nobody wants to hear it… my daughter is appalled when I bring it up,” began a dinner companion, “but marriage still matters. To men and women. Marry well and you have someone to help you through life’s rough patches. Marry badly, and you get dragged down into a kind of hell on earth.”

It was nearly midnight. We were having dinner under the tent. The small talk had been drained away like the bottle of red wine in front of us. We knew the names and family circumstances of the three women around us. All were attractive, middle-aged… one was beautiful. All, like us, had lived in the same area of Paris and sent our children to the same school. Those children, now in their 20s and 30s, became the subject of conversation.

The woman to our right, the beautiful one, wasted no words. “I tell my daughter that she is delusional… but she won’t listen. She is with a woman. She says she’s not a lesbian; she just likes this woman. But I’ve met the woman. She isn’t even attractive. I tell my daughter that what she is doing is unnatural. I tell her she has to get serious about finding a husband and having a family. But now she says that she and her ‘partner’ are going to have a baby. I don’t even know how that is possible. I’m almost afraid to ask.”

“I remember how hard it was…,” volunteered another member of our little group. “I had a husband. He didn’t help much around the house. But he was there when I needed him. And he earned enough money so I didn’t have to work. Even so, with the two of us, raising a family was still difficult. I can’t imagine trying to do it alone.”

The beautiful one: “Today, a lot of people don’t want to get married. They think the customs of the past – our customs – are stupid or unnecessary. They think they are so smart, they don’t need any help in life… or that the government will take care of them.”

But we need to back up.

Affairs of the Heart: When we left you yesterday, the bride was just walking down the aisle. Even before the church bells tolled, the wedding had already been underway for months. These are large affairs with many moving parts. There are caterers to be engaged… music (live or recorded)… a tent must be rented… cars must be parked… speeches prepared…and invitations sent out. The wedding is not just a union of two young people who thought it might be a good idea. It joins two families… two pools of DNA to be mixed together to produce a whole new strain. And each family has its own ‘culture.’ Are bride and groom well suited to each other? Just read the invitation...

The invitation typically includes each family’s bona fides. If there is a “de” in the name, you immediately know you are dealing either with an old, aristocratic family… or one that got jumped up during the 19th century. “De” means ‘of’ and it connects a person to a property, presumably one that has been in the family for a long time.

The names tell a story too… there are old French names… there are more modern names... and there are foreign names. Since the creation of the European Union it is common to see “mixed” marriages. The ceremony on Saturday brought together a family from Munich with a local family from France. The story of how they got together was complicated enough that we lost track of it. But the father of the bride gave a delightful speech in a German accent… and, after a few drinks, danced a heel-slapping jig in the Bavarian style.

Next weekend we will attend a marriage of a French boy to a ‘Spanish’ girl. But that is another feature of these marriages; they emphasize regional particularities. The girl is from the area around Barcelona, so the invitation is printed in bi-lingual edition, French and Catalan.

The invitation also provides other telling information. Grandparents and parents are included, with their honorifics. If a grandfather received the Legion of Honor, for example, it will be mentioned. Titles, too, are prominently displayed – the Count of this… Marquis of that… Barons…Viscounts – all the old distinctions, like dusty uniforms from the Napoleonic wars, are brought out of the closets.

Military men come to these events in full dress uniform, with all their medals displayed. The son of our friends has been in gendarmerie for many years – taking part in peace-keeping operations in several African and Middle-Eastern countries. His chest was so heavily bedecked we were afraid he might pitch over forward.

Lost in Translation: After the ceremony, the newly married couple drive off in an old car… followed by a hundred or so other cars. All head to the reception, usually held at the bride’s family pile. Typically, the father of the bride has been at work for months, preparing the lawn… the flowers… painting windows… repairing gates.

We were each handed a glass of punch on arrival. Then, we made our way to the garden. There was a 3-piece band in the corner. Tables were set up with drinks… and hors d’oeuvres. It was only after a very long time of standing around, drink in hand, chatting with other guests that we were ushered to the tent.

In Latin America, couples are always seated together. In France they never are, with one exception – newlyweds. The young married couple took their place at the center of a long table facing towards the entry to the tent. Everyone else sat at tables set perpendicular to it, with each place chosen by the hosts. If you are lucky, you are seated with interesting, jolly companions at your side. If not, the evening can be very long. You might find yourself next to a bitter scold who wants to check your vaccination card… and whose husband just ran off the maid.

The challenge of making polite conversation for hours on end is compounded for your editor; he doesn’t hear very well… and though he is no stranger to the French language, a large crowd, all talking at the same time, can make it hard to follow the gist of the discussion. So, he is likely to respond inappropriately.

She: “I lost my husband to cancer two years ago.”
He: “Well…there are plenty of pet stores.”
She: “No…I said, my ‘husband.’”
He: “What’s the matter; doesn’t he like dogs?”
She: “You are very amusing.”
He: “I had a cocker spaniel. He thought he was a chicken. Then, he got hit by a garbage truck.”
She: “I suppose your wife was very upset.”
He: “No, but she missed the eggs.”

No Differences, No Rules: Men and women are supposed to entertain each other, to flirt modestly and lament the state of the nation, until the speeches begin later in the evening. But at our table, after the introductions and warm-ups, the conversation turned serious.

“I tell my daughter to find a nice guy from our ‘group’… you know from a good family… that she can settle down with,” continued the blonde woman on our right. “She doesn’t want to hear it. She doesn’t believe there are any ‘groups’… no differences… and no rules.”

The dark-haired woman in front of us had already told us that she had three daughters… all in their 20s… none of whom seemed eager to get married. “They don’t even have serious boyfriends. They don’t seem to believe in it. And when I meet one of their ‘amis’ I am sometimes shocked; they are nice enough, I guess, but not at all the sort of person you could build a life with.”

“Well, at least they’re men,” replied the blonde. “I don’t know what’s gotten into this generation. They think they can do whatever they want. If they’re a girl, they think they can be a boy. They don’t think they have to worry about their careers. Or about getting married. Or about having children. They don’t think there is anything that we would call ‘human nature.’ And no lessons from the past that might help us in the future. They must think that everybody who came before them – all their countless grandparents and ancestors, including us – were idiots.

My daughter tells me she is in love with this other girl. She even talks about getting married to her. I tell her, ‘You can love your cat. But you can’t marry your cat. Marriage is between men and women. It’s what makes the world go ‘round.’”

“I was just reading an account of the settling of America by the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock,” we edged into the conversation. “There was a young man who apparently liked animals so much, he had sex with them. A mare. A cow. A goat. The pilgrims thought this was an inexcusable sin. They slaughtered the animals, burnt them, and hung the young man.”

“I don’t know…” the blonde came back at us, “but that story does not make me feel better about my daughter.”

"How It Really Is"


"Strange Prices At Big Lots! This Is Crazy!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 8/31/22:
"Strange Prices At Big Lots! This Is Crazy!"
"In today's vlog we are at Big Lots, and are noticing some strange price increases! We are here to check out skyrocketing prices, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"
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"The West: Back To The Dark Ages"

"The West: Back To The Dark Ages"

Full screen recommended.
"Europe's Energy Crisis May Last For 'Many Winters'"
"For the past few months, the sense in Europe seems to have been that the energy crisis will magically vanish after the coming Winter season. A narrative has been created that suggests Europe’s energy woes will resolve themselves after the continent survives the coming cold season. However, a contrarian argument – which is much more realistic, has begun being made. Europe’s energy crisis is here to stay- for several years. So, many coming winters could, in fact, be excruciating for ordinary Europeans. That puts Russia at a distinct advantage to leverage its way out of the sanctions imposed on it by the European Union. Faced with several years of difficulty, European nations will ultimately choose their own welfare and energy security over their empathy for Ukraine. Watch to know more."
How And Why...
Full screen recommended.
"Did Russia Just Hit a Jackpot in Ukraine?"
"A lot of questions arise out of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Why did Russia invade Ukraine, to begin with? Was it due to NATO’s supposed expansion in Eastern Europe, and talk of Ukraine eventually becoming a member of the U.S.-led military alliance against Russia? Was it because alleged “neo-Nazi” elements took control of Ukraine, forcing Russia to launch what it calls the “denazification” of the country? Or was it because Vladimir Putin saw an opening with the exit of Donald Trump to exert Russian hard power in Europe? While these questions answer most of our questions, these are not all. Ukraine has natural resources worth several trillions of dollars, and this is starting to emerge as one of the reasons why Russia crossed over to the other side. Watch to know more."
Tucker Carlson, 
"Europe: Back To The Dark Ages, 
Things Are Falling Apart Very Quickly"

Here's what's coming, Americans...

"The Worst and the Stupidest?"

"The Worst and the Stupidest?"
by Victor Davis Hanson

"Elites have always been ambiguous about the muscular classes who replace their tires, paint their homes, and cook their food. And the masses who tend to them likewise have been ambivalent about those who hire them: appreciative of the work and pay, but also either a bit envious of those with seemingly unlimited resources or turned off by perceived superciliousness arising from their status and affluence.

Yet the divide has grown far wider in the 21st century. Globalization fueled the separation in a number of ways. One, outsourcing and offshoring eroded the rust-belt interior, while enriching the two coasts. The former lost good-paying jobs, while the latter found new markets in investment, tech, insurance, law, media, academia, entertainment, sports, and the arts making them billions rather than mere millions.

So, the problem was one of both geography and class. Half the country looked to Asia and Europe for profits and indeed cultural “diversity,” while the other half stuck with tradition, values, and custom - as they became poorer.

The elite found in the truly poor - neglecting their old union-member, blue-collar Democratic base - an outlet for their guilt, noblesse oblige, condescension at a safe distance, call it what you will. The poor if kept distant were fetishized, while the middle class was demonized for lacking the taste of the professional classes, and romance of the far distant underclass.

Second, race became increasingly divorced from class - a phenomenon largely birthed by guilty, wealthy, white elites and privileged, diverse professionals. For the white bicoastal elite, it became a mark of their progressive fides to champion woke racialism that empowered the non-white of their own affluent class, while projecting their own discomfort with and fears of the nonwhite poor onto the middle class as supposed “racists,” despite the latter’s more frequently living among, marrying within, and associating with the “other.”

The net result was more privilege for the elite and wealthy nonwhites, more neglect of the inner-city needy, and more disdain for the supposedly illiberal clingers, dregs, deplorables, chumps, and irredeemables.

The results of these contortions were surreal. The twentysomething who coded a video game that went viral globally became a master of the universe, while the brilliant carpenter or electrical contractor was seen as hopelessly trapped in a world of muscular stasis. Oprah and LeBron James were victims. So were the likes of Ibram X. Kendi, Ilhan Omar, and the Obamas, while the struggling Ohio truck driver, the sergeant on the frontline in Afghanistan, and Indiana plant worker became their oppressors. Or so the progressive bicoastal elite instructed us.

Globalization and its geography, along with the end of ecumenical class concerns, certainly widened the ancient mass-elite divide. But there was a third catalyst that explained the mutual animosity in the pre-Trump years. The masses increasingly could not see any reason for elite status other than expertise in navigating the system for lucrative compensation.

An Incompetent Elite: In short, money and education certification were no longer synonymous with any sense of competency or expertise. Just the opposite often became true. Those who thought up some of the most destructive, crackpot, and dangerous policies in American history were precisely those who were degreed and well-off and careful to ensure they were never subject to the destructive consequences of their own pernicious ideologies.

The masses of homeless in our streets were a consequence of various therapeutic bromides antithetical to the ancient, sound notions of mental hospitals. The new theories ignored the responsibilities of nuclear families to take care of their own, and the assumption that hard-drug use was not a legitimate personal-choice, but rather a catastrophe for all of society.

From universities also came critical race theory and critical legal theory, which were enshrined throughout our institutions. The bizarre idea that “good” racism was justified as a get-even-response to “bad” racism, resonated as ahistorical, illogical, and plain, old-fashioned race-based hatred.

The masses never understood why their children should attend colleges where obsessions with superficial appearances were celebrated as “diversity,” graduation ceremonies matter-of-factly were segregated by race, dorms that were racially exclusive were lauded as “theme houses,” Jim-Crow-style set-aside zones were rebranded “safe spaces,” and racial quotas were merely “affirmative action.”

Ancient notions such as that punishment deters crime were laughed at by the degreed who gave us the current big-city district attorneys. Their experiments with decriminalizing violent acts, defunding the police, and delegitimizing incarceration led to a Lord of the Flies-style anarchy in our major cities. Note well, those with advanced or professional degrees who dreamed all this up did not often live in defunded police zones, did not have homeless people on their lawns, and found ways for their children to navigate around racial quotes in elite college admissions.

So, the credentialed lost their marginal reputations for competency. Were we really to believe 50 former intelligence heads and experts who claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”? Even if they were not simply biased, did any of them have the competence to determine what the laptop was?

Or were we to take seriously the expertise of “17 Nobel Prize winners” who swore Biden’s “Build Back Better” debacle would not be inflationary as the country went into 9 percent plus inflation? Did we really believe our retired four-stars that Trump was a Nazi, a Mussolini, and someone to be removed from office “the sooner the better”?

Or were we to trust the 1,200 “health care professionals” who assured us that, medically speaking, while the rest of society was locked down it was injurious for the health of people of color to follow curfews and mask mandates instead of thronging en masse in street protests?

Or were we to believe Kevin Clinesmith’s FISA writ, or Andrew McCabe’s four-time assertion that he did not leak to the media, or that James Comey under oath really did not know the answers to 245 inquiries? Did Robert Mueller really not know what either the Steele dossier or Fusion GPS was?

Middle Class Competence: On the operational level, the elite proved even more suspect. Militarily, the middle classes in the armed forces proved as lethal as ever, despite being demonized as racists and white supremacists. But their generals, diplomats and politicians proved so often incompetent in translating their tactical victories in the Middle East and elsewhere into strategic success or even mere advantage.

Nationally, the failure of the elite that transcends politics is even more manifest. The country is $30 trillion in debt. No one has the courage to simply stop printing money. The border is nonexistent, downtown America is a No Man’s Land, and our air travel is a circus - and not an “expert” can be found willing or able to fix things. Is Pete Buttigieg the answer to thousands of canceled flights or backed-up ports? Is Alejandro Mayorkas to be believed when he assures the border is “closed” and “secure” as millions flood across?

The universities are turning out mediocre graduates without the skills or knowledge of a generation ago, but certainly with both greater debt and arrogance.

Our bureaucratic fixers can only regulate, stop, retard, slow-down, or destroy freeways, dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, ports, and refineries - and yet never seem to give up their own driving, enjoyment of stored water, or buying of imported goods.

Is it easier to topple than to sculpt a statue? A generation from now, in the emperor has no clothes fashion, someone may innocently conclude that most “research” in the social sciences and humanities of our age is as unreliable as it is unreadable, or that the frequent copy-cat Hollywood remakes of old films were far worse than the originals.

Does anyone think a Jim Acosta is on par with a John Chancellor? That Mark Milley is equal to a Matthew Ridgway? Is Anthony Fauci like a Jonas Salk or an Albert Sabin? Yet this lack of competence and taste among the elite is not shared to the same degree in a decline of middle-class standards.

Homes are built better than they were in the 1970s. Cars are better assembled than in the 1960s. The electrician, the plumber, and the roofer are as good or better than ever. The soldier stuck in the messy labyrinth of Baghdad or on patrol in the wilds of Afghanistan was every bit as brave and perhaps far more lethal than his Korean War or World War II counterpart.

How does this translate to the American people? They navigate around the detritus of the elite, avoiding big-city downtown USA.

They are skipping movies at theaters. They are passing on watching professional sports. They don’t watch the network news. They think the CDC, NIAID, and NIH are incompetent - and fear their incompetence can prove deadly.

Millions increasingly doubt their children should enroll in either a four-year college or the military, and they assume the FBI, CIA, and Justice Department are as likely to monitor Americans as they are unlikely to find and arrest those engaged in terrorism or espionage.

When the elite peddles its current civil-war or secession porn - projecting onto the middle classes their own fantasies of a red/blue violent confrontation, or their own desires to see a California or New York detached from Mississippi and Wyoming - they have no idea that America’s recent failures are their own failures.

The reason why the United States begs Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia to pump more oil is not because of lazy frackers in Texas or incompetent rig hands in North Dakota, but because of utterly incompetent diplomats, green zealots, and ideological “scientists.”

Had the views of majors and colonels in Afghanistan rather than their superiors in the Pentagon and White House prevailed, there would have been no mass flight or humiliation in Kabul.

Crime is out of control not because we have either sadistic or incompetent police forces but sinister DAs, and mostly failed, limited academics who fabricated their policies.

Current universities produce more bad books, bad teaching, bad ideas, and badly educated students, not because the janitors are on strike, the maintenance people can’t fix the toilets, or the landscapers cannot keep the shrubbery alive, but because their academics and administrators have hidden their own incompetence and lack of academic rigor and teaching expertise behind the veil of woke censoriousness.

The Naked Emperors’ Furious Search for Fig Leaves: The war between blue and red and mass versus elite is really grounded in the reality that those who feel they were the deserved winners of globalization and who are the sole enlightened on matters of social, economic, political, and military policy have no record of recent success, but a long litany of utter failure.

They have become furious that the rest of the country sees through these naked emperors. Note Merrick Garland’s sanctimonious defense of the supposed professionalism of the Justice Department and FBI hierarchies - while even as he pontificated, they were in the very process of leaking and planting sensational “nuclear secrets” narratives to an obsequious media to justify the indefensible political fishing expedition at a former president’s home and current electoral rival to Merrick Garland’s boss.

The masses increasingly view the elites’ money, their ZIP codes, their degrees and certificates, and their titles not just with indifference, but with the disdain they now have earned on their own merits. And that pushback has made millions of our worst and stupidest quite mad."

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

"Go To Your Local Supermarket And Stock Up Now Because The Time To Get Prepared Is Almost Over"

Full screen recommended.
"Go To Your Local Supermarket And Stock Up Now
 Because The Time To Get Prepared Is Almost Over"
by Epic Economist

"Go to the stores and stock up because the time to prepare is almost over! Global events are accelerating at a pace that is extraordinarily alarming and hordes of people out there are finally waking up to the fact that food production is declining, shortages are spreading and prices aren’t going to get any lower for quite some time. In fact, a new poll shows that large numbers of Americans are planning to stockpile essentials ahead of the winter as economic conditions continue to worsen. But we all know at this point that when demand for goods suddenly goes up, products disappear from grocery shelves in no time. And in the current environment, it has become much more difficult to get our hands on certain things, so the time to act is now!

Right now, a new survey shows that most Americans are thinking about stockpiling food, and this massive shift in our national mindset has been sparked by concern about what is going to happen in the months ahead. Many U.S. households believe that our ongoing economic recession is likely to become a depression, and others are also convinced that the deepening energy crisis could produce widespread civil unrest.

The poll’s findings highlight that roughly 52% of Americans plan to stockpile this fall, but about 48% said they don’t. Of those who are stockpiling, the majority are concerned about soaring inflation, but many also mentioned concern over product availability. “We should expect to see Americans hitting the grocery stores really hard,” noted experts with the data company Envestnet Yodlee. In its August report, it found that there is already some evidence that grocery sales are rising.

Right now, buckets of emergency food that used to be widely available across several supermarket chains are becoming exceedingly difficult to find. Demand is rising so rapidly that food retailers are struggling to restock them. Shrinking supplies means that shortages are getting more and more widespread, and it is projected that they will get even worse in the months ahead. Perhaps some of the people who are seeing all of this happening are now realizing that they should start to stockpile the things that they are going to need for the times that are coming. That’s why we also advise you to stock up while you still can because prices will never be lower than they are right now. It’s safe to say that as global food prices spiral out of control, panic buying of food will become increasingly more common.

For a long time, so many people thought that those that were putting so much time and energy into prepping were foolish. But now the tables have turned, and getting ready in advance is becoming a necessity. We must face the fact that the times we are moving into are going to be beyond challenging, and we have to be mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially prepared as much as possible.

Ultimately, many Americans will understand that everything that we have been through so far is just the leading edge of something much larger. Call it “the big meltdown”, “the collapse of society” or “the perfect storm”, the reality is that the “era of abundance” is ending. We are heading into times that are going to be absolutely catastrophic for the United States, and on a gut level, millions of critical thinkers out there know that this is true. Unfortunately, there is not much time left to prepare, and so much despair is on the horizon, so start acting now before this precious window of opportunity is shut down."
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"Now Is No Time..."

CanadianPrepper, "I've Just Been Informed... Hyperinflation And WW3"

CanadianPrepper, 8/30/22:
"I've Just Been Informed... Hyperinflation And WW3"
"Just got a message from a major supplier, hyperinflation is starting."
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"The Worst Is Yet To Come - Pay Your Bills Or Feed Your Kids; FED Will Burn Markets Down"

Jeremiah Babe, 8/30/22:
"The Worst Is Yet To Come - Pay Your Bills Or Feed Your Kids;
 FED Will Burn Markets Down"
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Musical Interlude: 2002, "Kindred Spirits"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "Kindred Spirits"
"Once we sailed upon the seas. Now we sail among the stars. This song was composed as a tribute to our friend, harpist Hilary Stagg, who left us far too soon. Hilary loved the sea and he loved the stars."

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Have you ever seen the Pleiades star cluster? Even if you have, you probably have never seen it as large and clear as this. Perhaps the most famous star cluster on the sky, the bright stars of the Pleiades can be seen without binoculars from even the depths of a light-polluted city. With a long exposure from a dark location, though, the dust cloud surrounding the Pleiades star cluster becomes very evident.
The featured exposure covers a sky area several times the size of the full moon. Also known as the Seven Sisters and M45, the Pleiades lies about 400 light years away toward the constellation of the Bull (Taurus). A common legend with a modern twist is that one of the brighter stars faded since the cluster was named, leaving only six of the sister stars visible to the unaided eye. The actual number of Pleiades stars visible, however, may be more or less than seven, depending on the darkness of the surrounding sky and the clarity of the observer's eyesight."

"And, If We're Lucky..."

“Maybe we accept the dream has become a nightmare. We tell ourselves that reality is better. We convince ourselves it’s better that we never dream at all. But, the strongest of us, the most determined of us, holds on to the dream or we find ourselves faced with a fresh dream we never considered. We wake to find ourselves, against all odds, feeling hopeful. And, if we’re lucky, we realize in the face of everything, in the face of life the true dream is being able to dream at all.”
- Dr. Meredith Grey, "Grey's Anatomy"

Judge Napolitano, "Col. Douglas Macgregor: Joe Biden’s Demand of ‘Unconditional Surrender’ to Russia Will Fail"

Full screen recommended.
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 8/30/22:
"Col. Douglas Macgregor: Joe Biden’s Demand of 
‘Unconditional Surrender’ to Russia Will Fail"
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"The Great Unraveling is Now Upon Us, It’s All Breaking Down With Stunning Speed"

"The Great Unraveling is Now Upon Us, 
It’s All Breaking Down With Stunning Speed"
by Mike Adams

"The western world is breaking down with stunning speed as all the lies, delusions, corruption and fake fiat money printing has reached a tipping point of collapse. Nothing works anymore. The governments of the world are criminal cartels that are deliberately dismantling food and energy resources necessary to keep half the human population alive. This coming winter, Europeans are going to starve and freeze to death in record numbers that hearken back to the Dark Ages, pre-electricity and pre-fossil fuels. North Americans won’t be spared either, as rolling blackouts and food scarcity will dramatically worsen in the coming months.

Food, fertility, energy, transportation and supply chains are all being taken down in a controlled demolition of the western world. And taking its place will be the rising BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and more to join soon) that control most of the world’s commodities, natural gas, oil, fertilizer and gold.

Western governments are waging genocidal wars against their own people. Informed Americans are fleeing US cities as lawlessness and violence take hold. The FBI and DOJ have been fully weaponized into a lawless crime cartel that terrorizes America’s conservatives. The CDC, FDA and WHO continue to push deadly “vaccine” shots that are killing people by the millions, and Big Tech — which we now know rigged the 2020 election by censoring the true story of Hunter Biden’s laptop — is pushing woke transgenderism while protecting groomers, child mutilators and abortion mass murderers.

The British Royal Navy just launched an aircraft carrier (the HMS Prince of Wales) that broke down just one day into a four-month mission. Apparently, one of the propellers (the “screws”) won’t work, and the multi-billion dollar vessel can only sail around in circles. Somehow, this is entirely fitting, given the insanity, corruption and incompetence of the not just the British Empire but the entire swath of Western European nations that now demonstrate pure incompetence and suicidal tendencies. No doubt there are plenty of transgenders, gays and lesbians on board the HMS Prince of Wales, but none of them can figure out how to make the propellers work. This is the perfect showcase of what western civilization has become: An incompetent, groomified Idiocracy of gender delusions and bureaucratic stupidity, pretending to still be a world power while their own people ready to be frozen and starved to death in a few months’ time.

It begs the question: How is NATO going to defeat Russia if they can’t launch an aircraft carrier that works beyond a single day? That same ship, by the way, has previously suffered ocean water flooding of the engine room, meaning the British can’t even build a modern ship that doesn’t catastrophically leak — something that even the ancient Vikings figured out centuries ago. Russia has nuclear-armed hypersonic missiles. The British Royal Navy has a gay aircraft carrier that barely floats and can’t sail, all while the British version of the Air Force has banned while males from flying aircraft from this day forward (seriously, it’s true). You do the math on where all this woketard insanity leads… and kiss the United Kingdom goodbye as a dominant political entity on planet Earth.

The same insanity gripping suicidal European leaders has also been applied to the USA and Canada. The yanks in America aren’t much better off, either. They have an economy running on debt fumes and the relic of the petro dollar which is soon to collapse into the history books as more financially solvent nations like Russia take the reins and lead world commerce for generations to come.

The continued suicide of the West knows no bounds. California recently banned the sale of new combustion engine cars and trucks beginning in 2035, even though California doesn’t — and won’t — have an electrical grid that can handle the charging of electric vehicles for the masses. Much like Europe is being thrust into the Dark Ages due to a deliberate dismantling of its energy infrastructure, California is intentionally trying to plunge its own citizens into a 19th century existence without automobiles.

Should the people there — whoever manages to survive the incessant death shots mislabeled “vaccines” — resort to horses and bicycles? The state has already banned gasoline powered chainsaws, lawnmowers and leaf blowers, making forestry work nearly impossible to accomplish. In a few more years, first responders won’t even be able to use gasoline vehicles to respond to emergencies… not that any police are going to stick around much longer in crime-infested cities like Los Angeles in the first place.

America and all of western civilization is crumbling at astonishing speed. Food, energy, transportation, election integrity, free speech, religious freedom, public safety and the currency itself are all eroding right before our eyes, all while brain-dead Biden claims that Republicans are “a threat to democracy.”

The total takedown of America has been the goal all along, of course, among Democrats who despise families, children and the rule of law. We now live in a nation where armed Antifa lunatics stand guard to protect trannies and child groomers — in the state of Texas, no less — while police are ordered to stand down and watch. If armed conservatives guarded a conservative speaker, that would be deemed an “insurrection” or an act of “extremism.” When armed Antifa guard transgenders and child groomers, everyone is told to just tolerate the insanity and let their children be indoctrinated by pedophiles and lunatics.

We have reached the last chapter of western civilization, and the collapse will be a living hell for everyone, including those who kept pushing for exactly what we’re seeing unfold. Sadly, we’ve been warning about all this in the alternative media for a long, long time. As they say, Alex Jones was right yet again, because he was warning about this outcome in the post 9/11 years of 2001 – 2010. Now, America is paying the price of not listening to the warnings… and it’s only going to get far worse from here."

Learn more in today’s hard-hitting Situation Update podcast at:

"Four Banks and a Clown Have issued New Warnings"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 8/30/22:
"Four Banks and a Clown Have issued New Warnings"
"We are getting more warnings from every direction. The international monetary fund, the bank of international settlements, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley have issued warnings about the economy. We also heard from a clown who is issued a new warning as well."
Comments here:

The Daily "Near You?"

Craig, Colorado, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"As Americans..."

"As Americans, we must ask ourselves: Are we really so different? Must we stereotype those who disagree with us? Do we truly believe that ALL red-state residents are ignorant racist fascist knuckle-dragging NASCAR-obsessed cousin-marrying roadkill-eating tobacco juice-dribbling gun-fondling religious fanatic rednecks; or that ALL blue-state residents are godless unpatriotic pierced-nose Volvo-driving France-loving left-wing communist latte-sucking tofu-chomping holistic-wacko neurotic vegan weenie perverts?''
- Dave Barry

"Is Someone Trying To Tell Us Something? We Are Being Hit By Unprecedented Drought And Unprecedented Flooding At The Same Time"

"Is Someone Trying To Tell Us Something? We Are Being Hit By
 Unprecedented Drought And Unprecedented Flooding At The Same Time"
by Michael Snyder

"We have never seen anything like this before. There are some parts of the globe that are being absolutely devastated by endless drought, and there are other parts of the globe that are being absolutely devastated by relentless flooding. So if you happen to live some place where weather patterns are still behaving normally, you should consider yourself to be incredibly blessed. In all my years, I have never seen extreme conditions in so many areas of the world simultaneously. This is a major red flag, but unfortunately the vast majority of the general population is still not paying attention.

Over the past few months, I have written article after article about the droughts that we are currently witnessing all over the planet. Right now, Europe is experiencing the worst drought that it has gone through in at least 500 years, and the rivers are getting so low that “hunger stones” are now being revealed for the first time in centuries…"On this front, too, Europe’s rivers are turning up bleak omens - the receding waters in parts of central Europe have revealed old “hunger stones,” markers placed along riverbeds that locals centuries prior left as guides to earlier droughts. One stone that emerged out of the Elbe read: “When this goes under, life will become more colorful again.”

Here in the United States, the western half of the nation is suffering through the worst multi-year megadrought that the region has experienced in 1,200 years, and this is causing all sorts of very serious problems…"Nearly three-quarters of California is in either extreme or exceptional drought, considered worse than severe, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. It’s so bad that scientists say the ongoing drought in the western United States marks the region’s driest 22-year stretch in more than 1,200 years. The conditions have affected a broad swath of regions and industries. California wells are going dry. Farmers are either paying a premium for water or letting their fields sit empty. And there is growing concern that water exports from the Colorado River could come to a halt."

Not to be outdone, China is currently being hit by the worst drought that it has seen in all of recorded history…"China is in the grips of its worst drought on record, which has dried up parts of the Yangtze River and impacted swaths of the country’s industrial sector."

If you have read my previous articles, then you already know about those droughts. But did you know that at the same time we are also witnessing some of the worst flooding in modern history? In Pakistan, it has been raining and raining and raining…“Much of central and northern Pakistan has had 200-600% of normal rainfall with over 1,000% of normal rainfall in southern Pakistan,” Nicholls said, adding that wet weather is common in a La Niña pattern. “Karachi, Pakistan, had 1,397% of normal rainfall in July, or 9.78 inches (248 mm) of rain versus a normal rainfall of 0.70 of an inch (18 mm). For the season, rainfall has been 1,001% of normal in Karachi.”

All of that rainfall has caused a flooding disaster in the country that is absolutely unprecedented. In fact, it is being reported that “entire villages” have been completely wiped off the map…"Pakistan’s foreign minister said the calamitous floods gripping the country are ‘a catastrophe on a scale that I have never seen’ as the death toll soared above 1,000 and an area the size of Britain faced going underwater. Tens of millions of Pakistanis have been forced to flee their homes as entire villages have vanished, with dramatic footage capturing hotel collapses, helicopter rescues and narrow escapes."

I am sitting here trying to picture such a disaster, and I am really having a hard time trying to imagine such a thing. Pakistan is an enormous nation, and we are being told that one-third of the entire country is currently covered by water…"One-third of Pakistan has been completely submerged by historic flooding, its climate minister says. Devastating flash floods have washed away roads, homes and crops – leaving a trail of deadly havoc across Pakistan. “It’s all one big ocean, there’s no dry land to pump the water out,” Sherry Rehman said, calling it a “crisis of unimaginable proportions”.

What a horrible, horrible tragedy. Needless to say, this is having an enormous impact on agricultural production…"A situation report from the United Nations stated that nearly 800,000 livestock, a vital food and livelihood source for Pakistanis, have perished amid the monsoon floods. Around 2 million acres of crops and orchards have also been impacted."

I expect those numbers will go even higher as the full extent of the damage becomes clear. This is yet another very serious blow to the global food supply, and it means that our rapidly growing food crisis is going to get even worse.

There are areas in Africa that are dealing with unprecedented flooding right now as well. For example, check out what has been going on in Sudan…"Sudan is in the midst of yet another round of severe floods, even as much of the Horn of Africa struggles with catastrophic drought. The Save the Children organization says 83 people have died and another 146,000 have been affected by the flooding. Whole villages have been submerged, with nearly 44,000 homes partially or completely destroyed. People living in the Gezira and River Nile states have required assistance from the British-based NGO. Authorities in Sudan have declared a state of emergency in a third of the country’s provinces. Central Darfur, South Darfur, and West Darfur also have seen some of the worst impacts."

This is what I mean when I say that global weather patterns have gone completely haywire in 2022. Much of the planet is either getting way too much rain or way too little rain. Let me give you another example. Here in the United States, even as the western half of the country suffers from endless drought we are witnessing crazy flooding along the Mississippi River…"Major flooding across America’s heartland will be around for weeks to come as the Mississippi River surges south. The deadly onslaught of rising waters and storms has killed more than two dozen people in Missouri and Illinois. In all, some 7 million people in 15 states were under threat of flooding, according to CNN meteorologists."

So why is this happening? Is someone trying to tell us something? All of this drought and all of this flooding are going to be really, really bad for global food production. The stage is being set for the sort of historic global famines that we have been warned about, and even now food prices are starting to surge dramatically all over the planet.

But most people still don’t seem too alarmed. In fact, most people still seem entirely convinced that everything will work out just fine somehow. Hopefully they are correct, because at this point the vast majority of the general population is completely and utterly unprepared for any sort of a major disruption to their current lifestyles."

Bill Bonner, "Quiet Days in Poitou"

Fort de Brégançon, exclusive summer vacation 
destination for President Emmanuel Macron 
"Quiet Days in Poitou"
Plus Macron's warning for Europe, 
a broken down chateau and some wedding advice...
by Bill Bonner

Poitou, France - "Laudate Dominum. “In France, we forgive many sins committed for love.” ~ Last night’s dinner companion. The speaker was a mayor of a smallish town nearby. The subject was France’s president, Emmanuel Macron. “He was just 16 when he fell in love with his future wife. She was his high school teacher. She was 40 years old and already had three children. His family tried to keep him away from her. But it didn’t work… they got together anyway. And now she is what you would call the ‘first lady’ of France. Et, alors…?” Our companion gave what could be called a ‘gallic shrug,’ and made a slow arc with his right hand, as if tracing out the rise and fall of all things human.

It is past the Assumption. That is the 15th of August, the day remembered by Catholics as the day the Virgin was ‘assumed’ into heaven. How exactly that happened, we don’t know. But there’s so much we don’t know, we hardly know where to start. Should Brigitte Macron be punished for her liaison with a student?

Was Mary really a ‘virgin’… how did they know? Did she really ascend to Heaven, bodily…and die there, rather than on Earth, like everyone else? Is the world really heating up? Can we do anything about it? Will future generations be better off if, with carrots and sticks, we drive people to ‘green’ energy?

Should the Fed aim for 2% inflation rather than 3%? Can 12 government hacks, working for a private bank, actually guide – and improve! – a $24 trillion economy?

Are the Russians really bad guys? Who are the good guys?

The Great Unknown: There are people who think they know the answers. Your humble editor confesses ignorance. Not only as to those questions, but to millions more. Are we exceptionally modest… or exceptionally dumb; we don’t know that answer either! So, today, let us stick to our story… for no other reason than almost all the French are on vacation; we might as well join them.

Assumption Day is the day that Richard Nixon turned the dollar into a trash currency. But its primary importance, in these parts, is that it marks a change of season. Nothing lasts forever. Even fine red wine rarely gets better after 10 years; there’s no point in keeping it longer. Here in Poitou, after the 15th of August, the heat disperses… replaced by a gracious, late-summer warmth. Like wine and women, the summer reaches its peak just as the first hints of decay appear. The leaves begin to turn… and the nights turn cool. This year was especially dry in Europe. So, some leaves hit the ground early; our linden tree, for example, had already laid down a carpet of brown leaves by mid-August.

We live in a part of France that is forgotten and neglected. There are no tourists. No factories. A highway and a high-speed train track cut through the region, taking busy travelers from Paris to Bordeaux; few stop along the way. Except for Futuroscope, near Poitiers, there is no reason to stop.

We arrived here 26 years ago and bought a large, broken down house – a chateau – for our large family. We have been here ever since. The French know better than to buy such a place. None did. So it was up to us. And then, the local people wondered: were we some kind of cult? Or were we just naive? These old houses are uncomfortable, drafty, and difficult to maintain. The French accept them when they are inherited, but with mixed feelings; like being given a pony, they know there will be some clean up involved.

Having bought the chateau, your editor entered lustily into fixing it up… turning his young work crew – aged 3 to 13 – out of their beds in the morning so they could help him. His wife, meanwhile, entered smoothly into the local ‘bourgeoisie rurale’ of families similarly burdened by piles of old stones. This allowed us both to move among them, to learn their language and study their ways. The migratory pattern of these people follows the church calendar. Many of them made their careers in Paris or Bordeaux, but they hold onto the old houses, whence their grandparents and great grandparents came.

Here Comes the Bride: The houses are buttoned up after Toussaint (Halloween) and left shuttered all winter. Then, with the arrival of Paques (Easter), the shutters are thrown open… the windows and curtains pulled back… the sun comes in and dull roots all over the area are stirred by warm, spring rain.

A few months later, comes the glorious summer, when the countryside bursts alive with flowers, blossoms, bees, string beans, tractors, flies, and outdoor dinners. And then, after the Assumption, come two weeks of intense socializing, with family reunions, parties, concerts and marriages, before the ‘rentree’ (return to work and to school) begins after the first of September.

The weddings are the worst. We went to one two weeks ago and another this past weekend; we’ll go to another next weekend. We’ve been to so many, over the last quarter of a century – watching carefully, like an anthropologist observing a tribe of naked savages – we feel qualified to comment. This is, after all, among the few things we know anything about.

French weddings, at least among this class, are an endurance contest. It is unnatural and stressful to maintain a jolly demeanor for more than an hour or two – especially for your editor. Doing so for 12 hours straight invites depression. The weddings begin at 2 or 3 in the afternoon, with the church ceremony. They do not end until after midnight. By then, the usual subjects of polite conversation – where do you live, what do you do, why are you here – are exhausted, the band is packing up, and it is time to leave the party to younger people, who will keep at it until daybreak.

At our most recent event, there were about 300 people gathered in an ancient stone church with a rare ‘cylinder organ.’ We were not able to ascertain what it was about the organ that was special, but we were assured by a brochure that it was. As if to prove itself, the organ gave out such a sound as to shake the foundations… but that was to come a little later.

As we noticed a year or two ago, hats are going out of style. But there were a few hold-outs in the crowd… women who enjoyed the chutzpah of a fabulous confection on their heads. One, for example, had a flat black hat, roughly the size and shape of the Oval Office. Another cut a striking figure with what looked like the wedding cake itself perched on her head.

Bonner Event Management: The mistake most wedding planners make, at this stage of the festivities, is that they search for originality. Most likely, they are just bending to the music director, but it is always an error to choose pieces of music that are unfamiliar to the crowd. They don’t know what to do; they are supposed to sing, but they don’t know the tune. They hum… and stumble over the notes… as best they can. The effect is one of communal embarrassment, as if the governor of Maryland suddenly began to praise Benito Mussolini. Better to stick with music that people know.

Also, as a general rule, celebrations need focal points. They should not be just a series of events. Like theatrical performances, they need a build-up, a climax… and all the elements that make for a satisfying show.

In a wedding, the first important scene is the arrival of the bride. It should be accompanied by appropriate fanfare. By then, the guests have been seated to the music of Pachelbel or Bach. But if you want to do it right, when the bride appears in the back of the church, have the music switch to Richard Wagner’s Bridal Chorus. Then, everyone knows what to do; they stand up, and turn around to watch her coming down the aisle. Her hand on her father’s arm… veiled and elegant… she walks slowly, realizing that this is probably the most important moment of her life.

“I prefer funerals,” says our brother-in-law, a Baptist minister in Virginia. “A lot of things can go wrong in a wedding. People are all nervous and on edge. And you often hear, a few years later, that the couple has split up. You feel like it was all a waste of time. “But a funeral is final. You don’t get any complaints.” More to come… including a flirty conversation at dinner…"

Joel’s Note: Proving after all that he really is a man of the people, President Emmanuel Macron recently returned from his three week summer vacation at Fort de Brégançon, an exclusive islet off the French Riviera, to warn his countrymen that the Age of Abundance is drawing to an end.

Leaving his jetski back on the Mediterranean, a newly suntanned Macron told his nation it was time for ordinary, working Frenchmen to “face consequences” of such lavish living. English language paper, The Connexion, provided a translation of the president’s warning: "The time that we are living in [...] can appear to be structured by a series of crises. And it could seem that it is our destiny to be perpetually managing crises and emergencies.

We are living at the end of what could appear to be [an age] of abundance, of endless cash flow, for which we must now face the consequences in terms of state finances, of an abundance of products and technology which appeared to be perpetually available. We lived through [this stoppage of supply] during the Covid period, and we are reliving it now even more intensely. The breaking of value chains, the shortage of this or that material or technology, the end of an abundance of land and of resources, and that of water as well, it is all reappearing."

Left unsaid, of course, was any notion that his own government, or those of his neighboring EU countries, had contributed in any conceivable way to the crises now unfolding across the continent. Their collective response to COVID… their widespread and draconian lockdowns and unprecedented government spending programs… their hardline green energy initiatives… their reliance on Russian gas...

(To this latter point, France fairs somewhat better than do many of her EU brethren, depending on Russia for about one quarter of her gas imports. Italy and Germany, meanwhile, import about half their gas from Russia. Other, smaller countries – North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Moldova – rely almost entirely on Russian gas imports, while Finland, Latvia and Serbia are about 90% dependent.)

Any hint of perhaps reversing course, you wonder? Of dialing back unrealistic green goals, the kind that would see citizens in advanced, 21st Century European nations sleeping in their sweaters this winter, dimming streetlights, shuttering factories and rationing hot water as energy costs soar beyond reach? Not a chance. The Connexion, again, translates Macron’s words…"We must reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, double the efforts we have made over the past five years, transform the country even more quickly so that it can confront these changes." The president then announced that next week would see a “great governmental meeting” aimed at “structuring the key areas of work” to be prioritized this autumn, including security, justice, labor and energy. More state meddling, in other words, not less… more “climate justice”… more energy regulations and labor market restrictions…

Readers following along with our Trade of the Decade know we’re long old-world, conventional energy. As governments across Europe and elsewhere (Australia, Canada, even the US) dig their heels in on unworkable green energy initiatives, it falls increasingly to traditional energy sources - oil, gas and, incredibly, coal - to fill the gap and keep the lights on."

"I Have Accepted the Fact..."

"One can fight evil but against stupidity one is helpless. I have accepted the fact, hard as it may be, that human beings are inclined to behave in ways that would make animals blush. The ironic, the tragic thing is that we often behave in ignoble fashion from what we consider the highest motives. The animal makes no excuse for killing his prey; the human animal, on the other hand, can invoke God's blessing when massacring his fellow men. He forgets that God is not on his side but at his side."

 "There is no salvation in becoming adapted to a world which is crazy."
- Henry Miller

"How It Really Will Be"


"Empty Shelves, And Massive Price Increases At Meijer! This Is Crazy!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 8/30/22:
"Empty Shelves, And Massive Price Increases At Meijer! This Is Crazy!"
"In today's vlog we are at Meijer, and are noticing massive price increases! We are here to check out skyrocketing prices, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"
Comments here:

Gregory Mannarino, "Fed Warns Of Inflation 'Aftershocks' As The Economy Continues To Crater Faster"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 8/30/22:
"Fed Warns Of Inflation 'Aftershocks' As 
The Economy Continues To Crater Faster"
Comments here:

"The Elephant In The College Classroom"

"The Elephant In The College Classroom"
by Tom Purcell

“Half of that goes to the bank for your college fund!” That’s what my father told me in the 8th grade, when I got my first paycheck for waking up at 5:30 a.m. to ride my bike a few miles to Cool Springs Driving Range before school, where I plucked golf balls for a dollar an hour.

My dad had six kids to feed on a single income, after all. Paying my full college tuition bill was never going to be an option. There was only one option for me: work.  When I got a little older I started mowing lawns to make more money than the driving range could ever pay.

When I got my driver’s license at 16, I decided I’d become a stone mason. Retaining walls were all over the place in hilly Pittsburgh. I hit the motherlode with that entrepreneurial decision and by the time I was 17 I had four people working for me. The “young man saving for college” line resonated with customers, and I was able to fund almost all of my first-year college costs with the money my back-breaking labor was able to net.

Money was still tight, though. After paying for my first year of college, I needed to borrow some money for the next three years - and I was grateful that those government-backed funds from banks were available to me. But to keep my borrowing to the bare minimum I worked all year while in college.

I worked in the Penn State cafeteria, waking early to help prepare breakfast, then clean dirty plates. I sold my plasma twice a week - a money-making enterprise that nearly killed me and terrified my mother. During my senior year, I became manager of a creepy rooming house. It was dank and old, but it was cheap and, in addition to the free rent, the owner paid me to shovel coal into the auger, maintain the lawn and make frequent household repairs.

The high point of my college-work career was becoming a bouncer at Penn State’s legendary Rathskellar bar - still the coolest thing I ever did.

I see now I was lucky to attend college in the early 1980s. reports that in the last 50 years college tuition costs have risen five times the inflation rate. If tuitions had kept pace with inflation, public universities would be charging an average of about $20,000 a year - HALF of what they are charging today.

Why have college costs grown so rapidly? The simple answer: Easy money. As the borrowing limits of government-backed and direct government college loans have increased, so have tuitions. The $1.7 trillion in student debt held by millions of young people today is in large part due to tuition inflation. Colleges took full advantage of all that easy loan money students were getting and jacked up their prices.

Now President Biden wants to forgive $10,000 in college-loan debt for millions of kids who willingly took it on - even though college grads, over time, eventually earn more than most of those who did not attend college. The trouble is, debt cannot simply be “forgiven” - especially when it amounts to more than $300 billion. It can only be transferred to taxpayers like me who scrimped and saved and took on a dozen crummy jobs to avoid taking on student-loan debt. That’s the big, fat elephant in the college classroom.

Here’s another certainty: Repaying other peoples’ debt obligations is going to be as fun as plucking golf balls off dew-covered grass at 5:30 a.m. every morning."