Monday, November 15, 2021

"The Recognition"

"The Recognition"
by Jim Kunstler

"The climate change agitation is based on a central grandiose fallacy of our wobbling technocratic age: the idea that if you can measure enough stuff, you can control it. The master-wish in this case is what, exactly? To control the weather? (Which we might define as the day-to-day expression of the planet’s climate?) That ain’t gonna happen. In case you haven’t noticed, the business model of industrial civilization is already broken, and many of its dazzling tricks with it. And, anyway, the earth’s climate is forever and always changing, as is the adaptive response to it by human populations over the centuries, sometimes slowly and sometimes fast.

So, the net result of this year’s Glasgow Climate Summit is to pledge gobs of money from the “rich” nations to protect the poor nations, while mandating the reduction of oil, natgas, and coal in all nations, i.e., the global economy. Apropos of those “rich” nations, guess what: all of our modern money rests on promises to deliver future volumes of energy (and products of value made from it) and those promises are without basis in reality, so the money itself is increasingly worthless. Thus, the cost of getting that future energy exceeds the promises embedded in the money based on the energy. How’s that for a paradox? We’re the proverbial snake eating its own tail and now we’ve bitten off more than we can swallow.

We’re going to use less energy whether Klaus Schwab (and the Persian cat in his lap) likes it or not because our money is increasingly no good, which translates into a general loss of mojo for this round of civilization. The massive matrix of mutually self-reinforcing activities is seizing up - the mining, making, harvesting, and transport of stuff. That’s exactly what the “supply chain” melodrama is about. Of course, the Glasgow Summit did allow a bunch of people to feel self-important, to bethink themselves morally superior, which is the status currency of our time - the brownie-point having more actual value than the dollar these days. It certifies the “good” people and validates their persecution of the “bad” people, which is the central political drama of our time. The reward is power for its own sake, which is - let’s face it - the essence of evil.

The collapse of the global economy is underway and working itself out as it will, and the fear associated with that epic loss of resources, goods, comforts, and conveniences is driving Western Civ batshit crazy. Hence, the lunacies around the Covid-19 virus, another measure-and-control mania. Except that most of the official measurements about Covid-19 are untrue, gamed, fudged, juggled, misrepresented, and weaponized for political purposes. In fact, despite all the obsessive-compulsive statistical measuring, everything that the public health officialdom and the medical establishment did to control the disease after January 2020, only made the pandemic worse and prolonged it.

And so now all those authorities are bent on “vaccinating” every last human - which is absolutely the last thing you would rationally do in the midst of the pandemic event, since it only provokes new iterations of the virus that are immune to the “vaccines.” What’s more, the “vaccines” are so ineffective in the first place, and so toxic in the second place, that the damage they cause is arguably worse than the disease. But that quandary affords another opportunity for the self-designated “good” people (the vaxxed) to distinguish themselves from the “bad” people (the unvaxxed), and hence another way to persecute them. (Do you suppose it’s a mere coincidence that the people who refuse to get agitated by the climate change panic are often the very same people skeptical of the “vaccines”?)

Another interesting paradox in this panorama of mindf***ery is that the self-designated “good” people have behaved with uniform bad-faith and dishonesty throughout the long crisis - at least from RussiaGate through the current crusade to vax-up all the children - and that is what will change the game, probably soon. It happens that the leadership of the “good” people includes most of the figures in authority over the whole country: those public health officials like Dr. Fauci, the hospital directors who outlawed early treatment protocols, the pharma executives who buried their failed drug trials, the scientific journal publishers who killed reports that don’t support the “vaccine” narrative, the news-media editors and producers who can’t stop spinning lies, the Social Media totalitarian censors and cancellers, the tyrant mayors of New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, the “blue” state governors who destroyed small business with lockdowns and “passports,” the Woked-up state and federal bureaucrats ever preoccupied with covering their asses, the skulking managers behind the ectoplasmic “President Joe Biden” (and their handmaidens in Congress) - that Satanic host of coercion-meisters, inquisitionists, corporate despots, reputational executioners, moneygrubbers, political whores, and credentialed sadists trying to run your life - are headed for a fall.

They will fall because dishonesty undermines the entire scaffold of their “narrative.” All that’s required is for a crucial truth to assert itself unequivocally in the zeitgeist for the whole armature to fold. For instance, the truth that the “vaccines” are killing and maiming a lot of people. Or the truth that firing unvaxxed people from their jobs will drive them to hardship and revolt - even while it destroys the critical services that all people, “good” and “bad,” depend on, from the EMTs to the army. Or the truth that the crashing economy will disorder all the touchstones of daily life and require us to make big changes to remain civilized. That moment of recognition of how things have gone and where things are going is here. We’re in it. Yeats’s gyre has widened. We’re close to escape velocity. And then maybe we will begin again, walking in sunlight rather than darkness."
"The Second Coming"

"Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

- William Butler Yeats

"There Are Times..."

“If the sun is shining, stand in it – yes, yes, yes. Happy times are great, but happy times pass – they have to – because time passes. The pursuit of happiness is more elusive; it is life-long, and it is not goal-centered. What you are pursuing is meaning – a meaningful life… There are times when it will go so wrong that you will be barely alive, and times when you realize that being barely alive, on your own terms, is better than living a bloated half-life on someone else’s terms.”
- Jeanette Winterson

“Hustled Through Life”

“Hustled Through Life”
by Paul Rosenberg

“Most people, sad to say, are too rushed, frightened, and confused to think about what they really want out of life. They are hustled through school, forced into long-term decisions before they’re ready to face them, then held to those decisions by fear and shame. They choose from a limited set of options, and they know that change will be punished. Eventually they get old and find time to think, but by then they can’t bear to question too deeply; that would jeopardize their self-worth, and they haven’t time to rebuild it.

For an intelligent, creative, and expansive species like ours, this rush to nowhere is among the greatest of evils. And yet it continues, mostly unquestioned. At no point in the usual Western life do we stop, take some serious time for ourselves, and think about the overall:

• What’s life about anyway? What’s the point of what we do?
• What’s the purpose of a career? Why should I care about it above everything else?
• Why should I glorify the existing system? Why should I agree to support it?
• Who paid for everything I learned in school?
• Should I have a family? If so, why? If not, why not?
• What do I think is fun? Does it really coincide with the beer ads on TV?
• What’s the purpose of being like everyone else? Why am I so afraid to be different?

We don’t address such questions. Rather, we’re pushed past them. Even in a church or synagogue – places where larger questions are supposed to be addressed – the person in the pulpit wants us to become and/or remain a member of the congregation; their job depends upon it. There are true ministers and rabbis, but for most it’s all too easy to push their audience into what’s convenient. As a result, we see little motivation in the modern West, save for the basest of motivators: things that match a line from the Bible that says, “Whose god is their belly.”

Mind you, I’m not against wealth, good food, or sex. I think those are fine things. They are not, however, the whole of life. We are much bigger than that. We ought not be limited to belly-level aspirations. But when we’re rushed, that’s all we’re able to see.

Status and Fear: The two big motivators we face in this rush through life – fear and status – are both negative.

Fear is a manipulation technology; people who make you afraid are hacking your mind. They want you to ignore reason and obey them fast. (I wish I could cover this in depth here, but we haven’t space. Please see issue #54 of my subscription newsletter.When we’re afraid, we make our worst choices. Put plainly, fear makes us stupid. But we encounter it on a daily basis… and it destroys us by inches.

Status is the compulsion to compare ourselves with others, and whether we’re looking for the ways we’re better than others or looking for our shortcomings, it is deeply destructive. It’s also irrational, but the advertising business would crash without it and advertisers currently own the collective eyeballs of humanity.

Fear and status are, in a broad sense, drugs, and if you had a choice between smoking pot every day or being on fear and status every day, I’d definitely recommend the pot.

Confusion: Let’s be clear on something: Nearly every adult in the West will agree that politicians are liars and thieves… and yet they obey them without question. Is there any possibility we’d do such things if we weren’t harried and confused? When we are confused, we pass over our own minds and their deliberations. There’s an old joke: “Who are you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?” But that’s precisely what confusion does to us, and under the pressures of confusion and authority, most people will ignore their own eyes.

Such things do not happen to people who are calm and confident. But the existing hierarchies of the West couldn’t function with a calm and confident populace; their operations require people to be frightened, confused, and blindly chasing status.

As a Result… As a result, most of us hurry through life, never knowing why. We live as others do, simply because that path is streamlined for us, exposing us to a minimal level of fear and shame. But that path does something else: It keeps us from experiencing ourselves. Seldom has this problem been put more succinctly than in this quote from Albert Einstein: “Small is the number of them who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”

Stop following the crowd. Turn your back on the popular script. Stop feeding at the same trough as everyone else. Break away and learn to see with your own eyes, to feel with your own heart. Don’t conform. Let people criticize you. Decide for yourself what your life will be about. Make it matter.”

"I Just Hope You All Have Prepared for the Dark Winter"

"I Just Hope You All Have Prepared for the Dark Winter"
by Chris Black

"Motto: If you think things are weird now, check the spoilers for Pandemic Season Three.

Since the covid-19 hoax began almost 2 years ago, seasonal flu, the common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections basically disappeared. Why, you asked? Well, that’s an easy one, if you were paying attention: they needed “covid cases” and “covid deaths” (people who die and/or test positive for “covid” using a fake PCR test are counted as a covid death/case, even car crashes), so the government can fake the pandemic numbers and keep the population in fear and complacent with dictatorial measures.

Then, experimental gene therapy was pushed via 24/7 propaganda, so the people can “get back” their freedom and their rights. Hint: if the government can take your civil liberties on a whim, which they did, you don’t have any liberty or rights to start with.

So, moving along with our story, we’re currently facing new lockdowns, Australia/Austria style, even if the vast majority of the sheeple got jabbed with at least one clot-shot. Vaccine passports are becoming the new normal, Pfizer is making money like bandits (which they are), and suddenly, the CDC, a taxpayer funded governmental organization, is pushing the strange concept that herd immunity doesn’t count anymore, and it should be set aside.

As in, it is better for public health to take infinity jabs with experimental gene therapy than, you know, live your life. They are already backtracking…
- ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) November 12, 2021

Brooks said he worries that as the CDC backs off a specific target for herd immunity, it will take the air out of efforts to run up vaccination levels. See, the entire “get the jab and get your life back” shtick was as huge scam, as I already told you last year.

These people are laughing in your face. They don’t care about public health; all they want is to implement WEF’s agenda, get everyone jabbed and subscribed to Big Pharma for the rest of their lives, and push their demonic control grid via vaccine passports/digital IDs.

Here’s something to cook your noodle later on: herd immunity kicks in between 25-30%. The black plague didn’t kill 70-80% of the population. The Spanish Flu never got above 20% of the population infected. The CDC can’t admit there is a threshold for herd immunity because they no longer recognize natural immunity to infections. From now on the CDC has decided that immunity only comes from vaccines, and that immunity can only be possible if 100% of the population gets vaccinated with no exceptions. This makes an absolute mockery of science.

Even Fauci said that the vaccines don’t prevent infection, hospitalization, and death. Now they admit this openly, as they even changed the definition of “immunization” recently. The current scientific dogma is that the only way out is more booster shots. You’ll eventually have to take one every week, or daily, who knows? Or you just do what humans have done since the dawn of time, and go live your life.

There never was a Covid-19 pandemic. Not when the health officials in countries like Italy are reducing the deaths from covid by 97%. Always remember: the CDC works for the pharmaceutical industry. They will only support what makes them money. Asian countries that didn’t have a covid problem, they only started having a covid problem when they began vaccinating the population. You can overlay the chart of the vaccines given and the chart of new covid cases in any country or state, and the charts match.

Do you remember back in March of 2020 when people like me were telling you that covid didn’t exist, that it was a psyop for control? That the vaccine already existed, and it would be enforced with mandates and vaccine passports in the near future? That future is now. That Covid-19 stood for Certificate of Vaccine ID. Well, we were right again.

Covid was simply weaponizing the common cold using a test that by design cannot be used to diagnose an illness, in order to create the appearance of a pandemic. Fear will then allow a handful of people to control billions. “But labs have covid samples!!!” If you are going to pay researchers tens of millions of dollars to find covid, they’ll find covid. It is like the Higgs Boson. We spent billions building the Large Hadron Collider to find the Higgs. After billions of dollars and decades of work, it was very apparent that the scientists were wrong.

But then all of a sudden, they found miniscule evidence that had less than a .1% chance of being related to the Higgs, but they jumped at it and claimed they found it. There was no real evidence, but that didn’t matter. The entire scientific community and the media said the researchers found the Higgs Boson.

I have no doubt that Fauci was working on gain of function research on corona in Wuhan. It also makes a very convenient source to create real plausibility for the existence of SARS-CoV-2. The “just wait two weeks” has turned into two years. How much longer are we supposed to let this go on? The people really are living in the Matrix, the false world created by the Bolshevik Left. Waking up to that realization is something a lot of people just aren’t ready for.

Let me close it up with a short story: Patient Zero in the USA was a young guy from Seattle who had recently returned from China. Even though he wasn’t sick, he thought he should get checked out at the hospital. After going to the hospital, he fell ill five days later. He returned to the hospital where he was diagnosed with hospital acquired pneumonia. He was given steroids and antibiotics and got better over the course of the next week.

At the time, there was no test for covid. Because of his symptoms, it was later determined that he had covid and his close contacts were then deemed covid cases. Through contact tracing, the first covid outbreak in the USA became a reality.

It was January at the time, and flu cases were immediately called covid due to the infection profile. The same thing then happened in Boston when a woman from China was deemed symptomatic when she was at a medical conference. A few people who were at the conference later exhibited flu symptoms. It was winter and completely normal for a few people out of a few hundred to get a cough and a fever. Instead of actually looking for the real cause, covid was blamed and the second outbreak was “confirmed”.

Three weeks later, “covid” was found in almost every state, even in places with people who couldn’t possibly have had contact with anyone infected, like a rural farm in Idaho. The common cold, influenza, and a few hundred other illnesses became covid when the CDC sent out the new guidance that any symptom of supposed covid could be called a covid case without any further diagnosis, and the hospital or health facility would be guaranteed a payment of $18k for every covid diagnosis.

The only person I ever met who “died from Covid”, was the father of the husband of one of my not so close friends. He was very overweight and 74 years old. It was the middle of the winter and he got sick. His daughter is a nurse, so she said to immediately go to the hospital because he caught covid. This was not a diagnosis based on any test. He got sick and his nurse daughter said he must have covid. He went to the hospital, already sick. They ran a covid test that came back negative, but said that with his symptoms it must be covid. They didn’t check for anything else.

Because of his weight and age, they immediately gave him Remdesivir. His condition then became even more severe. He was then put on a respirator. A second Covid test then came back positive. He was also diagnosed with Covid induced pneumonia. Of course the symptoms were blamed on Covid and he wasn’t given antibiotics or steroids. After two and a half weeks of being on a ventilator and suffering kidney failure, he died.

Some people I know said that they didn’t feel sorry for him, because he was high risk for covid and didn’t seem to care about it, i.e. he didn’t wear masks when he went out, so he got what he got. The death from covid story just doesn’t add up though. He was already sick when he went to the hospital, and tested negative for covid. It wasn’t until later, and after he was given the covid treatment protocol of Remdisivir and the ventilator, that he tested positive. He wasn’t given the normal treatment for someone presenting pneumonia symptoms. The most accurate diagnosis is that he caught pneumonia and was killed by the Covid protocols at the hospital.

What we’ve seen from the beginning of this stupid pandemic hoax is that anything that happens in one country is bound to eventually happen in other countries, and sometimes in every country. This whole entire agenda is centrally planned – obviously.

There has never been a pandemic. There has never been any evidence indicating that there was a pandemic. So the only possible reason that every government would be pretending there is a pandemic is that they are cooperating with a third force that is external to governments. It is clear that this third force is making the decisions.

They are currently building an entire narrative about how the unvaxed are creating variants that do not affect them, and yet somehow kill vaccinated people. This is the narrative they are going to push hard when people start dying from various conditions created by the vax. This “variant factories” meme was first circulating in July.

The vax is creating serious and permanent health conditions in people who take it, and one of those conditions is likely to be a seriously compromised immune system. So, this winter, it is likely that a lot of people actually will die. The vaxed are going to die from normal colds and flus, because their immune system will no longer work properly. Then they’re going to come out with this brutal narrative about how it’s a new variant created by the unvaxed.

This virus hoax has been extremely successful and there is no possible way they are going to back off from it, which means that they are going to keep pushing it, which means that it is going to get worse."

Sunday, November 14, 2021

"How It Really Is"

Must View! "When Your Friends Get Desperate And Hungry; Federal Reserve Wants Control Of Your Bank Account"

Jeremiah Babe, PM 11/14/21
"When Your Friends Get Desperate And Hungry; 
Federal Reserve Wants Control Of Your Bank Account"

Musical Interlude: 2002, "River of Stars"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "River of Stars"

Chet Raymo, “Reaching For The Stars”

“Reaching For The Stars”
by Chet Raymo

“Here is a spectacular detail of the Eagle Nebula, a gassy star-forming region of the Milky Way Galaxy, about 7,000 light-years away. This particular spire of gas and dust was recently featured on APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day). The Eagle lies in the equatorial constellation Serpens. If you went out tonight and looked at this part of the sky – more or less midway between Arcturus and Antares – you might see nothing at all. The brightest star in Serpens is of the third magnitude, perhaps invisible in an urban environment. No part of the Eagle Nebula is available to unaided human vision. How big is the nebula in the sky? Hold a pinhead at arm’s length and it would just about cover the spire. I like to think about things not mentioned in the APOD descriptions.
If the Sun were at the bottom of the spire, Alpha centauri, our nearest stellar neighbor, would be about halfway up the column. Sirius, the brightest star in Earth’s sky, would be near the top. Let’s say you sent out a spacecraft from the bottom of the spire that travelled at the speed of the two Voyager craft that are now traversing the outer reaches of the Solar System. It would take more than 200,000 years to reach the top of the spire.

The Hubble Space Telescope cost a lot of money to build, deploy, and operate. It has done a lot of good science. But perhaps the biggest return on the investment is to turn on ordinary folks like you and me to the scale and complexity of the universe. The human brain evolved, biologically and culturally, in a universe conceived on the human scale. We resided at its center. The stars were just up there on the dome of night. The Sun and Moon attended our desires. “All the world’s a stage,” wrote Shakespeare, and he meant it literally; the cosmos was designed by a benevolent creator as a stage for the human drama. All of that has gone by the board. Now we can travel in our imagination for 200,000 years along a spire of glowing, star-birthing gas that is only the tiniest fragment of a nebula that is only the tiniest fragment of a galaxy that is but one of hundreds of billions of galaxies we can potentially see with our telescopes.

Most of us still live psychologically in the universe of Dante and Shakespeare. The biggest intellectual challenge of our times is how to bring our brains up to speed. How to shake our imaginations out of the slumber of centuries. How to learn to live purposefully in a universe that is apparently indifferent to the human drama. How to stretch the human story to match the light-years.”

"The Countdown For The Biggest Stock Market Crash In History Has Begun"

Full screen recommended.
"The Countdown For The Biggest Stock 
Market Crash In History Has Begun"
by Epic Economist

"Wall Street investors are still in a relentless frenzy as stocks go higher and higher. They may have forgotten the risks of investing so much money in companies whose growth is not guaranteed, especially considering that economic conditions keep worsening by the day. They're truly believing the Fed will always come to the rescue. But the truth is that the days of Fed support are almost over. And when the music stops, this gigantic bubble will burst and the entire financial world will be turned upside down once again. A number of renowned market veterans have been alerting about the growing risks. But so far, no one seems to be listening to their warnings. They have been telling us that even though most people believe this time is different, the current bull market has become unsustainable. Bulls can stand many things, but the slightest sign that a two percent interest rate hike is coming can scare them to the core.

And what many investors may be failing to remember is that the Fed has announced that it will increase interest rates by the end of the year. Based on recent estimates, analysts forecast that the central bank can hike rates by 2.2 percent by December, and that figure goes up to 3.5 percent at the beginning of 2022. Such aggressive increases will come as a result of rampant inflation. Official data points that the inflation rate is at nearly 6 percent. But some economists argue that the true rate of inflation that people are seeing at the stores is ranging between 11 and 14 percent. As the holiday season approaches, inflation will soar higher. Unfortunately, this means that the Fed will have no other choice but to sharply raise interest rates before the economy overheats. And, of course, this will trigger the inevitable stock market crash no one seems to be prepared for.

For years, low-interest rates have propped up equity markets worldwide. They make it more appealing to borrow money to invest in stocks and ultimately push up company valuations. However, today's valuations are far extended beyond norms, by many measures. Although many want to believe that fundamentals do not matter, the market is cyclical and that's a universal truth. This means that at some point, valuations always come back to their norms, or, as the hedge fund manager John Hussman explains, everything that goes up must go down. That's the law of equilibrium.

The speculative frenzy started when the Fed decided to suppress already low-interest rates to near-zero levels. That was when many new investors entered the bubble. Needless to say, when interest rates do rise, these investors won't stick around. Higher rates are also likely to create disruptions in the economy, with indebted companies struggling to meet higher interest payments. That alone could trigger another recession, but we don't even have to go that far. In essence, there's a wide range of different risks that could spark a stock market crash after an interest rate hike. But today's investors are choosing to ignore the looming dangers for the sake of higher 'future' earnings.

They've been buying the narrative that the Fed will do "whatever it takes" to avoid a financial collapse and that it will keep fueling stocks through its quantitative easing policies. History has shown us over and over again that there's only so much liquidity can do. And that narrative is coming to an end, and it will cause unprecedented chaos. If you don't believe us, just take a look at the Fed's annual Financial Stability Report, in which central bank officials issued a very explicit warning that the market is in a bubble and extremely elevated asset prices are risking to trigger a broader stock market crash.

In a recent article, Bloomberg reported the highlights of the 85-page document published on the Fed's website moments after the market closed last week. The central bank warned that "prices of risky assets keep rising, making them more susceptible to perilous crashes if the economy takes a turn for the worse" adding that “asset prices remain vulnerable to significant declines should investor risk sentiment deteriorate, progress on containing the virus disappoint, or the economic recovery stall." This is proof that they already know what is coming next. They already know that there's no escape. For how much longer will we continue to ignore the red flags? The Fed keeps pretending for the public that everything will normalize soon, but those who witnessed previous bubble bursts are telling us that the stage is set for another massive financial meltdown. It is clear that a brutal stock market crash is fast approaching. The final question is: who are you going to believe this time?"

The Daily "Near You?"

Fife Lake, Michigan, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"America is Under Attack by Marxist Globalists"

"America is Under Attack by Marxist Globalists"
By Greg Hunter’s
Back in July, legendary geopolitical and financial cycle analyst Martin Armstrong boldly said, “The system has come to an end.” What are we seeing now? There is massive inflation, huge defaults of debt in China, a badly broken supply chain and a hostile government against “We the People” here in America. It sure looks like the end of this system is near. Armstrong contends it is not an accident that all this is happening now to the United States because Marxist globalists want to overthrow our Constitutional form of government. Armstrong explains, “This is getting to be really absurd. Biden is the perfect President. I warned that this election had nothing to do with Trump versus Biden. It was Trump versus a foreign entity that was trying to take over the United States. Biden is absolutely the perfect President. They got their wish. They got somebody in there that really would not be able to figure out left from right. I am not making derogatory statements against him. This isn’t even Biden’s agenda. You are lucky if he even understands what’s going on. It’s the people behind him. It you look at his polls, they are down to 33%. A politician would normally care about that. You don’t see any change because he’s not the one doing this. They know he’s just a place holder. They are just moving their agenda through - period. The United States is being orchestrated from Geneva. All this ‘Build Back Better’ stuff was a slogan created at Davos. The United States is under attack from a foreign entity.”

Armstrong says his predictive Socrates computer program does not see the Marxist globalists succeeding. Armstrong says, “They think they can take over the world and create this fictional wonderland of Marxism. It’s not going to work. Our computer is showing that they have failed. In 2022, this whole thing is going to start blowing up. Bill Gates actually said that the vaccines don’t work. He said we are going to have to create a new sort of R&D. There is too much evidence now that the vaccines do not prevent you from getting Covid or spreading it. Data coming out of Israel shows the majority of people vaccinated are the majority of the people that are dying. Gates is being confronted with this behind the curtain.”

Armstrong says the Marxist globalists are trying to create a Great Depression. Why? Armstrong says, “The reason why they are trying to create a Great Depression is they are now desperate. They created, in my opinion, this virus that numerous people I know behind the curtain were told a virus was coming. I think it was planted. I think it was created by a lab in China. This is all total B.S. It’s being used mainly to prevent people from traveling.”

Armstrong also says the Marxist globalists have a plan to default on all debt. Listen to how they are going to sell this to the public. Armstrong says, “They pretend they care about you. You won’t own anything. We are going to eliminate all mortgages, all credit card debt and you are going to be happy. Why? Because that’s the cover for them to default. They can’t default without wiping out everybody’s pension fund.”

Armstrong says rich people are buying tangible assets to get their money off the grid, and the little guy should be doing the same thing. This is why Armstrong says things such as art, collectibles, Bitcoin and gold are going up and will continue to do so. Armstrong says be careful with crypto currencies because, eventually, governments will have their own crypto currencies and will not allow competition."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with 
Martin Armstrong, world renowned geopolitical and economic cycle expert.

Gregory Mannarino, "Markets, A Look Ahead: Must Know Now Updates"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 11/14/21:
"Markets, A Look Ahead: Must Know Now Updates"

"The Choice..."

"Except for totally impulsive or psychotic behavior, every human
decision comes down to the choice between two alternatives."
- Jeff Duntemann

"Gravity, Grace, and What Binds Us: Poet Jane Hirshfield’s Timeless Hymn to Love and the Proud Scars of the Heart"

"Gravity, Grace, and What Binds Us: Poet Jane Hirshfield’s 
Timeless Hymn to Love and the Proud Scars of the Heart"
by Maria Popova

"In the autumn of 1664, when the black plague shrouded the world in a deadly pandemic and universities sent their students home for a quarantine the end of which no one could foresee, a young man besotted with mathematics, motion, and light returned to his illiterate mother’s orchard, where he watched an apple fall. A revolution of understanding rose in its shadow - he fathomed the mechanics of a mystery that had enchanted humanity for epochs: how bodies can act on other bodies, attracting one another impalpably and invisibly across space and separation, as if by magic.

Religions had called it grace. Science, with the young Newton at its helm, called it gravity.

We have since discovered three other presently irreducible fundamental forces winding the clockwork of reality, with gravity the weakest of the four, 1038 times weaker than the strongest, and yet the most immediate, the most embodied, the most readily graspable by our creaturely intuitions. The unfathomed thing once explained as magic is now a commonplace of common sense, woven into our elemental understanding of the world and, in consequence, woven into our metaphors - those handles on the door of understanding.

It is on gravity’s metaphor we lean when we speak of the binding force of love - the attraction that draws ensouled bodies to one another, as if by magic. But for all the progress science has made in the epochs since Newton, along the long procession of history in which the brilliant and the brokenhearted have walked hand in hand, this binding force is still a mystery, still something closer to grace, perhaps the only form of grace that is real.

This might always remain so - as the stardust-residue of ideas that was once Carl Sagan reminds us, “the universe will always be much richer than our ability to understand it.” A vast part of me hopes it does remain so - some things are more important felt than known: felt fully and unconditionally, for they can only ever be understood incompletely and conjecturally. Rachel Carson, for all her devotion to the poetics of reality we call science, knew this when she insisted that it is not half so important to know as to feel. E.E. Cummings knew it when, in his impassioned case for the courage to be yourself, he observed that “whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself… the hardest battle which any human being can fight.”

Centuries after Newton and generations after Carson and Cummings, Jane Hirshfield - another philosopher-poet intimately attuned to the poetics of reality, an ordained Zen Buddhist who thinks deeply and writes splendidly about the living realities and lush metaphors of the natural world - addressed this in a poem that has saved me, and continues to save me, across many seasons of being. Originally published in her 1988 lifeline of a collection "Of Gravity & Angels" (public library) - a title evocative of the posthumous record of Simone Weil’s exquisite consciousness, "Gravity and Grace" - it is generously read here for us by the poet herself:

"For What Binds Us"

"There are names for what binds us:
strong forces, weak forces.
Look around, you can see them:
the skin that forms in a half-empty cup,
nails rusting into the places they join,
joints dovetailed on their own weight.
The way things stay so solidly
wherever they’ve been set down -
and gravity, scientists say, is weak.

And see how the flesh grows back
across a wound, with a great vehemence,
more strong
than the simple, untested surface before.

There’s a name for it on horses,
when it comes back darker and raised: proud flesh,
as all flesh,
is proud of its wounds, wears them
as honors given out after battle,
small triumphs pinned to the chest -
And when two people have loved each other
see how it is like a
scar between their bodies,
stronger, darker, and proud;
how the black cord makes of them a single fabric
that nothing can tear or mend."

- Jane Hirshfield

Complement with David Whyte’s sensitive meditation on what we place between ourselves and true love and Derek Walcott’s “Love After Love” - a classic hymn to living ourselves back to life after heartbreak - then revisit Jane Hirshfield’s timeless ode to resilience, “The Weighing.

"What A Privilege!"

“Whatever your fate is, whatever the hell happens, you say, “This is what I need.” It may look like a wreck, but go at it as though it were an opportunity, a challenge. If you bring love to that moment- not discouragement- you will find the strength there. Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life. What a privilege! This is when the spontaneity of your own nature will have a chance to flow. Then, when looking back at your life, you will see that the moments which seemed to be great failures, followed by wreckage, were the incidents that shaped the life you have now. You’ll see this is really true. Nothing can happen to you that is not positive. Even though it looks and feels at the moment like a negative crisis, it is not. The crisis throws you back, and when you are required to exhibit strength, it comes.”
~ Joseph Campbell


“Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for feeling what
it is like to live inside somebody else's skin. It is the knowledge
 that there can never really be any peace and joy for me
until there is peace and joy finally for you too.”
- Frederick Buechner

"How It Really Is"

"The Means Are The End"

"The Means Are The End"
by Robert Gore

"Ignore the words and slogans associated with humanity’s periodic descents into death and destruction and what’s left? What’s on the other side of the rhetoric and ritualistic ends-justify-the-means rationalizations? More death and destruction. The means are the end, there’s nothing else. The dictators kill their way to the top and then keep on killing. Many of their victims believe the rhetoric. A few grasp during their last moments that their killers meant to kill them all along.

Humanity is once again confronted by a movement that once again claims our subjugation and its absolute power will lead to utopia. Along the way a few must be sacrificed for the greater good. If things go according to plan, few will mean billions, but the promised paradise will be worth it. Paradise for the homicidal psychopaths promoting and perpetrating these horrors is a world turned into a charnel house. The object of murder is murder.

One reason they employ the smear “extremist” is to divert people from reaching extreme conclusions, especially if they’re the correct ones. People who realize they’re going to be murdered will fight back, which is troublesome for the utopians. Is mass murder the object? Cast aside the propaganda and look at what’s actually happening.

The figurative representation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a sphere dotted with the coronal spike proteins that give coronaviruses their name. The novelty of the mRNA technology incorporated into the widely used Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is that they instruct cells to produce the same spike proteins. The assurances were that spike proteins produced by the vaccines would act locally, at the site of the shot, and that they would stimulate the immune system’s production of antibodies against the virus with no pathogenic effects.

The assurances were false. From the injection site the vaccine can travel via the bloodstream all over the recipient’s body to organs, tissues, glands, and systems, where cells are stimulated to produce the spike proteins. The spike proteins are pathogens even when detached from the virus. Often they disappear within a few days with no immediately apparent ill effects, but not always. In the vascular system, they can damage the endothelial tissue that lines blood vessels and the blood vessels themselves by binding to cells’ ACE2 receptors, leading to inflammation, bleeding, and blood clots. They can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage. Spike proteins can damage cells throughout the body, accounting for the vaccines’ myriad reported adverse effects.

They apparently have an affinity for sexual organs. Menstrual problems and first-trimester miscarriages have been reported at far higher than normal rates among mRNA-vaccinated woman. For males, there have been reports of testicular damage, including swelling, and erectile dysfunction. We have no idea what these effects this may have on fertility long-term, but it should have been exhaustively studied before a single shot was administered to children.

Many adverse effects are identical to symptoms of Covid because they are both produced by the same spike proteins. Recent research indicates that the spike proteins may damage cells’ DNA and inhibit their natural DNA repair mechanisms. If this research is borne out, it will end the definitional dispute as to whether the mRNA vaccines are more properly termed “gene therapies”- they are. Given the potential damage to DNA, even gene therapies is misleading -there’s nothing genetically therapeutic about them.

When the Covid vaccines were rolled out, their manufacturers did not claim that they would either prevent Covid infections or transmission of the virus. The only efficacy claim was that vaccines would lesson the severity of Covid symptoms in those who contracted it. That makes these vaccines “leaky” rather than sterilizing - they don’t wipe out the virus.

The pressure that vaccines put on the virus cause it to mutate. An unvaccinated individual with a healthy immune system will produce antibodies that not only fight the original virus but variants as well. The Covid vaccines stimulate antibodies that only fight the original virus. Paradoxically, those antibodies may not be merely ineffective against variants, they can enhance the variants’ pathogenic effects, a phenomenon known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).

The leakiness of the vaccines and ADE explain why fully vaccinated (original shots plus boosters) people contract Covid, even though at least one variant, delta, is supposed to be less pathogenic than the original. Vaccine proponents have admitted that vaccine efficacy wanes after a few months and now advocate booster shots. The boosters are essentially untested repeats of the original vaccines and are not designed for the variants.

Unfortunately, the vaccines and boosters impair the body’s natural immune system, which means it can no longer address the variants either. The fully vaccinated can be both infected by and transmit Covid. Thus, countries with high vaccination rates are seeing outbreaks of Covid that in some cases are more severe than outbreaks pre-vaccination. They are also experiencing above trend incidences of all-cause mortality, which may well be induced by the spike proteins, ADE, and reduced immune system effectiveness that flow from the vaccines and their boosters.

The origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is still in dispute. If, as alleged, it came from a lab in Wuhan, China whose gain-of-function research was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, then the disease and the touted cures come from the same globally interconnected amalgam of government agencies, nonprofit foundations, and corporations. And if Covid and all-cause mortality continue to climb because of widespread vaccination campaigns, then this amalgam has created a Doom Loop.

The Doom Loop started with a virus that kills a quarter to a half of 1 percent of those it afflicts. If it had been addressed in the same manner as previous viruses - sensible precautions and isolation of the infected - it would have shared their fate. By now it would be burned out or close to it. If the virus and cures are coming from the same people and institutions it’s telling evidence of malevolent intent. Even if that’s not the case, the vaccines’ deleterious effects -spike protein pathologies, ADE, and diminished immune capacity - were well known from vaccine research conducted on other coronaviruses before the appearance of SARS-CoV-2, wherever it came from.

Animal tests of mRNA vaccines against earlier coronaviruses initially produced an immune response, but ferrets, mice, and other test animals later died when exposed to variant strains. The SARS-CoV-2 vaccines’ animal testing was stopped before this[ secondary responses could kick in and conclusions could be drawn about ADE and diminished immune capacity.

Pfizer and Moderna also invalidated their own human control groups, who had been given a placebo, by giving them the vaccine shortly after the rushed first phase of the studies was completed. Both experimental procedures prevented any scientific assessment of long-term consequences before the vaccines received their emergency use authorizations.

In the absence of such knowledge widespread administration of the vaccines amounts to pharmacological Russian roulette. The Doom Loop is progressive and cumulative precisely because it’s gradual and long-term. Vaccines are administered, they damage cells all over the body, weaken the immune system, and promote variants against which the vaccines are ineffective. Recipients are rendered less able to fight the spike proteins from either Covid or those produced by the vaccines, and with each booster they receive, the damage increases and harms intensify, their shots preventing neither infection nor transmission.

Vaccine proponents insist that everyone on the planet get vaccinated. However, their ham-handed “Trust Us, We Know Best” propaganda seems designed to lead the independent-minded who distrust authority to resist vaccination. Distrust only intensifies when certain groups are exempted, particularly the migrants flooding the southern border and politically powerful constituencies. The proponents had to know that the alternative media would publicize vaccines’ adverse effects and breakthrough cases of Covid in the vaccinated. These are now so widespread that stories even leak into the mainstream media.

Promoting skepticism, doubt, and distrust is probably part of the Doom Loop as well. Medically, the plan doesn’t require universal vaccination. Voluntary uptake rates in the most vaccinated nations will be more than sufficient to perpetuate it. The unvaccinated make a convenient, albeit increasingly implausible, scapegoat. Plausibility is not a concern, though; enough people accept the propaganda without question and criticisms have been sufficiently suppressed. Non-vaccination status is also a convenient marker for the troublesome independent-minded who distrust authority. Outright coercion to vaccinate them would spur resistance. So identified, they can be quietly eliminated by other means.

The Doom Loop is a masterplan for mass murder. “Coranicide” was SLL’s term for it last year before the vaccines were in place. The Covid outbreak and the irrational and anti-scientific response to it insidiously and inexorably promotes that objective, particularly vaccines. Non-medical developments compound the threat.

Government and central bank fiat-debt debasement have exploded, undermining incomes, saving, investment, and wealth, sparking a consumption and speculation binge. The distorted-beyond-recognition global economy features shortages and galloping price increases for virtually everything, including labor.

Energy shortages and rising prices have been exacerbated by the replacement of reliable fossil fuels and nuclear with unreliable renewable energy that is at its most unreliable in cold weather. Winter is coming. David Stockman recently did a five-part series debunking green energy mythology. (They’re excerpted on SLL with links back to the original articles; put “Stockman” in the search box.) The government-mandated replacement of fossil fuels and nuclear with renewables regardless of the costs and consequent havoc is touted by the same people and features the same garbage science and objectives as the Doom Loop.

Sickening us, bringing the economy to its knees, and freezing us out aren’t enough, they aim to starve us as well. Nothing brings home shortages quite like empty grocery store shelves. Of course sick, impoverished, freezing, starving people are compliant, but ultimately that’s not what the Doom Loopers want. The enslaved masses will be barely productive enough to provide for their own subjugation and subsistence, the usual economics of slavery. They’ll be eliminated.

Only by dint of massive mental and psychological evasion can the Doom Loopers believe that they won’t ultimately meet the same fate. Their current wealth and power are directly related to population. People provide the innovation, work, and markets upon which that wealth and power rest. Artificial intelligence is nowhere near advanced enough to replace humans as agents of innovation and progress, and even if it were, where would the markets come from if most of the population is wiped out? Eliminate freedom and you eliminate not just its fruits but eventually its eliminators.

Why are they doing this? The explanation offered by Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged and quoted in SLL’s “The Last Gasp” still stands, more obvious now than it was in March 2020 when that article was written. Perhaps the greatest fictional scene she ever wrote was the one towards the end of the novel when John Galt is strapped to an electroshock torture machine and after it fails tells his torturers how to fix it. The desire to rule is the desire to destroy... everything.

"He was suddenly seeing the motive that had directed all the actions of his life. It was not his incommunicable soul or his love for others or his social duty or any of the fraudulent sounds by which he had maintained his self-esteem: it was the lust to destroy whatever was living, for the sake of whatever was not. It was the urge to defy reality by the destruction of every living value, for the sake of proving to himself that he could exist in defiance of reality and would never have to be bound by any solid, immutable facts. A moment ago, he had been able to feel that he hated Galt above all men, that the hatred was proof of Galt’s evil, which he need define no further, that he wanted Galt to be destroyed for the sake of his own survival. Now he knew that he had wanted Galt’s destruction at the price of his own destruction to follow, he knew that he had never wanted to survive, he knew that it was Galt’s greatness he had wanted to torture and destroy - he was seeing it as greatness by his own admission, greatness by the only standard that existed, whether anyone chose to admit it or not: the greatness of a man who was master of reality in a manner no other had equaled. In the moment when he, James Taggart, had found himself facing the ultimatum: to accept reality or die, it was death his emotions had chosen, death rather than surrender to that realm of which Galt was so radiant a son. In the person of Galt - he knew - he had sought the destruction of all existence."
Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged", 1957

They want to rule you because they want to kill you because they want to kill every living value, including themselves. The means - suicidal murder - are the end, there’s nothing more. The reset is all the way back to zero.

Fortunately, impending murder backs us into a corner. Real resistance only kicked in when the jab or job threat and its appalling consequences became real. Not coincidentally, “Let’s Go Brandon” took off at the same time. A number of those who have threatened to walk off their jobs, have already done so, or have otherwise tangibly protested either suspect or realize they’re slated for extinction. Faced with the choice to resist or die, a nontrivial percentage will choose the former. As realization continues to spread, so too will the frequency and intensity of resistance. We’re much closer to the beginning of the revolt than the end.

As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be. That was the concluding sentence of “Coronacide.” It’s late, but not too late to either recognize the truth or do something about it.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

"Middle Class Families Moving Back To Motels; Dollar Stores Booming; America's Broken Dream"

Jeremiah Babe, PM 11/13/21:
"Middle Class Families Moving Back To Motels;
 Dollar Stores Booming; America's Broken Dream"
Full screen recommended.
"America's Broken Dream: The Middle-Class Families 
Living in Motels; Poverty in the USA Documentary"
Nov. 2, 2021
"The poor bore the brunt of the sub-prime and credit crisis of 2008. Today, it is the turn of the middle class. The impoverishment of the American middle class is brutal. In a country that established liberalism as a creed, there is no safety net. For those who lose their jobs, the consequences are instantaneous and dramatic.

Larry Dodson, 52, used to manage a large customer service department. But two years ago he lost his job and house. Today he lives in a motel room with his wife and two children and scraps by on $820 dollars a month, welcoming tourists to Disney World. After he has paid the motel fees, he’s left with just $70 for food and other necessities.

Terry used to be a sales manager and enjoyed a good life until he was made redundant. He ended up roaming from motel to motel in his car and eventually was judged ’economically incapable’ of raising his six children. The three eldest were placed in foster care. There are currently 1,800 children growing up in the motels around Disney World. They move from school to school as their parents are forced to find cheaper accommodation."

"Get Ready for the Worst Black Friday Ever - Workers Quit at Record Rate"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, PM 11/13/21:
"Get Ready for the Worst Black Friday Ever - 
Workers Quit at Record Rate"

Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, "Divenire"

Full screen recommended.
Ludovico Einaudi, "Divenire"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Returning along its 6.4 year orbit, periodic comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) is caught in this telescopic frame from November 7. Sweeping past background stars in the constellation Gemini the comet's dusty tail stretches toward the upper right to Upsilon Geminorum. Also known as Pollux, Beta Geminorum, Gemini's brightest star, shines just off the upper left edge of the field-of-view. 
Churyumov-Gerasimenko reached its 2021 perihelion or closest approach to the Sun on November 2. At perigee, its closest approach to planet Earth on November 12, this comet was about 0.42 astronomical units away, though it remains too faint to be seen by eye alone. The well-studied comet was explored by robots from planet Earth during its last trip through the inner solar system. It's now famous as the final resting place for the historic Rosetta spacecraft and Philae lander."

"One Needs To Learn..."

"One of life's best coping mechanisms is to know the difference between an inconvenience and a problem. If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire – then you’ve got a problem. Everything else is an inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. A lump in the oatmeal, a lump in the throat and a lump in the breast are not the same kind of lump. One needs to learn the difference."
- Robert Fulghum

"All The Money You Make..."

Full screen recommended.
Steve Cutts, "Happiness"
“All the money you make will never buy back your soul. ”
- Bob Dylan

The Poet: Galway Kinnell, "Another Night in the Ruins"

"Another Night in the Ruins"

"How many nights must it take
one such as me to learn
that we aren't, after all, made
from that bird that flies out of its ashes,
that for us
as we go up in flames,
our one work is
to open ourselves,
to be the flames?"

~ Galway Kinnell

The Daily "Near You?"

McHenry, Illinois, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"What the Tipping Point Will Look Like: 5 Signs to Watch For"

Full screen recommended. 
City Prepping, 
"What the Tipping Point Will Look Like: 5 Signs to Watch For"
"The next several years have many issues converging that could result in a tipping point impacting humanity in ways not seen in generations. Armed with the foreknowledge of these challenges allows you to prepare accordingly."