Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Poet: Joy Harjo, “Remember”


“Remember the sky that you were born under,
know each of the star’s stories.
Remember the moon, know who she is. I met her
in a bar once in Iowa City.
Remember the sun’s birth at dawn, that is the
strongest point of time. Remember sundown
and the giving away to night.
Remember your birth, how your mother struggled
to give you form and breath. You are evidence of
her life, and her mother’s, and hers.
Remember your father. He is your life also.
Remember the earth whose skin you are:
red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth
brown earth, we are earth.
Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their
tribes, their families, their histories, too. Talk to them,
listen to them. They are alive poems.
Remember the wind. Remember her voice. She knows the
origin of this universe. I heard her singing Kiowa war
dance songs at the corner of Fourth and Central once.
Remember that you are all people and that all people are you.
Remember that you are this universe and that this universe is you.
Remember that all is in motion, is growing, is you.
Remember that language comes from this.
Remember the dance that language is, that life is.

- Joy Harjo,
“How We Become Human”

Chet Raymo, “Half Sick Of Shadows”

“Half Sick Of Shadows”
by Chet Raymo

“Who is this woman? Her name is on the prow of her boat: The Lady of Shalott.  Yes, it’s Tennyson’s “Lady of Shalott,” from the poem of 1842, here illustrated by John William Waterhouse in 1888. By some unspecified curse this lovely maiden was confined to a tower…

“Willows whiten, aspens quiver,
Little breezes dusk and shiver
Through the wave that runs for ever
By the island in the river”

…near Camelot, where, forbidden to look out the window, she observed the world in a mirror and wove what she saw into a tapestry. So what is she doing in the boat, with her hand-stitched creation? One day, Sir Lancelot rode by her tower alone. She saw him in the mirror and – “half sick of shadows” – couldn’t resist turning to see him unreflected.

“His broad clear brow in sunlight glow’d;
On burnish’d hooves his war-horse trode;
From underneath his helmet flow’d
His coal-black curls as on he rode…”

The mirror cracked. She left her loom, descended from the tower, found a boat, inscribed her name on the prow, and…

“Lying, robed in snowy white
That loosely flew to left and right -
The leaves upon her falling light -
Thro’ the noises of the night”

…cast off to drift downstream to Camelot – and to Lancelot. But curses are not to be foiled.

“For ere she reach’d upon the tide
The first house by the water-side,
Singing in her song she died,
The Lady of Shalott.”

We are all of us in a way the Lady of Shalott, all of us who seek to create an image of the world, artists, poets, scientists. We perceive the world through the filter of our limited senses, our biologically evolved brains, our nurtured preconceptions. We weave our tapestries, knowing that our creations are a reflection removed from reality. Our “curse” is to be in love with the real, yet never able to embrace it except in the cold glass of conceptualization. Our legacy? To be found in a boat lodged among the reeds, our tapestry draped across the thwart, with Camelot yet somewhere further down the stream, glistening, beckoning, inescapably out of reach. But, ah, there’s that gorgeous tapestry.

There is another curse, self made, and that is to mistake the mirrorworld for the world outside the window, to fail to recognize the contingency of our conceptualizations, to forego an honest seeking for the falsely found, and – most ominously – to want to impose our own mirrorworld on others.”

Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/7/21: "Goldman Sachs Warns Again On The Economy"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/7/21:
"Goldman Sachs Warns Again On The Economy"

Gerald Celente, "Trends in The News Live"

Gerald Celente, "Trends in The News Live"
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times."

The Daily "Near You?"

Queenstown, Canterbury, New Zealand

"Within The Gates..."

"How Many Millions Will the Covid Cult 
Kill Before People Wake Up?"
- Bob Moriarty

"People in a cult don’t know they’re in a cult. But everyone else can tell." 
- Oliver Markus Malloy

"Results of the study: COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. We are in the midst of the largest assault on liberty in the history of the world. Twenty months ago most people in the world were free to travel without restriction, interact with others without government controls and were about as free as any time in history. Now in response to a fake pandemic you cannot go to a restaurant in France without hearing, “Papiere, bitte” and should you not immediately produce the required documentation you can be fined and even sent to prison. No doubt that will come to the US very soon.

While it is popular to call this a “pandemic” that is not correct. This is not the Black Death or even the Spanish Flu. All governments as far as I can see have been lying about just how dangerous it really is from the very beginning. The “Experts” were predicting mass deaths. They were off by at least ten fold and never admitted just how wrong they were. For all purposes many governments pretty much shut down their economies putting billions of people into economic peril.

Let me state one more time just so you get it. This is nothing more than a bad-f***ing flu. Those most at risk were those over eighty, overweight, black and Vitamin D deficient. You can’t do much about your age except check out should you wish. Diets are hard to stick to and just like your sex; you are stuck with the color you were born with.

But how many governments bothered telling their citizens, “If you take Vitamin D and a Zinc supplement to get it into the cells you may well prevent what is nothing more than a bad flu?” And for the sheep feeling as if they need to correct me on the real danger of the flu you need to whine to Doctor Fauci and the NIH. It was their bright idea to fund “gain of function” research at the Wuhan lab and then to lie to Congress to cover it up.

The probability is very high that in fact the Wuhan Flu was in fact an American Bio-terror weapon aimed at China and Iran. Most people, I suspect, will still recall that China was hit first and hardest but Iran was right behind them. Ron Unz has written extensively and I believe convincingly about the probability of this being nothing less than a CIA bright idea.

There is a simple reason I call this a bad flu. We know how to prevent it and governments won’t talk about it. We know two inexpensive ways to cure it. The CDC, of course, has overstated the deaths by 1500%. Candidly they admit that only 6% of the recorded deaths were FROM Covid with the remaining 94% WITH Covid. And the 94% with Covid is also total bullshit as even the CDC now admits the PCR test will show a false positive for any recent prior cold or flu. Even Fauci, the hopeless liar, admits the cycle rate was set far too high. So all of the numbers you think you understand for number of deaths and number of cases, throw them out the window. You were lied to at every step of the way.

A 22-week preemie dying is not a Covid death. A heart attack is not a Covid death, a stroke is not a Covid death, and a bullet into the brain between the running lights is not a Covid death. In the US the government paid hospitals extra money to call deaths “Covid.” According to the CDC the 94% “WITH” Covid numbers also shared 2.6 comorbidities. That means they were dying of either or both of 2.6 other serious medical issues. When you remove all the bullshit and lying, it was just another year with a bad flu.

All of the treatment given patients was designed from maximum profit to the medical profession and least to the welfare of the patients. I can accept that in the first few months of the “Covid Cult” that no one knew how to treat those ailing. But it wasn’t long before real doctors were experimenting with novel treatments.

A French doctor tried treating his patients with a drug that has been around for sixty-five years called by its initials HCQ. Since Orange Man said good things about it, Fauci and the Ministry of Truth attacked HCQ at once. But no doubt by pure coincidence, the French had allowed sale of HCQ over the counter until January 1, 2020. Does it work to prevent death from Covid? Ask Tanzania with 68 million people who pretty much take a $.35 pill of HCQ once a week to prevent malaria. Tanzania has had 50 deaths from Covid. Total. Because of HCQ but should you mention it in an interview you will be deplatformed by Apple, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter. They are looking out for your interests no doubt.

And Fauci simply forgot or failed to mention that he coauthored a medical paper in 2005 praising HCQ as an anti-viral agent. How amazing, he was lying about that too. Then later last year one of the few remaining real doctors pointed out that he had great success treating patients with Ivermectin. There have been 39 different studies on Ivermectin all of whom concluded the drug properly prescribed could prevent up to 75% of deaths. An Israeli doctor concluded patients could be treated for less than $1 a day with the drug. If you mention Ivermectin in an interview, the Ministry of Truth will promptly silence you. You are not allowed to know that there are simple and cheap solutions to a bad flu.

The French somehow knew what the future would bring. The posters now found in every French eatery demanding “Papiere, bitte” were designed before the first Covid patient was discovered in France. That was in January of 2020 with no French patients to be seen yet. But they also called the mechanism a “Covid” Passport months before Covid was named. It must have been magic, I suppose. Unless you understand this whole Covid Cult bullshit was preplanned.

There is so much data today showing that this has been long since planned by Bill Gates and Fauci. Patents were filed twenty years ago on gain of function changes to various viruses. Gates even held a planning secession, convention in the fall of 2019. What marvelous timing. Gates has been caught in a video smirking as he bragged about making a twenty-fold return on his investment in “vaccines.” Does that asshole really need more money that he would kill people to get it?

Alas, "the best laid schemes o' mice an' men/Gang aft a-gley." I’ve written about ten articles about the virus and talked in interviews about what we knew at the time and what I surmised. I got it far more right than anyone else on the outside. Fourteen months ago I said they would never have a “vaccine” because like all viruses, they mutate. Now we are being told that people who have not had the shot can somehow magically make the virus more dangerous. Those dumb enough to believe that nonsense have obviously not looked at a chart of the new cases being identical to that of people taking the shot. In other words as many doctors have suggested in the past, having the experimental gene therapy shot gives you a greater chance of catching the virus in the future.

In short while there are many serious studies showing that both HCQ and Ivermectin can cure Covid, the “vaccine” not only doesn’t prevent the disease, it makes it more likely and probably more deadly. It appears to me that governments such as that of France, New Zealand and Australia and some states in the US are panicking because the number of deaths from the shot is skyrocketing and may soon go curvilinear as the long-term effects of ADE kick in.

Literally ADE means the body starts to attack itself. One study in Israel of pregnant women showed that 82% of the women given the shot in the 1st and 2nd Trimester of pregnancy suffered miscarriages. Should that percentage continue, it means we are headed for a giant depopulation and are going to enter the Dark Ages 2.0.

Here’s what I think now. This was a deliberate plan on the part of the Elites to force the Great Reset. Once you understand that simple fact, you know what the future is going to be. I understand the rich and the elite. I went through high school in Fort Worth and we had all the rich kids whose fathers had made their fortune in the East Texas oil fields. The rich kids knew they were smarter than the rest of us because their families were rich. The elite are the same. They believe having lots of dollars means you also have lots of sense.

Alas, it doesn’t work that way. Many fortunes are as much an accident as anything else. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were accidents where they got involved in computers just when the need arose for better operating systems. Steve Jobs stiffed Steve Wozniak out of his half of payment from Nolan Bushnell and followed up by refusing to take a paternity test when his girlfriend got pregnant with his daughter Lisa. Apple was a great computer company run by a sociopath. Bill Gates signed a deal licensing DOS to IBM when he didn’t own it. Then turned around and paid $75,000 to the guy who did own it. Gates and his foundation have been booted from both India and Africa after peddling vaccines that did more harm than good. Sound familiar?

The elite got into power by lying, stealing and cheating. The brilliant military mind of George Bush Junior came up with the great idea of invading Afghanistan even though the country had nothing to do with 911 and then followed up with an invasion of Iraq who also had nothing to do with 911. The WSJ, NYT and WP all fully supported the dumbest military moves in American history that have led to a complete financial and moral bankruptcy of the US. Bush’s only claim to fame was that he was a drunk and a crack head until he was forty and a draft dodger.

Then Obama supported the same insane wars that had not a chance of having a good ending for the US. His claim to fame was that he was the Pusher Man back in high school and cast no shadow until the Democrats got him into office. His latest role is power behind the throne for a president who barely remembers his own name.

Trump was another draft dodger and a sock puppet for the Zionist lobby. Whatever the Neocon war criminals wanted, he did. He lied about where and when he made his fortune. Hell, he lied about everything, I’m not sure he ever told the truth about anything.

Then we had the election of 2020 that was easily the most corrupt in US history. The MSM still pretends Biden won the election even though there is a serious question of does he even still understand he is president. Any questions about his qualifications died in the Graveyard of Empires.

These people are all sociopaths and liars. They will do anything for more power. They think it’s time that they create a worldwide empire where they control everything and everyone. The whole Covid Cult bullshit is about their control of people.

The French began by refusing access to any dining, or bars, and movie theaters or any sporting events as well as malls if their citizens could not produce proof of “vaccination.” What the “vaccinated” don’t understand is that if those not “vaccinated” can be refused access to perfectly normal activities, so can they. It turns government into a totalitarian dictatorship. All in the name of fighting a bad flu.

But everything the governments have said from the gitgo was a lie. Masks didn’t prevent the flu, social distancing didn’t prevent the flu, lockdowns didn’t prevent the flu, and worst of all, not only does the “vaccine” not prevent or cure the flu, it makes it worse.

Pick up any history book and in it will be contained one story after another of how the elites f***ed up the world. They are doing it again. They not only talk just to each other, they listen only to each other. If perfectly ordinary citizens who are concerned with their families, their health, their freedom and their countries don’t stand up soon all freedom will be extinguished.

A few souls are starting to stand up and speak out. Support them. I read that the truckers in Australia are going to shut down the country. It’s a start. Now if some majors and colonels in our own Armed Forces would reread their oath of office and grow some balls we could turn this fur ball into a rebirth of freedom and independence.

The “vaccine” doesn’t work. It has already killed tens of thousands of people around the world. It is making the flu worse. How many millions are going to have to die in the name of a Great Reset before people understand owning nothing and owing nothing is the definition of a slave."
Related, must read:

"Screw Your Freedom"

"Screw Your Freedom"
by Bill Bonner

"Screw your freedom."
– Arnold “The Terminator” Schwarzenegger

YOUGHAL, IRELAND – "This week, we are looking at some big dots… ruminating, really, about freedom and how it is connected to prosperity… vaccinations… the First Amendment… truth. What good is freedom, anyway? In our economy? In our lives? Here at the Diary, we don’t particularly care about freedom. We just don’t like anyone telling us what to do. Especially when the person telling us what to do is an idiot.

Of course, whenever someone tells us what to do, it’s a good bet that he is an idiot. Heck, half of the world’s people have an I.Q. below average. The other half are morons. Throw a rock through a Capitol Building window and you’re bound to hit one of them. But it is a certain kind of moron who thinks he has the inside story on God’s Ultimate, Absolute, and Complete Truth (GUACT).

Getting vaccinated has become – like wearing a face mask – a sign of secular piety and obedience. The vaccinated person shows his “health pass” proudly, like a war hero with his medals. The medals prove that he has done the Right Thing.

Irresponsible and Immoral: By contrast, the unvaccinated are treated like cowards… shirkers… lepers. They are unclean… irresponsible… immoral. Pope Francis says so: "I believe that morally everyone must take the vaccine. It is the moral choice because it is about your life but also the lives of others."

Others – including the American Civil Liberties Union – believe there should be no choice at all. They see “no civil liberties problem with requiring COVID-19 vaccines in most circumstances:” "In fact, far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable among us, including people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated, and communities of color hit hard by the disease. […]"

COVID-19 vaccine mandates – much like mask mandates – are public health measures necessary to protect people from severe illness and death. Yes, the people who gave us the war in Afghanistan, the war on poverty, the war on drugs, and the Wall Street bailout – the great and the good, the elite, the media, the professoriat, the medical/pharmaceutical complex – all now insist that we get vaccinated.

But is forced vaccination really “necessary,” as the ACLU claims? Colleague Jim Rickards spells it out: "Among all individuals, vaccinated and unvaccinated, the global survival rate is 99.2%. Among those under 70, the survival rate is 99.97%. The survival rate for children is 99.995%."

And if the vaccines are so effective, couldn’t anyone who is worried about getting COVID-19 protect himself by getting vaccinated? Why make a federal case out of it? Apparently, the ACLU has reconsidered its mission. It used to be dedicated to protecting Americans’ liberties. Now, it is protecting their health. “Protecting our health and safety” is now the desideratum of the entire nation. Nothing else seems to matter. “Screw your freedom,” says former governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Dangerous Behavior: But wait… We still drive our cars. We climb dangerous mountains. We make whoopee with people who may have a communicable disease. We visit Chicago on a weekend. And we buy cryptos! Hey… you could get hurt doing those things. What gives?

All we have is questions. Why take chances…? When you’ve got real geniuses who know God’s Ultimate, Absolute, and Complete Truth, who needs the freedom to discover it for himself? Who needs to wander into sin when the saintly path is so clearly marked? Who cannot know the truth about vaccines, when the major media have excised all “misinformation” on the subject?

And why do we let markets set interest rates… employment levels… wages… or consumer prices – when the Federal Reserve, bless its craven little heart, knows exactly what they should be? Shouldn’t we inoculate ourselves against the rough and tumble, the booms and busts, the ups and downs… of all of life?

Good News; Bad News: On Friday, just before the Labor Day weekend, the feds released the latest numbers. For the working man, there was bad news and good news. CNBC reports: "Job creation for August was a huge disappointment, with the economy adding just 235,000 positions, the Labor Department reported Friday. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been looking for 720,000 new hires."

New hires fell from 1.1 million the previous month. But wages rose. Alas, they did not rise enough to keep up with inflation. The 4.3% overall annual wage gain was still below the latest 5.4% inflation reading. At least those people laboring in the Leisure and Hospitality sector got a real raise. Colleague David Stockman tells us their weekly wages rose at a 12% annual rate – the fastest in 52 years.

But on Monday came more bad news for some people. Those federal unemployment “toppers” came to an end. The Associated Press has the latest: "Two critical programs expired on Monday. One provided jobless aid to self-employed and gig workers and another provided benefits to those who have been unemployed more than six months. Further, the Biden administration’s $300 weekly supplemental unemployment benefit also ran out on Monday. It’s estimated that roughly 8.9 million Americans will lose all or some of these benefits. The amount of money injected by the federal government into jobless benefits since the pandemic began is nothing short of astronomical."

Misery and Heartbreak: Oh my…This is what free-ish markets bring us, isn’t it? Good news and bad news. Wealth and profits… misery and heartbreak. Maybe that is what freedom gives us in the rest of life, too – flimflam… fantasy… and a brief glimpse of truth. Stay tuned."

"How It Really Is"


"Economic Market Snapshot AM 9/7/21"

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 9/7/21"
"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will
do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."
- John Maynard Keynes
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates

CNN Market Data:

CNN Fear And Greed Index:
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
September 6th to 8th, Updated Daily
Financial Stress Index
"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: credit, equity valuation, funding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United States, other advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Daily Job Cuts
September 7, 2021: "Joe Biden’s Own Jobs Report Puts 
Joblessness Near 31% in August 2021"
Commentary, highly recommended:
And now, the End Game...
Oh yeah...

Gregory Mannarino, AM 9/7/21: "This Market Is Like A Demented Child"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 9/7/21:
"This Market Is Like A Demented Child"

"The Game in Review"

"The Game in Review"
by Jim Kunstler

"The upcoming twentieth anniversary of 9/11 is soon upon us and the horrifying videos are back in your face. Whatever way the twin towers came down - and, personally, I think those airplanes got’er done (I vehemently disagree - CP) - the demolition provides a potent image for what is happening now: smoke billows out of the top floors, rather like a person with his hair on fire… and then each giant structure slumps into total collapse, sending shock-waves of toxic dust through the desecrated dwelling place of civilization, the city. That’s us in metaphor… like I said: now.

America’s hair is on fire. A chimeric lab virus apparently funded by our own government has been on-the-loose since January 2020. Supposedly, that is. It’s a little hard to tell because, especially in the early going, a lot of very old and unwell people died - as the very old and unwell do - and a Covid-19 tag was slapped on their death certificates, and that primed the hysteria pump that is still pumping away heroically. A Covid-19 virus may indeed be running through the population, but 98.8 percent do not die from it and, as Covid-19 came on, the usual seasonal flu apparently went on sabbatical. Go figure.

The ignited hysteria was reinforced by a PCR test routine that could produce Covid-19 “cases” on-demand, and still does - even though the government had to admit that the test was unreliable and ordered it discontinued (effective, wait for it, December 2021… really?). Meanwhile, the cases keep coming… as ascertained by what means exactly? PCR tests, still? Or what?

About twenty minutes after the virus came on the scene, a vaccine magically materialized in the pharma labs. And after a completely half-assed testing routine, it was commissioned with an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), which permitted a wholesale vax-up of the whole population, and provided legal immunity from lawsuits for the pharma companies involved. The public greeted it with a grateful awe usually reserved for religious visitations. Treatment protocols with existing drugs were bad-mouthed and then officially suppressed. They had to be - and still have to be - to maintain that EUA, because the vaxes are not approved by the FDA (despite a recent FDA psy-op to fake-out the public otherwise).

Meanwhile, adverse reactions to the vaxes are literally off-the-charts (the decades-long vaccine safety charts, that is) and those numbers have been likewise suppressed. There are also plenty of reasons to suppose the vaxes create stealth vascular damage to multiple organs that could lead to death over a few years’ time. The prudent have taken note. The prudent are now in for getting cancelled out of daily life for their prudence. Most of these people are onto the game that is being played on them. They must be punished.

The government is desperate to keep the Covid-19 story going and keeps squirting lighter fluid on America’s flaming head. It’s not working so well. The government has lost its mojo, as personified by the mojo-deficient president that the backstage minions of an obscure “power elite” finagled into office by means soon to be publicly revealed. A great wave of fear curdles the spinal fluxes of Western Civ as its component nation-states battle to control their restive populations with an epic turn toward lawless, tyrannical coercion.

But, according to the first principle of the long emergency, governments cannot maintain control in this evolving dynamic. They sink into impotence, authority loses its commanding shimmer, it founders and flounders and flails at the citizenry, and it ultimately loses control of its… precious… narrative. Thus, the hair-on-fire phase of the melodrama segues into implosion, the collapse phase. That would be the collapse of the economic armature of the society that the government is vested to manage, and has managed so poorly.

Those paying attention could see the first tremors of financial collapse emanating from the shuddering “re-po” markets in the late summer of 2019 - coincidentally, just months before the Covid-19 virus made its brassy entrance on-stage. The re-po market is a swap-meet for extremely short-term (overnight) collateralized re-purchase contracts among “systemically important” Too-Big-To-Fail banks. They use the “money” (ha!) to “leverage” their games in the shadowland of “innovative” investing. Don’t feel bad if you can’t follow any of that. It’s a hyper-complex mega-swindle meant to bamboozle the public.

Anyway, in 2019 interest rates in the re-po market shot up suddenly from 2 percent to 10.5 percent, which would have left a smoldering crater there and turned the global banking system into the biggest ashtray in human history. The Federal Reserve stuffed “money” into its patron banks like straw into so many scarecrows. But, really, the re-po event was just a manifestation of the unresolved perversions that ignited the “Great Financial Crisis” of 2008. The whole banking system had a) disconnected from the gruesome climacteric of industrial activity, and b) was drowning in debt created to animate the appearance of financial life in the system.

Apparently, the “solution” arrived at by those obscure power elites was to lock down the retail economy of common everyman money transactions in small businesses and direct the remaining “money” to save the phony economy of elite banking hokey-pokey. The lockdowns thus kept “money” flowing into the phony-baloney stock and bond markets, and kept the tremendously profitable games going in the shadowland of derivatives and other transactional dreck. But the main stack of the building - remember, we started with the buildings - was crumbling in slow-motion.

And here we are… in the season of collapse… when things traditionally fall apart… when zombies, ghouls, and monsters stalk the earth. The catch is: we-the-people are cast in the role of those zombies, et cetera. Yes, Oscar Wilde was right when he quipped that “life imitates art.” Twenty years of zombie movies have left us perfectly positioned to enter the new economy of the walking dead. That’s us. No more middle class for you, America! No more paychecks. No more blue light specials. No more auto loans. No more McHouses. And pretty soon, maybe, no more food even. What then? How about: Oh, just go die….

That seems to be the next chapter, if you let it be, for instance, if you let them vax you up. But you can actually choose to scramble and adapt to what’s coming: which is human life at a lower pitch… what I like to call a World Made by Hand. In that world, it is you who survive and the governments, the banks, and the power elites who do not. You can already begin to see it happen. Move toward it."

Monday, September 6, 2021

"A September Stock Market Crash Is On The Horizon: Brace For A Catastrophic Bubble Burst"

Full screen recommended.
"A September Stock Market Crash Is On The Horizon: 
Brace For A Catastrophic Bubble Burst"
by Epic Economist

"Are you ready for the greatest financial disaster of our generation? Several key indicators that have accurately predicted previous stock market crashes are now signaling that financial markets and the economy are about to face a massive crisis -- and one of the most important gauges is flashing red for the first time in decades. Recent data released by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reveals that the median sales price for houses sold across the country in the second quarter of 2021 was $374,900, the highest figure ever recorded, and 4.51 percent higher than the figures seen during the final quarter of 2020. About one year ago, the median price for a home was $322,600, which is to say that housing prices skyrocketed by a whopping $52,300 in only 12 months, marking a 16 percent increase. The HUD report highlighted that the last time housing prices surged by 16 percent in a single year was in 1987, 34 years ago. What does this have to do with the stock market? Well, when housing prices are rising this aggressively in such a short time span, it's typically a sign of severe distortions in the financial system, meaning that a stock market crash and an economic recession are about to unfold.

Given that the current financial bubble includes everything - from stocks to bonds to housing - what happens in one market can have a direct impact on the other, and the imbalances seen in the housing market are threatening to push the stock market to the brink of a major collapse. Never before in history the Fed and the national government have created such a staggering amount of money in such a short period. Needless to say, these reckless policies have sparked dramatic economic distortions across a series of important industries. Nothing else can explain why housing prices increased to the highest level in over three decades -- or why stock markets recorded the largest gains ever and multinational corporations reported extraordinary profits amidst one of the bleakest economic scenarios of modern times. All of this started to occur just as the economy faced mass business shutdowns that led to millions of job losses.

September is historically known as the cruelest month for Wall Street and many investment experts have been warning that a stock market crash is likely to occur this month. Autumn is a traditionally rough season for investors: the 1929 stock market crash, Black Monday 1987, and the Lehman Brothers meltdown in 2008 all happened in September or October. As the managing director of fund platform Bestinvest, Jason Hollands recently outlined in an interview with CNBC history suggests we should all be very worried about what's coming next. “September spells danger for investors, as it is a month with a reputation for volatile markets. This is more than a myth,” he said. The financial expert warned that the current rally cannot last for much longer.

At this point, all evidence is signaling that a stock market crash of epic proportions could occur at any moment. And one extremely concerning market indicator just jumped to its highest level ever recorded, suggesting stocks are about to face a steep downfall given that the market already reached its peak. The "Buffett" indicator, named after the legendary investor Warren Buffett, has climbed to unprecedented levels, which means stocks are vastly overpriced and a crash is now looming on the horizon. About a week ago, the Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index closed at nearly $46.69 trillion and the S&P 500 and Nasdaq indexes ended hit new record highs. From then on, stocks started to plummet. And, on the other hand, the latest estimate for second-quarter GDP is $22.72 trillion, which puts the Buffett indicator at 205%. According to the famed investor and Berkshire Hathaway CEO, when the indicator hit a record high during the dot-com bubble, it should have been a "very strong warning signal" of an imminent crash.

Right now, investors should be looking out for the catalyst that could trigger the crash. Otherwise, they may be left empty-handed before they have an opportunity to run for the exits. In the meantime, conditions in both financial markets and the economy continue to deteriorate because rather than returning to fiscal sanity, the current administration and the Fed continue to do everything in their power to spend trillions of dollars more on new unnecessary government programs, projects, and stimulus packages. Right now, not only the U.S. economy is treading on extremely dangerous ground, but housing, stock, and bond markets are also on the verge of a financial catastrophe. It's time for Americans to prepare for the worst because things are changing extremely fast."

Brace for impact, folks, here it comes, very rapidly, 
and we're out of time... God help us.

Musical Interlude: Adiemus, "Adiemus"

Full screen recommended.
Adiemus, "Adiemus"

Musical Interrlude: Liquid Mind, "Laguna Indigo"

Full screen mode recommended.
Liquid Mind, "Laguna Indigo"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"To some, it looks like a giant chicken running across the sky. To others, it looks like a gaseous nebula where star formation takes place. Cataloged as IC 2944, the Running Chicken Nebula spans about 100 light years and lies about 6,000 light years away toward the constellation of the Centaur (Centaurus).
The featured image, shown in scientifically assigned colors, was captured recently in a 12-hour exposure. The star cluster Collinder 249 is visible embedded in the nebula's glowing gas. Although difficult to discern here, several dark molecular clouds with distinct shapes can be found inside the nebula."

“Life, Explained To You”

“Life, Explained To You”
Author Unknown

“On the first day God created the dog. God said, “Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. I will give you a life span of twenty years.” The dog said, “That’s too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I’ll give you back the other ten.” So God agreed. 

On the second day God created the monkey. God said, “Entertain people, do monkey tricks and make them laugh. I’ll give you a twenty-year life span.” The monkey said, “Monkey tricks for twenty years? I don’t think so. Dog gave you back ten, so that’s what I’ll do too, okay?” And God agreed. 

On the third day God created the cow. “You must go to the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves, and give milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life span of sixty years.” The cow said, “That’s kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. Let me have twenty and I’ll give back the other forty.” And God agreed again. 

On the fourth day God created man. God said, “Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. I’ll give you twenty years.” Man said, “What? Only twenty years? Tell you what, I’ll take my twenty, and the forty the cow gave back, and the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back, that makes eighty, okay?” “Okay,” said God, “You’ve got a deal.” 

So that is why the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, and enjoy ourselves; the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family; the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren; and the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.”
“Life has now been explained to you.”

The Daily "Near You?"

Francavilla Al Mare, Abruzzi, Italy. Thanks for stopping by!

“Unprepared People Will Lose It All; Unemployment Gravy Train Is Over; Jetboil; Emergency Food”

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/6/21:
“Unprepared People Will Lose It All; 
Unemployment Gravy Train Is Over; Jetboil; Emergency Food”

"If It Gets Bad, I'll Go to Idaho"

"If It Gets Bad, I'll Go to Idaho"
by Jeff Thomas

"In the 1930’s, the farm population in the US was nearly 25% of the total and it was quite common for farmers to borrow from the bank (using their farms as collateral) in the expectation that the proceeds from their annual crop would pay off the note each year. But, in 1929, there was a crash in the stock market, lowering the sales price of crops significantly. That, and coincidental droughts throughout the farm belt, resulted in a large percentage of the thirty million farmers failing to meet their payments. They lost their farms. Worse, they could not turn to another line of work, as layoffs were taking place in all industries, as a result of the Great Depression, which followed the crash.

But it was said that, in California, there was year-round good weather and the orange groves were full of fruit needing to be picked. If only the Okies could get there, they’d be all right. And, of course, as most Americans know, this ended in a mass migration. Some 7,000 Okies flooded into California every month.

Not surprisingly, Californians found that they had to deal with overwhelming numbers of people with limited skills, all of whom were broke. They were everywhere and, in a very short time, the authorities were called in to keep them out. Of course, in any situation in which large numbers of starving people are pitted against armed authorities, the situation does not end well.

In looking back at this period, it’s important to remember that, in mid-1929, warnings had been offered that a market crash was in the making and that the US would soon find itself in an economic crisis. In spite of these warnings, the great majority of people said, "If it happens, I’ll deal with it when the time comes." Unfortunately, if people are to escape becoming casualties of an economic crisis, they must make plans and implement them in advance of the crisis.

And so, nearly ninety years later, we find ourselves in a similar situation. A market crash is in the making and the US (and many other countries) will soon find itself in an economic crisis. And, just as in 1929, the bankers and the media are claiming that the economy has never been healthier and that it’s foolish to worry. (This is being said, even as larger players are quietly exiting the market.)

Increasingly, I’m asked for consultations by people who say, "I understand a crisis is coming, but what can I do about it?" Well, in fact, the answer is pretty straightforward, but that doesn’t mean it will be painless. Indeed, it requires a major change for most people, often the greatest change of their lifetimes.

• If you live in a jurisdiction that will be impacted in a major way, liquidate whatever assets you can.
• Remove all wealth, except for three months of expense money, from any banking institutions within that jurisdiction.
• Remove all the proceeds from that jurisdiction to one that’s less likely to be impacted. (If the proceeds are sufficient that they can be divided into multiple safer jurisdictions, so much the better.)
• Convert the proceeds into forms that are difficult for your home jurisdiction to confiscate (real estate, precious metals and some cash as expense money)
• Store all precious metals and cash in a non-banking institution in that jurisdiction.
• Purchase or rent a home in a jurisdiction that’s unlikely to be negatively impacted and obtain the right to reside there, should you choose to move there at short notice.

Unfortunately, in the great majority of cases in which I’ve described this as a "Crisis Insurance" policy, the individual asking for the advice views the policy as overwhelming. If he’s an American, as many of them are, he often says, "If it gets that bad, I’ll just go to Idaho."

Unfortunately, this "solution" is flippant and ill-advised. Since we have no crystal ball, our best bet is to turn to history if we’re to gauge the viability of current "solutions." We may ask ourselves, "How did this play out in previous similar situations?" This almost always forces us to be honest with ourselves – to abandon half-baked or "solutions" and do the harder work of developing a real solution.

In light of the Okie history of the 30’s, it’s safe to say that, if an American were to plan to "just go to Idaho," this time around, we can anticipate that this is what he would find: Like the Okies, he would have already have experienced the crash and had lost whatever wealth he had (however large or small) and was now in a rather desperate situation.

Unlike the Okies, he would have better roads to travel on and the family SUV would be a better moving van than the Model A Ford of the 30’s. Once the decision was reached to actually go to Idaho, countless others would already have hit the road and an exodus would be underway.

It’s likely that, in today’s world, some states would declare an emergency and disallow travel over their roads. Others might charge a fee to pass through (as state governments would also be in a financial crisis and would need the money).

For the last ten years, police departments have been encouraged by the Federal Government to make up for their budget shortfalls by relying on Civil Asset Forfeiture – the confiscation of possessions (including money) of those travelling the highways. This would be likely to increase dramatically in an economic crisis.

It would not be at all unlikely that gangs of disenfranchised people would also take to the roads, to prey on travelers.

Once arrived in Idaho, the migrants would find that such a flood of people was quite unwelcome to those who had been wise enough to establish themselves years in advance. It wouldn’t be at all surprising to find that floods of newcomers would be met with force, both by the authorities and the citizens, as occurred in the 1930’s. The odds that "I’ll just go to Idaho" might be a workable solution to a crisis, would be unlikely in the extreme. As stated above, if people are to escape becoming casualties of an economic crisis, they must make plans and implement them in advance of the crisis. Any after-the-fact solution would be a pipe dream."
MONDAY, SEP 06, 2021 - 02:10 PM: "Over 7 Million Lose 

Yeah, it'll get bad alright...

"How It Really Is"


"Let’s Set Wages for Everybody"

"Let’s Set Wages for Everybody"
by Bill Bonner

YOUGHAL, IRELAND – "Today is Labor Day. Most of the world pays homage to its sweating, bussing, trucking classes, its poor, huddled masses… yearning for a cushier seat and a better deal… on May 1. But in 1894, President Grover Cleveland chose the first Monday in September.

Of great interest to people in America on Labor Day – as indicated by the usual newspaper headlines – is how much the laborers earn. No one – or almost no one – writing in the editorial pages works at McDonald’s or earns the minimum wage. But practically every one of the elite has an opinion about how much the low-wage, non-elites should earn. A “living wage” is what they say they should have. Thirty thousand dollars a year is the amount we’ve seen discussed. They say it would help solve the inequality problem.

Of course, a national living wage is absurd. How much living you can do depends on where you do it. You could live well in the Ozarks on $30,000 a year. In Manhattan, you might starve to death. And it is far less expensive to live with Mom and Dad than to have a place of one’s own.

Bilge and Nonsense: But we are not so much concerned with the practical details as with the theory. If well-educated, well-liquored, and well-paid nomenklatura can decide the wages of McDonald’s workers, surely the burger-flippers should have the right to fix the wages of the chattering, meddling, improving classes. Were that to happen, our guess is that the well-paid know-it-alls would find themselves taking a pay cut.

We walk into McDonald’s, and a minimum-wage worker serves up our order. We get what we pay for and are content with the transaction. We do not begrudge the worker his recompense. We read the paper, on the other hand, and we get bilge and nonsense. If they pay their writers anything at all, it is too much.

Self-Satisfied Price-Fixers: Logically, there are only two possibilities. Either wages are determined by a free give-and-take between those who offer their labor and those who want to buy it… or someone else sets wages according to his own standards. The do-gooders want to use other people’s money to raise the wages of the least well-paid, but they make no mention of their own take-home. Nor do they offer to pay more for their hamburgers so that McDonald’s can raise its wages.

And if the minimum wage were raised, there would surely be more unemployed people – either because McDonald’s could not afford to hire so many people at higher salaries… or because it had replaced its minimum-wage employees with machines! But the price-fixers are so self-satisfied on the high road – driving along comfortably in their Subarus and Priuses – that they can’t be bothered to look out the window. If they did, they would see that price fixing always – always! – makes people poorer, not richer. Nevertheless, we will give them the benefit of the doubt, if there were any, by trying to imagine how the world could be improved by setting wages for other people.

A Jolly Undertaking: So let us begin with a modest nod to fairness: If it makes sense to set the wages of the least among us, why not do likewise for the most, too? If people not involved in a labor transaction can know better than the participants what the terms should be, why not set the salaries of editorialists… publishers… CEOs… sports celebrities… movie stars? And if it makes sense to raise the wages on the low end… wouldn’t it make just as much sense to lower them on the other? Why not promote equality by taking the elite down a peg?

You can see what a jolly undertaking this would be for a bureaucrat with a sense of mischief. Yes, we’ll rig the labor market – by assigning salaries where we think they should be. So, let’s have a go. We’ll take the lead, proposing annual salaries for the following trades according to the good we think they do for society…

Entrepreneurs (including your editor), poets, inventors, and whacked-out metaphysicians – $100,000 per year

Priests, teachers, mathematicians, scientists, pilots, nurses, and filmmakers – $85,000 per year

Corporate CEOs, prostitutes, writers, bartenders, and hedge fund managers – $75,000 per year

Drivers, laborers, clerks, salesmen, farmers, firemen, and policemen – $50,000 per year

Psychologists, bone-crackers, doctors (including witch doctors), and financial planners – $40,000 per year

Government employees (those not included in the groups above), politicians, drug dealers, world improvers, economists, counterfeiters, psychiatrists, sociologists, political scientists, pollsters, and flimflam artists – $30,000 per year

We do not mean this list to be comprehensive or final. It is just a suggestion – a point of departure toward a “fairer” distribution of national income. Readers are invited to make their own contributions. Write to feedback@rogueeconomics.com."

Gregory Mannarino, AM 9/6/21: “Markets: A Look Ahead; What You Need To Know Now”

Gregory Mannarino, AM 9/6/21:
“Markets: A Look Ahead; What You Need To Know Now”

Musical Interlude: Moby, "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?"

Moby, "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?"

"He'll open doors..."

Sunday, September 5, 2021

"Every Stimulus Program has Officially Ended - Let the Chaos Begin"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, PM 9/5/21:
"Every Stimulus Program has Officially Ended - 
Let the Chaos Begin"

"Streets of Philadelphia: Kensington Avenue, What Happened Today, Aug. 30, 2021"

Full screen recommended. Horrifying...
"Streets of Philadelphia: Kensington Avenue, 
What Happened Today, Aug. 30, 2021"

And if you think this can't happen where 
you are you're a fool... Watch and see.

"The Shortages Are Going To Get Worse Later This Year As Global Supply Chains Increasingly Falter"

Full screen recommended.
"The Shortages Are Going To Get Worse Later 
This Year As Global Supply Chains Increasingly Falter"
by Epic Economist

"Have you already started to notice that store shelves are getting increasingly emptier? Have you realized that some basic items have become impossible to find? If so, you're definitely not alone. All across America, consumers are having to deal with shortages of food staples and a series of other everyday items as the supply chains crisis is only getting worse. At this point, it seems that we can only hope for things not to escalate any further, otherwise, we might see people fighting over a can of beans and a pack of toilet paper just as we seen during the waves of panic-buying last year.

But, sadly, the truth is that global supply chains are now under more strain than ever before, and industry executives have been warning in recent days that consumers haven't yet seen the worst of this crisis. In the coming holiday season, things may get much more complicated. Even though people are trying to keep a positive mindset that things will eventually get better, many events are unfolding all over the world right now that are likely to dramatically aggravate supply chain problems, and result in shipping delays and even more shortages.

At this point, several local news outlets are already reporting massive shortages in their local areas, although the mainstream media hasn't covered the national shortages that are happening everywhere in the country just yet. Whether they are trying not to spread panic and unleash a panic-buying frenzy again or they are deliberately choosing not to tell people the truth, the reality is that many people can’t find some of their favorite and essential items since the health crisis started.

All across the country, the shortage of workers is making it harder for retailers to unload containers, transport their products and restock their shelves so that customers can find what they want and need. Therefore, there's no end in sight for the current shortages, particularly because the Delta variant has been spreading across Asian ports, which are key to global trade. In China, after one worker was detected with the virus, authorities decided to shut down one of the busiest port terminals in the entire world “indefinitely”.

Meanwhile, another major factor supply chains are having to deal with is a historic global shipping container shortage. The demand for shipping containers is outstripping the supply by such a great scale that global shipping container rates soared to levels we have never seen before. In the US, companies are paying up to $32,000 for a single container coming from China. And once those containers arrive on our coast and get delivered at ports, there aren’t enough port workers to unload them all. For that reason, it's been taking months for products that are made in China to get to our stores. And some of them may never arrive at all. That's the case of any product that might contain a computer chip.

Now that the holiday season is right at the corner, due to the series of supply chain bottlenecks, many in the retail industry are anticipating complete and utter chaos. In a recent study conducted by Reuters, nearly a dozen suppliers and retailers of everything from toys to computer equipment in the United States and Europe were surveyed. They found that all of the companies expect "weeks-long delays in holiday inventory due to shipping bottlenecks, including a global container shortage and the recent outbreak-related closure of the southern Chinese port of Yantian, which serves manufacturers near Shenzhen".

Even if nothing else goes wrong, it could take years for supply chains to normalize, and considering how fast things are changing, another devastating crisis can suddenly erupt and take us back to square one. As inventory levels continue to go down, prices are going up to compensate. However, several economists are becoming increasingly more alarmed as the price hikes have hit food staples all over the world.

Unrest is something that always follows when acute food price hikes happen, and in face of the growing social tensions we've been witnessing all over the globe, this sustained increase in prices for basic staples is making some governments extremely nervous, including America's. Despite insisting that all of this will be "transitory", consumers have started to realize that our leaders' concept of "transitory" is actually translated into years of high inflation and economic pain for millions of people. When the masses become aware of the fact that most politicians in Washington and policymakers with the Federal Reserve don't seem to know what they're doing, this country will start to see some definitive changes."

Musical Interlude: The Who, "Overture" from "Tommy"

The Who, "Overture" from "Tommy"

Happy Labor Day 2021

Have a safe and happy Labor Day holiday folks!