Monday, September 25, 2023

Jeremiah Babe, "Warning! Something Wicked Is Coming!"

Jeremiah Babe, 9/25/23
"Warning! Something Wicked Is Coming!"
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"Nine Meals from Anarchy"

"Nine Meals from Anarchy"
by Jeff Thomas

"In 1906, Alfred Henry Lewis stated, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.” Since then, his observation has been echoed by people as disparate as Robert Heinlein and Leon Trotsky. The key here is that, unlike all other commodities, food is the one essential that cannot be postponed. If there were a shortage of, say, shoes, we could make do for months or even years. A shortage of gasoline would be worse, but we could survive it, through mass transport or even walking, if necessary.

But food is different. If there were an interruption in the supply of food, fear would set in immediately. And, if the resumption of the food supply were uncertain, the fear would become pronounced. After only nine missed meals, it’s not unlikely that we’d panic and be prepared to commit a crime to acquire food. If we were to see our neighbor with a loaf of bread, and we owned a gun, we might well say, “I’m sorry, you’re a good neighbor and we’ve been friends for years, but my children haven’t eaten today – I have to have that bread – even if I have to shoot you.”

There’s no need to speculate on this concern yet. There’s nothing so alarming on the evening news yet to suggest that such a problem might be imminent. So, let’s have a closer look at the actual food distribution industry, compare it to the present direction of the economy, and see whether there might be reason for concern.

The food industry typically operates on very small margins – often below 2%. Traditionally, wholesalers and retailers have relied on a two-week turnaround of supply and anywhere up to a 30-day payment plan. But an increasing tightening of the economic system for the last eight years has resulted in a turnaround time of just three days for both supply and payment for many in the industry. This a system that’s still fully operative, but with no further wiggle room, should it take a significant further hit.

If there were a month where significant inflation took place (The Feds lie say 9.1%; really now at least 17%), all profits would be lost for the month for both suppliers and retailers, but goods could still be replaced and sold for a higher price next month. But, if there were three or more consecutive months of inflation, the industry would be unable to bridge the gap, even if better conditions were expected to develop in future months. A failure to pay in full for several months would mean smaller orders by those who could not pay. That would mean fewer goods on the shelves. The longer the inflationary trend continued, the more quickly prices would rise to hopefully offset the inflation. And ever-fewer items on the shelves.

From Germany in 1922, to Argentina in 2000, and to Venezuela in 2016, this has been the pattern whenever inflation has become systemic, rather than sporadic. Each month, some stores close, beginning with those that are the most poorly capitalized.

In good economic times, this would mean more business for those stores that were still solvent, but in an inflationary situation, they would be in no position to take on more unprofitable business. The result is that the volume of food on offer at retailers would decrease at a pace with the severity of the inflation.

However, the demand for food would not decrease by a single loaf of bread. Store closings would be felt most immediately in inner cities, when one closing would send customers to the next neighborhood seeking food. The real danger would come when that store also closes and both neighborhoods descended on a third store in yet another neighborhood. That’s when one loaf of bread for every three potential purchasers would become worth killing over. Virtually no one would long tolerate seeing his children go without food because others had “invaded” his local supermarket.

In addition to retailers, the entire industry would be impacted and, as retailers disappeared, so would suppliers, and so on, up the food chain. This would not occur in an orderly fashion, or in one specific area. The problem would be a national one. Closures would be all over the map, seemingly at random, affecting all areas. Food riots would take place, first in the inner cities then spread to other communities. Buyers, fearful of shortages, would clean out the shelves.

Importantly, it’s the very unpredictability of food delivery that increases fear, creating panic and violence. And, again, none of the above is speculation; it’s a historical pattern – a reaction based upon human nature whenever systemic inflation occurs.

Then… unfortunately… the cavalry arrives. At that point, it would be very likely that the central government would step in and issue controls to the food industry that served political needs rather than business needs, greatly exacerbating the problem. Suppliers would be ordered to deliver to those neighborhoods where the riots are the worst, even if those retailers are unable to pay. This would increase the number of closings of suppliers.

Along the way, truckers would begin to refuse to enter troubled neighborhoods, and the military might well be brought in to force deliveries to take place. (If truckers could afford $4.54 a gallon diesel fuel.)

So, what would it take for the above to occur? Well, historically, it has always begun with excessive debt. We know that the debt level is now the highest it has ever been in world history. (US debt as of September 2023 $33 trillionWorld debt as of September 2023: $307 trillion.) In addition, the stock and bond markets are in bubbles of historic proportions. They will most certainly pop.

With a crash in the markets, deflation always follows as people try to unload assets to cover for their losses. The Federal Reserve (and other central banks) has stated that it will unquestionably print as much money as it takes to counter deflation. Unfortunately, inflation has a far greater effect on the price of commodities than assets. Therefore, the prices of commodities will rise dramatically, further squeezing the purchasing power of the consumer, thereby decreasing the likelihood that he will buy assets, even if they’re bargain priced. Therefore, asset holders will drop their prices repeatedly as they become more desperate. The Fed then prints more to counter the deeper deflation and we enter a period when deflation and inflation are increasing concurrently.

Historically, when this point has been reached, no government has ever done the right thing. They have, instead, done the very opposite – keep printing. A by-product of this conundrum is reflected in the photo above. Food still exists, but retailers shut down because they cannot pay for goods. Suppliers shut down because they’re not receiving payments from retailers. Producers cut production because sales are plummeting.

In every country that has passed through such a period, the government has eventually gotten out of the way and the free market has prevailed, re-energizing the industry and creating a return to normal. The question is not whether civilization will come to an end. (It will not.) The question is the liveability of a society that is experiencing a food crisis, as even the best of people are likely to panic and become a potential threat to anyone who is known to store a case of soup in his cellar.

Fear of starvation is fundamentally different from other fears of shortages. Even good people panic. In such times, it’s advantageous to be living in a rural setting, as far from the centre of panic as possible. It’s also advantageous to store food in advance that will last for several months, if necessary. However, even these measures are no guarantee, as, today, modern highways and efficient cars make it easy for anyone to travel quickly to where the goods are. The ideal is to be prepared to sit out the crisis in a country that will be less likely to be impacted by dramatic inflation – where the likelihood of a food crisis is low and basic safety is more assured."
We'll find out, very soon... God help us.

"8 Foods to Stock Up On Now Before Winter Shortages Hit!"

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Finance Daily, 9/25/23
"8 Foods to Stock Up On Now Before Winter Shortages Hit!"
'Folks, with winter approaching, there are concerning signs of potential shortages. If you've been to your local market lately, you might have spotted dwindling supplies and rising prices, partly due to drops in agricultural output. If you're wondering how to prepare, consider setting up a Preppers pantry. I've identified 8 essential foods that are affordable and durable, perfect for stockpiling. To find out exactly which foods these are and why they're crucial, make sure to watch our full video. Remember, in uncertain times, preparation is key."
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"Food Shortages Are Starting To Become Quite Serious All Over The Planet"

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Epic Economist, 9/25/23
"Food Shortages Are Starting To Become 
Quite Serious All Over The Planet"

"We’re witnessing the worst food crisis in modern history, and new data shows it is about to go to an entirely new level. Right now, Hundreds of millions of people are desperately hungry all over the world, and an alarming number of children are facing starvation. According to the official UN website, approximately 735 million people – or 9.2% of the world’s population – are in a state of chronic hunger. New data provided by the organization underscores the severity of the situation, revealing a growing crisis.

Researchers found that an estimated 2.4 billion people faced food insecurity last year. “This classification signifies their lack of access to sufficient nourishment. This number escalated by an alarming 391 million people compared to 2019,” they reported. “The persistent surge in hunger and food insecurity, fueled by a complex interplay of factors, demands immediate attention and coordinated global efforts to alleviate this critical humanitarian challenge,” experts stressed.

In fact, the world is back at hunger levels not seen since 2005, and food prices remain higher in more countries than in the period 2015–2019. “Along with conflict, climate shocks, and rising cost of living, civil insecurity and declining food production have all contributed to food scarcity and high food prices,” the researchers noted.

In America, the abrupt announcement of the export ban triggered panic buying, which drove the price of rice to soar to a near 12-year high, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. Food supplies are getting tighter and tighter, and millions of children are experiencing severe malnutrition right now. We would like to say that things are different in the United States, but we’re also seeing more and more children face similar hunger conditions. Time reported that the number of children living in poverty in the United States more than doubled over the past year, according to new figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Sept. 12. This marked the biggest increase since it began using its current method to count them. While in 2021, 5.2% of children were living in poverty, in 2022 that figure was 12.4%, or about 9 million children.

This hike was part of a wider rise in poverty recorded by the Census, and that can be attributed to surging food costs. Advocates for children say the leap was particularly stark for American kids. The surge in poverty is "stunning," Sharon Parrott, president of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, said in a statement. Parrott pointed to the end of the expanded federal Child Tax Credit in 2022 as a cause of the sharp increase in child poverty and called for lawmakers to reinstate the benefit.

The rise in poverty over the past year amounts to an increase of 15.3 million people around the U.S. living in poverty. American households also earned less last year, the Census revealed. The median household income in 2022 was 2.3% lower compared to 2021, and that was the third year in a row that incomes have dipped. "These are statistically significant declines," Rob Wilson, president of Employco USA and an employment trends expert, said in an email. "While many people rushed to defend the 2020 decline as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fact that Americans' incomes are still declining even now is very concerning."

At this point, the lines at our food banks are getting longer. On top of all that, we are experiencing problems with our crops too. Unfortunately, these are only in the very early stages of this new global food crisis. A series of long-term trends will combine to make it impossible for us to feed everyone on the planet until the end of the decade."
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"Food Shortage Reports! Cleaning Supplies Are Disappearing!"

Adventures With Danno, PM 9/25/23
"Food Shortage Reports! 
Cleaning Supplies Are Disappearing!"
"We go over the many reports on food and cleaning supply shortages that are dissappearing across the country and around the world! We discuss what is going on and why we need to be prepared for what is about to come!"
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The Daily "Near You?"

Ravena, New York, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

Jeff Thomas, "The Slavery Contract"

"The Slavery Contract"
by Jeff Thomas

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations 
become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." 
 – Benjamin Franklin

"It’s no secret that governments tend to be fond of passing laws that obligate their citizenries to the government. In fact, most countries operate a system of direct taxation, which, in itself, allows a government to enact a host of laws obligating the individual to the government, complete with significant penalties for failure to comply.

And, of course, governments, when deciding what sort of general behaviour should be tolerated by its citizenry, tend to legislate less for recompense to those whom a citizen may have wronged and more for recompense to the government itself, even if it has not been wronged in the slightest. Generally speaking, the larger the country, and the older the country, the more extensive the laws.

Of course, in a country that claims to be a democracy, the idea is supposed to be that the will of the people is followed by its elected representatives, which suggests that the people actually have a say in how they are governed – that their government may only impose such laws as the majority agree on.

Well, there’s nothing unusual in that concept. In fact, all contract law is based on the principle that a contract is created that two or more parties agree to. And, with the passage of further laws, the contract would be updated.

However, if I were to ask you to show me a copy of your current contract with your government, I’m guessing that not only could you not produce one, but that it never occurred to you that you should expect one. That being the case, the only way that we could cobble together a contract would be to list a set of general principles under which you are presently governed. We can use US Law as an example, but much the same laws are common in many other countries. For the sake of convenience, we shall use the terms "Servant" and "Master" to describe you and your government.

The Servant may not leave the Master’s property without permission. In order to travel outside the US, you are required to present your government-issued, identifying document for approval for you to leave, even briefly. The decision as to whether you may leave is unilaterally for your government to decide.

The Servant may not receive income of any kind without disclosure to the Master. All income that you receive, whether it be through wages or the sale of goods or services, must be reported to your government.

The Servant shall pay a large percentage of all income to the Master. The amount taken from you will be determined unilaterally by your Master.

The Servant may not own anything that the Master disapproves of.

The Master shall have the authority to declare any commodity or good unlawful.

The Master shall have the authority to fine or imprison the Servant. If the Master determines that the Servant has violated any of rules #2-4, he shall be entitled to fine the Servant or lock him in a cage for a period of time to be determined by the Master.

The Master shall have the authority to monitor the Servant at all times. The Servant’s activities shall be monitored by the Master, through telephone, texts, emails, social media, and other forms of communication.

Of course, these are just the basics, but you get the idea. When looked at in these terms, it becomes difficult to maintain the self-deception that "I live in a democracy. My government exists to serve me, not the other way round."

Interestingly, in most countries, a contract such as the above does exist under the guise of "Law." And yet, this is not a contract that the Servant agreed to. It existed before he was born, and he was obligated to adhere to it merely by being born in a given jurisdiction.

Moreover, the Master has the right to change the contract, to the detriment of the Servant, at will and may do so unilaterally. The larger the country, the greater the degree to which the Servant is unable to take part in the discussion as to whether a proposed change in Law has his approval. Not surprising, then, that the larger the country, the more numerous the laws are likely to be and the more imposing they are likely to be on the Servant.

Still, the relationship of Master and Slave exists most everywhere on the planet, to one degree or another. And it’s understandable if the reader concludes, "Yeah, well, it’s the same no matter where you go. Whattaya gonna do about it?" And yet, that’s not exactly true. It’s not the same everywhere.

There are countries, for example, that have no direct taxation of any kind. The individual, therefore, is not required to disclose his income to his government. Similarly, in countries where there’s no tax on property, the government doesn’t have the power to confiscate property for failure to pay a tax. Also, there are borders between some countries that are "porous." Nationality documents are, in some cases, merely waved at border agents and, in some cases, dispensed with entirely.

Most governments declare some items to be illegal, but the First World appears to have a lock on regulating or outlawing virtually every commodity.

And, of course, the monitoring of the populace is quite unequal. The more sophisticated the technology in a country, the greater the surveillance. This does not mean that you have to live in a hut in the jungle to escape surveillance; it means that many countries simply cannot afford to fund or choose not to fund maximum surveillance.

The bad news is that, in any country, we’re enslaved by our government to one degree or another. The good news is that we can, at least at the present, vote with our feet and choose to reside in a location where we have greater autonomy – in some locations, far greater autonomy."

Bill Bonner, "What We Expect"

"What We Expect"
Rates up, prices up, corruption and chaos to reign...
by Bill Bonner

Poitou, France - "U.S. bond yields hit 17-year high following Federal Reserve's interest rate stance…two-year U.S. Treasury note yield reached 5.2% …, marking a 1.4 percentage point increase since May and its highest level since 2006. The 10-year Treasury note yield is also nearing a 16-year high of 4.5%.

However, due to ongoing economic strength and a tight labor market fueling persistent inflationary pressures, the Federal Reserve is expected to continue its tightening policy well into 2023. This could potentially lead to further decreases in bond prices as markets anticipate a higher peak in the federal-funds rate this year and fewer cuts in 2024."

Today, we will try to put this in perspective. Where are we in the Inflate or Die story? What chapter? What page?

Muddy Waters: We are still in a transition period. From the bull markets of 1980 – 2020, we are now entering into bear markets. Or so we believe. Bonds topped out with a yield of only .11% on the 2-year Treasury note in July 2020. Now, the rate is nearly 50 times higher. Stocks reached their peak in December 2021. Since then, they are cheaper, but less dramatically so.

Are they going down or up? In this transition period, it is impossible to know. Prices react to the facts…and to the fictions. The fact is, hard to know. Interest rates are higher…which means, capital values should be lower. But a whole generation grew up when interest rates were going down and stock and bond prices were going up. They learned to “buy the dip” and not much else. What are they to do now? The confusion deepens.

First, even though the turnaround in stocks began almost 2 years ago, stocks are still very expensive. There’s a relationship between income and capital prices. A shrewd landlord, for example, may spend 8-10 times rents to buy an apartment building. Likewise, the relationship between the stock market and GDP forms what has become known as the ‘Buffett Indicator.” Warren Buffett figures that stocks should be worth around 80% of GDP. He uses that measure to know when the stock market is over-, or under-,valued. Today, the ratio is at 167% – more than twice the historical norm.

Enough Rope: And here’s our friend, MN Gordon, with another way to look at it: "Another guide for determining the overall value of the stock market is Shiller’s cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings (CAPE) ratio. This accounts for inflation-adjusted earnings from the previous 10 years. Currently, the CAPE ratio is over 30, which is well above its historical median of 15.94.

The current CAPE ratio is about where it was when the stock market peaked in 1929, just prior to the onset of the Great Depression. The only time the CAPE ratio has been higher is at the peak of the dot com mania, in December 1999, and in late-2021.

Adding further confusion… while we have been in a tightening cycle for 18 months, actual monetary policy is still very ‘loose’. David Stockman: "Surprise! During the 186 months through August 2023 the Fed funds rate was negative in real terms fully 97% of the time (180 months). But apparently, all it took was just three months of barely positive readings for the Fed to throw in the towel on its rate normalization campaign.

That’s right. As recently as May, the inflation-adjusted Fed funds rate was still minus 0.48% and turned ever so slightly positive in June and July. Yet the Y/Y trimmed mean CPI still posted at +4.47% in August, meaning that yesterday’s freeze of the target funds rate at 5.33% yielded a real rate of just +0.48%.

Coffin Nails - Plus, you have to add the effect of the federal government’s inflationary spending. This year, the US deficit will be around $2 trillion. Aurora Research has this update:

"About $10T worth of debt has accumulated since the pandemic. The national debt is likely to exceed $50T by the end of the decade if nothing substantial is done.

Many federal programs passed by the Biden administration are costing more than expected. Here are two examples:

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was supposed to cost about $400B over 10 years. The reality is that it may cost more than $1T. The government simply underestimated the generosity of energy tax credits in the act.

The Employee Retention Credit was supposed to cost about $55B. It has already cost $230B. Recently, the IRS froze the program to stop fraud.

Estimates are that the Federal government will be paying over $10T in interest over the next decade.

For the first 11 months of the fiscal year, the federal deficit stands at $1.5T, a 61% increase over the same period last year.

The U.S. national debt equals over $254,000 per taxpayer.

In addition to the national debt, the government has unfunded liabilities. These liabilities now total over $193T. This equates to over $577,000 per U.S. citizen

What does it all mean? Hard to say. But as new Primary Trends assert themselves…and as more and more real resources are taken away from the real economy…we expect real interest rates to go up…consumer prices to rise…corruption and political chaos to increase…and asset prices to fall. That is not a forecast for next week or next month…but that is what we see coming in the years ahead. We’d be happy to be proven wrong."

Dan, I Allegedly, "The IRS Is Going To Know"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly 9/25/23
"The IRS Is Going To Know"
"So many people thought that they had the perfect side hustle this summer by selling Taylor Swift tickets. There’s only one problem and that is that the IRS has been watching the sites and you need to report the sales for those tickets. The economy is getting hit by a four-way whammy as well."
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"How It Really Is, For Far, Far, Too Many"

Yeah, we remember...

Jim Kunstler, "Slouching Towards Beelzebub"

"Slouching Towards Beelzebub"
by Jim Kunstler

“Using the #FauciLiedPeopleDied trend is a great 
way to show your friends you’re a conspiracy theorist.” 
– Dr Anthony Fauci

"So, here’s what you might have learned over the weekend if you ventured into the thickets of alt news: in April and May of 2021, the president (“Joe Biden”), the whole White House Covid Response Team (Andy Slavitt & Co), and everyone in the WH communications office, the US Surgeon General (Vivek Murthy), senior officials of the CDC including director Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, head of NIH, and Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID were all freaking out, holding crisis meetings, and sending blizzards of emails among each other after being informed by a Pfizer safety report that the miraculous new mRNA Covid vaccines produced significant cases of myocarditis and blood-clotting abnormalities.

All these officials proceeded to craft a campaign to tell the public that this myocarditis was mild, extremely rare, and self-resolving (it wasn’t), and urged all Americans over twelve to keep taking the vaxx shots. Later, they expanded the vaccine program to include children down to six months old. By 2022, all of US public health officialdom had to know that the vaxxes were also ineffective at preventing infection and transmission of Covid. Rochelle Walensky kept pushing the vaccines as “safe and effective” until she resigned in June, 2023. Her replacement, Mandy K. Cohen, is still pushing the latest mRNA booster shots in the face of reports (mainly from the UK and other foreign countries) of a shocking rise in all-causes deaths and disabilities from heart and blood disease, neurological injury, and cancers. The CDC refused this month to release updated information on case numbers of myocarditis and pericarditis in the USA.

The record of those frantic 2021 doings in the White House and the CDC came from a document dump prompted by a FOIA request by Edward Berkovich, a lawyer associated with Naomi Wolf’s Daily Clout news organization. He requested emails between February and June, 2021, that included the term “myocarditis.” CDC sent 472 pages, followed by an additional 46 pages, (believed to be sent by a whistleblower) that included emails between White House officials up to the president. Of the 47, 37 were entirely redacted (whited-out, not blacked-out, that is, blank pages). Only two pages of the 46 contained no redactions. The redactions were made, the CDC said, pursuant to Exemptions 5 and 6 under code 5 U.S.C. §552, which protects documents received by the president.

That was a lot to wade through. Apologies. What’s the upshot? From early on, our government lied about the safety of the vaccines, at the same time that they lied and confabulated about the origins of the Covid-19 virus. They continue lying about all of this to this day even as they appear to prepare for a replay of a pandemic. Now that the weekend is over, you will not read about any of this in The New York Times. Why is that? I will offer my theory: that newspaper’s business model, based on pages and pages of print advertising, is completely broken and it is on financial life-support from the CIA and/or DARPA, probably facilitated by private sector cut-outs laundering the money. That’s how dishonorable the flagship of the US news media is.

And, of course, there is the added layer of government-directed censorship, also through private sector cut-outs, that is aimed at suppressing the truth about Covid from every angle, especially the vaccines. Doesn’t all of this look rather sinister? Choose one of two possible explanations: 

1) the Covid-19 episode from the beginning was a fantastic fiasco of blundering incompetence by hundreds of officials from many agencies plus elected leaders, and at every stage was made worse by additional incompetent actions aimed at concealing massive chains of prior misdeeds producing more misdeeds resulting in the wholesale collapse of authority in our country. In other words, an epic clusterf*ck.

Or 2) The entire Covid episode is a chain of crimes committed deliberately with malicious intent to kill and injure large numbers of people while contriving to deprive the survivors of their basic liberties and their property. Because identical events are seen in all the other nations of Western Civ, it would be reasonable to infer some kind of coordination managed by a supervisory force or entity. What we see is a globalist coalition formed of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), The European Union (EU), the United Nations (UN), the pharmaceutical industry, the “Five Eyes” intel alliance, the global banking establishment, The Democratic Party, and scores of well-endowed non-governmental agencies such as the George Soros constellation of councils and foundations. What else is unseen?

One conspicuously strange element of the whole picture is the phantom leadership of the supposed world hegemon USA in the figurehead, “Joe Biden.” Never in history has such a move into tyranny been fronted by such an embarrassingly un-charismatic empty vessel. Never in our country’s history have our affairs whirled in such a mystifying flux of bewildering forces. Even our Civil War was a more straightforward clash of interests. Events are moving quickly now. They’re setting up the steam-table for that banquet of consequences."

"Massive Shortages At Target! Not Good! What's Next? What's Coming?"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, 9/25/23
"Massive Shortages At Target! Not Good!
 What's Next? What's Coming?"
"In today's vlog, we are at Target and are noticing a massive amount of shortages on groceries and cleaning supplies. We are here to check out some deals, but we are mostly finding items that have skyrocketed in price!"
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Full screen recommended.
Travelling with Russell, 9/24/23
"Russian Typical (Dutch Owned) 
Shopping Mall During Sanctions"
"After 575 days of Sanctions in Russia, what does a Russian typical Shopping mall look like inside. Have western brands returned, how is the mood and feel of the Dutch owned shopping mall. Together we are going to find out."
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Greg Hunter, "Somebody is Still Trying to Kill You, Don’t Let Them"

"Somebody is Still Trying to Kill You, Don’t Let Them"
by Greg Hunter’s

"The data is out on the CV19 bioweapon vax, and it is crystal clear it did not help a single person. In fact, the CV19 vax is causing massive death and disability, and it will continue for years to come. Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says, “I said literally on the first day way before they had a vaccine, I said don’t worry about Covid, worry about the injection. I said that immediately because I could see it coming. The goal of this thing was to get people injected. The other goal was to steal a huge amount of assets, which they did quite successfully. The reality is you can’t navigate this unless you can face what it is. It’s not a mistake, and it’s not betrayal. Somebody is trying to kill you, and your job is to figure out how to make sure they don’t. You have to reorganize how you manage your time and how you manage your money where you have disaster capitalists coming at you and can make money from killing you.”

The latest plan by these evil demons to separate you from your life and cash is something CAF calls “Pharma Food.” CAF and company has done a deep dive on corporations putting “biotech on your plate.” Spoiler alert - this has nothing to do with the benevolent job of feeding the masses, it’s about using food to control the masses. CAF explains, “I am always telling people to invest in their local fresh food not because you want to make money, you do it because you don’t want to eat insects. You don’t want to eat lab grown meat. “Pharma Food” is one of the most frightening reports we have ever written. We don’t like to scare people, but you need to see how much money is going into creating the capacity to feed you things in a million years you would not want to eat. This is serious. They are trying to build complete control of the food system. This includes delivering you food out of a manufacturing plant and not out of a farm.”

CAF goes on to say “If we can sustain ourselves with barter ,the financial transaction control won’t work. That is why food is so critical. You have to control food because if you control food, you can get financial transaction control. If you look at the venture capital investments, it is absolutely illogical for them to spend this kind of money for a consumer product nobody wants.” CAF says what could happen is the demonic powers might mandate you eat their factory made “Pharma Food.” This is why CAF is pushing everybody to get serious about growing and procuring real food without corporations and Big Pharma getting between you and your table.

CAF also talks about the Fed, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the Fed meeting in Jackson Hole, the razor accurate destruction in Maui and how to fight back and stay alive in a world where people are dreaming up ways to kill you for cash. There is much more in the 1-hour and 3-minute interview."

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes 
"Everybody Knew CV-19 Vax Was a Criminal Bioweapon"
By Greg Hunter’s 

"Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of the so-called CV19 vaccines. Kingston has uncovered documents that prove everybody knew or should have known the deadly effects of these criminal injections. Kingston says documents with the drug makers, FDA and CDC listed the deadly and debilitating “side effects” of the injections. Kinston shows that vaccine makers gave a list to the FDA of “side effects” or “possible adverse event outcomes” from the injections. Kinston says, “Common side effects should be muscle aches, headaches, fever and pain. With these injections, common side effects are Guillain-Barre, inflammation of your brain and your spinal cord, meningitis, stroke, narcolepsy, anaphylaxis, heart attack, myocarditis, pericarditis, auto immune disease, death, pregnancy and birth outcomes, fetal injuries, fetal mutations, spontaneous abortion and vaccine enhanced disease. So, they knew this was not mild side effects. This is not me speaking. This is literally their documents. This information is just the tip of the iceberg, which show how really sick and perverse these CV19 injections are.”

Kingston asks, “How much longer are doctors going to defend the safety of these injections? Why are people not waking up? Their trusted leaders and their family doctors are telling them these mRNA injections are safe and effective. In legal terms, it is the definition of extrinsic fraud. These are gene editing technologies, and the FDA does not have the right to call these injections a vaccine. They are not even gene therapies because they cause disease, disabilities and death. They are bioweapons.”

Kingston goes on to say, “This is fraud. The claim that these injections are safe and effective are all based on fraud. It is blatant misrepresentation of facts to the American people. This was parroted and repeated to the American people through the mainstream media as well as through all of the healthcare organizations. We are in a real pickle, we really are because those who know the truth are being hammered down, myself included. This is premeditated battery and murder of adults and children. They knew what was going to happen, and they authorized it any way. Keep in mind, your entire medical industrial complex, which includes your local family practitioner, nurses and pediatricians, went along with it. Why? If they were not getting large financial incentives and being pressured to go along with it, they would have never stuck these shots in people’s arms. They were getting peer pressure, and everyone else was doing it. So, how bad could it be? We can’t get caught if we all agree to the lie. 

Again, this is called extrinsic fraud. Extrinsic fraud is brought against a large population or party when there are many people involved. This is exactly what has happened with these mRNA injections, which are bioweapons. It is a group of people who are all in a club together who agreed to go along with the lie. They got financial incentives, which gave them additional power. They followed the orders of tyranny believing they were going to get away with it. They went against our God-given rights, and they think they are going to get away with it with no costs because they are all in agreement together. They let other people suffer for their gain, and they don’t have to lose their jobs, and they don’t have to miss out on these financial incentives called Covid19. That’s what has happened.”

In closing, Kingston says, “Look, they are burning down the house with you and the baby in it. My concern is that people have been told nothing can stop what is coming. They are going to do what they attempted to do for centuries. We are going to exterminate a lot of humans and enslave the rest of them. There are too many people in power who have been bought and sold. A crime has been brought against all Americans and all of humanity. We have to stand in the truth, and truth in evidence and God and not false idols. I think a lot of people know that they have been fooled, but they have been told you might as well go along with this until the ride is over.” There is much more in the 1-hour and 7-minute presentation.

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives a mind-blowing update on the bioweapon injections. 
"Unthinkable Thoughts"
"Everyone Vaccinated For Covid Will DIE, Warns French Virologist"
Wuhan Flu shots were designed to “slow kill” 
the masses through time-delayed death.
by Ethan Huff

Excerpt: "There is no chance of long-term survival for anyone who received a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection, according to leading French virologist Luc Montagnier. Everyone who is getting jabbed for the Chinese Virus will die, he reportedly stated during a recent interview, which you can watch at

“There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated,” Montagnier stated plainly during the segment. “We must be prepared to cremate the bodies.” After studying at length the ingredients contained in the injections and what they do, Montagnier came to the conclusion that every single person who gets the shot will eventually die from antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE. “That is all that can be said,” he added."
Full article here:

"Economic Market Snapshot 9/25/23"

"Economic Market Snapshot 9/25/23"
Market Data Center, Live Updates:
Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
"It's a Big Club, and you ain't in it. 
You and I are not in the Big Club."
- George Carlin
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
Financial Stress Index

"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: creditequity valuationfunding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United Statesother advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Job cuts and much more.
Commentary, highly recommended:
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
Oh yeah... beyond words. Any I know anyway...
And now... The End Game...

Sunday, September 24, 2023

"WW3 Emergency Alert: Blackout In Russia; Doomsday Plane Airborne In Black Sea! 'Flashes In Sky' Seen"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 9/24/23
"WW3 Emergency Alert: Blackout In Russia; 
Doomsday Plane Airborne In Black Sea! 'Flashes In Sky' Seen"
"Massive blackout in Russia preceded by "flashes in sky", an unusual close encounter of a Russian doomsday plane and an American recon jet in the Black Sea, Canada appears to now be on a warpath."
Comments here:
"There are a multitude of fuses affixed to dozens of powder-kegs and little kids with matches are on the loose. I don’t know which of the fuses will be lit and which powder-keg will blow, but someone is bound to do something stupid, and then all hell will break loose. It could happen at any time. One military miscue. One assassination. One violent act that stirs the world. And the dominoes will topple, setting off fireworks not seen on this planet since 1939 – 1945. I can see it all very clearly." - Jim Quinn

God help us.. we're really gonna do this, aren't we? Yeah, we are...

Musical Interlude: Yanni & Samvel Yervinyan, "Until The Last Moment"

Full screen recommended.
Yanni & Samvel Yervinyan, "Until The Last Moment"

"A Look to the Heavens"

“While drifting through the cosmos, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud became sculpted by stellar winds and radiation to assume a recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is embedded in the vast and complex Orion Nebula (M42). A potentially rewarding but difficult object to view personally with a small telescope, the above gorgeously detailed image was recently taken in infrared light by the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope in honor of the 23rd anniversary of Hubble's launch.
The dark molecular cloud, roughly 1,500 light years distant, is cataloged as Barnard 33 and is seen above primarily because it is backlit by the nearby massive star Sigma Orionis. The Horsehead Nebula will slowly shift its apparent shape over the next few million years and will eventually be destroyed by the high energy starlight.”

"Everyone Knows..."

"Everyone knows that plagues have a way of recurring throughout history, yet somehow we find it hard to believe in the ones that crash down on us out of the sky. There have always been plagues and wars, yet they always take us by surprise. When war breaks out people say it's stupid and won't last long. Stupidity has a knack of getting in the way, which we would see if not wrapped up in ourselves. In this our townsfolk were like everybody else, they did not believe in plagues."
- Albert Camus, "The Plague"
Freely download "The Plague", by Albert Camus, here:

The Poet: David Whyte, "One Day"

"One Day"

"One day I will say
the gift I once had has been taken.
The place I have made for myself
belongs to another.
The words I have sung
are being sung by the ones
I would want.
Then I will be ready
for that voice
and the still silence in which it arrives.
And if my faith is good
then we'll meet again
on the road,
and we'll be thirsty,
and stop
and laugh
and drink together again
from the deep well of things as they are."

- David Whyte,
"Where Many Rivers Meet"

"The poem is a little myth of man's capacity of making life meaningful.
And in the end, the poem is not a thing we see -
it is, rather, a light by which we may see - and what we see is life."
- Robert Penn Warren

The Daily "Near You?"

Pearland, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Horrific Interest Rate Increase Coming; The Fed, Housing And Stock Market In Turmoil"

Full screen recommended.
The Atlantis Report, 9/24/23
"Horrific Interest Rate Increase Coming; 
The Fed, Housing And Stock Market In Turmoil"
"The Federal reserve’s hikes have significantly raised the costs of consumer and business loans in America. In fine-tuning its rate policies, the central bank is trying to guide the US economy toward a tricky “soft landing” of cooling inflation without triggering a deep recession. The US central bank has pushed interest rates to more than 4.75%, the highest since 2006. Besides forecasting another hike by year’s end, Fed officials now envision keeping rates high deep into 2024. As a consequence, the economy has decelerated significantly, as businesses reduced investments in the face of higher borrowing costs.

In generating sharply higher interest rates throughout the economy, the Fed has sought to slow borrowing for houses, cars, home renovations, business investment; this helps to ease spending, moderate the pace of growth and curb inflation; however, the opposite is happening, multiple factors are threatening to re-ignite inflation and weaken the economy. Rising oil prices are making gasoline steadily more expensive. Should that trend continue, it would worsen inflation and leave consumers with less money to spend. Even the so-far limited strike by the United Auto Workers union against the Big 3 US automakers will eventually further inflate vehicle prices."
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