Saturday, August 20, 2022

“Hannah Arendt on Time, Space, and Where Our Thinking Ego Resides”

“Hannah Arendt on Time, Space,
and Where Our Thinking Ego Resides”
“The everywhere of thought is indeed a region of nowhere.”
by Maria Popova

“In Lewis Carroll’s ‘Through the Looking Glass,’ the White Queen remembers the future instead of the past. This seemingly nonsensical proposition, like so many elements of the beloved book, is a stroke of philosophical genius and prescience on behalf of Lewis Carroll, made half a century before Einstein and Gödel challenged our linear conception of time.

But no thinker has addressed how the disorienting nature of time shapes the human experience with more captivating lucidity than Hannah Arendt (October 14, 1906–December 4, 1975), who in 1973 became the first woman to speak at the prestigious Gifford Lectures. Her talk was eventually adapted into two long essays, published as ‘The Life of the Mind’ (public library) – the same ceaselessly rewarding volume that gave us Arendt on the crucial difference between truth and meaning.

In one of the most stimulating portions of the book, Arendt argues that thinking is our rebellion against the tyranny of time and a hedge against the terror of our finitude. Noting that cognition always removes us from the present and makes absences its raw material, she considers where the thinking ego is located if not in what is present and close at hand:

“Looked at from the perspective of the everyday world of appearances, the everywhere of the thinking ego – summoning into its presence whatever it pleases from any distance in time or space, which thought traverses with a velocity greater than light’s – is a nowhere. And since this nowhere is by no means identical with the twofold nowhere from which we suddenly appear at birth and into which almost as suddenly we disappear in death, it might be conceived only as the Void. And the absolute void can be a limiting boundary concept; though not inconceivable, it is unthinkable. Obviously, if there is absolutely nothing, there can be nothing to think about. That we are in possession of these limiting boundary concepts enclosing our thought within (insurmountable) walls – and the notion of an absolute beginning or an absolute end is among them – does not tell us more than that we are indeed finite beings.”

Echoing Thomas Mann’s assertion that “the perishableness of life… imparts value, dignity, interest to life,” Arendt adds: “Man’s finitude, irrevocably given by virtue of his own short time span set in an infinity of time stretching into both past and future, constitutes the infrastructure, as it were, of all mental activities: it manifests itself as the only reality of which thinking qua thinking is aware, when the thinking ego has withdrawn from the world of appearances and lost the sense of realness inherent in the sensus communis by which we orient ourselves in this world… The everywhere of thought is indeed a region of nowhere.”

T.S. Eliot captured this nowhereness in his exquisite phrase “the still point of the turning world.” But the spatial dimension of thought, Arendt argues, is intersected by a temporal one – thinking invariably forces us to recollect and anticipate, voyaging into the past and the future, thus creating the mental spacetime continuum through which our thought-trains travel. From this arises our sense of the sequential nature of time and its essential ongoingness. Arendt writes:

“The inner time sensation arises when we are not entirely absorbed by the absent non-visibles we are thinking about but begin to direct our attention onto the activity itself. In this situation past and future are equally present precisely because they are equally absent from our sense; thus the no-longer of the past is transformed by virtue of the spatial metaphor into something lying behind us and the not-yet of the future into something that approaches us from ahead.”
In other words, the time continuum, everlasting change, is broken up into the tenses past, present, future, whereby past and future are antagonistic to each other as the no-longer and the not-yet only because of the presence of man, who himself has an “origin,” his birth, and an end, his death, and therefore stands at any given moment between them; this in-between is called the present. It is the insertion of man with his limited life span that transforms the continuously flowing stream of sheer change – which we can conceive of cyclically as well as in the form of rectilinear motion without ever being able to conceive of an absolute beginning or an absolute end – into time as we know it.”

Once again, it is our finitude that mediates our experience of time: “Seen from the viewpoint of a continuously flowing everlasting stream, the insertion of man, fighting in both directions, produces a rupture which, by being defended in both directions, is extended to a gap, the present seen as the fighter’s battleground… Seen from the viewpoint of man, at each single moment inserted and caught in the middle between his past and his future, both aimed at the one who is creating his present, the battleground is an in-between, an extended Now on which he spends his life. The present, in ordinary life the most futile and slippery of the tenses – when I say “now” and point to it, it is already gone – is no more than the clash of a past, which is no more, with a future, which is approaching and not yet there. Man lives in this in-between, and what he calls the present is a life-long fight against the dead weight of the past, driving him forward with hope, and the fear of a future (whose only certainty is death), driving him backward toward “the quiet of the past” with nostalgia for and remembrance of the only reality he can be sure of.”

This fluid conception of time, Arendt points out, is quite different from its representation in ordinary life, where the calendar tells us that the present is contained in today, the past starts at yesterday, and the future at tomorrow. In a sentiment that calls to mind Patti Smith’s magnificent meditation on time and transformation, Arendt writes: "That we can shape the everlasting stream of sheer change into a time continuum we owe not to time itself but to the continuity of our business and our activities in the world, in which we continue what we started yesterday and hope to finish tomorrow. In other words, the time continuum depends on the continuity of our everyday life, and the business of everyday life, in contrast to the activity of the thinking ego – always independent of the spatial circumstances surrounding it – is always spatially determined and conditioned. It is due to this thoroughgoing spatiality of our ordinary life that we can speak plausibly of time in spatial categories, that the past can appear to us as something lying “behind” us and the future as lying “ahead.”
The gap between past and future opens only in reflection, whose subject matter is what is absent – either what has already disappeared or what has not yet appeared. Reflection draws these absent “regions” into the mind’s presence; from that perspective the activity of thinking can be understood as a fight against time itself.”

This elusive gap, Arendt argues, is where the thinking ego resides – and it is only by mentally inserting ourselves between the past and the future that they come to exist at all: Without [the thinker], there would be no difference between past and future, but only everlasting change. Or else these forces would clash head on and annihilate each other. But thanks to the insertion of a fighting presence, they meet at an angle, and the correct image would then have to be what the physicists call a parallelogram of forces.

These two forces, which have an indefinite origin and a definite end point in the present, converge into a third – a diagonal pull that, contrary to the past and the present, has a definite origin in the present and emanates out toward infinity. That diagonal force, Arendt observes, is the perfect metaphor for the activity of thought. She writes:

“This diagonal, though pointing to some infinity, is limited, enclosed, as it were, by the forces of past and future, and thus protected against the void; it remains bound to and is rooted in the present – an entirely human present though it is fully actualized only in the thinking process and lasts no longer than this process lasts. It is the quiet of the Now in the time-pressed, time-tossed existence of man; it is somehow, to change the metaphor, the quiet in the center of a storm which, though totally unlike the storm, still belongs to it. In this gap between past and future, we find our place in time when we think, that is, when we are sufficiently removed from past and future to be relied on to find out their meaning, to assume the position of “umpire,” of arbiter and judge over the manifold, never-ending affairs of human existence in the world, never arriving at a final solution to their riddles but ready with ever-new answers to the question of what it may be all about.”

“The Life of the Mind” is one of the most stimulating packets of thought ever published. Complement this particular portion with Virginia Woolf on the elasticity of time, Dan Falk on how our capacity for mental time travel made us human, and T.S. Eliot’s poetic ode to the nature of time.“

"How It Really Is"


"You Can't Do It In 5 Minutes..."

"There is this tremendous amount of arrogance and hubris, where somebody can look at something for five minutes and dismiss it. Whether you talk about gaming or 20th century classical music, you can't do it in five minutes. You can't listen to 'The Rite of Spring' once and understand what Stravinsky was all about."
- Penn Jillette

Perhaps there's a reason why...
“You Now Have A Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish”
by Time

"No longer can we boast about 12 seconds of coherent thought. The average attention span for the notoriously ill-focused goldfish is nine seconds, but according to a new study from Microsoft Corp., people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds, highlighting the affects of an increasingly digitalized lifestyle on the brain.

Researchers in Canada surveyed 2,000 participants and studied the brain activity of 112 others using electroencephalograms (EEGs). Microsoft found that since the year 2000 (or about when the mobile revolution began) the average attention span dropped from 12 seconds to eight seconds. “Heavy multi-screeners find it difficult to filter out irrelevant stimuli — they’re more easily distracted by multiple streams of media,” the report read. On the positive side, the report says our ability to multitask has drastically improved in the mobile age.

Microsoft theorized that the changes were a result of the brain’s ability to adapt and change itself over time and a weaker attention span may be a side effect of evolving to a mobile Internet. The survey also confirmed generational differences for mobile use; for example, 77% of people aged 18 to 24 responded “yes” when asked, “When nothing is occupying my attention, the first thing I do is reach for my phone,” compared with only 10% of those over the age of 65. And now congratulate yourself for concentrating long enough to make it through this article.”

“The Bewildered Herd..."

“The bewildered herd is a problem. We've got to prevent their roar and trampling. We've got to distract them. They should be watching the Superbowl or sitcoms or violent movies. Every once in a while you call on them to chant meaningless slogans like "Support our troops!" You've got to keep them pretty scared, because unless they're properly scared and frightened of all kinds of devils that are going to destroy them from outside or inside or somewhere, they may start to think, which is very dangerous, because they're not competent to think. Therefore it's important to distract them and marginalize them.”
- Noam Chomsky

Free Download: Charles Mackay, "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds"

"Extraordinary Popular Delusions
 and the Madness of Crowds"

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." - Carl Sagan

"Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" is an early study of crowd psychology by Scottish journalist Charles Mackay, first published in 1841. The book chronicles its subjects in three parts: "National Delusions", "Peculiar Follies", and "Philosophical Delusions". MacKay was an accomplished teller of stories, though he wrote in a journalistic and somewhat sensational style.

The subjects of Mackay's debunking include alchemy, crusades, duels, economic bubbles, fortune-telling, haunted houses, the Drummer of Tedworth, the influence of politics and religion on the shapes of beards and hair, magnetizers (influence of imagination in curing disease), murder through poisoning, prophecies, popular admiration of great thieves, popular follies of great cities, and relics. Present-day writers on economics, such as Michael Lewis and Andrew Tobias, laud the three chapters on economic bubbles. Scientist and astronomer Carl Sagan mentioned the book in his own discussion about pseudoscience, popular delusions, and hoaxes.

In later editions, Mackay added a footnote referencing the Railway Mania of the 1840s as another "popular delusion" which was at least as important as the South Sea Bubble. Mathematician Andrew Odlyzko has pointed out, in a published lecture, that Mackay himself played a role in this economic bubble; as leader writer in the Glasgow Argus, Mackay wrote on 2 October 1845: "There is no reason whatever to fear a crash."

Freely download "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds"

"We, the Deep State"

"We, the Deep State"
by Brian Maher

"To be governed - observed 19th-century philosopher Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - is to be: Watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded… registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished… drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed… repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored.

The question then arises: Who governs We, the American people? The people are the government, say the civics books. We are the superior partners in a master/servant relationship. We are masters. Officials we elect are servants. It is a beautiful theory. Yet careful analysis reveals the American people in fact wield limited influence over their affairs.

Imagine a football field, 100 yards in length. The American people are allowed merely within the two 40-yard lines. That is, within the middle 20 yards of the entire 100. They may stray 10 yards to the left of the 50-yard line or 10 yards to the right of the 50-yard line. The remaining 80 yards range beyond their effective control. Certainly arch-democrat Jefferson spins and spins in his lonely Virginia grave.

The Real Government: Unelected and unaccountable judges, bureaucrats, pettifoggers, pecksniffs, functionaries, understrappers and jacks-in-office…Various rogues, rascals, cadges, chiselers, grifters, ne’er-do-wells and swindlers…It is they who primarily boss us, loot us, hagride us, menace us and boss us. In brief, it is they who govern us.

Does the Department of Justice take democratic input? The Department of the Interior? The Centers for Disease Control? They do not. And do not forget: Dr. Fauci was a near Caesar during the pandemic. More recently, where was the public squealing to dispatch $56 billion to Ukraine? And does a sparrow fall anywhere within these United States - as it was once known - that escapes their suspicious eye?

A Perversion of the Constitution: The republic maintains its three branches of government; it is true. It maintains its official separation of powers. It maintains its protocols and decorums. That is, the Constitution’s skeletal structure is intact. Yet take a scalpel in hand. Knife your way through the outer layers… past the intermediate tissues… to the innards, to the vital organs. You will discover that the original constitutional anatomy is scarcely recognizable.

We lift our pocket Constitution from our breast pocket, for example, where it is permanently stationed - near our stony heart…

Under What Authority? We thumb to Article II, which limits presidential powers to: Signing or vetoing legislation. Ordering around the military and naval forces. Requesting the written opinion of his Cabinet. Convening or adjourning Congress. Granting reprieves and pardons. Receiving ambassadors.

Where does the Constitution authorize the president to: Require Coronavirus Disease  Vaccination for Federal Employees… to Protect Access to Reproductive and Other Health Care Services… to Ensure Responsible Development of Digital Assets…to Strengthen the Nation's Forests, Communities and Local Economies… to Prohibit New Investment in and Certain Services to the Russian Federation in Response to Continued Russian Federation Aggression… to Protect Public Health and the Environment and Restore Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis… to name some?

These are but some of the 95 executive orders President Biden has signed to date. Are these not the prerogatives of the legislative bodies - of our elected representatives? Under which constitutional provision does the president exercise these powers? Certainly not under Article II.

A Bipartisan Affair: We sling our arrows not at the sitting president alone. His predecessor issued 220 of his own. Roosevelt - Franklin Delano - issued a dictatorial 3,721. Meantime, Washington issued eight executive orders in all eight years of office. Adams issued one in his term, Jefferson four. The number of executive orders has swelled to undemocratic and nearly obscene dimensions as the administrative state barreled through the Constitution’s “parchment barriers.” That is because the parchment barrier of the Constitution never could restrain men determined not to be restrained.

As 19th-century individualist Lysander Spooner lamented, in devastating fashion: "Whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it…"

Trump: A word about former President Trump is in order…We are not an enthusiast of Mr. Trump. We find much of his economics badly informed, for example. In certain instances, we find them atrocious. More importantly, we believe he failed in his central duty...Candidate Trump was elected not as statesman, but as a sort of destructionist - a sapper planting dynamite beneath ruling-class trenchworks, beneath the “deep state” fortifications that ring the nation. President Trump failed to light the fuse.

The fellow nonetheless did the nation an inestimable good, a supreme magnificence for which it should be staggeringly grateful. How? He renewed American distrust. Trump renewed distrust, that is, of institutions and elites (noun, not adjective) that run them. Trump renewed American distrust - that is - of the “swamp.”

Trump Exposed the Swamp Creatures: Like the lawman smoking crooks out of their safehouse, Trump flushed the swamp monsters out of the murk… and exposed them to the public gaze. How many Americans were familiar with the term “deep state” before Trump? Now the term has entered the popular vernacular.

Most Americans likely held the Federal Bureau of Investigation in high regard prior to 2016. But after the massively discredited Steele dossier and “Russiagate”? After the recent raid on Donald’s private residence - the first ever raid on a former president’s home - and likely future presidential candidate? Many Americans would trust a dog with their dinner before they would trust the FBI with the law.

Before 2020 how many Americans questioned the Centers for Disease Control before… or the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases?

Prior to Trump Americans had largely forgotten the fundamental question of the Roman poet Juvenal: “Who will guard the guards themselves?” Millions of Americans presently have sharp eyes on the guards.

Lost Credibility: And does the mainstream media retain one tattered rag of credibility? The Trump presidency revealed the media’s monomaniacal hatred for the man, a hatred with the heat of 2,000 suns. All standards of objective journalism went emptying into the hellbox. Meantime, social media excommunicated Trump and legions of his enthusiasts - often for harmless and inoffensive blabberings. Add them one with the other… and the American people are now on their guard.

Justice Must Be Blind: You may hold Mr. Trump in the deepest contempt. You may therefore applaud the clandestine machinations of the FBI and Justice Department to undo this satan. Yet we would remind you that swords slice both ways. We would remind you that your preferred politician may be similarly used by the “deep state” in the future. We would replace the blindfold that has been stripped from the eyes of Lady Justice. Perhaps Trump’s example expedites the process.

And so we lift our modest hymn in praise of Donald John Trump. He pulled back the curtain on the “deep state.” He exposed their mischiefs before a previously disinterested and unwatching public. We blast no trumpet for the fellow or his personal character. He is… flawed. But it makes no nevermind. Ironically, this “anti-democratic dictator,” the scourge of all democracy-drummers among us…May just prove American democracy’s savior…"


"We're all going to die. We don't get much say over how or when, but we do get to decide how we're gonna live. So, do it. Decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More Compassionate? Decide. Breathe in. Breathe out and decide."
- Richard, "Grey's Anatomy"

Friday, August 19, 2022

Must Watch! CanadianPrepper, “I’ve Been Warned - Do This Now”

CanadianPrepper, 8/19/22:
“I’ve Been Warned - Do This Now”
“I just got off a call with a very well connected person, 
things are about to get much worse.”
Comments here:

"Worst Energy Crisis In US History Sparks 525% Price Spike As Supplies Hit Alarmingly Low Levels"

Full screen recommended.
"Worst Energy Crisis In US History Sparks 
525% Price Spike As Supplies Hit Alarmingly Low Levels"
by Epic Economist

"U.S. consumers and businesses are feeling the impacts of the worsening energy supply chain crisis that has caused gas prices to nearly double, diesel prices to climb over 60%, natural gas prices to increase five-fold, and led to some of the most expensive electricity bills on record. Energy supplies are shrinking at an alarming pace in every corner of the country, and recent capacity losses are already causing extensive power outages, fuel shortages and pushing millions of people into energy poverty, with about a quarter of Americans saying that they have reduced or gone without basic expenses - including food and medicine - in order to pay for energy supplies over the last year. That’s what we’re going to expose today, but before moving on, please support us by leaving a thumbs up and subscribing to our channel so you don’t miss our upcoming videos!

The devastating drought that’s been covering large swathes of America is causing water supplies to shrink and drastically reducing the country’s hydropower capacity. Now, the nation’s power grid is mostly relying on coal and natural gas supplies to produce electricity. But this week, natural gas prices in the U.S. have skyrocketed to levels unseen since 2008. Not only is natural gas one of the main fuel sources for the electric grid, but it's also the most popular way to heat homes in America. So even as temperatures drop in the months ahead, families will experience some serious sticker shock and face some of the most expensive energy bills ever recorded. Unfortunately, higher prices are not equal to better service. In fact, reliability on the nation’s aging electric grid is at an all-time low.

Considering the challenges facing the nation’s grid, as well as extreme weather conditions and growing electricity use, the U.S. is not being able to produce enough power supplies to meet consumers’ and businesses’ demand this summer. At the same time, 24% of Americans are facing energy poverty as costs continue to soar. A new energy industry survey conducted by SaveOnEnergy found that 85% of homeowners saw price increases in at least one utility bill with electricity being the most reported increase. Meanwhile, supplies of distillate fuels have been steadily collapsing, driving diesel prices to historic highs and exacerbating the financial pain of U.S. consumers, farmers, industry leaders, and truckers. The price of diesel fuel has skyrocketed in recent months - much more even than regular gasoline. Distillate fuels are the lifeblood of the U.S. industry, and the accelerating shortage indicates that the economy is set to hit hard capacity constraints in the short term.

“People pay less attention to diesel prices because people aren’t going to the pump and using it,” explained Matt Smith, lead oil analyst at Kpler, a research firm.“But diesel has a more far-reaching impact and is already having a real big impact across the economy,” he stressed. “There will be more logistical shortages,” said Phil Verleger, a longtime energy economist. “Americans will find more empty shelves and higher prices,” he warned. Ultimately, consumers are left bearing the burden, and they are getting increasingly frustrated with the repercussions of the current energy supply chain crisis. It's safe to say that conditions will become even more extreme in the months ahead, and the disruptions caused by the ongoing energy supply shortage will continue to wreak havoc all across the nation. An apocalyptic energy crisis is forming, and the U.S. will be thrown into disarray once extensive supply interruptions start to become critical to every sector of the economy."

Musical Interlude: Moby, "Love Of Strings"

Full screen recommended.
Moby, "Love Of Strings"

Life... magnificent Life...

"A Look to the Heavens"

“What created this unusual planetary nebula? NGC 7027 is one of the smallest, brightest, and most unusually shaped planetary nebulas known. Given its expansion rate, NGC 7027 first started expanding, as visible from Earth, about 600 years ago. For much of its history, the planetary nebula has been expelling shells, as seen in blue in the featured image. In modern times, though, for reasons unknown, it began ejecting gas and dust (seen in red) in specific directions that created a new pattern that seems to have four corners. These shells and patterns have been mapped in impressive detail by recent images from the Wide Field Camera 3 onboard the Hubble Space Telescope.
What lies at the nebula's center is unknown, with one hypothesis holding it to be a close binary star system where one star sheds gas onto an erratic disk orbiting the other star. NGC 7027, about 3,000 light years away, was first discovered in 1878 and can be seen with a standard backyard telescope toward the constellation of the Swan (Cygnus).”

"These Markets Are Getting Scary, Investors Crushed; 711 Destroyed"

Jeremiah Babe, 8/19/22:
"These Markets Are Getting Scary, 
Investors Crushed; 711 Destroyed"
Comments here:

"Whiskey And Car Keys..."

"Giving money and power to government is like
giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
- P.J. O'Rourke

"Desperate Actions by a Desperate Regime: The Administrative State, Unleashed"

"Desperate Actions by a Desperate Regime"
by Jeffrey Tucker

"It doesn’t get better, or really more painful, than this: The Biden administration apparently considered sending cards to millions of American households that would be filled with money and allow people to buy gas and groceries, supposedly helping people deal with inflation. But the plan was foiled, and why? Because there aren’t enough chips on the market to meet the need! So they backed off, and good thing too. But think about this.

When the central planners themselves cannot find enough resources around to enact their own plans, we’ve reached some kind of new low. But it even gets better. As everyone knows, the Biden administration is in a panic to deal with inflation because… well, because everyone and their cats and dogs are red-hot mad about inflation.

The roots of the problem are deep but the evidence dates almost exactly from the day of Biden’s inauguration in 2021. So yes, he gets all the blame. It doesn’t help that we have reels of video of Biden himself promising to end fossil fuel. The first great act of these fanatics was to cancel the Keystone pipeline. Goading Russia into war over its border with Ukraine didn’t help either. But all that aside, gas and oil prices are responding to the overall devaluation of the dollar that was inevitable in any case.

And now, acting on the assumption that the American people and press are all as dumb as earthworms, the Biden administration claims to be for bringing down prices. So it has sent a threatening letter to all major energy companies to demand that they “work with the administration” to supply the markets or else face “emergency measures.”

Good grief! These people have chutzpah! Fortunately, the energy companies are fighting back. Exxon, for example, points out that the administration could allow exceptions to the Jones Act, which restricts shipping and reduces supplies. Of course, that won’t happen because the Biden administration is in the pay of the labor unions that keep that preposterous law in place.

As for allowing more drilling and refineries, forget it. Even today, if there really was a change of heart from the top, no one would really believe it. The industry needs certitude to make long-term investments, not just a temporary and mostly cosmetic policy change. The sheer quantity of oil and gas available on the markets has hit new lows, and it is hard to say that this is completely disconnected from government action. This is precisely what they were going for.

The entire administration is united in the view that we should all be living off the “wind and sun” rather than digging around in the dirt for our energy needs. Sadly, that rules out 84% of U.S. energy consumption. In other words, these people are not only cray cray; they are also despotic. Even when the despotic regime faces massive revolt from the angry masses, they cannot do anything due to their ideological commitments and the powerful special interests to which they are beholden. This is how societies fall apart. This is how civilizations collapse.

This administration came to power with the belief that Trump would go down in history as the worst president of all time. Now they’re looking at something more remarkable: The label of worst actually belongs to the current regime. Biden is even less popular than Carter!

This is my worry: They’re cornered rats, hissing and biting. At some point, angry regimes have no options left but to use their power to attack their enemies, even to the point of turning them over to the police in some cases. That seems to be exactly what is going on right now. They’re marching through the list: the Jan. 6 protesters, the “anti-vaxxers,” the dissidents in the war against Russia, the seditionists and unpatriotic executives in the oil and car companies who are not complying with the demand to make more.

Who do these people think they are? The more they fail, the angrier they get. In the book "Atlas Shrugged," the central plans fail because even the elites cannot gain access to the resources to enact them. They instead turn to diktat and nothing more. Make more stuff! Lower prices! Just go back to the way things used to be! It becomes comical at some point except that civilization itself is collapsing. There is no way really to understand our times except by reference to dystopian fiction. Below, I show you how the administrative state, the permanent bureaucracy, has become unleashed upon the American people. Read on."
"The Administrative State, Unleashed"
By Jeffrey Tucker

"Daily, the White House tells us that all our suffering is in our heads. We are actually doing really well - at least as compared with last year. Oh, there’s inflation but that’s only an opportunity to transition to relying on the “wind and the sun.” So stop your kvetching. What’s your problem? Don’t you want a green revolution? Don’t you want to own nothing and be happy? You consume too much as it is. There is a higher joy that comes with deprivation, so shake off the blues and learn to love the new way. Enjoy your wind and sun.

It’s becoming very apparent that this administration and the party it represents are probably toast. It’s just a matter of waiting for the next election. And then the next one. Two and half years from now, there will be a chance to start fresh and cut it out with all the insanity in which a bunch of woke Ivies impose their nutty visions on the rest of us. Just wait it out.

Thank goodness for democracy, right? The right question to ask is whether it will change anything. You are not cynical if you doubt that much will change. The problem is baked into the structure of government today, which is NOTHING like what the Constitution’s framers imagined it to be.

The idea of democracy is that the people are in charge through their elected representatives. The opposite would be, for example, a vast and permanent class of administrative bureaucrats, who paid no attention at all to public opinion, elections or elected leaders and their appointments. Sad to say, but that is exactly the system we have in place today.

Your Real Rulers: The last two years have given us a chilling lesson in who really runs the country. It’s executive-level agencies that are utterly unresponsive to anything or anyone, except perhaps the private-sector forces of power that have revolving doors back and forth. The political appointees tapped to head agencies such as the CDC or HHS or whatever are basically irrelevant clowns about whom the career bureaucrats laugh if they pay any attention to them at all.

Years ago, I lived in some condominiums near the D.C. Beltway and all my neighbors were career workers for federal agencies. You name it: Transportation, Labor, Agriculture, Housing, whatever. They were lifers and they knew it. Their salaries depended on paper credentials and longevity. There was no way they could ever be fired, short of something impossibly egregious.

Naively, I early on tried to talk about issues of politics. They would stare at me with blank faces. I thought at the time that they must have had strong opinions but were somehow prevented from talking about it. Later, I came to realize something more chilling: They didn’t care in the slightest bit. Talking to them about politics was like talking to me about hockey teams in Finland. It’s not a subject that affects my life. That’s how it is with these people: They are utterly and completely unaffected by any political shifts. They know it. They take pride in it.

Pictures on the Wall: For odd reasons, I found myself spending several weeks in the offices of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. I was doing research and had full access to all records, back when something like that was actually possible for a regular citizen. It was a time when the old politically appointed director of HUD was on his way out and a new one was on his way in.

I was quietly working when I heard a series of loud crashes of glass in the hallway. I stuck my head out and watched. A guy was walking along, flicking pictures of the old guy off the wall and letting them crash down to the ground. About an hour later, a guy came along with a broom and swept up the mess. An hour after that, a guy came along and hung new pictures of the new guy on the wall.

During the entire noisy ordeal, not one other employee of the agency showed the slightest curiosity about what was happening. They had seen this dozens of times and just didn’t care. Looking back, it’s pretty obvious that this scene sums it up. The permanent bureaucracy is completely unaffected by any of the cosmetic changes in politics.

My estimate is that 2 million people occupy the permanent bureaucratic state, excluding things like military and postal employees. The political appointments are about 4,000 and they come and go. Politics is mortal; the bureaucracy is immortal.

How Did This Happen? In September 1881, only four months into the first term of James A. Garfield, an angry man named Charles J. Guiteau shot the president. Guiteau was angry because he thought that Garfield had promised him a job in the new administration. But none was forthcoming. It was a shocking thing, and Congress immediately got to work figuring out how to prevent the next assassination. They had the theory that they needed to end the system of patronage in government so that way people wouldn’t get mad and shoot the president. The Pendleton Act created a permanent civil service. The new president, Chester Arthur, signed the bill.

It was done: The administrative state was born. It wasn’t so bad at first but then came the Fed, the income tax and World War I. The bureaucracy expanded in scope and power. Each decade, things got worse. The Cold War entrenched the military-industrial complex, and the Great Society built a massive civilian-controlling welfare state. So on it went until today when it is not even clear that elected politicians matter much at all.

To be sure, the Republicans could do something about this problem but will they? Nearly every elected leader has something to hide. If they don’t, the media can always make something up. This is how the deep state keeps the political class in line as we saw during the Trump years.

My point: Let’s not be naive about the prospects for change. It is going to require far more than merely electing a new class of supposed rulers. The real rulers are too smart to subject themselves to the business of elections. Those are designed to keep our minds busy with the belief that democracy still survives. Until the public figures this out, genuine change will still be a very long time away. Meanwhile, the emerging economic crisis is going to unleash the administrative state as never before."

Once upon a time...
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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Back to the USSA"

"Back to the USSA"
Welcome to the sovietization of an America we once knew...
by Bill Bonner

Poitou, France - "We are overcome with gratitude. We might have been born any time. But we were born in 1948, when antibiotics saved our life. We grew up when living was cheap and easy… and what luck!...we were so poor we could only go in one direction – up.

Nor were we burdened by any of today’s confusions. Would we be better off identifying as a girl? The thought never crossed our minds. Did we have a grudge against our parents… did society let us down… should we blame someone else if we were unhappy? We didn’t know it was an option.

We went to school when the Rolling Stones and the Doors were rolling out hit songs… and when it was still possible to ‘work your way through’ college. We started a business with almost zero financing…and were able to earn enough money to be able to live comfortably.

And then, more good luck… along came the internet that allowed us to move overseas, expand our business and explore other places, people, and cultures in depth. And finally, here we are… wonder of wonders…in the 8th decade of our life.

Dumb and Dumber? And now, the feds and the educated elite are putting on such a great show… such a rollicking, frolicking display; every day is a laughfest! A great Carnival of Claptrap. A Jamboree of Jackassery. Just read the headlines:

"Why I Feel Guilty About Being A White Mother"
"How the Rosary Became an Extremist Symbol"
"At signing, Biden says IRA bill will fight climate change, …"

What a great world. What great fun! Yes… it’s a great time to be alive. Only… except… but… It’s too bad the feds are ruining it. Wait. How could that be? The federal government has been around for a long time. So have the two parties. They haven’t wrecked the country yet. Have they gotten dumber? More incompetent? More corrupt? Yes, they have.

Hey, Big Spenders! In our early career, the federal government was an obvious menace to civil society, progress and prosperity. But it seemed to be more or less under control. Yes, there were plenty of people who wanted to expand federal power and use it to realize their fantasies of a better world. But there were “conservatives” too – who were usually, or eventually, able to slow them down.

Senator Robert A. Taft, for example, led opposition to the New Deal. Ronald Reagan had decent conservative instincts but was hornswoggled by his own allies. Ron Paul continues to be a very lonely voice for restraint. But the old conservatives have largely disappeared; they’ve been replaced by war mongers, dumbbells and big spenders.

“So what’s the problem?” asks the naĂŻve observer. “You say the feds are leading us to Hell in a handcart. But as a percentage of GDP, they’re no bigger a nuisance today than they were under Nixon or Reagan.” In 2019 the Federal Budget/GDP was 20% – almost the same as it was when Taft died in 1953. Then came the Covid Panic. The feds, from Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders, pretended that the threat of the coronavirus was like the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Without conservatives to stop them, they went on a spending spree. Federal outlays rose to over 30% of GDP.

Back to the USSA: But that’s only part of the story. Federal regulations determine where and how resources are used too. And the effect is cumulative. George Washington University has a Regulatory Studies Center. It keeps track of “economically significant” regulations, which it defines as those having an impact of $100 billion or more.

When we were in our youthful prime during the Reagan years, the feds were promulgating about 20 of these regulations per year, with a total economic impact of at least $2 trillion. Today, Joe Biden’s team is on track to put forth 63 new regulations per year, with a total impact over $6 trillion. These regulatory edicts represent a huge, and largely unnoticed creep of federal power. If we average the intervening years at 40 per year, we can assume a total cost of $160 trillion, or more than 6 times today’s GDP, since 1980.

That is a measure of how much bossier and more wasteful the federal government has become. It also helps explain why growth rates and productivity have declined. For the first time in our lives, neither is positive. Both are going backwards.

In effect, the US economy has been Sovietized, shackled by central planning. As we see in the latest boondoggle – the Inflation Reduction Act – Washington hacks increasingly decide what kind of car you will drive… what kind of kitchen stove you will use… where and how you will live. And as in the Soviet experiment of 1917-1991, the results are grim. All we can do is laugh."

"The Worst Part..."

"People cry not because they are weak.
It's because they've been strong for too long."
 - Johnny Depp

"Boats Are 50% Off - What’s Next?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 8/19/22:
"Boats Are 50% Off - What’s Next?"
"It is amazing that people are getting such tremendous deals on certain things. Right now we are seeing areas where boats are 50% off right now. We are seeing a tremendous deal on barbecue and leisure equipment as well. What will be on sale next?"
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"How It Really Is"


"I Heard a Silly Rumor – This Is the End"

Full screen recommended.
"I Heard a Silly Rumor – This Is the End"
by Phil Butler

"The end of civilization as we know it is at hand. Why more experts have not seized on the reality facing us is perplexing. It came to me like a bolt, the reason the current world order is pushing so hard for nuclear confrontation. The answer is right in front of us. Nuclear Winter.

I don’t need to rehash the craziness and diabolical machinations that have gone on over the past few years. The pandemic, the societal brain blistering that has caused, the lead-up proxy wars, ISIS, crazy presidents, pedophilia, and child sex changes, the Lolita Express, Hunter Biden, Ukraine. And, what about the very real problem of climate change, put into the brainwash blender so average Joe or Judy won’t know up from down? Then there's Bill Gates, population control, and one of Epstein’s chums owning most of America’s farmland. What about that?

Yeah. We are pretty much screwed. They just raided former President Trump’s home, and Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, and other prominent conservatives are being labeled “traitors” to America for disagreeing. What's scarier is, it looks like the rest of us is next if you deal at all with social media. And, judging from the level of ignorance about the realities of a US/Russia nuclear confrontation, society is just dumb enough for a dystopian reset. A series of recent articles illustrate.

A USA Today story, and many others recently, have clued me to the two issues I just pointed out. First, it seems feasible that the screwed-up liberal order that got us in this global warming mess in the first place, seem determined to fix it with a perpetual cold front. Second, we’ve been brain battered, propagandized, and dumbed down so far we’re irredeemable. And they know it. Now, let me show you why.

A “new” study referenced in the USA Today story says Nuclear war between the US and Russia would leave 5 billion dead from hunger. The author of the study, a Rutgers University climate scientist named Lili Xia, tells us (again) how thousands of nuclear weapons being detonated will send megatons of ash into the stratosphere, blocking out the sun. This is not new science, and the language the scientist uses is for 8-year-olds or nincompoops. Here’s a snippet. “A large percent of the people will be starving… It’s really bad…. The reduced light, global cooling, and likely trade restrictions after nuclear wars would be a global catastrophe for food security.”

Yes, 12,000 modern nuclear weapons detonating would certainly block out the sun and cause famine, then disease, and maybe even a new Ice Age. The Rutgers charts in the study point to sea and soil temperatures dropping substantially. This would fix global warming but good. But “likely” trade restrictions after global thermonuclear war? This is 21st-century science, the big concern? What are these people smoking? I’ll get to Armageddon in a minute, but first, let me introduce the architects of this climate fix.

Okay, first, Bill Gates did not say the population should be controlled through vaccines. However, he is taking huge steps to prepare for the inevitable. This World Economic Forum story articulates his “warning,” and the Microsoft billionaire is America’s largest private landowner with almost 250,000 acres of farmland.

Now, let’s address what the real Armageddon will look like. I won’t take up your time here. This in-depth report from the height of the Cold War Era through 2003 tells us all we need to know. And if the Rutgers geniuses think their research paints a sad picture, by the time you get to the deep references Dr. Wm. Robert Johnston provides, you’ll realize how few people and animals on this Earth would survive.

These new researchers have made a horrible miscalculation. You see, by the end of the initial nuclear exchange, half the population of the world will be incinerated or blown to bits, and another ¼ will die from radiation and other injuries within weeks. Nothing will work, satellites won’t operate, there won’t be any economy, and the United Nations and most of our institutions will be gone. In the US, 5,800 warheads will have detonated, totaling 3,900 megatons. In Russia, nothing within 200 miles of Moscow will be left alive, not even bugs.

According to Dr. Johnston’s research/scenario, more than 200 nuclear warheads would render hundreds of thousands of kilometers lifeless, ruined, and utterly destroyed. Europe will be a mass open grave. Carnage will stretch from the currently undamaged Kyiv to the Pyrenees. Spain and Portugal may be the last strongholds of living souls. This MIT excerpt from the 2021 book “Nuclear Choices for the Twenty-First Century: A Citizen’s Guide” by Richard Wolfson and Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress, substantiates Johnson’s previous research.

In 60 years, there will still be vast reaches of land that are unusable. Genetic defects will have shown up in a big percentage of the few hundred million who survived. New Zealand and Argentina will be world powers in this new dystopia. We’ll have the brave new world, that marvelous reset Schwab and the globalists have been stirring. Greta Thunberg and the climate alarmists will finally fall silent (one way or another).

And now, I leave you with the final words from our Rutgers genius, Professor Alan Robock, who co-authored the study with Lili Xia, which was aimed at the world’s zombified population. It’s a groundbreaking revelation: “The data tells us one thing: We must prevent a nuclear war from ever happening.” Duh! Well, it’s happening. It’s the only strategy of the elites that makes any sense."
Full screen recommended.
"Poseidon: Russian Underwater Drone That Can Sink Britain"
Full screen recommended.
"Russian TV threatens 'UK's nuclear annihilation 
with giant radioactive tsunami & Satan-2 missiles'"

And humanity's just insane enough to do it...

"How Then..."

"How, then, shall we face the future? When the sailor is out on the ocean, when everything is changing all around him, when the waves are born and die, he does not stare down into the waves, because they are changing. He looks up at the stars. Why? Because they are faithful..."
- Soren Kierkegaard
Procol Harum, "A Salty Dog"

Jim Kunstler, "The Meaning of Incredible"

"The Meaning of Incredible"
by Jim Kunstler

"All week the CDC has been walking back one “guidance” after another. No more compulsory testing, no more contact tracing, no more social distancing, no more treating the unvaxxed differently than the vaxxed (though the “Joe Biden” regime still won’t allow unvaxxed travelers into the USA), no more vax mandates (except, apparently, for the U.S. military).

The CDC seems to think nobody will notice its crimes, and the crimes of its sister agencies, FDA, NIAID, NIH, (and the White House Task Force) if it strolls jauntily into the fall season whistling a happy a tune: Nevermind Covid anymore, la la la…. Did I say crimes? Yes, I did. As in gross violations of the law and the basic social contract.

They lied about their roles in the nefarious origins of SARS CoV-2. They conjured up - already had waiting, actually - dangerous genetic treatments masquerading as “vaccines” and then they faked the safety trials to rush them into use. They denied people proper, effective treatments with inexpensive drugs and killed them with ventilators and remdesivir - solely to maintain a fraudulent emergency use authorization (EUA) that shielded “vaccine” companies from lawsuits. Once the “vaccines’ were widely distributed - and forced upon many people with mandates - they confabulated and hid information about adverse reactions and deaths. They destroyed countless small businesses, livelihoods, households, and hindered children’s development with lockdowns. And they used both social and news media to censor their critics in direct violation of the first amendment. That’s all.

Oh, one more thing: they destroyed modern medicine. They will probably assist in the destruction of law, too, because the legal system will never be able to handle the volume of lawsuits against all parties involved in the Covid “vaccine” mass slaughter - including the corporations that forced their employees to get vaxxed and the pharma companies themselves, who will lose their EUA protections once their fraud is proven. And they will hasten the death of an already ailing financial system that can’t bear the wealth transfers implied in the foregoing (on top of the worst debt crisis in human history).

You think I exaggerate? We’re sailing into the flu season with millions of people whose immune systems are wrecked by multiple shots of mRNA novelty drugs. They are also susceptible to many viruses and bacteria which normally lurk in everybody’s bodily ecosystem, but would be controlled by otherwise healthy immune systems. Likewise, their hacked immune systems are no longer able to suppress cancers - many forms of which are already way up above normal statistical levels. Not to mention damage done to cardiovascular systems by spike proteins, which linger in human bodies for more than a year after “vaccine” shots, as well as neurological and brain damage.

Former Wall Street analyst Edward Dowd said yesterday (Aug 18) that a Society of Actuaries report just made public shows that a 20 percent uptick in excess deaths among working age people, which began with vaxx mandates in the fall of 2021, continued into the second quarter of 2022. Actuaries are the people who compile and analyze statistics for insurance companies.

So, all week the CDC has been walking-back one “guidance” after another. No more compulsory testing, no more contact-tracing, no more social distancing, no more treating the unvaxxed differently than the vaxxed (though the “Joe Biden” regime still won’t allow unvaxxed travelers into the USA), no more vaxx mandates (except, apparently, the US military). Oh, and they’ve conceded that their “vaccines” do not remain in the deltoid muscle, but actually leak all over the body. Note: whatever else the public health agencies are saying or doing right now, they are still promoting the mRNA vaccines, and lying about their safety and effectiveness - because if they told the truth, they would be completely discredited and surely subject to criminal prosecution. And they are still suppressing cheap and effective treatment protocols while promoting remdesivir and the useless (plus expensive) Paxlovid.

The CDC capped the week’s walk-back campaign by announcing a major overhaul of how the agency works. (The FDA and other public health entities made no such promises.) CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, fronting for other little-known federal bigwigs actually called in to clean-up after her, made the hilarious statement: “I look forward to working with the incredible people at CDC and our partners to realize the agency’s fullest potential to benefit the health and well-being of all Americans.” What a dim bulb. Does she know the definition of the word incredible? (Here it is: impossible to believe.)

Of course, the more sobering picture is that virtually all American institutions are now incredible, impossible to believe, starting from the top: “Joe Biden” as president. The executive branch of the government is being run by Barack Obama and a claque around him and is being run into the ground either on-purpose or out of astounding incompetence. Attorney General Merrick Garland flamboyantly disgraces the very idea of justice with Stalinesque political prosecutions. FBI Director Christopher Wray flouts every attempt to extract the truth about his agency’s operations, and at least half the country believes he’s turned it into a secret police operation like the Gestapo. The college presidents and deans have dishonored the idea of truth-seeking with their cowardly submission to Jacobin-Marxist maniacs and their program of anti-knowledge. And who, in America really trusts his doctor? (Not me. Mine is the “chief medical officer” of my network and he’s still pushing “vaccines.”)

We allowed this to happen. We tolerated this exorbitant abuse by runaway authorities-gone-criminal. We let them get away with their bullshit about “defending our democracy” when they are actively and visibly destroying it. Serious people must be seriously asking themselves: what will it take to stop them now?"
Related, highest recommendation:

Gregory Mannarino, "Critical Updates: No Guessing Required! How The 'Big Meltdown' Will Happen"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 8/19/22:
"Critical Updates: No Guessing Required! 
How The 'Big Meltdown' Will Happen"
Comments here:

"Death Sentence by Starvation"

"Death Sentence by Starvation"
by Chris MacIntosh

"You can’t build a peaceful world on empty stomachs and human misery"
- Norman Borlaug

"Trudeau pushes ahead on fertilizer reduction. The sales pitch by Trudeau is that by cutting nitrous oxide emissions the central planners will save the planet from assured annihilation. Like any ridiculous war, whereby the goal is so broadly defined so as to ensure a never ending and ultimately unwinnable war (see war on "terror" and the war on "hate speech" as prime examples), this one too has a fugazi aspect to it. The target now is "emissions from agricultural sources" and they intend to reduce these 30% by 2030. For agriculture, that means cutting applications of nitrogen fertilizer.

Let me be blunt. The inevitable consequence is mass starvation.

Farmers will find their businesses under intense pressure as they are forced to try to make ends meet while reducing productivity. This will see many fail. But fear not, their land will be purchased by the likes of Bill Gates, Blackrock, and the government via various "collective bodies," who will, via a complicit media, explain that this is needed "for the good of everyone," of course. The net result will be a catastrophic decline in the aggregate food supply, and people will starve. We’ll be told that "the old way wasn’t sustainable" and we’ll be offered synthetic lab grown isht that will be referred to incorrectly as food and specifically meat. It is neither and will, like high fructose corn syrup, further weaken and sicken people. A perpetual never ending cycle of dependent, mentally, and physically sick populace reliant on the technocrats for their very survival.

Nitrogen is THE most important nutrient for crops. The invention of synthetic nitrogen is what allowed humanity to grow from a population of under 2 billion to almost 8 billion within a century. No synthetic nitrogen means no food.

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is generated as part of nitrogen fertilizer. The pointy shoes and their "sanctioned" experts have categorized N2O as an extremely potent greenhouse gas alongside methane. Why N2O and methane? Well, N2O hits directly at ALL crops and methane hits directly at all animals farmed. Every one of them. The hobgoblin of climate change is being used to obtain full and total control over the entire food industry. Quite a feat.

Canada is one of the major agricultural players globally. That means it’s an export powerhouse. But this isn’t possible without nitrogen fertilizer. Canada produces 8% of the world’s tradable wheat, 10% of tradable barley, and well over 50% of tradable canola.

Cut nitrogen usage by 30%, and you’re not going to simply see a consequent 30% reduction in Canada’s food supply. It doesn’t work like that. Cut 30% nitrogen usage and you have entire farm failures. Imagine any business where, for argument’s sake, your margins are 20% (they’re less in farming) and you see a 30% fall in production or something like that. You go out of business. 100% out of business. Poof! Gone! Some obviously will survive, but the production collapse is some figure north of 30%. And all that’s likely gone from the world market.

Global food insecurity is already rising rapidly. As we pointed out before COVID we were due a bull market in agricultural prices simply due to the energy component. Now, of course, it’s much, much worse. The world is staring down the barrel of a looming humanitarian catastrophe at a scale unseen since the mid-20th century.
The decision by Canadian and Dutch elites to restrict nitrogen usage is nothing less than a death sentence to millions globally to die of starvation. This self-righteous posturing by Canadian and Dutch WEF shills is about to create untold human suffering. The only positive out of this situation is that with each subsequent lockdown and disastrous policy initiated the populace will become angrier. Like every empire before it, this one, too, is likely to succumb under the weight of its own debts."

"Prices Are Getting Crazy At Target! This Is Ridiculous! What's Next?"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 8/19/22:
"Prices Are Getting Crazy At Target! This Is Ridiculous! What's Next?"
"In today's vlog we are at Target, and are noticing massive price increases! We are here to check out skyrocketing prices, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"
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