Friday, April 1, 2022

"The Coming American Dictatorship"

"The Coming American Dictatorship," Part I
by John Wilder

“Well, Captain, the Klingons called you a tin-plated, overbearing, swaggering dictator with delusions of godhood.” – Star Trek

“Comrade Stalin, a fortune-teller came to see you!” “Execute him. If he was any good, he would have known not to come.”

"Most people like to be told what to do. They want to be led. That makes sense, given the history of humanity. We work best when we work together, and the worst group is a group of a dozen people who each think they’re the leader. Because of this, hierarchy is a built-in feature to our operating system. Get a group of lumberjacks together, and one of them will want to be named the branch manager.

The downside of this “working together” is that the vast mass of people are willing to behave like lemmings and all jump off the cliff, as long as that’s what everyone else in the group is doing. Heck, lemmings would even jump off a dock, if they felt pier pressure. For me, the last few years has been the biggest revelation in human behavior and how easily people (especially NPCs) can be reprogrammed.

The three biggest reprogramming efforts in the last few years have been Trump, COVID, and Ukraine. I’ll skip Trump for the moment, and jump into COVID. Was the ‘Rona a real disease? Certainly. The reaction to it was overblown at every level. The average age of people who died from Corona-chan was (through my rough calculations) 73 in the United States.

In two years, a total of 921 deaths below the age of 17 were recorded. By my calcs, this was less than 1% of the deaths from all causes for kids of that age. In other words, it was uncommon. For that, though, we shut down schools, shut down the economy, and tossed trillions in cash out everywhere. That led to pent-up demand – when the local Lego® store reopened, people lined up for blocks.

You’re aware of all of that, of course. This isn’t ancient history. But the number of Americans who became Corona believers overnight was in the tens of millions. The reactions of panic were amazing. It became the reason for the existence of the news media and Big Tech® to actively put a blanket of censorship on all views that didn’t agree with whatever the blessed St. Anthony Fauci, PBUH, didn’t believe that afternoon.

The ‘Rona continued to be a means of control, as well as amazing profitability for the vaxx makers. Biden even tried to up the ante with controls that would have made Brezhnev blush that were (in some cases) later defeated, which made him stop before he went full Trudeau. Never go full Trudeau.

Eventually, the vaxx requirements and silly Corona restrictions got so politically muddled and unpopular that the subject had to be changed. A desperate politician with low approval ratings decided that the best thing that could have happened to him is... Russia. Leftists have been head over heels hating Russia for quite a long time, even more than they hate having to switch cars after the Amber Alert comes over the radio. I started to write a paragraph as to why – but why doesn’t matter.

It would have been elementary statecraft for Biden to get Ukraine and Russia to have a peaceful settlement, or at least one short of war. Instead, every public statement was a variant of “let’s you and him fight.” Biden actively egged on the conflict that no one believed would actually happen. Why? This why is important.

It was to swap out the chips. COVID-19 Fear Enabler™ was replaced with 2022 Russia Hate®. Joe saw his shot to again become nearly as popular as “that dance the kids are doing, the twist” and someone decided to make the chip swap.

Now, I’m not saying that there aren’t valid reasons to be on the side of Ukraine – there are. Me? I’m not on either side – I don’t need to choose between various them. But the real loser of this war won’t only be Ukraine and Russia. In the long run, I think the biggest loser will be the economy of the United States, especially with unemployment after Ukraine has to lay off the Biden, Pelosi, and Romney families.

I see that there is a very, very significant portion of the populace that is highly susceptible to this reprogramming – again – no every Russia hater is an NPC, but many are. The technology for this reprogramming has been honed very well over time. People who couldn’t spell Ukraine and couldn’t find it on a map want to intervene with a no-fly zone and troops. One wonders if they know that “no-fly” has nothing to do with zipperless pants.

Whether planned or not, this will very likely result in the final crisis that the United States will face in its current form. The difficulty is that we are a population that is already divided. I feel that the recent sanctions against Russia are an own goal that will ultimately result in the death of the dollar as the reserve currency and wrote about that here.

Ultimately, this leads to that final crisis that we’ll face as a nation. How will we deal with an economic crisis? Certainly there is the possibility of Civil War 2.0, which is what I had previously had as my number one risk. It’s still there, but a new risk is becoming more and more probable as we head towards Biden’s Depression. What kind of crisis? That one is simple. Economic disruption in the United States of Weimar proportions, as I’ll outline below.

A move away from the US dollar as the reserve currency (which is happening right now) will create poverty. Yes, we make food in the United States. But we don’t make the microchips required to run the John Deere® harvesters. We also make most of the energy that we consume. But we don’t make the steel to produce the pipe to drill it or move it. We’ve simply lost much of the technological and experience base required to make the things we need, except for Doritos®.

As noted above, I can see other probabilities, but Biden’s driving Russia and China together to create a Eurasian bloc that has both raw materials and production capacity will upset and supplant the unipolar world we had since 1992. This creates the conditions necessary to crush a United States built on a FIRE economy.

What’s a FIRE economy? Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate. Yup, that’s the United States. Regardless of how it has been used, it is an economy that’s built around sloshing money around. No matter what the condo sells for in New York, it won’t put a single more hamburger into a McDonald’s® in Manhattan.

Russia can make and harvest the food, because they can make tractors or import them from China. Russia can make excess energy, as well as the pipe to move it. They don’t even need China for that. The United States used to be indispensable. Now?

The United States imports $90 billion a month more than it exports. $90 billion. Why do people sent us $90 billion in stuff every month more than we send out? Because we pay with dollars. These dollars exist because we just print them, or, more likely, create electronic bits that we call dollars. It was a good gig, but Biden’s sanctions against Russia have shown the Russians that they don’t need the Western financial system. They can sell oil and fertilizer and grain for rubles. Or gold. Or microchips. They don’t need the dollar.

This sort of crisis facing the United States has happened before. Most of the time, it rhymes.

A decadent people: Weakened through a fixation only on pleasure and power, because they live in abundance, are confronted with a crisis – typically ending the pleasure. What, then, do the people want? Well, of course, they want the pleasure back. They want the abundance back. What are they willing to do? Anything. As I said, people like to be led. So, when the Strong Man shows up with the Plan, they’re ready to accept it.

What does the Strong Man require to return the pleasure and abundance back? Simple, said the spider to the no-fly zone: Control. Who is ready to give control? People who can swap programming nearly immediately, to swap out COVID Fear Pack™ to Save Ukraine 2022 Upgrade© without skipping a beat. And that’s how you get a Dictator."

The Daily "Near You?"

Bulverde, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"What If..."

"What if when you die they ask, "How was Heaven?"
~ Author Unknown

A truly terrifying thought...

"Business Lunacy, and Civility is Dead"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, AM 4/1/22:
"Business Lunacy, and Civility is Dead"
"There are so many things in the economy that we keep getting more news on day after day. Whether it’s real estate, interest rates or the potential diesel fuel shortage the stories have lax and continue to get new information. We also are going to talk about the fact that civility is dead. Civility is dead in business and in our personal lives."

"Where Your Gaze Lingers..."

“Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn’t something that has nothing to do with you, this storm is you. Something inside you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn’t get in, and walk through it, step by step. There’s no sun there, no moon, no direction, no sense of time. Just fine white sand swirling up the sky like pulverized bones.

You have to look! That’s another one of the rules. Closing your eyes isn’t going to change anything. Nothing’s going to disappear just because you can’t see what's going on. In fact, things will be even worse the next time you open your eyes. That’s the kind of world we live in. Keep your eyes wide open. Only a coward closes his eyes. Closing your eyes and plugging up your ears won’t make time stand still.”
- Haruki Murakami

“Closing your eyes won’t make the awfulness go away. It may be that nothing will. But dwelling on it, dreading the evil, playing out the misery in your head – doesn’t this feed the monster? You can’t close your eyes to life, but you can choose where your gaze lingers.”
- Richelle E. Goodrich

Gregory Mannarino, "The Yield Curve Votes "NO-CONFIDENCE" On The US Economy"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 4/1/22:
"The Yield Curve Votes "NO-CONFIDENCE" On The US Economy"

Jim Kunstler, “Jettison the Animals!”

“Jettison the Animals!”
by Jim Kunstler

"Probably the only crime not documented on Hunter Biden’s laptop is murder, though given his dad’s position in government, and given the desperation building over unfriendly forces currently deciphering said laptop like a Rosetta Stone of the “Big Guy’s” corruption, and given Pop’s access to the Intel Community and its various rogue workshops, who knows who might have got whacked along the Bidens’ road to perdition.

The “president” famously loves and admires his son - “the smartest man I know,” he’s said - but every once in a while, in those infrequent lucid moments between breakfast and the morning “lid” on his imperial duties, “Joe Biden” must smack himself in his Blarney Stone of a head wondering how the hell did that meshugganah kid of mine manage to lose that goddam treasure-map of a laptop! And just as quickly, the fugitive thought floats away like a soap bubble…It’s easy to play dumb when you’re already senile.

Perhaps “Joe B” dimly senses the dark presence of the Deep State pussyfooting closer and closer to his zone of special protection. It’s said, for instance, that the CIA enjoys the use of Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post for molding public opinion to suit its agenda… and that lately the newspaper has joined the FBI-chummy New York Times in disclosing that Hunter’s laptop may, after all, not be the hobgoblin of “Russian disinformation” that fifty former Intel nabobs said it was… but rather… a thing… an unbelievably toxic hairball stuck in the Deep State’s craw - considering that however much the Deep State is disparaged, it at least is supposed to protect its government myrmidons from taint sufficient to keep them in their useful offices - and Gawd knows what else in the way of vile secrets will get upchucked behind that hairball.

Rumors have it that Merrick Garland’s DOJ is conducting an investigation of Hunter Biden’s tax quandaries. They must be wicked complex. In the case, for example, of monies exceeding a billion dollars transferred from CCP-connected companies to Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca Investment firm, was Biden-the-Younger a mere fiduciary? Or did those funds make a trip to some Baltic State laundry, where they got washed, rinsed, and delivered to the personal bank accounts of Hunter, Uncle Jim, Uncle Frank, and Dr. Jill? If memory serves, the much-maligned Rudy Giuliani probably has those laundry tickets.

The fabled Hard-drive-from Hell apparently contains evidence of felonious misdeeds other than tax evasion ranging from treason, bribery, and wire fraud, to child sex-trafficking and the use of Air Force Two in the commission of crimes. That leaves AG Mr. Garland on a hot spot of dreadful discomfiture. Does he call off the dogs on that vast bone-pile of perfidy and just “laser focus” on some rinky-dink tax charge - and then face the wrath in ten months of a sure-to-be Republican majority House and Senate capable not just of impeaching his ass, but making criminal referrals on it? Or is compelling evidence of high crimes going to be spewed all over the land by those aforesaid private-sector sleuths poring over Hunter’s hard-drive, in a way that the AG can only ignore at the risk of his own reputation… or maybe even a year in some federal slammer for obstruction of justice?

Kinda depends a little bit on what sort of commotion special counsel Mr. John Durham stirs up if-and-when he gets around to indicting any of the superstars of RussiaGate - many of them former and current DOJ and FBI personnel - because when that happens, the odor around Mr. Garland’s department will be so pungent that prosecutors will have to work the Hunter case wearing industrial-strength, full-face, carbon-filtered respirators.

In short, is the dear Deep State fixing to throw “Joe Biden” overboard in a play for its own legitimacy, as if it is actually looking after the nation’s interests? At some point, even ghouls and spooks have a certain survival instinct. And all that might kinda depend on whether President Vlad Putin of Russia happens to disclose what exactly his soldiers found when they captured the numerous “bio-research” labs that ringed Ukraine’s former eastern provinces near the Russian border. Hunter Biden’s companies had an ownership position in those labs, which were actually run by the US Department of Defense jointly with (who else?) the CIA. The wildest stories are circulating about the labs - like, they were developing horrific designer plagues targeted specifically at genetically Slavic people… to be spread by loosing infected migratory birds into the Eurasian skies… say, what…? When, exactly, did American foreign policy turn into something out of a Marvel Comic?

Anyway, in case you’ve forgotten, the Biden family melodrama is actually a sideshow to the main event in the center ring right now: the collapse of Western Civ, starring the USA as a once-promising beacon of liberty and decency, now reduced to the equivalent of a homeless fentanyl freak gibbering about gender Marxism in history’s gutter. The scaffold of the economy is collapsing, helped along by “Joe Biden’s” foolish bid to disrupt global banking arrangements, boomeranging right back in Western Civ’s chops, as the supply lines to every conceivable precious commodity from fertilizer to rare earths - with oil in the middle of all that - get recklessly severed. 

Isn’t it bad enough that we no longer make anything in our country; now we don’t even have access to the stuff we might need if we ever actually considered making stuff again? On top of that, no food for you, O nation of whimpering simps, lost in your Tik-Tok raptures of virtual orgasm. March of 2022 sure was a humdinger. And, of course, April always begins with a joke, before the serious fun starts."

"How It Really Is"


"This Is Always The Hope..."

"What happens to people living in a society where everyone in power is lying, stealing, cheating and killing, and in our hearts we all know this, but the consequences of facing all these lies are so monstrous, we keep on hoping that maybe the corporate government administration and media are on the level with us this time. Americans remind me of survivors of domestic abuse. This is always the hope that this is the very, very, very last time one's ribs get re-broken again."
- Inga Muscio

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up for 4/1/22"

"Weekly News Wrap-Up for 4/1/22"
"Everything is a Lie, Ruble Rumbles, Inflation Rising"
By Greg Hunter’s

"If you watched the mainstream media (MSM) news lately, you might be noticing how everything they told you is a huge lie. The MSM said Hunter Biden’s laptop with treasonous deals and nasty sex photos is nothing more than Russian disinformation. LIE. We were told over and over again by the MSM, that the so-called dossier on Trump with tawdry tales were true or mostly true. Total LIE. The MSM told all the CV19 vax is safe and effective. Huge LIE and the MSM was paid $1 billion to push this Deadly LIE. The MSM said, and is still saying, Ivermectin is not effective against CV19. Another Huge LIE!! We are drowning in a sea of lies, and the MSM is happy to be rowing the boat of fake news.

The so-called sanctions put on Russia by the west were supposed to cripple them and kill the Russian ruble. I told you this would backfire big time, and it has. Putin is forcing countries to use the Ruble when buying oil, natural gas, wheat and everything else it sells. There is a new competitor to the dollar, at least when buying Russian goods and resources. Will the dollar take a hit as other countries no longer need it? I say yes. After getting clobbered on sanction news, the Ruble is back to where it was when the sanctions were imposed. Now, inflation has been turbo-charged in the west, and that is a huge backfire in my book.

Speaking of inflation, have you filled up your vehicle lately? How about buying some food at the grocery store? The Biden/Obama Administration would like you to think that the massive inflation you are experiencing is all Russia’s fault. That, too, is a huge lie. We are getting this because of disastrous policies instituted by the Biden Administration. Biden and crew want to “Build Back Better” after they tear and burn your world down. It won’t be better, and the evil globalists backing Biden will be in total control if they get their way."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he talks about these
 stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 4/1/22:

Free Download: "The Vaccine Death Report"

"The Vaccine Death Report"
by David John Sorenson and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD

"Purpose: The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.

Facts: We aim to only present scientific facts and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. Over one hundred references can be found for all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation.

Complicity: The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical question: will we rise to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we permit personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class-action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: There is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice."
Freely download "The Vaccine Death Report" here:
We now know HOW... where we fail into mind-numbing incomprehension is WHY? How could anyone conceive of such a hideously horrifying "solution" on a planetary scale? What could possibly be of such enormous potential impact? With their infinite resources the powers-that-be would of course have known years ago the verified truths in this video, and devised their ultimately motivated solution. View this video, and connect the dots, and decide for yourself where truth is... A must view!

"Unthinkable Thoughts"

"Unthinkable Thoughts"
by Josh Mitteldorf

"This is not what I enjoy writing about, but as I find dark thoughts creeping into my consciousness, perhaps it is better to put them on paper with supporting logic and invite my readers to help me clarify the reasoning and, perhaps, to point a way out of the darkness.

Already in January, 2020, two ideas about COVID were emerging. One is that there were people and institutions who seemed to have anticipated the event, and were planning for it for a long time. Gates, Fauci, the World Economic Forum, and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine were among the prescient. (I credit the (now deleted) videos of Spiro Skouras.) Second was the genetic evidence suggesting that COVID had a laboratory origin. Funders of the scientific establishment have lost their bid to ridicule this idea, and it has now leaked into the mainstream, where it is fused with the classical yellow peril propaganda: “China did it!”. I have cited evidence that America is likely equally culpable.

The confluence of these two themes suggests the dark logic that I take for my topic today: Those who knew in advance, not only that there would be a pandemic but that it would be a Coronavirus, were actually responsible for engineering this pandemic.

Immediately, I think: How could people capable of such sociopathic enormities be occupying the most powerful circles of the world’s elite? And what would be their motivation? I don’t have answers to these questions, and I will leave speculation to others. But there’s one attractive answer that I find less compelling: that it’s a money-maker for the large and criminal pharmaceutical industry. The new mRNA vaccines are already the most profitable drugs in history, but I think that shutdown of world economies, assassinations of world leaders, deep corruption of science, and full-spectrum control of the mainstream narrative imply a larger power base than can plausibly be commanded by the pharma industry. Instead, I’ll try to follow the scientific and medical implications of the hypothesis that COVID is a bioweapon.

The Spike Protein: The spike protein is the part of the virus structure that interfaces with the host cell. SARS 1 and SARS 2 viruses both have spike proteins that bind to a human cell receptor called ACE-2, common in lung cells but also present in other parts of the body. Binding to the cell’s ACE-2 receptor is like the wolf knocking at the door of Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother. “Hello, grandmama. I’m your granddaughter. Please let me in.” The virus is a wolf wearing a red cape and hood, pretends to be an ACE-2 enzyme molecule seeking entrance to the cell.

In order to enter the cell, the virus must break off from the spike protein and leave it at the doorstep, so to speak. This is an important and difficult step, as it turns out. Unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a trick for making the separation. Just at the edge of the protein is a furin cleavage site. Furin is an enzyme that snips protein molecules, and it is common in our bodies, with legitimate metabolic uses. A furin cleavage site is a string of 4 particular amino acids that calls to furin, “hey - come over here. I’m a protein that needs snipping.”

The most compelling evidence for a laboratory origin of COVID is that coronaviruses don’t have furin cleavage sites, and until last year, this trick has never evolved naturally.
Click image for larger size.

How we think about natural disease: The classical understanding of a viral or bacterial disease is this: A parasite is an organism that uses the host’s resources for its own reproduction. It is evolved to reproduce efficiently. If it has co-evolved with the host, it may be evolved to spare the host’s health, or even to promote it, because this is the optimal long-term strategy for any predator or parasite. But newly-emerged parasites can do well for awhile even if they disable or kill their hosts, and this is the kind of disease that is most damaging to us. The damage is done because the (young) virus’s strategy is to reproduce rapidly and disperse itself into the environment where it can find new hosts. The virus has no interest in harming the host, and was not evolved to this end, but this is a side-effect of commandeering the body’s resources for its own reproduction.

How engineered diseases can be different: A bioweapon virus is designed to cause a certain kind of harm.

* What kind of harm? It depends on the projected use for the weapon.
* Doesn’t the virus have to reproduce? Probably, for most weapon applications; but a bioweapon is not necessarily designed for rapid reproduction. A bioweapon can be designed as a “sleeper” to remain dormant for months or years, or to cause incremental disability over a long period.

If COVID had evolved naturally, we would expect that its spike protein would be adapted to mate well with the human ACE-2 receptor. There’s no reason to suspect it being otherwise biologically active. But if COVID is engineered, it may be that the spike protein itself has been designed to make us sick.

One reason this is significant is that the vaccines have all been designed around the spike protein, assuming that the spike protein were metabolically neutral. If the virus had been naturally evolved, this is a reasonable assumption. But if it came from a laboratory (whether it leaked or was deliberately released) the spike protein might be actually be the agent of damage. There are several reasons to suspect that this is the case.

The Spike Protein as an Active Pathogen: Back in February, 2020, this article noted that the spike protein was not perfectly optimized to bind to human ACE-2 and put this forward as an proof that “SARS-CoV-2 is not a purposefully manipulated virus.” But if someone were designing the virus to cause harm, the spike protein would be a convenient locus for the damage vector, so the spike might have been designed with twin purposes in mind, binding and toxicity. The spike protein appears in many copies around the “crown” of the coronavirus. Since each copy has a furin cleavage site at its base, many spike proteins will break off into the bloodstream. We now have several reports and hypotheses concerning the spike protein as an active agent of damage. The spike protein is suspected of causing blood clots, of inducing long-lasting neurological damage, and of causing infertility. Many anecdotes describe injuries to un-vaccinated people who have been in close proximity to vaccinated, prompting speculation about “shedding” the spike protein.

“Individuals with COVID-19 experience a vast number of neurological symptoms, such as headaches, ataxia, impaired consciousness, hallucinations, stroke and cerebral hemorrhage. But autopsy studies have yet to find clear evidence of destructive viral invasion into patients’ brains, pushing researchers to consider alternative explanations of how SARS-CoV-2 causes neurological symptoms…

If not viral infection, what else could be causing injury to distant organs associated with COVID-19? The most likely culprit that has been identified is the COVID-19 spike protein released from the outer shell of the virus into circulation. Research cited below* has documented that the viral spike protein is able to initiate a cascade of events that triggers damage to distant organs in COVID-19 patients.

Worryingly, several studies have found that the spike proteins alone have the capacity to cause widespread injury throughout the body, without any evidence of virus. What makes this finding so disturbing is that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines manufactured by Moderna and Pfizer and currently being administered throughout the U.S. program our cells to manufacture this same coronavirus spike protein as a way to trigger our bodies to produce antibodies to the virus.” [Global Research article, Feb 2021] Note: the Astra-Zeneca and J&J vaccines are also based on the spike protein, and cause the spike protein to be created in the vaccinated person.

* “Research cited below” refers to this study in Nature which reports that the spike protein, injected into mice, crosses into the brain, where it causes neurological damage. Bigger news came from a study in which researchers from California’s Salk Institute collaborated with Chinese virologists. They have found that the bare spike protein without the virus (injected in mice) can cause damaged arteries of the kind that lead to heart disease and strokes in humans. The original paper was published in Circulation Research, and the Salk Institute issued a news report describing the research.

One of the most credible dangers of the spike protein involves fertility. None of the vaccines were tested in pregnant women, and yet many government and other authorities are recommending it as safe for pregnant women. VAERS has reported 174 miscarriages to date after COVID vaccination. VAERS is notoriously underreported. I find the anecdotes less concerning than the fact that no one is taking this seriously, and research is being actively discouraged in the best-respected science journals.

There is a credible mechanism, in that the spike protein is partially homologous to syncytin. Syncytin, in fact, was originally a retroviral protein, inserted into the mammalian genome many aeons ago, and evolved over the ages to play an essential role in reproduction, binding the placenta to the fetus. An immune response that attacks syncytin might be expected to be impose a danger of spontaneous abortion. In any ordinary times, this would be a subject that medical researchers would jump on, with animal tests and field surveys to assess the danger. But these are no ordinary times, and the risk is being dismissed on theoretical grounds without investigation. This is especially suspicious in the context of history: a Gates Foundation vaccination program in 1995 was allegedly promoted to young women, causing infertility. (Yes, I know there are many fact-checkers eager to “debunk” this story, but I don’t find them convincing, and some of these fact-checkers are compromised by Gates funding.)

Even doing what the spike protein is supposed to do — tying up ACE2 — can be a problem for our lungs and arteries, which are routinely protected by ACE2.

The most dangerous possibility, suspected but not verified, is that the spike protein causes a prion cascade. Prions are paradoxical pathogens, in that they are misfolded proteins that cause misfolded proteins. Their evolutionary etiology is utterly mysterious, so much so that it took Stanley Prusiner a decade after describing the biology of prions before the scientific community would take prion biochemistry seriously. But prions make potent bioweapons, which laboratories can design outside of natural evolutionary dynamics. The possibility of prion-like structures in the spike protein was noted very early in the pandemic based on a computational study. This recent review combines theoretical, laboratory, and observational evidence to make a case for caution. Once again, I find it disturbing that this possibility is being dismissed on theoretical grounds rather than investigated in the lab and the field.

Where did the idea come from that all vaccines are automatically safe? Why do so many journalists dismiss the suggestion that vaccines should be placebo-tested individually, like all other drugs? Why has it become routine to ridicule and denigrate scientists who ask questions about vaccine safety as politically-motivated luddites, or “anti-vaxxers”? How did we get to a situation where the “precautionary principle” means pressuring young people who are at almost no risk for serious COVID to accept a vaccine which has not been fully tested or approved? I don’t have answers, but I do know who benefits from this culture.

Putting together all the evidence:
• Knowledge beforehand.
• Suppression of treatments and cures.
• Toxicity of the spike protein which, if it had been made by nature, should have been benign.
• Inclusion of the toxic spike protein in the vaccines that are supposed to protect us.
• Heavy promotion of these scantily-tested vaccines and
• Censorship of scientists and doctors who question the vaccines’ safety.

Putting together all this evidence, it is difficult to escape the inference that powerful people and organizations have engineered this pandemic with deadly intent."
Related, Must Read!
"Everyone Vaccinated For Covid Will DIE, Warns French Virologist"
"There is no chance of long-term survival for anyone who received a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection, according to leading French virologist Luc Montagnier. Everyone who is getting jabbed for the Chinese Virus will die, he reportedly stated during a recent interview, which you can watch at “There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated,” Montagnier stated plainly during the segment. “We must be prepared to cremate the bodies.” After studying at length the ingredients contained in the injections and what they do, Montagnier came to the conclusion that every single person who gets the shot will eventually die from antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE. “That is all that can be said,” he added."
Full article here:
"The prestigious Salk Institute, founded by vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, has authored and published a bombshell scientific article revealing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what’s actually causing vascular damage in covid patients and covid vaccine recipients, promoting the strokes, heart attacks, migraines, blood clots and other harmful reactions that have already killed thousands of Americans (source:"

Critically, all four covid vaccine brands currently in widespread use either inject patients with the spike protein or, via mRNA technology, instruct the patient’s own body to manufacture spike proteins and release them into their own blood. This floods the patient’s body with the very spike protein that the Salk Institute has now identified as the smoking gun cause of vascular damage and related events (such as blood clots, which are killing many people who take the vaccines). "Put simply, it means the vaccines were designed to contain the very element that’s killing people."
Excerpt: “Executives are having their HR staff and their managers, superintendents, floormen, etc., go through and look at the staff that have received the vaccines, and they’re planning on having to replace them all within the next three years. What does that say to you?” The woman does not name herself, but does claim that she runs a company that works in succession planning. We are taking her word for it, but it does resonate with what French virologist and Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier recently admitted about what will happen to jabbed people within the next few years. View Brighteon video in article.

“It’s got some of these guys literally in tears as they’re going through the company and literally checking off all of these individuals who have taken the vaccine, knowing that most likely within the next three years they’re going to have to replace that person,” the woman adds. “This is a really big thing in the industry that I’m in. These massive gas and oil companies are looking to have to replace thousands of personnel.”

"Is Russia The Real Target Of Western Sanctions?"

"Is Russia The Real Target Of Western Sanctions?"
by Kit Knightly

"The first tweet I saw when I checked my timeline this morning was from foreign policy analyst Clint Ehlirch, pointing out that the Russian ruble has already started recovering from the dip created by Western sanctions, and is almost at pre-war levels: "The Russian Ruble is nearing its pre-invasion value. Sanctions were designed to collapse its value. They failed.
- Clint Ehrlich (@ClintEhrlich) March 29, 2022

Ehrlich states, “sanctions were designed to collapse the value of the Ruble, they have failed”. To which I can only respond, well “were they?” And perhaps more importantly, “have they?” Because it doesn’t really look like it, does it? If anything, the sanctions seem to be at best rather impotent, and at worst amazingly counterproductive.

It’s not like the US/EU/NATO don’t know how to cripple economies. They have had years of practice starving the people of Cuba, Iraq, Venezuela and too many others to list. Now, you could argue that Russia is a larger, more developed economy than those countries, and that’s true, but the US and its allies have previously managed to hurt the Russian economy quite drastically.

As recently as 2014, following the “annexation” of Crimea, Western sanctions were tame compared to the recent unprecedented measures, but crucially the US massively increased its own oil production, then later that year (following a visit by US Secretary of State John Kerry) Saudi Arabia did the same.

Despite objections from other members of OPEC – Venezuela and Iran chiefly – the Saudis flooded the market with oil. The result of these moves was the biggest fall in oil prices for decades – collapsing from $109 a barrel, in June 2014, to $44 by January 2015. This kicked Russia into a full recession and saw Russia’s GDP shrink for the first time under Putin’s leadership. Again, just two years ago, allegedly as part of competing with Russia for a share of the oil market, Saudi Arabia once more flooded the market with cheap oil.

So, the West does know how to hurt Russia if it really wants to – by increasing oil production, flooding the market and tanking the price. But has the US increased its oil production this time round? Have they lent on their Gulf allies to do the same? Not at all. In fact, in a point of beautiful narrative synchronicity, the US claims it’s “unable” to increase its oil production due to “staff shortages” caused by that gift that keeps on giving – Covid. Similarly, Saudi Arabia is not tanking the oil market, but deliberately increasing prices.

Yes, right now, with the Western allies locked in an alleged economic war with Russia the price of oil is soaring, and may continue to do so. This is good news for the Russian economy, to the point it may even make up for the damage done by the brutal sanctions. The high price of oil and need “not to rely on Putin’s gas” or “de-Russify” our energy supply will doubtless result in millions being poured into “green” technology.

Those Western sanctions are targeting other Russian exports too, including grains and food in general. Russia is a net exporter of food, meaning they export more food than they import. Conversely, many countries in Western Europe rely on imported food, including the UK which imports over 48% of its food supply.

If Europe refuses to buy Russian food, the net effect is that Russia has food…and the West doesn’t. And, just as with oil, increasing food prices will help rather than hinder the Russian economy.

Take wheat for example, of which Russia is the biggest exporter in the world. The vast majority of this wheat is not even sold to Western countries – but instead to China, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Nigeria and Pakistan – and so is not even subject to sanctions. Nevertheless, the sanctions, and the war, have actually driven the price of wheat up almost 30%. This is good for the Russian economy.

Meanwhile, according to CNN, the US is likely to enter a full-blown recession by 2023, France is considering food vouchers and countries all over the world are expected to begin rationing fuel.

So, the sweeping sanctions imposed against Russia by the West, allegedly in response to the invasion of Ukraine, are not having their stated aim – tanking the Russian economy – but they are driving up the price of oil, creating potential energy and food shortages in the West and exacerbating the “cost of living” crisis created by the “pandemic”.

You should always be wary of anybody – individual or institution – whose actions accidentally achieve the exact opposite of their stated aim. That’s a simple rule to live by. Remember how Orwell described the evolution of the concept of war in 1984: "War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact."

Recall that “the worst food shortages for fifty years” were predicted as a result of Covid. But they never materialized. Likewise, we were due to experience Covid-related energy disruptions and power cuts. Short of the UK’s damp squib of a “petrol crisis”, they never really arrived. But now they are heading our way after all – because of war and sanctions

Increased food prices, decreased use of fossil fuels, lowering standards of living, public money poured into “renewables”. This is all part of a very familiar agenda, isn’t it? Regardless of what you feel about Putin, Zelensky, the war in general or Ukrainian Nazis, it’s time to confront the elephant in room. We need to be asking: What exactly is the real aim of these sanctions? And how come they align so perfectly with the great reset?"

"How It Really Is"


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Gerald Celente, "China And Russia vs The US And NATO: Who Wins?"

Full screen recommended.
Strong language alert.
Gerald Celente, 3/31/22:
"China And Russia vs The US And NATO: Who Wins?"
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times."

"15 Signs That The Americans Have Begun Freaking Out About The State Of The Economy"

Full screen recommended.
"15 Signs That The Americans Have Begun Freaking 
Out About The State Of The Economy"
by Epic Economist

"In today’s economic environment, Americans seem to be in a constant state of restlessness and frustration. We have never fully recovered from the financial pain brought on by the health crisis in 2020. And even though we’re only four months in 2022, we’re already on the edge of a recession again.

The economy is slumping at a very fast speed while the price of virtually everything continues to explode. From food to gasoline, electronics to furniture, energy to housing – everything is significantly more expensive, and U.S. consumers are getting fed up with the effects of soaring inflation. Our supply chains are still a complete and total mess. Shortages are causing severe market distortions and consumer demand continues to outstrip the system’s capacity of producing more supplies.

With all that in mind, it’s understandable why every new poll, survey, and measure of consumer sentiment shows that our population is becoming incredibly pessimistic about the future of our nation. Millions of hard-working Americans that have given everything they’ve got to build a comfortable lifestyle for themselves and their families are now seeing their standard of living declining more and more with each passing month as the cost of living rises but wages remain stagnant. Workers that have done everything right their entire lives are now realizing they may never be able to purchase a home, and that they’ll probably never get the chance to retire.

Labor conditions are so bad right now nearly 4 million burned-out workers have simply quit their jobs over the past 12 months, citing low pay, no opportunities for advancement, and a growing feeling of disrespect. The U.S. population is extremely anxious about their finances this year. Many people are trying to figure out how in the world they’ll be able to pay their mortgage, afford all of their monthly bills and still put three meals on their tables for each member of their families every day.

Meanwhile, the number of good jobs continues to go down. More than half of all job openings right now offer low wages and considering that a growing percentage of the jobs that are being created these days are very low paying jobs, it’s going to be a lot harder to find a decent job that can support the basic necessities of the average family. We’ve outsourced most of our production to foreign markets, and millions of middle-class jobs vanished in that process. Now, the average household can no longer afford decent health insurance, a new car, or unexpected expenses as saving rates sink to the lowest levels in decades.

Sadly, it appears that the American people are still waiting for "hope" and "change" to show up, but all they are going to get instead are more waves of "despair" and "frustration". As our tragic economic decline continues to accelerate, people are starting to panic. Many of us can already feel that something has gone terribly, terribly wrong in our country. We have never faced such a prolonged economic downturn in modern U.S. history, and a lot of people are starting to freak out about the collapse of our economy. As Gerald Celente once said: "When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose - they lose it."

The "new normal" is going to be a lot different from what the "old normal" was. We have to start waking up to the fact that the United States is a declining power. The long-term trends that have driven us to where we are now have taken decades to develop, which basically means that there is no "quick fix" that some politician can magically bring in to reverse the damages that have been done. Now, we are starting to pay the price for decades of reckless decisions. As the consequences of those decisions become more apparent, the American people are just going to get angrier and angrier. Today, we compiled 15 signs that the Americans have begun freaking out about the state of the economy."

The UN Warns Of Social Unrest From Lack Of Food; More LIES, Deceptions, And Distractions"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 3/31/22:
The UN Warns Of Social Unrest From Lack Of Food;
More LIES, Deceptions, And Distractions"

"People Have Been Broken; Too Lazy To Work; Stock Market Struggles; End Of The Dollar"

Jeremiah Babe, PM 3/31/22:
"People Have Been Broken; Too Lazy To Work; 
Stock Market Struggles; End Of The Dollar"

Musical Interlude: Two Steps From Hell, "Downstream"

Full screen recommended.
Two Steps From Hell, "Downstream"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"What's that in the sky? An aurora. A large coronal mass ejection occurred on our Sun earlier this month, throwing a cloud of fast-moving electrons, protons, and ions toward the Earth. Part of this cloud impacted our Earth's magnetosphere and, bolstered by a sudden gap, resulted in spectacular auroras being seen at some high northern latitudes. Featured here is a particularly photogenic auroral corona captured above a forest in Sweden from a scenic perch overlooking the city of Östersund. 
To some, this shimmering green glow of recombining atmospheric oxygen might appear like a large whale, but feel free to share what it looks like to you. The unusually quiet Sun of the past few years has now passed. As our Sun now approaches a solar maximum in its 11-year solar magnetic cycle, dramatic auroras like this are sure to continue."

The Poet: David Whyte, "One Day"

"One Day"

"One day I will say
the gift I once had has been taken.
The place I have made for myself
belongs to another.
The words I have sung
are being sung by the ones
I would want.
Then I will be ready
for that voice
and the still silence in which it arrives.
And if my faith is good
then we'll meet again
on the road,
and we'll be thirsty,
and stop
and laugh
and drink together again
from the deep well of things as they are."

- David Whyte,
"Where Many Rivers Meet"

"The poem is a little myth of man's capacity of making life meaningful.
And in the end, the poem is not a thing we see -
it is, rather, a light by which we may see - and what we see is life."
- Robert Penn Warren

"The World..."

"The world is a comedy to those that think, 
a tragedy to those who feel. "
- Horace Walpole, In a Letter, 1770

"Helpless People"

"Helpless People"

“Almost all Americans have had an intense school experience which occupied their entire youth, an experience during which they were drilled thoroughly in the culture and economy of the well-schooled greater society, in which individuals have been rendered helpless to do much of anything except watch television or punch buttons on a keypad.

Before you begin to blame the childish for being that way and join the chorus of those defending the general imprisonment of adults and the schooling by force of children because there isn’t any other way to handle the mob, you want to at least consider the possibility that we’ve been trained in childishness and helplessness for a reason. And that reason is that helpless people are easy to manage.

Helpless people can be counted upon to act as their own jailers because they are so inadequate to complex reality they are afraid of new experience. They’re like animals whose spirits have been broken. Helpless people take orders well, they don’t have minds of their own, they are predictable, they won’t surprise corporations or governments with resistance to the newest product craze, the newest genetic patent - or by armed revolution. Helpless people can be counted on to despise independent citizens and hence they act as a fifth column in opposition to social change in the direction of personal sovereignty.”
- John Taylor Gatto,
Sadly, this website is gone...

And so it is…
Big Brother & The Holding Company, "Heartache People"

"It's Not Just A Stock Market Crash - Jim Rickards"

Full screen recommended.
The Atlantis Report, 
"It's Not Just A Stock Market Crash - Jim Rickards"

The Daily "Near You?"

Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Thanks for stopping by!

"Streets of Philadelphia, What’s Going On Today, March 31, 2022"

Full screen recommended.
kimgary, "Streets of Philadelphia, 
What’s Going On Today, March 31, 2022"

"Violent crime and drug abuse in Philadelphia as a whole is a major problem. The city’s violent crime rate is higher than the national average and other similarly sized metropolitan areas. Also alarming is Philadelphia’s drug overdose rate. The number of drug overdose deaths in the city increased by 50% from 2013 to 2015, with more than twice as many deaths from drug overdoses as deaths from homicides in 2015. A big part of Philadelphia’s problems stem from the crime rate and drug abuse in Kensington.

Because of the high number of drugs in Kensington, the neighborhood has a drug crime rate of 3.57, the third-highest rate by neighborhood in Philadelphia. Like a lot of the country, a big part of this issue is a result of the opioid epidemic. Opioid abuse has skyrocketed over the last two decades in the United States and Philadelphia is no exception. Along with having a high rate of drug overdose deaths, 80% percent of Philadelphia’s overdose deaths involved opioids, and Kensington is a big contributor to this number. This Philly neighborhood is purportedly the largest open-air narcotics market for heroin on the East Coast with many neighboring residents flocking to the area for heroin and other opioids. With such a high number of drugs in Kensington, many state and local officials have zoned in on this area to try and tackle Philadelphia’s problem."
Full screen recommended.
Bruce Springsteen, "Streets of Philadelphia"

"Never, Ever Forget..."

"Never, ever forget that nothing in this life is free. Life demands payment in some form for your "right" to express yourself, to condemn and abuse the evil surrounding us. Expect to pay... it will come for you, they will come for you, regardless. Knowing that, give them Hell itself every chance you can. Expect no mercy, and give none. That's how life works. Be ready to pay for what you do, or be a coward, pretend you don't see, don't know, and cry bitter tears over how terrible things are, over how you let them become."
- Ernest Hemingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls "

"Massive Price Increases At Kroger! What Now? What's Next?"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, AM 3/31/22:
"Massive Price Increases At Kroger! What Now? What's Next?"
"In today's vlog we are at Kroger and are noticing massive price increases! We are here to check out skyrocketing prices, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"

"The Housing Market is a Dead Man Walking"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly AM3'31/22:
"The Housing Market is a Dead Man Walking"
"I compiled a bunch of stats on real estate. It’s absolutely fascinating to see how people are in such a panic that they are going to miss out on the greatest real estate market ever and they just don’t realize it’s over. People need to take a deep breath and sit back. "

"How It Really Is"

"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you 
down to their level and beat you with experience."
 - Mark Twain

“One can fight evil but against stupidity one is helpless.”
- Henry Miller

"Everyone Knows...

"Everyone knows that plagues have a way of recurring throughout history, yet somehow we find it hard to believe in the ones that crash down on us out of the sky. There have always been plagues and wars, yet they always take us by surprise. When war breaks out people say it's stupid and won't last long. Stupidity has a knack of getting in the way, which we would see if not wrapped up in ourselves. In this our townsfolk were like everybody else, they did not believe in plagues."
- Albert Camus, "The Plague"
Freely download "The Plague", by Albert Camus, here: