Thursday, January 27, 2022

"Complexity Theory: the Avalanche and the Snowflake"

"Complexity Theory: the Avalanche and the Snowflake"
by James Rickards

"One of my favorites is what I call ‘the avalanche and the snowflake’. It’s a metaphor for the way the science actually works, but I should be clear: it’s not just a metaphor. The science, the mathematics and the dynamics are actually the same as those that exist in financial markets.

Imagine you’re on a mountainside. You can see a snowpack building up on the ridgeline while it continues snowing. You can tell just by looking at the scene that there’s danger of an avalanche. It’s windswept… it’s unstable… and if you’re an expert, you know it’s going to collapse and kill skiers and wipe out the village below. You see a snowflake fall from the sky onto the snowpack. It disturbs a few other snowflakes that lie there. Then, the snow starts to spread… then it starts to slide… then it gains momentum until, finally, it comes loose and the whole mountain comes down and buries the village.

Question: What do you blame? Do you blame the snowflake, or do you blame the unstable pack of snow? I say the snowflake’s irrelevant. If it wasn’t the one snowflake that caused the avalanche, it could have been the one before, or the one after, or the one tomorrow. The instability of the system as a whole was the problem. So when I think about the risks in the financial system, I don’t focus on the ‘snowflake’ that will cause problems. The trigger doesn’t matter.

A snowflake that falls harmlessly – the vast majority of all snowflakes - technically fails to start a chain reaction. Once a chain reaction begins, it expands exponentially, can ‘go critical’ (as in an atomic bomb) and release enough energy to destroy a city. However, most neutrons do not start nuclear chain reactions, just as most snowflakes do not start avalanches.

In the end, it’s not about the snowflakes or neutrons. It’s about the initial critical state conditions that allow the possibiity of a chain reaction or an avalanche. These can be hypothesized and observed at large scale, but the exact moment the chain reaction begins cannot be observed. That’s because it happens on a minute scale relative to the system. This is why some people refer to these snowflakes as ‘black swans’, because they are unexpected and come by surprise. But they’re actually not a surprise if you understand the system’s dynamics and can estimate the system scale.

It’s a metaphor, but really the mathematics behind it are the same. Financial markets today are huge, unstable mountains of snow waiting to collapse. You see it in the gross notional value of derivatives. There is $700 trillion worth of swaps. ($2.5 Quadrillion by other reputable estimates. - CP) These are derivatives off balance sheet, hidden liabilities in the banking system of the world. These numbers are not made up. Just go to the IS annual report and it’s right there in the footnote.

Well, how do you put $700 trillion into perspective? It’s ten times global GDP. Take all the goods and services in the entire world for an entire year. That’s about $70 trillion when you add it all up. Well, take ten times that, and that’s how big the snow pile is. And that’s the avalanche that’s waiting to come down."

"Feeling Overwhelmed: Breathing into Order"

"Feeling Overwhelmed: Breathing into Order"
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM

"Always know, the Universe works in perfect order and you are never given more thank you can handle. Sometimes we may feel like there is just too much we need to do. Feeling overwhelmed may make it seem like the universe is picking on us, but the opposite is true: we are only given what we can handle. Difficult situations are opportunities to be our best selves, hone our skills and rise to the occasion.

The best place to start is to take a deep breath. As you do, remind yourself that the universe works in perfect order and therefore you can get everything done that needs to get done. As you exhale, release all the details that you have no control over. The universe with it‘s infinite organizing power will orchestrate the right outcome. Anytime stress begins to creep up, remember to breathe through it with these thoughts. Then, make a list of everything you need to do. Note what needs to be done first, and mark the things others may be able to do for you or with you. Though we often think no one else can do it correctly or well, there are times when it is worth it to exhale, let go of our control, and ask for help from professionals or friends. With the remaining things that feel you must do yourself, take another breath and determine their true importance.

Sometimes they are things we’d like to do, but aren’t really necessary. After taking these quick steps, you will find you have a plan laid out, freeing you from frenzied thoughts circling in your head. With calming deep breaths, you are now free to focus more fully on our priorities. Herbal teas or flower remedies along with wise choices about caffeine and food can help keep us from becoming frantic too. But with nothing further from us than our breath, we can breathe in our best intentions and let the rest go with an exhale. Keeping ourselves centered and breathing into and through life’s challenges helps us learn what we are truly capable of doing, and we will find we have the ability to rise to any occasion. Remember you aren’t being picked on, and you are never alone."

The Poet: Theodore Roethke, “The Return”

“The Return”

“Suddenly the window will open
and Mother will call,
it's time to come in.
The wall will part,
I will enter heaven in muddy shoes.
I will come to the table
and answer questions rudely.
I am all right, leave me
alone. Head in hand I
sit and sit. How can I tell them
about that long
and tangled way?
Here in heaven mothers
knit green scarves;
flies buzz.
Father dozes by the stove
after six days' labor.
No - surely I can't tell them
that people are at each
other's throats.”

- Theodore Roethke

"If I Try.."

- Steve Jobs

"Try? What is try? Do or do not do."
- Yoda

"Major Shortage Alert In 2022: Empty Shelves In Grocery Stores Set To Grow Substantially"

Full screen recommended.
"Major Shortage Alert In 2022: Empty Shelves
 In Grocery Stores Set To Grow Substantially"
by The Atlantis Report

"The number of empty shelves in grocery stores is about to grow substantially. Injection mandates, staff shortages, supply chain issues. Supply shortages, sick staff and shipment delays during the pandemic have stores struggling to keep inventory on shelves. Shortages here, shortages there, shortages everywhere.

The number of empty shelves in grocery stores is about to grow substantially. That happens when you outsource everything for higher profit, and then transport fails, due to sick workers or high oil prices. We know exactly what destroyed the supply chains.

Forced closures, lockdowns, and failing fiat currency. It's the Venezuela playbook 2.0... Hyperinflation is already happening... Theft is the only thing on the menu. It's how the bankers get out paying for those IOU Notes and Fake Assets. When currency becomes worthless, the profit motive diminishes along with it.

I think that there's an element of sabotage going on as well. These congestions in ports, for instance, would never have happened if the government wasn't intentionally throwing wrenches into the works. It’s a smoke screen acting like its port congestion. I honestly think most containers arriving are empty because let's face it, there are shortages of EVERYTHING.  What better way to blame it on something else. 

The breakdown of social order is not far-fetched.  It's already here. It was 13 years of socialism and Weimar Republic money printing that caused shortages. The worst part of this propaganda about supply chains is that US leadership isn't giving up on socialism and Weimar Republic money printing. They will make excuses rather than change course.

During that time the German government printed money to pay the striking workers not to work. That is what set it off. As long as all of the German marks were getting printed and going abroad there was no cost push inflation inside Germany. Once they started to pay people with printed money not to work, that is when inflation really took off.

Just like they are doing today in paying people not to work. And of course cost inflation is really taking off now. Things are really going to start to break down as we head into the hyper-inflationary curve.

Hyperinflation is coming to America: These sudden supply chain interruptions and issues are artificially created, like the container ship stuck in the Suez Canal. But it will get worse due to our increasing inflation of our fiat currencies. I’m guessing The Power That Be are just front running the issue, that the sheeple will not connect it with the coming hyperinflation. Remember it’s all by design. All part of the plan.

It does remind me of the UK after WWII, it carried on with rationing for 5 years after the end of the war. By then nobody could really remember what pre-war life was like, covered up the lost purchasing power after the loss of GRC status nicely. We are due for another reset. CBDC's will fail because it represents absolute control over what you will be allowed to buy. The Bank for International Settlements plans to rule the US from Europe (they believe they already do). They will fail because people will immediately look for a substitute. Silver is that substitute. Gold is the ONLY currency in wartime for more obvious reasons than hyperinflation.

Gregory Mannarino, "Markets: Caution Remains In Effect"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 1/27/22:
"Markets: Caution Remains In Effect"

The Daily "Near You?"

Casper, Wyoming, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"It Was Pointless..."

"And it was pointless to think how those years could have been put to better use, for he could hardly have put them to worse. There was no recovering them now. You could grieve endlessly for the loss of time and for the damage done therein. For the dead, and for your own lost self. But what the wisdom of the ages says is that we do well not to grieve on and on. And those old ones knew a thing or two and had some truth to tell for you can grieve your heart out and in the end you are still where you were. All your grief hasn't changed a thing. What you have lost will not be returned to you. It will always be lost. You're left with only your scars to mark the void. All you can choose to do is to go on or not. But if you go on, it's knowing you carry your scars with you."
- Charles Frazier
 "Never be ashamed of a scar. 
It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you." 
- Unknown

"Cool Fads and Killer Cads"

"Cool Fads and Killer Cads"
by Bill Bonner 

Youghal, Ireland - "Human life is always a struggle. Between good and evil… comedy and tragedy … civilization and barbarism. To and fro… back and forth… between honest, consensual commerce and brute force politics… between those who make it… and those who take it away from them. And between ‘cool’… and the profit motive.

That last item may shock readers. It shocked us. But when you connect the dots; that is what you see: chasing profits improves the world; chasing cool does not.

We begin by declaring that we are not as “fringy” as we may seem. Our major insight is that the post-1971 “fake” dollar (not backed by gold) allowed the feds much more freedom to fudge, fiddle, and fabricate phony wealth than ever before. No one with the power to print money can resist the temptation for long. The Fed’s habitual reticence gave way when Alan Greenspan decided to go for the cool. He wanted his mug on TIME magazine cover; he got what he wanted. Very cool.

Thereafter, the whole economy went wild on EZ credit. At the peak of the US empire’s glory – in about 1999 – the US had about $28 trillion in household, business, and government debt. Now, the feds alone owe $29 trillion. Altogether, the debt pile has grown to over $86 trillion.
(Source: US Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve)

Delirium Tremens: And now, almost every mother’s son in the nation is hooked on it. Mortgages, credit cards, student debt, business debt… and the ‘national’ debt – all depend on artificially low interest rates… which depend on the Fed’s bond buying… which depends on printing more money.

Yes, it’s “inflate or die.” Either the Fed continues to hold down interest rates and print more money… inevitably causing higher rates of inflation… or, it goes cold turkey and the whole economy gets the shakes. And we are not the only ones who think so. The Financial Times: "The more [Greenspan] did to keep markets propped up, the better it was for the business elite, and the less politicians had to do, creating a dysfunctional dance in which the fortunes of asset owners versus everyone else moved further and further apart.

In 2008/2009, one Fed government, former head of the Kansas City Fed branch, Thomas Hoenig tried to stop the music. According to the FT, he “broke out of the traditional Fed consensus and risked public fury (not to mention massive criticism from his peers) to sound the alarm about how a radical experiment in monetary policy, which involved pumping unprecedented amounts of money into the US economy, would increase inequality and encourage ever more risky behavior on Wall Street.”

Mr. Hoenig was un-cool. Almost invisible in 2009, by 2011, he disappeared from the Fed completely. Now, says Hoenig, “we’ve built an entire economic system around a zero rate. “ The Fed went ahead with its ‘experiment.’ It kept its key lending rate below zero (adjusted for inflation) throughout almost the whole of the last decade. Everybody borrowed. And the federal government, the biggest borrower, is now adding to its debt at a record rate.

CNSNews: "When President Joe Biden was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2021, the federal government's debt stood at $27,751,896,236,414.77. When his first year in office ended on Jan. 20, 2022, it stood at $29,867,021,509,573.92. That means that during Biden's first 12 months in office, the federal debt grew by more than $2 trillion — or $2,115,125,273,159.15 to be exact."

How do you put that in perspective? The United States of America had existed for 210 years - and 40 presidents had served as this nation's chief executive - before the debt first topped $2 trillion in 1986. From rich to poor… business to households… the dance has become more and more dysfunctional. More chaotic. More unequal. More like a mosh pit slam than the foxtrot; someone is going to get hurt! This week, we saw that the lion’s share of the new money has gone to the wealthiest people in the country… and that some of them would gladly trade a little of it for more cool.

Killer Cads: Larry Fink is urging corporate CEOs to forsake profits… and pursue zero emissions instead. Mr. Fink seems to think that this will either make the world a better place… improve his status in it… or both. Abigail Disney is calling for the feds to tax away more of the gains. In Mr. Fink’s case, we have no idea whether companies aiming for zero emissions are doing the world a favor or not. Fighting climate change is cool today. As for tomorrow, we don’t know. In Ms. Disney’s case, there is almost no chance that taking money away from rich people and giving it to the government will be a winner. Ms. Disney may gain a few cool points, but any sentient biped – even by accident – can probably invest her money better than the government. At least… if he’s guided by the profit motive.

And here we permit ourselves a little guesswork. For deep down in the heart of man is a very primitive animal. He’s a hunter. A killer. A cad. And he aims for cool… that is, for whatever he wants, when he wants it. “Civilization” restrains him. It dresses him in clothes. It gives him manners. It holds up ‘commandments’ – like stop signs – telling him not to kill, or steal or covet his neighbor’s wife. It also tells him to forget ‘cool’ public policies… and instead follow the path of honest profits.

Would it be cool to rob a bank? Maybe… but he’ll probably make more money if he starts one. Would it be cool to shackle his employees to their desks? Maybe; but, in the modern world, wage slavery is more efficient and less costly that chattel slavery. Would it be cool to watch people starve… to let children run around naked… and see them freeze in the winter? Maybe. But the way to make a buck is to knit sweaters, build houses and plant potatoes! The pursuit of honest profits helped civilize the world. Aiming for cool, on the other hand, is always a step backwards."

"The Wild Ride Continues for this Seesaw Market"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, AM 1/27/22:
"The Wild Ride Continues for this Seesaw Market"
"The Madness continues. What a wild ride we are living through. There is a selloff due to the Fed's inaction. The economic chaos and volatility is a result of inflation, supply chain nightmare and the employment problems."

Gregory Mannarino, "Critical Updates: Stock Market, Economy, Crude, Dollar, Gold, Silver, Fed."

Gregory Mannarino, AM 1/27/22:
"Critical Updates: Stock Market, Economy, 
Crude, Dollar, Gold, Silver, Fed."

"Here's Our Historical Analogy Menu: Rome, the USSR or Revolutionary France"

"Here's Our Historical Analogy Menu:
Rome, the USSR or Revolutionary France"
by Charles Hugh Smith

"There's a definite end of days feeling the world. It's as if everyone knows there is no returning to the good old days of a well-oiled Imperial machine chewing through any and all obstacles, and this realization is so frightening that the need to pretend everything is fine, just fine, overwhelms the last remaining ties to reality.

Let's play the historical analogy game: which collapse will America track most closely? Rome circa 475 AD, the USSR circa 1989, or Revolutionary France circa 1789? I'm tempted to include China's Song Dynasty circa 1276 AD, but the analog of the Mongol invasion isn't a likely fit. The Khmer Empire circa 1350-1430 AD and the Mayan Civilization in the 9th century might be excellent analogies but not enough is known about these complex declines to make an analogy more than guesswork.

Rome, the USSR and Revolutionary France are all compelling analogies due to the hubristic cluelessness of their fractured elites as the pretensions of stability collapsed around them. Even though Nero didn't actually fiddle while Rome burned and Marie Antoinette didn't gush "Let them eat brioche" when notified that the peasants had no bread (or more accurately, could no longer afford it), these myths are handy encapsulations of the disconnect from reality that infested the elites in the last years before the deluge of non-linear chaos overwhelmed the regimes.

While historians gather evidence of tipping points such as pandemics, ecological damage, invasions, droughts, inflation, etc., the core dynamic is ultimately the loss of social cohesion within the ruling elites and in the social order at large. As a generality, the permanence of the status quo is taken for granted by elites, who then feel free to squabble amongst themselves over the spoils of wealth and power. Distracted by their own infighting, the elites are blind to the erosion of the foundations of their power. As coherence in the elites unravels, the ties uniting the elites with the masses unravel as well. One camp within the elites recognizes the danger and seeks reforms, but the reforms are too little, too late, and in any event, the elites who cling most ardently to the past stability fight the reform movement to a standstill.

As social cohesion unravels, systems that once seemed immutable (i.e. linear) suddenly display non-linear dynamics in which modest changes that would have made little difference in the past now unleash regime-shattering disorder.

So take your pick, America: what's the closest analogy? A sclerotic Politburo of elders living in the past, an elite fiddling while the nation disintegrates, or an elite so out of touch with reality that it claims inflation is zero while the populace can no longer afford bread? They all lead to the same destination:

"How It Really Is"


Gregory Mannarino, "Special Evening Report: The Selloff Continues... Stock Futures Are Cratering"

Gregory Mannarino, Late PM 1/26/22:
"Special Evening Report: The Selloff Continues... 
Stock Futures Are Cratering"

"Why Finding a Bolthole is More Important Than Ever"

"Why Finding a Bolthole is More Important Than Ever"
by International Man

"International Man: Today, political risks around the world are growing rapidly. Aside from acquiring a second passport or residency and diversifying yourself financially, what are the benefits of physically diversifying yourself and where you live?

Doug Casey: Political risks are indeed growing very, very rapidly. The COVID hysteria is international and has greatly amplified political risk everywhere. By far, the most important reason to diversify remains getting a second passport, or at least legal permanent residency. It’s perverse, but only by becoming the de facto property of another government can you insulate yourself to some degree from the depredations of your home government. It’s a sad testimony to the state of liberty on planet Earth.

There are, however, plenty of advantages besides the political and financial ones to diversifying physically and geographically. The weather and the local culture can only be improved by moving physically to another place. Personally, I prefer mild warm weather to nasty cold weather. Culturally, I wouldn’t want to live in a place like North Korea or Saudi Arabia. Or a war zone. Or a police state.

It’s better to locate where not only the weather suits your clothes but the way people think and act also suits you. Foreigners are more likely to allow an expat his eccentricities than his own countrymen. It can be psychologically as well as politically and financially liberating to expatriate. Most people have the mentality of medieval peasants, who felt that if they wandered over the next hill, there might be dragons. The only way you can overcome that psychological attitude is by proving to yourself there really aren’t dragons over the hill.

International Man: For years, you’ve recommended that our readers find a second crib outside of their home country as a form of diversification. In light of the current global hysteria, what other things should people consider?

Doug Casey: Governments are unpredictable, much in the way a demented individual is. You can’t be sure exactly what they’re going to do, simply because national leaders are almost necessarily psychopaths. As a consequence, the situation is constantly changing.

For instance, when I lived in Hong Kong in the 1980s, the place was great; it was a really free, wide-open international city. It was exotic but low cost - before property prices moved up 10-fold. Since the Chinese government forced the British out, however, it’s become much more constrained. Most recently, with political violence and the COVID bugbear, Hong Kong has become a much less desirable place to live. It’s gone from being one of the freest places in the world to one of the more locked-down places in the world. And that can happen absolutely anywhere. A word to the wise.

The colors of the map on the wall are always running; nothing stays the same in terms of international politics. If you don’t want to be roadkill, it’s important to be proactive, as opposed to reactive. Plan ahead rather than trying to play catch up.

It’s possible to read the writing on the wall to some extent, though. I expect quite a few unpleasant things to develop in any number of countries. Unpleasant, at least, if you care about your personal freedom and financial opportunity.

International Man: What do you say to people who say that the US and Europe are still the best places to live?

Doug Casey: In many ways, they are. But look it at this way. In the ancient world, if you were a free man, probably the best place to live was the Roman Empire. That was true for centuries, until the 220s. It offered the highest standard of living, the most opportunity for self-realization, and the least danger of being robbed and murdered on the highway. It was an advanced, orderly society. The barbarians outside the border mostly had to grub for roots and berries while living lives that were solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. But things started going seriously badly in Rome during the 3rd century.

By the time Constantine took over early in the 4th century, Rome was turning feudal, and he started its transformation into a theocracy. Romans were no longer free citizens; they were subjects. Many were already trying to exit the empire to avoid its onerous taxes.

Still, it was a relatively good place to live. They still had the Roman baths and books. Commodities were still traded around the empire. Things basically still worked. In 378 AD, however, the barbarians won the battle of Adrianople; within two generations, the Roman world had transformed totally, absolutely, and irrevocably. It headed rapidly into the Dark Ages, where it stayed for five centuries.

Why do I bring up this bit of ancient history? It’s pretty much the way both the US and Europe are heading. They’ve gone from being free and open societies with high standards of living to following the path of Rome after Adrianople.

Tens of millions of migrants are going to overwhelm North America and Europe, and they’re going to permanently change things. Some immigrants add some spice to the stew, as it were; everybody enjoys some new ethnic cuisines. But past immigration was fairly orderly and almost all from Europe. However, if you transplant 20 million Nigerians to Canada, it’s going to look like and act like Nigeria, not what used to be Canada. That’s what’s happening on many fronts around the world today.

Is that "good" or "bad"? As a fan of Western Civilization, which is responsible for almost all the progress the world has ever made - and, yes, I understand it’s shockingly un-PC to even think that - I’d say it’s bad. But who knows what humans will say 500 years from now when -hopefully - all the action is elsewhere in the solar system, or even elsewhere in the galaxy?

International Man: The truth is, there is no "perfect place." And at various levels, the governments of every country are engaging in destructive behaviors. Does it come down to personal preference and finding a decent place where you can ride out a crisis?

Doug Casey: Personal preferences matter. There are four things that are important to me personally, namely, to maintain my health, maintain my wealth, maintain my personal freedom, and associate largely with people I like.

Based on that, where can you best maintain those values? It’s becoming problematical, in part because the US and China are heading toward something like World War III. This war will be fought with very different weapons and will be much more destructive than what we saw in World War II. That, however, is an entirely different discussion. For the moment, let’s just say I don’t want to be caught up in it.

One thing for sure is that this COVID hysteria is a godsend for the people that like to control other people. The public is as easily terrified as a herd of sheep. Like herd animals, they stupidly self-control by all conforming to the herd. COVID has transformed the US and Western Europe from lands of whipped dogs to lands of snitching rats. Excuse my mixing several metaphors…

Anyway, this hysteria has been so effective that I’m sure we’re going to have a COVID 2.0 and a COVID 3.0. It’s a great setup for what the horrible people at the World Economic Forum have been talking about very overtly - The Great Reset. They recently said that in 10 years, "you’ll own nothing, and you’ll like it." I’d dismiss them as annoying busybodies - except that they’re rich, powerful, and control the world’s governments. Worse, the hoi polloi seem to respect them. So the situation appears fairly hopeless.

Where can you run and hide at this point? Almost nowhere because the whole world is moving in the wrong direction. The old pieces of the puzzle are going to be completely upset, and I don’t know how the new pieces are going to realign. I’m convinced that this decade is going to be one of the scariest in world history, at least on the order of 1929-1945, maybe, the Thirty Years’ War in the 17th century, or, maybe, the collapse of Rome itself. Definitely exciting, but not in a good way. How’s that for a bearish prediction? It’s time to lay out options for yourself now, so you’re not reacting."

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

"Stock Market Stunned Today; Entire System Is Collapsing; Federal Reserve Plays With Fire"

Jeremiah Babe, PM 1/26/22:
"Stock Market Stunned Today; Entire System Is Collapsing; 
Federal Reserve Plays With Fire"

"We’ve Seen This Movie Before"

"We’ve Seen This Movie Before"
by Jim Rickards

"As I expected, the Fed didn’t raise rates today at its January FOMC meeting. If you were thinking the Fed would have to begin raising rates to counteract inflation, you’re probably going to have to wait until March, when the Fed’s Open Market Committee meets again. The Fed says it "will soon be appropriate" to raise rates. It also says it will end asset purchases in March, so all signs point to a March rate hike.

How did the stock market take today’s messaging from the Fed? Stocks traded in a fairly narrow band for much of the day, and then pretty much went south after the Fed’s 2:00 p.m. release. The Dow lost another 129 points today, the S&P lost another six. The Nasdaq managed to pull off a minimal two-point gain.

The All-Important 10-Year Treasury: Yields on the all-important 10-year Treasury note spiked to 1.848% today, a 3.65% increase. That’s an earthquake in bond land. Ten-year yields opened the year under 1.6%, and the increase has spooked the stock market. The 10-year note yield is a good proxy for long-term investment in mortgages, construction and infrastructure projects and therefore reflects expectations about the real economy.

Until recently, the interim high yield on the 10-year note had been 1.745% on March 31, 2021. Rates fell through the summer of 2021 and then began rising again, but the rate spikes fell short of that 1.745% level and then fell back. That pattern prevailed until Jan. 14, 2022, when rates broke through and hit 1.794%. That was the highest level since Jan. 13, 2020, almost exactly two years ago, and before the pandemic became widespread in the U.S. At that time, rates had declined from their pre-pandemic interim high of 2.761% on Jan. 23, 2019, almost exactly three years ago. Again, today’s yield is 1.848%.

What Are Bonds Saying About Inflation? But if rates are not fundamentally higher than they were two years ago and are significantly lower than they were three years ago, what does that say? If a wave of inflation is about to smash into us, why aren’t rates at 3.0% or higher? A yield of 1.848% is pretty puny if the inflation narrative is correct.

People throw the word “stimulus” around, even those who should know better, and say, “The Fed’s cut rates to zero. That’s stimulus. The Fed’s printing money. That’s stimulus.” They then say, “If you’re going to print that much money, you’re going to get inflation.”

The Reality: But none of that is true. It’s far too simplistic. Reality is much more complicated than the simple money printing equals inflation narrative. Yes, the money printing is true. But it’s not inflationary unless the money gets put to use in the economy. If the money gets put to use in the form of widespread lending and spending, that’s a setup where you have to think hard about inflation. But that’s not what we’re seeing.

What happens then to the money the Fed creates? The big banks have accounts at the Fed. They take the money and they leave it at the Fed in the form of excess reserves, meaning basically more reserves than the law requires them to have. So the money doesn’t go anywhere. It’s not being invested. It’s not being loaned out. It’s not being borrowed. It’s not being spent. So it doesn’t matter how much there is if the money doesn’t go anywhere, and that’s exactly the situation we’re facing.

It’s the Velocity, Stupid: I often refer to the velocity of money. Quite simply, velocity is the turnover of money, the rate at which money changes hands. The Fed can create money just by buying bonds with money it creates out of thin air. But velocity is a psychological phenomenon.

It all depends how consumers feel. If they feel prosperous, if they feel that their job is secure, if they feel that their businesses are doing well, they might be more willing to borrow money to expand the business or spend money on personal consumption. But we’re not seeing that. We’re seeing velocity drop. Some people are getting money, whether it’s in the form of government handouts or slightly higher wages, but they’re saving it. They’re not spending it. That doesn’t add up to rampant inflation.

I realize I may be in the minority, but the bond market is telling us that inflation will be much tamer than expected (I expect inflation to return with a vengeance eventually, but not yet). In other words, the U.S. may be seeing peak inflation and peak interest rates for this cycle.

The One Thing the Fed Excels At: I expect the U.S. economy will slow from here (for many reasons including the pandemic, supply chain disruptions and excess debt), rates will level off and then decline and the dollar will weaken. Of course, the Fed is preparing to tighten monetary policy at a time when the economy shows weakening. It’s tightening into weakness. But that’s no surprise. Looking at the entire history of the Fed since 1913, it’s proven that it’s really good at wrecking the economy by doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. And it’s in the process of doing that again.

I feel like we’re watching the same movie that we’ve already seen. We’re seeing this movie again because the Fed did this before. From 2008–2013, the Fed did what they did the last couple of years.

“Normalizing”: They bought bonds, created money supply, blew up the balance sheet and cut rates to zero. The zero interest rate policy, the money printing, they did that from 2008–2013. They took the Fed’s balance sheet from about $800 billion to about $4 trillion (today it’s dramatically higher because of its response to the pandemic).

Then they tried to “normalize.” They began raising rates aggressively. They got the fed funds rate up to 2.25%, with nine 25-basis-point increases between December 2015 and December 2018. They trimmed the balance sheet down. Not greatly, but they brought it down from about $4.5 trillion to about $3.7 trillion. That’s not an insignificant reduction.

Markets Have Seen This Movie Before: In other words, the Fed was trying to raise rates and reduce the balance sheet, and they were succeeding. But it all culminated on Dec. 24, 2018, in what I call the Christmas Eve Massacre. The Fed sank the stock market. It fell 20% in 2½ months. And that was after a long bull market from 2009–2018, when stocks tripled over that time period.

The lesson is that when the Fed tries to normalize, they can’t do it. They’re caught in a trap of their own creation, with no way out, or at least no easy way out without causing a lot of pain. They’re about to make things worse with tightening into weakness, with tapering and with rate increases. The market already sees this coming because they’ve seen the movie before. They know how it ends. And it ends poorly."

Celente & The Judge: "US Presidents = Murder Inc."

Celente & The Judge: "US Presidents = Murder Inc."
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times."

"Get Out Now! Disastrous Stock Market Crash Isn’t Over"

Full screen recommended.
"Get Out Now! Disastrous Stock Market Crash Isn’t Over"
by Epic Economist

"The catastrophic stock market crash isn’t over. In fact, it has just started, and things are about to get much more chaotic from here. After a week-long selloff that has pushed major indexes down to the edge of bear-market territory, Wall Street banks are warning clients that the worst is yet to come, with some experts alerting that the market is about to plunge as much as 70% more as corporate earnings continue to disappoint and the Federal Reserve begins raising interest rates.

The S&P 500 is being dragged down by a seventh straight day of acute losses in the tech sector, falling almost 5% in one single day, and pushing the index down more than 10% for the year. But market veterans are saying that the real meltdown isn’t here just yet, because “a disappointing start to fourth-quarter earnings season is likely to spell a lot more trouble for stocks in the coming weeks,” as noted Goldman Sachs’ David Kostin in a note released on Monday. On the same tone, Morgan Stanley’s Michael Wilson shared a similar warning, telling clients to “hunker down for a few more months, as slowed earnings growth joins monetary policy uncertainty as primary market concerns”.

“It’s too early to be bullish,” Wilson stressed, cautioning that the S&P is about to plummet another 10% in the weeks ahead, and pointing out that only the “most speculative parts” of the market are experiencing the worst of the carnage, with big names such as Peloton crashing up to 75% in recent days. However, the broader market still has a long way down. “Winter is here, and the damage under the surface has been enormous and even catastrophic for many individual stocks,” Wilson continued. “The Fed is serious about fighting inflation, and it’s unlikely that it will be turning dovish anytime soon given the seriousness of these economic threats and the political support to take action.”

Moreover, John Hussman, the president of the Hussman Investment Trust, has a respectable reputation in the financial world for being able to call out moments of speculative excess. He accurately predicted all of the crash cycles from 2000 up until the 2020 tech selloff. And now he’s saying that things are worse today than they were in those instances."We enter 2022 amid the most extreme financial bubble in U.S. history, driven by yield-seeking speculation, amplified by a Federal Reserve that has abandoned any tether to systematic monetary policy," Hussman wrote.

That's quite a powerful statement. Hussman supports his view by pointing out the insane state of current valuations. He mentions the ratio of the total market cap of US firms to their total revenues as the most reliable valuation measure in terms of predicting future returns. It's currently at its highest level ever, meaning that valuations are stretched to the core. The financial expert argues, that such extraordinarily high stock prices are setting up the market for dismal returns for at least the next 10 years. “The prospects for returns over the next 10 years are worse than in prior bubbles. For valuations to return to their regular trend level, the S&P 500 would have to fall about 70%,” he said.

Given that he has accurately predicted major downturns before, his forecast deserves a lot of attention. "Having correctly projected the extent of prospective market losses at the 2000 and 2007 extremes (including a March 2000 projection of an 83% loss in technology stocks), we can project that the S&P 500 would have to lose about 70% of its value here – simply to touch the run-of-the-mill valuation norms that have historically been associated with expected long-term nominal returns of about 10% annually," Hussman wrote.

A 70% crash on top of the losses already suffered would bring a lot more pain for investors, and would be disastrous for financial markets at a time credit and liquidity are being tightened. Everyone who has been watching the stock market screens recently is seeing the color red dominate the charts. With both of the biggest stock market indexes now in correction territory, history tells us that a bubble burst for the broad market is coming next.

Since late last year, many signs are showing that the “bubble of everything” has already started to burst. With inflation soaring to a 40-year high, and lower consumer spending impacting the near-term economic outlook, we’re already able to see the negative effects on asset prices, especially those that are in the riskiest bubbles of the market. And although the most speculative sectors are being hit the hardest, the entire market will suffer and soon, it will collapse altogether. In an environment so full of madness, a massive stock market crash is the only possible outcome."

Gregory Mannarino, "Alert! The FED Fails To Act And Stocks Fall"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 1/26/22:
"Alert! The FED Fails To Act And Stocks Fall"

"I Don't Want..."

“I don’t want to pass through life like a smooth plane ride. All you do is get to breathe and copulate and finally die. I don’t want to go with the smooth skin and the calm brow. I hope I end up a blithering idiot cursing the sun - hallucinating, screaming, giving obscene and inane lectures on street corners and public parks. People will walk by and say, “Look at that drooling idiot. What a basket case.” I will turn and say to them, “It is you who are the basket case! For every moment you hated your job, cursed your wife and sold yourself to a dream that you didn’t even conceive. For the times your soul screamed yes and you said no. For all of that. For your self-torture, I see the glowing eyes of the sun! The air talks to me! I am at all times!” And maybe, the passersby will drop a coin into my cup.”
- Henry Rollins

Musical Interlude: Neil H, "Secret Garden"

Neil H, "Secret Garden"

"A Look to the Heavens"

“Is our Milky Way Galaxy this thin? Magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 4565 is viewed edge-on from planet Earth. Also known as the Needle Galaxy for its narrow profile, bright NGC 4565 is a stop on many telescopic tours of the northern sky, in the faint but well-groomed constellation Coma Berenices. This sharp, colorful image reveals the spiral galaxy's boxy, bulging central core cut by obscuring dust lanes that lace NGC 4565's thin galactic plane.
An assortment of other background galaxies is included in the pretty field of view. Thought similar in shape to our own Milky Way Galaxy, NGC 4565 lies about 40 million light-years distant and spans some 100,000 light-years. Easily spotted with small telescopes, sky enthusiasts consider NGC 4565 to be a prominent celestial masterpiece Messier missed.”

"Even With Good People..."

"Cause even with good people, even with people that
you can kinda trust, if the truth is inconvenient,
and if the truth doesn't, like, fit, they don't believe it."
- Marie Adler


"Relax. They're not going to kill us. They're going to
TRY and kill us. And that is a very different thing."
- Steve Voake, "The Dreamwalker's Child"

"Why Are They Killing Us?" (Excerpt)

"Why Are They Killing Us?" (Excerpt)
by tr4head

"I have been hesitant to write this because when you think you might have a reasonable answer as to why many billions of people could be murdered by a select few technocrats, bankers and politicians, you tend to convince yourself that the hypothesis of mass murder is true. And that scares the crap out of me. But, I felt it was time to publish this conspiracy article because nobody as of yet has talked much about the why to it all? To defend against a common enemy you need to know not only who the enemy is, what they are doing but why they are doing it. Knowing why will also help define a possible solution.

There are serious questions on the very existence of Sars 2 Coronavirus. Well into the Pandemic the CDC has presented limited proof that they have actually isolated the virus. What appears to be a small danger to our physical health, and a big danger to our mental health, is not a new virus per se but “spike proteins” that were engineered as a result of a gain of function Fauci/Daszak experiment to create a highly contagious bio weapon transmitter. The spike protein contagion is referred to as a “virus” and is also an active pathogen contained inside the emergency use vaccinations that were rolled out in December 2020. It is part of a 2-pack punch Bioweapon designed for depopulation: the “disease” and the “cure”.

There was no serious illness on the order of Ebola (50% mortality) requiring worldwide vaccination. Or, that we be issued health status passports to live normal lives. But the media has convinced billions of people worldwide that they will die from a bad cold of flu if they are not mRNA vaccinated. The vaxxed sheep susceptible to “fake news” now appear to be a grave risk to themselves by creating their own never ending toxins as well as the unvaccinated due to the shedding of spike proteins to others.

The media’s dreaded non-lethal disease for almost 99% of the infected (especially for people in Africa) has been the focus of our daily news for nearly two years in order to get people to the vaccination goalpost. People, especially the elderly or people with severe health issues, can just as easily be killed by influenza or even the cold, which the spike protein symptoms are similar. Is this all just depopulation or a creation of transhumans via a novel vaccine for a not so novel coronavirus disease that has always made people sick? If this is a mind game on the global masses it must have evil intent. Something is deadly, but it was never a new high mortality Bioweapon, unless there is a Round 2. It’s the vaccination.

We are inundated with enough uncensored data from much more qualified sources than the FDA/CDC that, even if 50% true, would indicate something very sinister is going on to depopulate the planet. What conclusion can a rational human being come to? Is it just money for Big Pharma? No. It’s much more than that.

Good Doctors, many now speaking out because of Hippocratic Oath failure remorse, are losing their livelihoods and licenses worldwide for fighting Resetter Death Squads because they are providing alternative, scientifically sound treatments to reduce Covid morbidity. Why not publish that, MSM, unless you are “in on it”? Nobody should censor the free association of ideas that help create the “Science” for anything newly discovered, be it an idea in physics or disease of unknown origin. Our Mass Psychosis means that even Einstein is labeled a quack:

"A dictatorship means muzzles all round and consequently stultification. 
Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech.“
Albert Einstein

Everything now points to depopulation. But why? Is it really the end of times? Will I die or my family? It’s not enough to say it’s all just part of the “Build Back Better” Reset of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum and Committee of 300 (more on that later). That would still not answer why an extremely small group of human beings want to kill, with no remorse, nearly 40% of all the other human beings on the planet, amounting to over 3 Billion dead in less than a generation.

A Land of both Shadow and Substance: Yes, we are in fact living in a Twilight Zone episode even Rod Serling could not have scripted. I was looking for a reason why anybody would want to do something so demonstrably evil. I always believed that the answer is simple, maybe hidden in plain sight and based on human nature being inherently bad in the Christian view.

Occam’s razor can help to identify the most likely hypothesis based on simplicity. When trying to solve a problem in science or medicine, the least complicated answer (hypothesis) is often found to be the correct answer. Sometimes not, but I think this Machiavellian nightmare does have a simple answer even though it is based on the synergism of economics and technology.

In medicine specifically, the Zebra principle states that the most likely cause is not a complication of things, it is often the simplest and the most likely cause. For example, if you live in America and hear hoof beats, it is likely coming from Horses, not Zebras. In the Covid world, the complicated mess we face has to do with basic Economics and nothing more.

The Resetters used the Mainstream Media they already own to control and conspire to move the entire world’s population people into a gas lighted state of Mass Psychosis. Psychotic plebes will want to get the “vaccine” so they can live their lives in faux freedom. Some will even beg for the vaccine as the ultimate Darwin Award winners and turn in their neighbors for violating police state mandates. But many will eventually die just long enough after the initial vax + boosters do their dirty work that we won’t make the connection in time to stop the death by media induced VacPsychosis.

There literally is no better way to kill off so many with a broad brush that purposely misses the Ruling class injected with saline. Brilliant. Only the jabbed get written off and for a disease that kills no more than a bad flu outbreak.

Is there a way to stop their plan of Evil incarnate? First, don’t take the vaccination or blood transfusions from mRNA contaminated sources so we have as many people on our side to survive the death camps and deal with all the body piles in the coming years. Find a good unwoke Doctor and keep a supply of prophylactic and detoxification treatments for exposure to Covid Spike Proteins and other pathogens which could be deployed as they use up their final arsenals.

They are coming after us harder and faster now because they have no other option. For what they have done, if they lose their power, we will convict and sentence the key Resetters with crimes against humanity. We have gone too far in this Twilight Zone episode. There is no turning back now for them, or us. All of us are living in a bad dream in a bad movie in the most important time in world history."
Please view this complete article here:
"Critically, all four covid vaccine brands currently in widespread use either inject patients with the spike protein or, via mRNA technology, instruct the patient’s own body to manufacture spike proteins and release them into their own blood. This floods the patient’s body with the very spike protein that the Salk Institute has now identified as the smoking gun cause of vascular damage and related events (such as blood clots, which are killing many people who take the vaccines). "Put simply, it means the vaccines were designed to contain the very element that’s killing people."
"The Vaccine Death Report"
by David John Sorenson and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD

"Purpose: The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.

Facts: We aim to only present scientific facts and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. Over one hundred references can be found for all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation.

Complicity: The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical question: will we rise to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we permit personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class-action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: There is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice."
Freely download "The Vaccine Death Report" here:

The Daily "Near You?"

Yerevan, Armenia. Thanks for stopping by!

The Poet: Neil Gaiman, "What You Need To Be Warm "

"What You Need To Be Warm"
by Neil Gaiman

 "A baked potato of a winters night to wrap
your hands around or burn your mouth.
A blanket knitted by your mother's cunning fingers. 
Or your grandmother's.

A smile, a touch, trust, as you walk in from the snow
or return to it, the tips of your ears pricked pink and frozen.
The tink tink tink of iron radiators waking in an old house.

To surface from dreams in a bed, 
burrowed beneath blankets and comforters,
the change of state from cold to warm is all that matters, and you think
just one more minute snuggled here before you face the chill. Just one.

Places we slept as children: they warm us in the memory.
We travel to an inside from the outside. 
To the orange flames of the fireplace
or the wood burning in the stove. 

Breath-ice on the inside of windows,
to be scratched off with a fingernail, melted with a whole hand.
Frost on the ground that stays in the shadows, waiting for us.

Wear a scarf. Wear a coat. Wear a sweater. 
Wear socks. Wear thick gloves.

An infant as she sleeps between us.
 A tumble of dogs, a kindle of cats and kittens. 
Come inside. You're safe now.
A kettle boiling at the stove. Your family or friends are there. 
They smile.
Cocoa or chocolate, tea or coffee, 
soup or toddy, what you know you need.
A heat exchange, they give it to you,
 you take the mug and start to thaw.

While outside, for some of us, the journey began
as we walked away from our grandparentshouses
away from the places we knew as children: 
changes of state and state and state,
to stumble across a stony desert, or to brave the deep waters,
while food and friends, home, a bed, even a blanket become just memories.

Sometimes it only takes a stranger, in a dark place,
to hold out a badly-knitted scarf, to offer a kind word,
 to say we have the right to be here, 
to make us warm in the coldest season.
You have the right to be here. "

- Neil Gaiman