Wednesday, January 5, 2022

"War in Pieces"

"War in Pieces"
by Bonner Private Research

Poitou, France - "The nasty little bug launched an aggressive new assault on the Bonner household yesterday. Another member of the family got sick… and your editor was ambushed in an unexpected flank attack. The doctor was called to the scene… a portly man with a walrus mustache. He came to the house and confirmed that we were sick. He left us with prescriptions for antibiotics… and advice to call him again if the bugs seem to be advancing. Your editor now sits in his office with a box of Kleenex and a cup of hot tea, nursing his wounds and planning his next move.

But there are still dots to connect… and it falls to him to connect them. So here goes: One of the curiosities of life in America, in the 21st century, is that no matter how many wars are lost… no matter how much money is wasted on them… or how many lives are ruined by them… people still want more. Or, at least, the deciders do.

One ‘expert’ warns that we must defend the Ukraine… or pretty soon, the Russians will be marching down the Champs-Élysées. Another tells us that our ‘credibility’ will be lost unless we confront China… or Iran. And, of course, we have to fight global warming, racism, the Covid, poverty, drugs – you name it. “War is the health of the state,” said Randolph Bourne. We’re neither condemning nor praising. We are just predicting; get ready for more of it.

The Dumbest Wars: So far this century, the feds have continued their misbegotten wars against drugs and poverty – losing both, but continuing to spend vast amounts of money, put thousands of harmless people in prison, and doom the poor to a life of welfare dependence. And then there’s the Bush administration, launching three of the dumbest wars in US history – the war in Afghanistan, the war against Iraq…and the woebegone ‘War on Terrorism.’

The first went on for 20 years… and ended in a loss for the US. The second contradicted the first, since Saddam Hussein was an enemy of Islamic terrorists. And the third never made sense at all. The war against terror was a war against nobody-in-particular which ended up costing $8 trillion and from which no-one-in-particular realized any real victory – except, of course, the military/industrial/surveillance complex.

The Fed’s Wall Street Bailout came next. Stocks were way too high. Too many people owed far too much money. Markets typically ‘correct’ errors and redress imbalances. But no sooner had Mr. Market wiped out Lehman Bros… on his way to cleaning up messes all up and down Wall Street… than the Fed declared war. Mario Dragi, then head of the European Central Bank, spoke for the whole brethren of the Elite Establishment. Facing falling asset prices, and sounding almost Churchillian, he said he would do “whatever it takes” to prevail over honest markets.

In the US, the Fed’s key rates, adjusted for inflation, were dropped into negative territory. The Fed also pumped some $4 trillion of new money into the system to spare Goldman Sachs and other large players the embarrassment of having to make good on their bad loans, pay their debts, and curb their multi-million-dollar bonuses. These steps were advertised as ‘emergency’ measures. But adjusted for inflation, the Fed was still lending money at negative rates in 2020 – 11 years after the Wall Street bailout.
Click image for larger size.
(Source: Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve)

And then, when Covid Crisis arose, the trumpets sounded again. Another war! The enemy was tiny – a virus – but the stakes were huge… and so were the quantities of claptrap and capital drafted to fight the bug. In the space of just 2 years, the Fed added nearly $5 trillion more to its balance sheet. US debt rose nearly $6 trillion. Whole populations were confined to their barracks. Output of real goods and services collapsed. But some industries always do well in a war. And the pharma industry must have felt its hour had come when Donald Trump demanded a vaccine on the market at ‘Warp Speed,’ whatever that is.

But as the state’s cheeks got rosier, the people it is meant to serve grew pale and gray. For they are the ones who must pay. The costs get spread among the whole population… in higher taxes… more debt, and finally, inflated consumer prices. In short, more and more of their families’ output goes to support the government’s many ‘wars,’ leaving less and less for their peaceful lives.

How to Miss the Point: It is hard to put numbers on the phenomenon. And no one in The Elite Establishment would want to try. Or even admit that it is a phenomenon. As far as the deciders are concerned, they are doing God’s work… whether they are building pyramids to honor the ruling class, sending people to gulags to protect the workers’ paradise, or putting up windmills to protect the planet from ‘climate change.’ No questions are welcome. Who can doubt, they would say, that they are making the world a better place?

GDP growth, per capita, very roughly and imperfectly, measures the rate at which people get what they are after. As the wars increased, GDP growth/capita fell from an historic 2.2% per year… which was little changed from 1870 to 1999… down to 1.1% since then. US GDP per capita is now about $58,000. Van Hoisington comments:

"If the GDP per capita had grown at the pre-2000 pace, it would be nearly $73.474 or 25.6% higher. In the fourth quarter of 2019, the quarter before the pandemic disrupted economic activity, real per capita GDP was about 17% below the trend line of the historic pre-2000 growth rate. References that real GDP has recovered to the pre-pandemic level badly miss the point. As correctly documented many times, the expansion from 2009 until early 2020 was the worst in U.S. economic history. The period of subpar performance is not eleven years but nearly two decades. During this long span the pernicious effects of massive indebtedness on U.S. economic well-being has increased dramatically."

Simplifying, people either get what they want – by exchanging goods and services with each other. Or, they get what somebody else wants – thanks to the wars, regulations, taxes, inflation, debt etc that are imposed on them. Our guess… merely extrapolating from the last 20 years… is that we will see even less of the former and a lot more of the latter. Stay tuned."

"Grocery Prices Going Up At WalMart! What's Coming?"

Adventures with Danno, 1/5/22:
"Grocery Prices Going Up At WalMart! What's Coming?"
"In today's vlog we are at Walmart with a lot of empty shelves. We are here to check out skyrocketing prices, and to get a few items. It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"

"Healthy Athletes Dropping Dead of Cardiac Arrest for 'No Reason'"

Full screen recommended.
"Healthy Athletes Dropping Dead of Cardiac Arrest for 'No Reason'"
"What is the common factor affecting
 athletes world wide as they collapse unexpectedly?"
"The Vaccine Death Report"
by David John Sorenson and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD

"Purpose: The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.

Facts: We aim to only present scientific facts and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. Over one hundred references can be found for all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation.

Complicity: The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical question: will we rise to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we permit personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class-action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: There is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice."
Freely download "The Vaccine Death Report" here:


by Raúl Ilargi Meijer

"If I say that 2020 was the year of the virus, and 2021 the year of the vaccine, most people would probably agree. But 2021 was so much more than that; it was also the year of propaganda, media capture and narrative control at levels beyond anything we’ve ever seen. Even if many -most- people haven’t experienced it that way.

And that has likely had more negative impact on us than the vaccine itself. A close call perhaps, I know. The good thing that has come out of this is that so much of it has been exposed. Much of the underlying tendencies towards authoritarianism, and disregard for truth, and blind desire for profit, for a Great Reset, population control, abandonment of freedoms and human rights, it’s all there now for us to see.

We need to act upon that exposure. Get rid of Fauci, Walensky, Pfizer, CDC, and their peers across the planet, of the WHO, of all health “experts” that receive income from/via Pfizer et al (which is the vast majority), put a halt to the influence of money (Bill Gates) on health policy. A society, a country, need to be their own boss over their own fundamental policies. And that means paying for it ourselves.

And not have policies easily changed by a group of politicians and unelected officials (“experts”) who happen to have grabbed power at a particular point in time. A society needs roots, and ours have been uprooted. From principles, from laws, from rights. This will not be easy, we already gave them a 2 year advantage, but if we don’t use this time when the spotlights are directed at them, we will lose even much more than we have already lost. We’ve let them play their games, virtually uncontested, and we cannot afford that.

This appears to culminate in Twitter’s handling of Joe Rogan and Robert Malone recently, and that’s fine, Twitter is not big enough to tackle Rogan, while CNN and MSNBC audiences are drops in the ocean compared to Joe’s. They bit off one too big for them to chew.

But that’s just the US, and that’s just one podcaster, one voice. The control virus that has come with the corona virus has delved much deeper into the world’s various societies. Just yesterday, we saw video from my country of birth, Holland, where police set attack dogs on peaceful elderly protesters, and say what you will, but that country is neither free nor a democracy. That claim is 100% obsolete.

That it is accepted regardless gives credence, and a lot, to Matthias Desmet and his “Mass Formation Syndrome” theories, but we should not really need his analysis, useful as it may be, to figure out what is going on. All we need to do is take a step back and wonder what the hell is going on. To ponder how we saw our societies 2+ years ago, how we ourselves would have seen these recent developments in the light of back then. We can’t have forgotten all of it?!

That Anthony Fauci is still in his job is absolutely insane. He became head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), 40 years ago, he’s 81, older than Joe Biden. He’s been building ties to Big Pharma, especially Pfizer, all that time, in the shadows, the best place for such deals.

He was in his position when Pfizer received the biggest criminal fine in US corporate history in 2012, of $2.3 billion, for lying and cheating and more. Now, a few years later, Fauci works with Pfizer and the rest of Big Pharma, and makes their owners billionaires and their shareholders very rich. He is the very last person who should have been in his where he is, both 2 years ago and now.

Fauci is not the best doctor in the US, he’s just the best connected to the pharma industry. That guarantees Americans the worst deal they could get, not the best. And of course anyone else at the upper echelons of the NIAID, CDC, FDA, they need to go too. Fauci et al put them there.

In the US and elsewhere, any politician, individual or through their party or otherwise, and any health experts, individual or through their organization or company, who have received funds from Big Pharma or Bill Gates, should be discarded, put out by the curb. We should be able to figure this out, because it’s NOW that they stand exposed. Perhaps not TO Covid, but certainly BY Covid.

It’s the only way we can cleanse the system. Which is needed if we want to survive, with our health, our conscience, and our freedoms and rights. We have let an enormous amount of mold, rot, grow at the pillars of our societies, and we should be glad we can see it now, because this allows us to exterminate it.

We cannot allow Pfizer to gain even more influence over our health systems. Which will be a very hard fight, because our politicians and experts handed them $100s of billions, which they are using as we speak to buy more politicians and lobbyists and influence, and profit.

You can’t stop this by voting for another party. Pfizer probably has more lobbyists on K Street than all of Big Oil put together. And they have them in party and every every country that matters, in every strategic position that matters, and they will soon have many more. No, you must cut their entire voice out of the politics and health care of your society. Yes, very difficult, sure. But today, you can at least see them. For a short time. That won’t last.

Along with all that the World Economic Forum, and their Great Reset, it will have to go. They don’t do anyone any good but themselves. A big club that we ain’t in. Which reminds me: The Automatic Earth has shifted a lot towards Covid over the past 2 years, and surely many readers are not 100% happy with that. But the financial world is still captive to central banks that won’t allow price discovery, which makes “markets” just fake pantomimes that former investors get rich in while the poor suffer.

While the climate issue has been captured by the likes of COP 26, a toy for the rich who want to make you pay to “go green”, in accordance with Davos and the WEF. I feel sorry for the well-meaning people who expect anything from that set-up. Nobody who owes their money or their power to fossil fuels will voluntarily give up either, but they will make you fork over for windmills and solar cells whose energy dynamics you don’t actually understand.

Just like with Covid, if you want to free yourselves from the narrative, you will have to open your eyes and go to battle. An untested vaccine won’t set you free, and neither will an electric car. Those two are just things you are being sold by the narrative.

But believe you me, the no. 1 issue today is the vaccines. We need to stop those, before all of our children grow up with timebombs in their bodies. Every jab means more spike proteins, and boosters are worse because they come after your immune system has learned, and prepared for, how to attack those proteins, who by then may be in every organ in your body. And attack them it will, because they are toxic agents.

I don’t want to tell people to get a vaccine or not, but I do want to tell them to be very careful, to get informed well, and only then give their consent, if they decide to get jabbed. It’s just that you have to be confident that your immune system is strong enough to defend you from the effects of the vaccine, and that’s the opposite of what 99% of people understand is happening to them.

So, 2020 year of the virus, 2021 year of the vaccine, and 2022 year of the adverse effects of the vaccines?! And/or a grand awakening?"

Gregory Mannarino, "The Data Is All Fake And The Proof Is In Our Face!"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 1/5/22:
"The Data Is All Fake And The Proof Is In Our Face!"

"How It Really Is"


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

"All Over America, An Unprecedented Shortage Of Workers Is Forcing Businesses To Shut Down"

"All Over America, An Unprecedented Shortage Of
 Workers Is Forcing Businesses To Shut Down"
by Michael Snyder

"From coast to coast, we are seeing businesses close because they simply cannot find enough workers. In the entire history of the United States, we have never seen anything like this happen before. In fact, prior to this pandemic we had a chronic problem with unemployment that stretched back for decades. Economists insisted that our economy would never be able to produce enough jobs for everyone, but they were wrong. Today, there are more than 10 million open positions in this country and employers are literally begging for people to come to work. Fierce competition for good workers has become extremely intense, and this is one of the factors that is causing millions of Americans to quit their current jobs each month. On Tuesday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the numbers for the month of November…

A record 4.5 million Americans voluntarily left their jobs in November, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This pushed the quits rate to 3%, matching the high from September. Workers were most likely to quit their jobs in the hospitality industry, which had by far the highest quits rate at 6.1% in November, as well as those in health care. The numbers in transportation, warehousing and utilities also increased.

Day after day, I am coming across stories about how our worker shortage is really hurting small businesses in this country. Many small businesses operate on extremely thin margins, and so they just can’t afford to dramatically raise wages all of a sudden. In Nebraska, one restaurant that has been around for 46 years has been forced to close for good “because they simply can’t find enough people to work”… "This week, Wilkinson and his wife, Kathy, decided to close the restaurant after a nearly five-decade run because they simply can’t find enough people to work. “That was the final straw,” said Jim Wilkinson, 71."

Thousands of other small businesses find themselves in the same situation. But it isn’t just small businesses that are suffering. At this point, even some of the biggest corporations in the U.S. can’t find enough workers. At the end of December, I was absolutely shocked to learn that Apple had closed every single one of their stores in New York “due to a staffing shortage”…

Apple has shuttered all 16 of its stores in New York due to a staffing shortage as Omicron variant tears through the state and triggers companies to implement their own de facto lockdowns. The Big Apple remains the epicenter for the third wave of the virus in the U.S. brought on by the highly-contagious Omicron variation.

We can certainly survive without Apple stores, but there are other institutions where a lack of staff can literally be a matter of life or death. Let me try to illustrate what I am talking about. The following is a list of five recent Becker’s stories about hospitals that are either closing or reducing services due to a lack of workers…

Before the pandemic, this sort of thing didn’t happen. We always had more than enough workers, and it seemed like it would always be that way.

So where did all of the workers go? Well, as I detailed yesterday, they are dying in very large numbers. And many others are now incapacitated. Since the beginning of 2021, Americans have been dying in staggering numbers, and right now our hospitals are absolutely overflowing with victims that have developed very serious health problems.

With the talent pool of available workers steadily “thinning out”, many businesses are starting to come up with very creative solutions. For example, some hotels in California are now utilizing robots…"Hotels, like restaurants, have been hard pressed to provide attentive service due to staffing shortages during the pandemic. In Silicon Valley, robots are filling the gap to the surprise and delight of guests."

This may sound very strange, but this is apparently where things are headed. Today, if you stay at the Radisson in Sunnyvale, a robot may come to your door if you order a soft drink… "This is how the Radisson Sunnyvale is dealing with staffing shortages – A guest would like a soft drink delivered to the room. In the past, someone from the front desk or sometimes even the general manager might step up. Now, this robot, designed by Savioke in Campbell, will handle the task."

And we are being told that this is just the beginning. It is being projected that a whopping 20 million manufacturing jobs will be done by robots by the year 2030…"According to one report by CNBC News, Robots could take over 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world by 2030, economists claimed Wednesday. According to a new study from Oxford Economics, within the next 11 years there could be 14 million robots put to work in China alone."

So perhaps the elite don’t really need the millions of workers that seem to have gone “missing”. Perhaps they can just get robots to replace them all.

Our world has become such a bizarre place, and I have a feeling that it will soon become even weirder. If you have been waiting for everything to “return to normal”, you can stop waiting, because it simply is not going to happen. Our society is being transformed at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking, and global events are only going to accelerate even further as we hurtle through the early stages of 2022."

"Emergency Food Is A No Brainer; People Begging For Food; Wall St Zombies; Inflation Nightmare"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, PM 1/4/22:
"Emergency Food Is A No Brainer; People Begging For Food;
 Wall St Zombies; Inflation Nightmare"

"Never, Ever Forget..."

"Never, ever forget that nothing in this life is free. Life demands payment in some form for your "right" to express yourself, to condemn and abuse the evil surrounding us. Expect to pay... it will come for you, they will come for you, regardless. Knowing that, give them Hell itself every chance you can. Expect no mercy, and give none. That's how life works. Be ready to pay for what you do, or be a coward, pretend you don't see, don't know, and cry bitter tears over how terrible things are, over how you let them become."
- Ernest Hemingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls "

Free Download: "The Vaccine Death Report"

"The Vaccine Death Report"
by David John Sorenson and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD

"Purpose: The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.

Facts: We aim to only present scientific facts and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. Over one hundred references can be found for all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation.

Complicity: The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical question: will we rise to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we permit personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class-action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: There is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice."
Freely download "The Vaccine Death Report" here:

"It'll Do..."

Deputy Wendell: "It's a mess, ain't it Sheriff?"
Sheriff Ed Tom Bell: "Well, if it ain't, it'll do till the mess gets here."
Apologies to "No Country For Old Men"

Oh, the mess is here alright...

"The Coming Retirement Crisis Will Affect Everyone"

Full screen recommended.
"The Coming Retirement Crisis Will Affect Everyone"
by Epic Economist

"A silent crisis is forming under the surface of a broken economy and collapsing financial markets: America's growing population of baby boomers may never have a chance to retire. We're on the verge of a national retirement crisis that will affect our entire society, but most people don't even know how big are the risks. That's what the political and financial analyst and author of "Advancing Time," Bruce Wilds, has warned in his latest article. For decades, America's older generation has been hearing promises of a bright and peaceful future. But considering today's economic, financial and demographic conditions, that future may not come any time soon.

As our economy loses force, the competition for government programs directed to the needs of different generations is about to explode as young and old Americans reach out for more help. Most of our current problems have been brought on by reckless monetary policies that have been driven by a lack of competence, honesty, and judgment to accept that a reckoning always arrives. The combination of growing investment risk, a disrupted business cycle, and imbalanced demographics are coming together to create a perfect storm. Baby boomers that have just or are about to retire currently hold much of America's wealth, and over the past few decades, many of them have moved into risky investment looking for higher yields, the analyst explains.

Although we can still see a world of wealth, a world of debt is lying right next to it. Sadly, even though the economy expanded over the last decades, so did the inequality gap, and the largest share of this wealth is now in the hands of a few while debt is distributed in places where it will soon come back to torment us. Right now, demographics indicate that older consumers tend to downsize and spend considerably less compared to other groups. On the other hand, our boom-bust business cycle has been crushed by an unprecedented amount of government spending. In the markets, stock buybacks keep pushing prices to new records and indexes to even higher levels. And according to Moody’s estimate of Illinois’ retirement debts, which includes pension and retiree health shortfalls at the state and local level, in 2020, retirement debt reached nearly $530 billion. Of course, many other states and local governments are also facing the same problem. This huge amount of debt is being recorded despite a massive multi-year stock market rally.

Unfortunately, many people still believe in the narrative created by financial giants and pushed forward by the mainstream media that everyone is making money when they invest in a retirement plan. Most financial companies never tell investors that when they invest in a 401 plan, the risk is 100 percent absorbed by the individual who owns the plan. In most cases, the idea of compounded returns makes investors ignore the tyranny of compounded cost. According to Surz, there are many threats to baby boomers’ retirement -- and a stock market crash is at the top of the list. For a long time, the author has been sounding the alarm that boomers are in the retirement “Risk Zone”, the five to 10 year period before and after retiring, an interval that can put their hoped-for golden years at risk.

“The risk of loss in normal times becomes the risk of ruin in the Risk Zone,” says Surz. At least 70 percent of boomers may retire having less than $300,000 in their retirement savings. There are 78 million baby boomers, and most of them are spending the decade of the 2020s in the Risk Zone. It’s awful. It’s called the retirement crisis, and it’s real. "We’ve never had so many people in the Risk Zone simultaneously," Surz stresses. And the biggest problem for those in the Risk Zone and for Americans, in general, is that our public tends to believe that financial disasters like this can happen to other people but not them.

It doesn't matter if boomers choose stocks or bonds, a market meltdown is likely to wipe out their savings. The stock market bubble is on its last legs while investors in the bond market are facing a huge risk of default, especially if they buy junk bonds because they may be completely crushed when interest rates rise. The ramifications of this retirement crisis will essentially affect everyone. When older people lose their savings or suffer acute wealth losses they will have little time to earn more. They will be forced to cut back on spending or need assistance to survive. When these people start selling their assets that can aggravate economic imbalances and compromise economic growth for decades. And considering the current outlook, that's the perfect recipe for a disaster."

"Hell to Pay - for Decades"

"Hell to Pay - for Decades"
by Jeffrey Tucker

"It’s been the most astonishing two weeks for American public life. The best way I can describe this is by observation. In the Northeast of the U.S., and in many other parts of the country, everywhere you go right now, you see sick people milling around. After two years of work to control the spread, after brutal shutdowns of the whole country - shutdowns that happened two years too early, as judged by actual case trends! - COVID is here. Not just here. It is everywhere. The case counts are beyond anything anyone on the planet could have imagined a year or two ago. The spikes make everything that came before look like child’s play.
Sick Is Not Fun: And we are talking really sick. Not so much death. Not even out-of-control hospitalization. We are talking about being sick in bed or walking around with misery. The damn bug lasts maybe two days, maybe two weeks, maybe longer but it is vexing and wicked, not like a cold or flu but something more electric and strange. The theory that this was a lab leak seems more plausible than ever, just simply based on how strange it all feels.

Which variant? Two weeks ago, the CDC wanted to blame it all on Omicron. That is no longer possible. Perhaps that constitutes 20%; we just do not know for sure. Most of it is evidentially Delta, meaning very sick but with no serious loss of taste and smell. Most everyone eventually gets well, and that’s what happens here. We get to the stability phase perhaps in a month or so and life will move on.

What’s striking and truly shocking is that all of the efforts, all of the propaganda, all of the astonishing spending and compulsion - the shutdowns, masking, size limits, travel restrictions, vaccination requirements, the track and trace, the endless testing - and what do we have to show for it?

The true pandemic finally arrived. And what is it? It’s a ton of sick people. People are calling in sick because they cannot come to work. Institutions are having to shut down, not because the government closed them, but because people are too sick to come to work.

And it’s not just COVID. The head of an Indiana life insurance company reports that deaths among people aged 18–64 are up 40%, an astonishing increase. A 10% increase would be almost a once-in-a-lifetime outlier. And we’re talking 40%.

It’s suicide, drug overdoses and every other manner of horror. And that’s just death. Many others are just sick from other things. I personally know dozens and they each know many dozens of more people in the Northeast right now who are down for the count, miserable and pathetic, but still testing negative for COVID. Why would this be?

It’s at least partly because immune systems have been miserably decayed over two years. The lack of vitamin D, the lack of exposure to normal germs in life, the isolation and depression, the overconsumption of liquor and drugs - it's all been a terrible drain on health.

Giving Up: Meanwhile, the actual pandemic of COVID has certainly arrived. And it is far worse than the data indicated. Look at Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut, any of these states, and including some Southern and Midwestern states, and what you find is increases of 500–1,000% in cases. And keep in mind that these are just cases as discovered by official testing spots.

Go to any CVS or Walgreens and you find long lines of people buying testing kits. If they are available. If they are not, the wait is weeks. They are $23 a kit and people are buying as many as possible. Why? Partially it’s because employers and schools are demanding negative tests, but it is also just curiosity. People are sick as dogs and want to confirm their illnesses. People are estimating that real cases are 50–100X what the official data say.

But let’s talk now about a real scandal. When you are sick, you need treatment. Every competent medical professional I know is pretty darn sure that the best hope for dealing with COVID is a combination of zinc, vitamin D and ivermectin.

This is not ideological. This is what experienced doctors are saying right now. I’m on many email lists with serious medical professionals and they are all saying the same thing. We can add hydroxychloroquine to the list if you catch it early enough. There are other therapeutics as well. Some experts claim that hospitalizations and deaths could have been reduced by perhaps 85% if these treatments were widely available. But the CDC and other public health agencies have suppressed early treatment in order to promote universal vaccination.

But here’s the kicker - and let me be clear that I’m NOT giving ANY medical advice here, merely just reporting the sense of the community out there. What’s remarkable is that people are having a very difficult time getting these basic therapeutics.

Where Are the Meds? There is a problem getting a prescription because state medical boards are actually barring people and preventing them from serving patients if they prescribe HCQ or ivermectin, as incredible as that sounds. But once you get the prescription - if you have a doctor brave enough to risk it - finding a pharmacy to fill it is another challenge.

Most people in the U.K. today are getting their therapeutics from India! And some are shipping to the U.S. and they are being distributed via gray markets for anyone who is lucky enough to have a contact. It’s a speakeasy nation, but this time for distributing basic therapies.

I’m sorry, I feel like I’ve seen horrible things for two years now, and you feel the same way. But of all the scandals, and there are so many, this one seems to top the list - namely that once the real pandemic has arrived, there are no effective medicines that are widely available.

Doctors are actually being blocked from doing their jobs! Beyond belief. But you know this. I’m sure you have your own stories. I suspect that many readers have encountered this virus for the first time in the last two weeks and have dealt with the horrors of just getting basic medicines to get through this.

The NIH has funded almost no serious trials of these generic drugs. It is not in the interest of pharmaceutical companies to fund them either. As a result, we are truly at a loss - two years into a pandemic at a time when people need meds more than ever.

Meanwhile, the FTC is spending its time cracking down on pharmacies that advertise that they have therapeutics available for people. They are sending cease and desist letters all over the country as a way of intimidating providers. Again, it’s simply incredible.

No Lockdowns: One merciful upside to all of this is that there is no more talk of lockdowns. That’s not even being considered. The whole country is fed up with the phony-baloney enterprise of virus control. It did not and cannot work. And the truth of this is all over the data that anyone can see and the stories that anyone can hear. The country is right now sicker than it has ever been in our lifetimes.

What a stunning repudiation of state policy - the worst failing of public health and public policy perhaps in the history of the U.S., if not the entire world. We are right now living in its last days. Remember these days, my friends. They are legion and mark what is likely the end of the great fiasco. But there will be decades of hell to pay for what has happened to us."

Gerald Celente, "Trends in the New Live"

Full screen recommended.
Strong Language Alert!
Gerald Celente, "Trends in the New Live"
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times."

Gregory Mannarino, "The Economic Meltdown Worsens; Banks Take Off; DOW Hits Record"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 1/4/22:
"The Economic Meltdown Worsens; 
Banks Take Off; DOW Hits Record"

"I Cannot Believe..."

"I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be 'happy.' I think
the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate.
It is, above all, to matter and to count, to stand for something,
to have made some difference that you lived at all."
- Leo C. Rosten

Musical Interlude: Vangelis, "Fields of Coral"

Full screen recommended.
Vangelis, "Fields of Coral"
Related, highly recommended:
Vangelis, “The Best Relax Mix Compositions”

"A Look to the Heavens"

“While drifting through the cosmos, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud became sculpted by stellar winds and radiation to assume a recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is embedded in the vast and complex Orion Nebula (M42). A potentially rewarding but difficult object to view personally with a small telescope, the above gorgeously detailed image was recently taken in infrared light by the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope in honor of the 23rd anniversary of Hubble's launch.

The dark molecular cloud, roughly 1,500 light years distant, is cataloged as Barnard 33 and is seen above primarily because it is backlit by the nearby massive star Sigma Orionis. The Horsehead Nebula will slowly shift its apparent shape over the next few million years and will eventually be destroyed by the high energy starlight.”

"Every Human Decision..."

"Except for totally impulsive or psychotic behavior, every human
decision comes down to the choice between two alternatives."
- Jeff Duntemann

"The Trick..."

“The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable,
or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.”
- Carlos Castaneda

Chet Raymo, “Try To Remember…”

“Try To Remember…”
by Chet Raymo

“In a sleepless hour of the night, I was trying to remember the last name of a person I have known well for more than forty years. When my spouse stirred in her sleep, I asked her. She couldn't remember either. One again I started mentally through the alphabet. "I think it starts with B," I said. Ten minutes later she rolled over and said, "The next letter is R." Bingo! The name popped into my head. Or I should say, "popped out of my head." Because it was in there somewhere, recorded in a tangle of neurons as materially as if it were written on a piece of paper.

There was a time, back when I was a young man, when some scientists thought memory might be molecular - stored as proteins or RNA molecules that have somehow been modified by experience. The molecule theory of memory rested on experiments with worms (I remember the cover illustration on Scientific American). The worms were taught to navigate a simple maze. Then they were ground up and fed to untrained worms, which seemed to navigate the maze without training. Only molecules, it was thought, could have survived the transfer. Those experiments have been discredited. Scientists now overwhelmingly believe that memories are stored as webs of connections between spider-shaped brain cells called neurons. Each neuron is connected through electrochemical connections to thousands of others. According to the current view, experience fine-tunes the connections, strengthening some, weakening others, creating a different "trace" of interconnected cells for each memory.

But truth be told, memory is still deeply mysterious. How exactly are a lifetime of memories stored and retrieved at will? We know how it works for computers, but how for the human brain? What is self-consciousness? What are dreams? This is the primary scientific agenda for the 21st century. In the middle of the night I go fishing, in that sea of potentiated synapses that are the human soul, for a name that becomes ever more difficult to extract as I get older. I troll the alphabet: A, B, C, D… The name is in there, along with a face and more that forty years of interactions. The Nobel Prizes are waiting.”
Graphic: Salvador Dali, "The Persistence of Memory"

"And In That Very Way..."

"A sad fact, of course, about adult life is that you see the very things you'll never adapt to coming toward you on the horizon. You see them as the problems they are, you worry like hell about them, you make provisions, take precautions, fashion adjustments; you tell yourself you'll have to change your way of doing things. Only you don't. You can't. Somehow it's already too late. And maybe it's even worse than that: maybe the thing you see coming from far away is not the real thing, the thing that scares you, but its aftermath. And what you've feared will happen has already taken place. This is similar in spirit to the realization that all the great new advances of medical science will have no benefit for us at all, thought we cheer them on, hope a vaccine might be ready in time, think things could still get better. Only it's too late there too. And in that very way our life gets over before we know it. We miss it. And like the poet said: The ways we miss our lives are life."
- Richard Ford

"Are There Any Questions?"

"Are There Any Questions?"
by Robert Fulghum

"Are there any questions?" An offer that comes at the end of college lectures and long meetings. Said when an audience is not only overdosed with information, but when there is no time left anyhow. At times like that you sure do have questions. Like, "Can we leave now?" and "What the hell was this meeting for?" and "Where can I get a drink?"

The gesture is supposed to indicate openness on the part of the speaker, I suppose, but if in fact you do ask a question, both the speaker and the audience will give you drop-dead looks. And some fool - some earnest idiot - always asks. And the speaker always answers. By repeating most of what he has already said. But if there is a little time left and there is a little silence left in response to the invitation, I usually ask the most important question of all: "What is the Meaning of Life?" You never know, somebody may have the answer, and I'd really hate to miss it because I was too socially inhibited to ask. But when I ask, it is usually taken as a kind of absurdist move - people laugh and nod and gather up their stuff and the meeting is dismissed on that ridiculous note. Once, and only once, I asked that question and got a serious answer…

Papaderos rose from his chair at the back of the room and walked to the front, where he stood in the bright Greek sunlight of an open window and looked out… he turned. And made the ritual gesture: "Are there any questions?" Quiet quilted the room. These two weeks had generated enough questions for a lifetime, but for now there was only silence.

"No questions?" Papaderos swept the room with his eyes.
So. I asked.
"Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?"

The usual laughter followed, and people stirred to go. Papaderos held up his hand and stilled the room and looked at me for a long time, asking with his eyes if I was serious and seeing from my eyes that I was.

"I will answer your question."

Taking his wallet out of his hip pocket, he fished into a leather billfold and brought out a very small round mirror, about the size of a quarter. And what he said went like this: "When I was a small child, during the war, we were very poor and we lived in a remote village. One day, on the road, I found the broken pieces of a mirror. A German motorcycle had been wrecked in that place. I tried to find all the pieces and put them together, but it was not possible, so I kept only the largest piece. This one. And by scratching it on a stone I made it round. I began to play with it as a toy and became fascinated by the fact that I could reflect light into dark places where the sun would never shine - in deep holes and crevices and dark closets. It became a game for me to get light into the most inaccessible places I could find.

I kept the little mirror, and as I went about my growing up, I would take it out in idle moments and continue the challenge of the game. As I became a man, I grew to understand that this was not just a child's game but a metaphor for what I might do with my life. I came to understand that I am not the light or the source of light. But light - truth, understanding, knowledge - is there, and it will only shine in many dark places if I reflect it. I am a fragment of a mirror whose design and shape I do not know. Nevertheless, with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this world - into the black places in the hearts of men - and change some things in some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise. This is what I am about. This is the meaning of my life."

And then he took his small mirror and, holding it carefully, caught the bright rays of daylight streaming through the window and reflected them onto my face and onto my hands folded on the desk."
- Robert Fulghum, 
"It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It"

"Not Much Mental Distance..."

“A man who has blown all his options can't afford the luxury of changing his ways. He has to capitalize on whatever he has left, and he can't afford to admit - no matter how often he's reminded of it - that every day of his life takes him farther and farther down a blind alley. Very few toads in this world are Prince Charmings in disguise. Most are simply toads, and they are going to stay that way. Toads don't make laws or change any basic structures, but one or two rooty insights can work powerful changes in the way they get through life. A toad who believes he got a raw deal before he even knew who was dealing will usually be sympathetic to the mean, vindictive ignorance that colors the Hell's Angels' view of humanity. There is not much mental distance between a feeling of having been screwed and the ethic of total retaliation, or at least the random revenge that comes with outraging the public decency.”
- Hunter S. Thompson

The Poet: Robinson Jeffers, "Love That, Not Man Apart From That"

"Love That, Not Man Apart From That"

"Then what is the answer? Not to be deluded by dreams.
To know that great civilizations have broken down into violence,
and their tyrants come, many times before.
When open violence appears, to avoid it with honor or choose
the least ugly faction; these evils are essential.
To keep one’s own integrity, be merciful and uncorrupted
and not wish for evil; and not be duped
By dreams of universal justice or happiness.
These dreams will not be fulfilled.
To know this, and know that however ugly the parts appear
the whole remains beautiful. A severed hand
Is an ugly thing and man dissevered from the earth and stars
and his history... for contemplation or in fact...
Often appears atrociously ugly.
Integrity is wholeness, the greatest beauty is
Organic wholeness, the wholeness of life and things,
the divine beauty of the universe.
Love that, not man apart from that,
or else you will share man’s pitiful confusions,
or drown in despair when his days darken."

- Robinson Jeffers

The Daily "Near You?"

Yorba Linda, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by!


"When life hands you a lemon, say
"Oh yeah, I like lemons. What else you got?"
- Henry Rollins

"The Financial Insanity Continues - Welcome to 2022"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly AM 1/4/22:
"The Financial Insanity Continues - Welcome to 2022"
"The hits just keep on coming. 2022 starts with reporting of simple transactions that total $600. You will get a 1099 from this. The retail theft continues and we’re supposed to act like everything is just perfect."

"The Truths We Dared Not Speak In 2021"

"The Truths We Dared Not Speak In 2021"
by Victor Davis Hanson

"As the long year of 2021 finally came to a close, there were a number of truths Americans on the Left found themselves privately acknowledging but unable to say in public for fear of doing damage to their political cause, their own reputations, or their sense of security. But as 2022 advances, it will become even more difficult to hide these truths.

Collusion, RIP: No one wishes to speak of the “dossier” anymore. Everyone knows why: it was never a dossier. It was always a mishmash concoction of half-baked fantasies and outright lies, sloppily thrown together by the grifter and has-been ex-British spy and Trump hater, Christopher Steele - all in the pay of Hillary Clinton, the original architect of the collusion hoax. Steele himself admitted that he had no sources or notes to substantiate his “research.” Most of those who had seeded the dossier around Washington now either agree it was fake, or “partially” false, or remain silent in embarrassment.

The perpetual NeverTrump revisionism is reduced to “The Russian Hoax Hoax,” in pathetic fashion suggesting Putin still colluded with Trump and such “collusion” is provable even without the dossier. The logic is Orwellian: in 2017-2020 we heard, “But the dossier shows that ….” In 2020-2021 we heard, “Whoever said the dossier had anything to do with Russian collusion?” The FBI - that in part used their paid informant Steele’s lies to birth FISA warrants - now disowns it. The entire 22-month, $40-million Mueller charade ended up in tragicomic style with Robert Mueller under oath denying he knew much of anything about either the purveyor of the dossier, Fusion GPS, or the dossier itself.

James Comey when asked about it and the investigations it spawned, on 245 occasions under oath claimed he lost his memory or had no knowledge of it. The Russian collusion hoax will go down in history as one of the most shameful examples of Washington, D.C. mass hysteria, and of a concentrated effort to destroy an elected president, in modern American political history. In the end, we always come back to where we started: Hillary Clinton.

She used the three firewalls of the Democratic National Committee, the Perkins Coie legal firm, and Fusion GPS, to pay Steele, a foreign national, likely barred by law from providing such dirt to a U.S. presidential campaign.

Steele then grabbed Clinton and FBI money, and in lazy fashion made a few calls to the now indicted Igor Danchenko, a Russian working in Washington, D.C. at the left-wing Brookings Institution, along with a Clinton crony Charles Dolan doing business in Moscow. Presto, Steele typed up their myths, in scary intelligence white-paper fashion, and passed them off as top-secret “Russian sources.” The dossier became the “proof” needed to show that Trump, in the words of former CIA director John Brennan, was “treasonous” or, as former Director of National Intelligence General (ret.) James Clapper alleged, was a “Russian asset.”

The Russian collusion hoax is now akin to Joe Biden’s cognitive decline; everyone knows it, but few bother to state the obvious - or rehash their now embarrassing earlier denials.

When the Musical Chairs Music Stops: Everyone knows the government cannot keep running up astronomical annual deficits. It is piling up a near $30 trillion national debt, printing trillions of dollars - and hoping to keep inflation down to 7 percent per year. Everyone knows that, and no one wishes to talk, much less do anything, about it. Instead, we simply will go on redistributing money, inflating the economy, and hoping that the middle classes are naïve enough to believe that their inflated paychecks outpace their greater inflationary costs that, in truth, have more than wiped out all their wage gains. When the interest rate hikes invariably come - the longer we wait, the worse will be the reckoning - we will again know the stagflation of the 1970s and 1980s.

The only calculus the Democrats weigh is whether they can print their way to a semblance of normality through 2022, in hopes the helium-over-inflated economy blows up only after the elections. Who knows, maybe then they can blame Joe Biden in 2023 for empowering them to wreck the economy and losing the Congress, as a way of arguing his clear cognitive decline suddenly warrants resignation.

Spiraling Crimes without Criminals: Almost every statistic related to violent crime is up. Smash-and-grab has reached tony places like Union Square in San Francisco, Walnut Creek, and Carmel by the Sea. Car-jackings are endemic. Gun sales are booming - among terrified upscale white liberals. An entire blame-the victim protocol emerges - drive your oldest car, dress down, hide your jewelry, hire security guards for your person and business - because mysteriously there are no victimizers, or at least none that can be mentioned.

The once popular, but now discredited BLM has been reduced to a caricature, arguing that such violent crimes are constructs created by white people to jail black people, that Jussie Smollett was innocent and a victim of racism, and that the Waukesha massacre was the apparent start of a needed “revolution.”

Everyone knows that defunding the police failed and dangerously so. The public accepts that the Soros DAs are both incompetent and sinister. People of all classes and races look at crime statistics. They watch internet videos. They compare firsthand experience with robbery, assault, and theft. And they surmise that young black males are disproportionately - in terms of their percentages in the population - responsible for much of the violent crime wave, from murders to car-jackings to smash-and-grab mass thefts.

The more the media fails to print descriptions of suspects in criminal assaults, the more universities cavalierly violate the federal Clery Act by failing to provide their campus communities needed information about criminal suspects’ descriptions, and the more big-city mayors and district attorneys deny an epidemic of violent assault, the more the public knows that crime is even worse than what they hear, see, feel, and experience first-hand.

The public also assumes that voicing the truth is deemed “racist” and thus will earn them a doxing or canceling - and so in Soviet-style keep quiet. We do not dare speak of disproportionate black perpetrators of hate crimes, rare interracial crimes, and the killing of police. Yet such silence does not hide the truth that cannot be quite smothered . In a recent op-ed, Heather Mac Donald estimated that “A police officer is about 400 times as likely to be killed by a black suspect as an unarmed black is to be killed by a police ­officer.” So, we have a crime wave without criminals in the manner we had a SUV on autopilot without a driver that killed six and injured 62 in Waukesha.

Unofficially, the paradox plays out with the upscale blue-city suburbanite still with the BLM sign on his lawn but with a new 12-gauge under the bed, with the BLM hierarchs and their loud enablers living like Patrisse Cullors, Colin Kaepernick, or LeBron James in rich, mostly white areas, with ample walls and security fences and gates. So, the year ended with a near record of black-on-black homicides, and a new record of lethal shootings - of police officers on duty.

Biden, A Robust 95? Everyone knows that Biden may be chronologically 78, but mentally and physically he is at best 95 or more. People sense that he is failing at a geometric rate that makes his ability to last even another year “problematic.” But no one says much because the nation has never removed a president or, other than Richard Nixon, had a president resign.

The Left knows that they were on record from 2017-2020 with incessant 25th Amendment coup talk and went so low as to wheel out a Yale psychiatrist to claim Trump was crazy and needed an intervention removal. Their constant haranguing forced Trump to take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment - which he aced and which Joe Biden most assuredly will not take, nor will be encouraged to take.

Apparently, Biden’s handlers believe in the next three years he can imitate the last few months of Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, where the inactive president was kept incommunicado in bed while the wall of his family and close associates deluded the country and lied about Wilson’s true health condition.

Kamala Harris plays a bad Spiro Agnew. True, she is so incompetent that calls to ask Biden to step down resemble the early voices who asked the same of Nixon but were met with, “So you want Agnew?” But unlike Agnew who resigned in disgrace after pleading nolo contendere to a single charge of tax evasion, Kamala Harris is in no legal jeopardy. And so, the idea of a “President Harris” who is not non compos mentis apparently is more frightening to the public than keeping Joe Biden who is non compos mentis. And thus, talk of Biden’s diminishing capacity always is interrupted by “So you want President Harris?”

In the end, we are left only with such ironies. The Left, which damned John McCain for selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate, is mute about the far less qualified Kamala Harris as an actual vice president. The matters of race and gender preferences that ensured the incompetent Harris her job are now transmogrified into matters of racism that supposedly explain the charges of her critics.

The Virus is Dead, But the Virus Will Never Die! We all know the administration has little clue how to deal with COVID-19. We nod that it does and meanwhile scramble in “everyman for himself” fashion. Who wishes to say or admit that his own government has no idea how to stop the virus, but has a great number of ideas about how to weaponize it for political purposes?

Now there are more dead from COVID-19 in Biden’s tenure than during Trump’s, despite well over 60 percent of the population being fully vaxxed and 2-years’ experience in treating the virus. A 2020-Biden would demand that 2021-Biden be charged with responsibility for well over 400,000 COVID-19 deaths on his watch and thus should resign.

Everyone knew Biden had no plan, at least not any different from what Trump was doing. His autopilot agenda was simply to claim ownership of the Warp Speed inoculations and assume that by March 2021 COVID was finally burning itself out as it bumped into too many people with prior natural or vaccinated immunity.

In Biden’s logic, nature and Trump had stopped COVID-19, but he would credit his own inaction and 90-day miracle leadership from Washington. Now Biden is a sanctimonious, Oedipus-like figure, the deliverer who cannot stop the plague that in an eerie way exposes his existential flaws.

So, Delta and then Omicron arrived. Breakthrough cases accompanied both. Suddenly Biden was calling for the states to step up, given “there is no federal solution” to the crisis. He meant that vaccinations do not guarantee immunity from COVID infections anymore. Masks and social distancing do not stop Omicron’s spread. There is no federal success in supplying easy testing and an array of therapeutics and medicines to the public.

Like the proverbial cranky “get off my grass” neighbor, an oblivious and irate Biden still ignores the shortage of tests, the value of therapeutics and natural immunity, and the reality of thousands of breakthrough infections - caught in his senility warp to croak on about “masks” and “vaccinations.”

In 2020, Biden was attacking Trump as if he were acting under “The Articles of Confederation” in outsourcing authority to governors to adopt and manage the crisis as they saw best. In 2021 Biden was praising such Trumpist federalism as he renounced his former much ballyhooed federal authority when blasting Trump as an anti-Federalist who followed the Articles of Confederation. In the end, Americans are in 2022 where they were at the beginning of the virus in March 2020: China has successfully hidden the origins of the COVID.

The WHO cannot be trusted. The CDC, NIH, and NIAID are incompetent and politically weaponized. The pharmaceutical industries see relief only in more multi-billion-dollar booster rollouts and $700-a-pill remedies.

Dr. “I am the science” Fauci in cyclical fashion is on TV all day. He claims on Tuesday that what he said on Monday needed updating, with the intention of saying on Wednesday that his correction on Tuesday was also wrong, while he awaits more bookings for Thursday’s clarifications - all the while damning the ignorant mob who disseminates supposedly false information.

The Year’s Ironies: At the end of this second terrible year, we are left only with ironies. Vaccinations are a must for soldiers and federal employees, but no barrier to entry for 2 million illegal aliens (is breaking the law a way to avoid the mandate?).

If you are vaxxed, you are safe; but if your antibody level is even higher from natural immunity, you are not? If you get COVID, you are on your own, given the government has no idea what affordable pill you should swallow or what protocol you should follow.

Social distancing and masks are vital - unless you go out on the street protesting in concert with BLM or are a California official dining at the French Laundry, or a liberal politician getting your hair done.

Those Americans in 2020 who claimed their president was all too real, know now they voted in a president who is all too false. Those Americans who thought up every conceivable legal and illegal way of forcing the hated Trump out of office are racking their brains in vain to use those talents to find just one way of easing out their beloved Joe Biden.

Those Americans, who love the free cash for staying home, fear that the money they got might help to explain why it is now less valuable.

Those Americans, who claimed moral superiority for their masks and three shots - and still got COVID - cannot decide whether they were lied to by Donald Trump, lied to by Joe Biden—or simply lied to themselves.

Those Americans who praised defunding the police and excused looting, arson, and violence are pondering whether it is better to renounce their idiocy, or to stay quiet and take one more carjacking, one more assault, or one more break-in - for the cause.

Those Americans who applauded the disreputable efforts of Michael Avenatti, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller, Adam Schiff, Christopher Steele, and Alexander Vindman to destroy Trump at all costs, got all they wanted - and thereby have all but destroyed the progressive cause, and likely made Donald Trump all the more powerful, the more so they sought to ruin him."

"How It Really Is"