Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"Cage the Dogs of War Before They Destroy Us All"

Col. Larry Wilkerson, 9/10/24
"Cage the Dogs of War Before They Destroy Us All"

"Col. Larry Wilkerson, who was chief of staff to then-U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, addressed the International Peace Coalition on September 6, 2024, recalling discussions with Powell about the 2002 National Security Strategy, about which Wilkerson warned, “We’re at the peak of the mountain, and if we see anyone stirring at the bottom we will kill it. We are going to get sucked into something that is initially conventional...once we start losing - which we will,” we will resort to nuclear weapons

He is now hearing high-ranking military officers talk about the utility of nuclear weapons for the first time since the Cold War, which are very lucrative for defense contractors. In 1991-92, when both the U.S. and Russia were destroying nuclear weapons, he saw that it “scared the bejesus” out of the leaders of the military-industrial complex."
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