Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Canadian Prepper, "Alert: Nuclear War Drill, WW3 Plan"

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Canadian Prepper, 7/23/24
"Alert: Nuclear War Drill, WW3 Plan"
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by  Alex Wellerstein

"We live in a world where nuclear weapons issues are on the front pages of our newspapers on a regular basis, yet most people still have a very bad sense of what an exploding nuclear weapon can actually do. Some people think they destroy everything in the world all that once, some people think they are not very different from conventional bombs. The reality is somewhere in between: nuclear weapons can cause immense destruction and huge losses of life, but the effects are still comprehendible on a human scale. 

The NUKEMAP is aimed at helping people visualize nuclear weapons on terms they can make sense of, helping them to get a sense of the scale of the bombs. By allowing people to use arbitrarily picked geographical locations, I hope that people will come to understand what a nuclear weapon would do to places they are familiar with, and how the different sizes of nuclear weapons change the results. There are many different political interpretations one can legitimately take away from such results. There is not intended to be a simple political "message" of the NUKEMAP."
Access NUKEMAP here:
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Times Of India, 6/13/24
"'Ready To Use Nuclear...': 
Russia Openly Brandishes Nukes After NATO's New 'Trigger'"
"Russia has pulled out its nuclear weapons as NATO nations permit attacks on its soil. Russian and Belarusian troops have started the second stage of tactical nuclear drills. Moscow said the drills were aimed at ensuring that the two countries' military personnel and equipment were ready to protect their sovereignty and territorial integrity."
Comments here:
RS-28 Sarmat
The Sarmat is an underground silo-based missile that Russian officials say can carry up to 15 nuclear warheads, though the United States military estimates its capacity to be 10 warheads. Known to NATO military allies by the codename “Satan”, the missile reportedly has a short initial launch phase, which gives little time for surveillance systems to track its takeoff.

Weighing more than 200 tons, the Sarmat has a range of some 18,000km (11,000 miles) and was developed to replace Russia’s older generation of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICMBs) that dated from the 1980s. Russia test-fired the Sarmat missile in April 2022 in the Plesetsk region of the country, located some 800km (almost 500 miles) north of Moscow, and the launched missiles hit targets on the Kamchatka peninsula, in Russia’s far east region."

15 warheads per missile, 11,000 mile range, hypersonic speed of 15,880 mph.
One Sarmat can destroy an area the size of Texas or France.
Do we really want to do this? Pray to God we don't...
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Russians do not bluff, ever...

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