Monday, June 10, 2024

Canadian Prepper, "'3 Months Until WW3'- Vucic; F-16s To Launch From Romania; Russian Sub Near Florida"

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Canadian Prepper, 6/10/24
"'3 Months Until WW3'- Vucic; 
F-16s To Launch From Romania; Russian Sub Near Florida"
Comments here:
"Serbia's President Vucic predicts World War 3 in Europe! “We are months away from a full scale war between NATO vs Russia!! All signs point to a major war in Europe! We are heading for a major catastrophe and it seems that the train has already left the station and can no longer be stopped. No one in the West is talking about peace anymore - only more war. The West thinks it can win and take out Russia. I think the West is wrong. Both sides now believe it is existential for them, so I don't think they will find a solution other than war and everything, everything is at stake. In Europe, the leaders act as the big heroes, but they are not honest and do not tell their citizens that they will all pay a big price if it comes to war!”

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