Sunday, May 26, 2024

"This Can't Be America!"

Full screen recommended.
Homeless In America, 5/26/24
"This Can't Be America! Out Of Control! 
Homeless People Everywhere!"
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Full screen if you can stomach it.
Drones R Eagles, 5/26/24
"Kensington Ave, Phila., Fentanyl Takeover,
 Too Many Lives Lost"
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Full screen recommended.
Our 50 States, 5/26/24
"Homelessness in New York State: 
Growing Homeless Crisis in 2024"
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So while the American economy and society disintegrates before our eyes into total collapse, give Ukraine another $60 billion so they can add to their already killed 600,000 soldiers. And of course give the goddamned psychopathically degenerate murderous monsters of Israel another $16 billion to add to the 36,000 Palestinians they've already killed, including 15,000 CHILDREN! WTF is wrong with us?! Eternal shame and disgrace on America! - CP
Here's what you paid for!
Full screen recommended.
Mahmood, 5/26/24
"Another Massacre! 
Israel Strikes Refugee Tents With Multiple Missiles"
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