Tuesday, February 20, 2024

"The End of the Empire" (Excerpt)

"The End of the Empire"
by Scipio Eruditis

Excerpt: "The barbarians are inside the gates…“It is also a habit of tyrants to prefer the company of aliens to that of citizens at table and in society; citizens, they feel, are enemies, but aliens will offer no opposition.” - Aristotle

"If the Biden suzerainty has made anything clear, it is the utter loathing that the Regime has for the native-born American populace. Whilst America is embroiled in the midst of an unprecedented overdose epidemic, the Senate is busy passing bills that not only codify the ongoing invasion of America, but accelerates it. While American families struggle to pay their bills, families of illegal aliens are being funded to the tune of thousands a month and invaders are being handed “cash in envelopes” as they cross the border. While illegal invaders are being released without bail after assaulting the police, Navy veteran Michael Cassidy is being charged with felony hate crimes for righteously tearing down the satanic altar in Iowa’s state capitol. While the cartels are freely trafficking children over the border (sometimes with the assistance of Child Protective Services), American children are being kidnapped from their parents if they do not consent to the mutilation of their child’s genitalia.

I do not know how much clearer our occupying regime could make this for us: they consider Americans a conquered people. It is no accident, therefore, that nearly every major corporation in America is engaged in openly hostility towards the increasingly dwindling White population of America (truly, the West as a whole). On the one hand, mindless stenographers in the mass media will claim that this reality, dubbed The Great Replacement by French author Renaud Camus, is nothing but a conspiracy theory. On the other hand, they will boldly proclaim that “America’s Getting Less White”. Newsweek openly declared in the aftermath of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville that “White Nationalists Are Right: America Is Becoming Less White”. The glee and regularity with which this news is now reported serves as a testament to the veracity of the critics concerns."
Full, highly recommended article is here:

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