Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Bill Bonner, "Liar, Liar"

"Liar, liar, pants on fire..."
"Liar, Liar"
An inquiry into the nature of untruths, brave and cowardly alike...
by Bill Bonner

“When plunder [and dispossession] becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” ~ Frédéric Bastiat

Youghal, Ireland - "Lies. Lies. Lies. “My husband is still the handsome stud I married 40 years ago. “ What a joy to have a liar for a wife! Besides, it’s the thought that counts.

We humans are bred to lie. Untruths are the pleasant fodder of everyday life. They are also the stuff of history. In private, we are moved by intimate prevarications. In public, we are gulled by grand frauds. Pharaoh is divine. Free the holy land. The dictatorship of the proletariat. The rights of man. Make America Great Again.

We are surrounded by lies. Frauds fill the media. Jackassery and jacked-up half-truths govern our lives. There are little white lies: “My phone must have died.” There are noble lies: All men are created equal.

And there are courageous lies: “Are you hiding any [Catholics, Jews, Armenians, heretics, Bourgeois elements, gypsies, gays, Irish, Cathars, etc],’ asks the Inquisitor? He is backed by the legitimate government. And by the law. The majority of the population is with him, eager to exterminate the vermin that plagues its society. His cause is just, they believe. His power is incontestable. ‘No’ says the brave liar.

Ignoble Lies: In this year’s presidential contest, one candidate claims to be ‘protecting our democracy.’ The other one is on trial for trying to overthrow it. Who’s the bigger liar?

The charge of insurrection against Donald Trump is particularly instructive. But it is more than just funny; not-too-well hidden in the absurdity is a conscious, calculated lie. If they can tag him for sedition, voters may not get the chance to vote for him. That’s how you protect democracy.

But if the foot-soldiers, now being jailed for insurrection, were really out to seize control of our government, illegally…they were the dumbest putschists in history. They had no plan; they seized no TV stations; they arrested no newspaper editors; they put no tanks on the street…and had no air cover, nor any speech ready to give to the multitudes once the prize was in their hands. No black-clad militia broke down doors in the DC area, taking opponents in for questioning. No generals announced that they had gone over to their cause. There was no shooting in the streets, no summary executions, no mass murders, no leaflets dropped from the air, no armbands prepared for those who joined the coup.

Not a single Democrat was hung. No wokester either. No gay. No whimpering leftist begged for mercy…and almost miraculously, no quartermaster was present, bringing a cache of rifles, bazookas, anti-tank guns, artillery, tear gas, handguns, or any other kind of weapon. Who holds a coup without weapons?

A Handicapped Coup: Except for the danger posed by the police themselves, the Capitol, during the “insurrection,” was probably the safest place in the nation. There are said to be some 466 million firearms in the US. Statistically, everyone present should have had at least a rifle and a handgun. But there were none there. So, in order to call it an armed insurrection, prosecutors show fat, middle aged maga revolutionaries wielding “flag poles, fire-extinguishers, hockey sticks, skateboards”…and get this… “crutches.” Just for amusement, try to imagine the man who needed the crutch using it as an “assault weapon.” This mob was clearly out for blood! They brought their crutches and skateboards!

And on the basis of these charges, with no verdict, both Maine and Colorado try to exclude Donald Trump from the ballot. And now, Hawaii is on the case. Newsweek: "Democrats in the state have introduced legislation to ban insurrectionists from running for public office, as per the 14th Amendment. While he is not named in the bill, Trump therefore may not be eligible if this bill passes, as he has been labeled an insurrectionist because of his actions during the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, in which his supporters stormed the building to contest the result of the 2020 presidential election and try to block certification of Joe Biden's victory."

Another Brick in the Wall: Donald Trump may be a moron for goading these half-wits into action; he is, in our opinion, unfit to be president. But to speak of him as ‘leading’ an insurrection in these circumstances is to suppose the group had ‘leadership,’ which it clearly lacked. The charge is a lie. But the fraud runs much deeper. Over time, the system itself becomes a kind of compound lie, with one falsity stacked upon another, like bricks in a prison wall.

The 2% inflation target. The (fake) dollar…and the Fed’s fake interest rates. Making the world safe for democracy, at home and abroad. The ‘indispensable nation.’ The Patriot Act. The Inflation Reduction Act. Jeffrey Epstein. Hunter Biden. Russian election interference. The CARES act. The American Rescue Act. Lockdowns and stimmie checks. Three percent unemployment. The wall gets higher and higher; then, you can’t see out. Stay tuned…"

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