Friday, December 15, 2023

"The Good News? It’s Up To You"

"The Good News? It’s Up To You"
by John Wilder

“Winners always want the ball when the game is on the line.” 
– "The Replacements"

"One of the freeing things about what’s going on in the world right now, especially with respect to the current breakdown of American (and perhaps Global) society is the fact that many are coming to one of the biggest realizations they’ll ever have: most people don’t care about us, and there’s probably no one that’s going to come and save us.

I remember the first time I came to that conclusion, that it was all on me. – I believe I was a sophomore in college, and realized that to the college, I was just a number measured in GPA and how much I had to pay beyond what my scholarship paid for. Sure, I had friends at school, and I do know that several professors liked me, but I was on my own. Well, with the exception of student loans: for a long time, I didn’t think I could ever figure out how to repay them.

Sink or swim, it was up to me. It was a cold winter day. I was having a beer with my roommate. I remember looking at him and saying, “No one really cares about us, do they?” “Nope.”

Like I said, this was good news. I got to survive or thrive or fail based on my own efforts. This realization was a winner – my GPA actually went up afterwards, and it wasn’t all that horrible to begin with, though I hear the minimum GPA needed to go to USC is $500,000.00.

We are at that point in society as well. Many of the legacy institutions that were created by our forefathers are no longer in the business of serving actual American citizens who love freedom and have no idea how to have a complicated Starbucks™ order. Here’s a partial list:

• Immigration: Right now, ICE is on the side of the illegals streaming across the border. Not you. You can apply this to most government (both federal and big city) agencies. Disagree? Ask the January 6 Protestors if they think they got a fair deal from the DOJ and FBI. The only reason the FBI isn’t spelled KGB is because they don’t know Russian.

• Most Colleges: I can post academic after academic engaged in the vilest hate speech. Do they lose their jobs? Because it’s directed at you and me, which is okay and is covered under policy 364.3.d. But make a joke about a trans-GPA 4.0 student living in the body of a 2.0 student? That’s not allowed.

• The Military: The officers on the Right have been under attack since (at least) Obama. Good luck being promoted if you don’t agree with the Left. With things like illegal alien lesbian mom recruiting videos and mandatory Vaxxing, well, they’ve done their best to filter out people in the lower ranks, too. Thankfully the most reliable fighting force in the history of the United States is vaxxed illegal alien lesbians.

• Most Government Schools: Yesterday, read a story about a history teacher that marked a student incorrect on the question, “All men have a penis (T/F)”. Apparently, this is now indoctrination that is deemed worthy of history class where I recall spending a lot of time talking about George Washington’s penis. Oh, wait, I never heard the word penis a single time in history, except when my teacher was talking about FDR. Today? They’re not on our side.

• Mainstream News Media: Without the Internet, there would be very little division in the country because The Narrative is agreed to by almost all (including Fox™) news organizations. Without the Internet, there would be exactly one opinion, and it would be presented in crayon.

• Mainstream Entertainment: Why does Disney® make movies for kids that their parents find to be objectionable? Because their investors don’t care – they have an agenda that goes beyond making money.

I could keep going on and on, but my laptop is running out of ink, and you already know all of this. And, this is the good news: these institutions aren’t going to save us. They actively despise us and are doing everything they can to destroy us and erase us from memory. I mean, apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the people on the Right ever created?

Like I said, that’s the good news. Why? Because, just like I discovered in college, it should change everyone’s mindset. Our fate isn’t in their hands, but instead it’s in our hands. When I see people like Andrew Torba building out GAB™, I know that he’s out of the victim mentality, and is building a future that doesn’t depend on the Left. Vox Day is doing something similar with multiple initiatives, from his Arktoons® to Arkhaven Comics™ to Castalia House© (publishing) to Infogalactic© (Wikipedia® without the Leftist Overlords).

These institutions that people are actively creating show that they’re intent not on relying on the institutions that the Left has subverted, but instead on building their own. In truth, that’s the first step. The second is to make sure that the culture of each of these organizations that we’re creating is rooted in freedom and the ideology of the Right. Why? Because any institution that isn’t explicitly Right becomes Leftist over time, as John O’Sullivan’s First Law states. O’Sullivan cited the ACLU™, the Ford Foundation© and the Episcopal Church.

Why? Since Leftists aren’t good at creating much besides starvation and misery, they look to insinuate themselves into institutions that others have made. And they don’t do it in a good way, building something new – no, they’re like termites, gradually eating away at everything they find until they end up destroying what they’ve infiltrated. Then they blame those that built the institution they subverted in the first place for the failure.

Lather, rinse, repeat. No, it’s time we take the future into our own hands and build the structures that we need. Homeschooling is one bright example of how the Right has built something out of the ashes of public schools. We’re building our own social networks, our own entertainment. We don’t need the Left – or what they produce. There’s a bright future ahead once we realize that no one is coming to save us. All we have to do is make it."

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