
Monday, November 27, 2023

"A Modern Flâneur in... The Paris of the South"

"A Modern Flâneur in... The Paris of the South"
by Joel Bowman

Buenos Aires, Argentina - "We woke to the horrifying news last week: “1 Billion Argentinians Already Dead After Libertarian Elected.” The (satirical and terminally hilarious) outlet, The Babylon Bee, went on to describe the scenes here on the capital streets in the wake of the recent presidential election…

"BUENOS AIRES -  A catastrophic tragedy has befallen the former socialist utopia of Argentina as 1 billion citizens have already died due to Libertarian candidate Javier Milei being elected president. "These deaths occurred just as we had predicted," said smart socialist Juan Taburito while piling corpses into an old-timey corpse cart. "I blame the president-elect for making people think they deserved things like money and rights. Look what it's done!"

As your “man on the ground” down here at the end of the world, we steeled our nerves and headed boldly into the breach, determined to bring you the scenes, however gruesome they may appear. The video above (viewed here) shows the carnage, the despair, the unfettered anarchy, loosed upon the populace…

As dear readers of these pages well know, libertarianism is the radical notion that human beings are not the property of the State… that they are born, dare we utter the word… free. (The word “anarchy” itself derivers from the Greek “an”- without, and “arkhia” - ruler. Without ruler… not, we hasten to add, without rules.)

Long Live Freedom: For nigh on three-quarters of a century, the long-suffering Argentines have labored under the weight of their leviathan government, dragged asunder as it twisted and twirled, winded and coiled. With 40% of the population reduced to poverty and inflation burning at a white hot 200%, it appears the voters have finally had enough of their “socialist utopia.” Today, they rise to stand on their own two feet, to look the world and each other in the eye and say, in the words of their new anarcho-capitalist president: 'Viva la libertad, carajo!' (Long live freedom, goddammit!)

It was the great Argentine author, often quoted in these pages, Sr. Jorge Luis Borges, who once remarked, “I believe that in time we will have reached the point where we will deserve to be free of government.” Almost forty years have passed since that incomparable man of letters graced this earth…but his words are on the minds of millions of his countrymen as they rise to reclaim their liberty at long last.


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