
Saturday, September 30, 2023

"World War 3 Update 9/30/23"

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Canadian Prepper, 9/29/23
"Here We Go! Tanks Amass On Border! 
Shutdown In 24 Hours; Romania On Alert; Nationwide Nuclear Drill"
This is going to be a very eventful week.
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Hindustan Times, 9/30/23
"On Cam: Dramatic Surrender Of Ukrainian Troops; 
Zelensky's Men Drop Arms, Switch To Russian Side"
Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are opting to surrender to the Russian Army. These surrenders were seen even through a newly established Russian radio frequency. Clayton Morris, an American journalist, expressed his astonishment and said, "This is a story the Western media does not want you to see. Russian Army officials claim around 10,000 Ukrainian fighters have dropped their arms."
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"Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering by the thousands in Ukraine since the beginning of summer. 10,000 have reportedly turned themselves over to Russian forces rather than being turned into hamburger. 400,000 to 500,000 Ukraine military have been killed in action during the nearly 2-year war. 80,000 reportedly have been killed during the failed so-called “counter-offensive” that started in early June. The Russians are winning big, and the Lying Legacy Media have been lying to America the entire time. Ukraine is a NATO disaster, and it should stop ASAP. There is much more in the 48-minute newscast."
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Hindustan Times, 9/27/23
"Russia's Shoigu Confirms Army 'Wiped Out' 
17,000 Ukrainian Troops This Month"
"Russia's defense minister has claimed that the Army killed 17,000 Ukrainian soldiers this month in the course of the war. Sergei Shoigu was chairing a board meeting at the defense ministry. He added that over 2,700 pieces of military equipment including U.S-made Bradley Infantry Vehicles, German-made Leopard and UK-made Challenger tanks have been destroyed. Shoigu trained guns at Ukraine and its allies for "throwing untrained soldiers into senseless assaults."
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